
Dark Abyss: Meteor Apocalypse

Check out my new book. The Successor System: While Others Cultivate, I Level Up ********** In the year 2030. A large meteorite crashed into Europe, creating a deep crater. A team was sent out to analyze and gather information, on what this strange phenomenon might be. But they never made it back. It was later discovered, that some creatures were emerging from this deep crater and had begun to spread across the continent. Despite the efforts of the military, they weren’t able to kill a single one of these creatures. This became a threat to not just the continent, but all of humanity. So it was decided, that all the affected areas should be sealed down to prevent the monsters from spreading further. A large number of people ended up getting sealed, along with these creatures. Without a doubt, being destined to die. But as though nature couldn’t allow this. A metal that could affect this creature was discovered. Which they used to fend off the creatures and create a large city. The battle between them and the creatures raged on. Ray, a young boy, who had arrived in Europe for tourism, had ended up among those who were sealed with these creatures He swore to make it back to his family no matter what. ********************** PS: Thanks for reading. Make sure to add to your library and vote if you like the book. Your support would be appreciated. Cover isn’t mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, contact me.

K_Phynom · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The Good Old Days 1

4 months ago,

A pitch black motor vehicle could be seen driving solo on a road filled with cyclists. It's glasses were tinted black not allowing the people within to be seen from the outside.

It was moving at a fairly quick speed and suddenly began to take strange sharp turns into hidden routes.

What the occupants of the vehicle weren't aware of was that they were being followed by a boy with golden hair. His cold and cautious golden eyes stared at the vehicle as he ran and jumped from rooftop to rooftop using their blind spots to follow them without them noticing.

He was given this mission just the previous day by a certain someone, which was to intercept a meeting of an organization which had established itself about two years ago called the underworld.

They ran 70 percent of all illegal businesses in Euthopia and had acquired so much power within a short amount of time, that even the Sentry couldn't just put an end to them.

As they didn't have only influence but also strength.

Somehow they were able to get a hold of the A-factor and were able to comprehend and start producing it for themselves. Although averagely, it wasn't as good as the A-Factor being produced by the health and research base, they have been able to create powerful aberrants throughout their two years of existence.

This was how some people who weren't Sentries were able to become aberrants, and this was becoming more of a problem for Sentries with each passing day as they didn't even know the leader of the underworld.

The Underworld is broken down into five sub- organizations called Undergrounds. They were scattered around Ethiopia in the south, north, west, east and central region, each having an underlord in charge of it, and the leader of the underworld was called the overlord.

The Sentry failed to locate the main bases of the underground and had only busted multiple smaller bases.

Yesterday, an information leaked that there would be a very important operation for the South Underground which will be taking place today, and this vehicle was suspected to contain the dealers. So Ray had been sent after it.

After getting to a place which was void of life, the car stopped moving and so did Ray. A man dressed in a long coat and black sunglasses walked out from the drivers seat and glanced around. Not seeing anyone, he opened the back seat as two men walked out from the vehicle, also dressed in suits.

One of them had long brown hair and blue eyes with a thin body while the other was tall and brawny with spiky black hair.

The man with sunglasses shut the car's door before leading them towards a building which looked abandoned. He knocked on the door six times with a pattern and after a minute of waiting, an eye hole opened and closed with some unlocking sounds being heard.

The door opened as both of the men walked in, leaving the man with the sunglasses at the door to mouth guard.

Ray closely observed this all and after seconds he decided that it was time to act.

The man continuously scanned the area like that of a hawk searching for prey.

Suddenly, he felt something touching his neck and immediately knew that his life was in danger. Ray, had his arm stretched out with the edge of his sword which was making contact with the man's neck.

"What do you want?" He spat with barely any fear in his voice.

"Tell me the amount of people in there and how strong they are." His cold voice greeted his ears. Of course, he wasn't planning on going in blindly. He wasn't so confident about his strength to do that, especially as he was dealing with the underground.

"Delusional boy, you better go home before you end up killed," he snarled.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Ray said blankly.

"Go to hell," he barked, quickly spinning around and putting some distance between them. He was about to press the emergency button on his remote which was given to him when he realized that he had left his arm behind.

He was about to scream in pain when Ray suddenly moved at lightning speed, covering his mouth with his hand. All his scream were muffled as he took him to a separate area where his screams won't be heard.

"Any change of heart." Ray gazed icily at him, which caused him to shiver. It was now that he saw his face clearly and as for how he knew that he wasn't a grown up man was due to his voice.

"S-s-screw y-you," his stammered while slowly standing up, with his left hand, holding what was left of the right as blood spewed from it.

Ray walked slowly towards him. The calm expression he had on his face frightened the man even more as he also slowly walked backwards.

"I'm going to give you two options to choose from and if you don't give me an answer in ten seconds, I'd be killing both." He stopped moving as his cold eyes met with the man's which caused him to gulp.

"Your boss or your family," he said plainly.

"Y-you bastard don't you dare bring them into this. If you lay a finger on them, there won't be a place in Euthopia that I won't find you and make you pay."

Ray stared at him in puzzlement. "Actually, you won't 'cause you'll be leaving here first. Don't make promises you can't keep."

The man's expression changed when he heard this. He gritted his teeth as he made the toughest decision of his life.

It was because of his boss that he and his family were still alive and got to where they where today, simply putting it, he owes everything to his boss.

But the second option was his family, his everything, the reason he still has the will to live and do everything he does. He couldn't let them die.

'Wait! How am I sure that it's not an empty threat.' He came to this realization and as if reading his mind, Ray voiced out.

"You know, I once knew someone by the name Martha, but she met a horrible end because she made the wrong choice on who to mess with. This didn't just cost her life, her best friend was also slaughtered before her eyes. Short Sad story right?"

After listening to this he was sure that Ray knew his family as his wife's name is Martha. With a sigh, he looked at Ray. "Promise to keep them out of this."

Ray nodded in acceptance as the filled his ears with music. He could only hope that his boss would find a way to defend himself against the bastard in front of him as his left certain details out.

And when he is captured alive he would make him feel five, no, ten times the amount of pain he was feeling right now.

"I see. Thanks for your help and generosity." Ray bowed his head gratefully in appreciation.

'Generosity? This bastard! Just wait till I get my hands on you. Wait...he already ripped one. Arrghhhhh!' He couldn't help but cough due to anger.

Ray turned to walk away but stopped after the third step. He spun around to face the man with a confused expression. "I didn't guarantee your life, did I?"

The man's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard this. "W-wait p-p-please, DON'T!!!"


Some minutes later,

Ray was standing in front of the door with a long coat, sunglasses and a bowler. Contrary to what you might think, he didn't borrow it from the man who had just..... 'left Ethiopia.'

He might have done that, but there were blood stains on his clothes.

Ray adjusted himself before knocking on the door six times exactly how the man had done it. He was sure that the door was sound proof unless he would have been noticed earlier.

After a minute, the eye hole was opened and after some seconds unlocking sounds were made before the door slid open. Ray walked past the man who scanned him with a furrowed eyebrow. He made sure to exude a powerful and confident aura as he walked. As for if he was doing it correctly, only time would tell.

He approached another door, which slid open the moment he got 2 feet away from it. This was an elevator which took him to the basement of the building.

As the elevator's door slid open, Ray's eyes were met with the luxurious inside of the basement, which was a complete opposite of the outside.

He strolled in as he looked around the large room, which was nothing short of a casino.

"Is there anyway I can help you handsome?" Asked a young woman who was almost naked with a seductive smile.

He completely ignored her, scanning for the two men who had walked out of the car. An idea came into his mind as he replied. "Yes, I'm looking for my brother, who came in some minutes ago. He was dressed in black suit and accompanied by another man."

She frowned slightly, but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

"I think they went into that room." She pointed at a door which was at the east end. "Would that be all?"

"Yes." Ray started walking towards the room.

When he got halfway to his destination, a drunk woman suddenly grabbed him by his arm. "Hey handsome. Were do you think you're going? Why don't you play with me? And I don't mean games," she licked her lips.

"Sure, just wait here, I'll be back in a bit," he replied slowly, taking off her hand.

"Tee-hee. Make sure you come back," she winked.

'I never knew I was such a good detective, they haven't notice me yet. Maybe I should take on more missions like this?'

Suddenly, five blurry men surrounded him with frowns on their faces.

'.....Or not.'