
Dark Abyss: Meteor Apocalypse

Check out my new book. The Successor System: While Others Cultivate, I Level Up ********** In the year 2030. A large meteorite crashed into Europe, creating a deep crater. A team was sent out to analyze and gather information, on what this strange phenomenon might be. But they never made it back. It was later discovered, that some creatures were emerging from this deep crater and had begun to spread across the continent. Despite the efforts of the military, they weren’t able to kill a single one of these creatures. This became a threat to not just the continent, but all of humanity. So it was decided, that all the affected areas should be sealed down to prevent the monsters from spreading further. A large number of people ended up getting sealed, along with these creatures. Without a doubt, being destined to die. But as though nature couldn’t allow this. A metal that could affect this creature was discovered. Which they used to fend off the creatures and create a large city. The battle between them and the creatures raged on. Ray, a young boy, who had arrived in Europe for tourism, had ended up among those who were sealed with these creatures He swore to make it back to his family no matter what. ********************** PS: Thanks for reading. Make sure to add to your library and vote if you like the book. Your support would be appreciated. Cover isn’t mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, contact me.

K_Phynom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Anti hero

"Ray! It's time for dinner."

A large grin appeared on a boy's face who was currently in his room. This was what he had been waiting for, and by the look on his face, it was obvious that it wasn't to eat.

He stood up from his bed before walking out of the room.

By the look of his room and hallway which he just entered, you don't need to be told that this was a wealthy family.

He walked to the spiral staircase before walking down to the ground floor.

He walked into the dining room where all his family members were present.

Putting on a poker face he took a seat. The dining table had twelve chairs and they were five in their family, so he didn't seat beside anyone, only opposite to one of his sisters.

"How was school today?" His father asked. He was a handsome man with short brown hair, blue eyes and a well chiseled face with pointed nose.

"Great," Ray replied.

"That's good." He resumed eating his meal.

The amount of food served could definitely not be finished by the five of them. Ray picked up a fork before beginning to eat. He glanced at his mother who had an amused smile on her face.

She watched how he was trying to contain his excitement, something which he failed miserably at, and it seemed like his sisters also noticed this.

"Just spit it out." One of his sisters said in ridicule. She had long blonde hair which was worn in a pony tail and deep blue eyes.

"Yeah! You're so bad at hiding your emotions. That's why you easily get caught by mum and dad," said his second sister, who had exactly the same features as the former. The only noticeable difference was that she wore her hair in bunches instead.

This two girls were twins, 3 years younger than the 14-year old Ray. They were very beautiful and cute young girls.

He got annoyed by what they said, but calmed himself as he knew he would be having the last laugh.

After taking a glass of water, he cleared his throat drawing all of their attentions.

"My school picked me among the students who would be taken on the tour to Europe."

The dining room was completely silent for some seconds.

"Is that so. I'm proud of you son. I'm sure they picked the best st·····."

"WHAT!!!" They both screamed in unison, standing up in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Ray raised an eyebrow while staring at both of them in ridicule.

Their cherry lips parted as their adorable face stared at him in disbelief. Seeing the look on his face, veins began to pop out from their heads as their expression changed into annoyance.

"Is something wrong?" Their father asked in confusion at their reaction but got no reply.

It turns out that they made a bet on who would visit Europe first, him or them. And one thing they really hated was losing a bet to him.

They hated the look he usually had on his face anytime he won them in something, and he was currently making the face.

A glimmer of hope appeared to them and that depended on when he would be going. They both smiled, and Ray who knew them well could tell what they were thinking, so he decided to burst their bubbles.

"We would be leaving in five days."

The smiles on their faces which had just appeared, disappeared as his announcement threw their plans out of the window.

It was impressive how they had similar thoughts without communicating with each other.

They took their seats and continued their meals in defeat.

With a triumphant look on his face, Ray slowly sipped his glass of orange juice causing his mum to chuckle. "This feels good."


"What did you call me?" Ray voiced out in a calm, bloodlusted tone as his body began giving off a golden glow.

The fat man felt his body freeze up when he heard Ray's voice. Ray hadn't even turned towards him but his legs were beginning to wobble.

"You believe I think of myself as a hero huh? Let me show you how a hero like me acts against scums like you." He slowly reached for the hilt of his sheathed sword.

Terror gripped the fat man causing him to fall to the ground with his butt. "W-w-what do you think you're doing," he stammered, shaking in fright.

Ray pulled out his sword before facing the fat man. He began peeing himself when he made eye contact with Ray. "Y-you dare not touch me. I'm a count." He pointed at Ray.

Since this was a monarchy system of rule, nobles with rankings were created.

While the Sentries are in charge of the military and security, the nobles controlled the political and economic aspect of Euthopia, and it turns out this man was a high noble. Which meant that he has a decent amount of power and connections.

The ranks of high nobles in ascending order goes like this.

Count, Marquis, Duke, Grand duke, Monarch.

The man believed that as long as the person in front of him wasn't at the delta rank, which he doubted, he won't even think of hurting him now he was aware of his status. But Ray's next words left him in shock.

"And what's that to me."

"Are you crazy! If you hurt me, you'll face severe consequences," he bellowed.

"You're raising your filthy voice at me? It seems like you don't understand the situation you're in." Ray slashed his sword forward, easily cutting through the tip of his shoes.

The man looked at the direction where the tip of his shoes had flown to, and was confused when he saw blood slowly spreading from it.

He looked back at his feet and that was when he noticed that part of his toes had accompanied the tip of the sliced shoes.


He screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

"My toes! My toes! You mother fuc Ahhhhhhhh!!"

The pain continuously assaulted his mind as blood gushed from the remaining part of his toes.

Gasps could be heard from the crowd as some parents took their children away from such a scene.

More phones began appearing to video this scene as Sophie and Jane stopped dead in their tracks, and after looking at this for six more seconds Jane began to throw up.

Ray raised his sword once again causing the man's eyes to widen in horror. "P-please, d-don't ," he pleaded with tears and snort all over his face.

He looked towards a particular area. "What do you think you're doing! Protect me!"

Ray looked towards the same direction to see four men dressed in suits standing about thirty meters away. He was sure that these were his bodyguards.

All four men didn't dare to take a step forward. They loved their lives, and toes.

Ray who wore an emotionless expression swung his sword claiming another bit of the man's toes causing him to release another shriek.

Ray was about to strike once more when a voice stopped him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!"

Looking behind he could see a muscular man who wore an armor with a sword on his waist.

He had his rank attached to his chest which showed that he was also am Epsilon ranked Sentry.

"You can't just come here and do as you please. Why don't you just scram off to wherever you came from."

By the way he talked and the disgusted looks on the people's faces he could tell that this man was the sentry in charge of this area.

"What do you think people? Should he get going or should I kick his ass for y'all," he said with a grin while stretching his arms out.


He was expecting a cheer or something but was met with total silence.

Looking around, he could see all the glares directed at him. If eyes could kill, he would be completely destroyed from body to soul.

'Aren't I the good guy here? Maybe their annoyed because I took too long. I'll just have to put him in his place and regain my lost glory.'

Clearing his throat he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Ray.

"You evil creature. I'll give you five seconds to surrender and if you refuse to comply, prepare to be slain," he said with a deep, serious tone.

"From one fool to another," Ray muttered, while shaking his head.

"What was that?" He frowned.

"Your answer to this question would decide my next action."

The man was confused, but before he could speak up Ray voiced out. "Where have you been?"

"Huh! That has nothing to do with you."

With a calm expression Ray repeated his question. "Where have you been?"

A frown appeared on his face, but after seeing no harm in answering, it turned into a smug. "If you insist on knowing so much, I guess I'll just have to answer your question, but bare in mind that if I answer your question your five seconds would be over."

Seeing no response coming from Ray, he cleared his throat as a lewd grin appeared on his face. He said in a low voice. "With the ladies of course. Damn! That pussy was..."


Before he could complete his statement, Ray was upon him.

Thanks for reading. Something came up so I haven't updated the book in the past few days. I'm sorry about that and I'll try to make it up. We weren't able to complete the targeted amount of power stones but I'll still be releasing two extra chapters as promised. Don't forget to vote and happy New Year

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