
Dark A Live (Date A Live Fan-fic)

I had thought that my life would be filled with happiness and purpose upon transmigrating to the DAL world. However, reality proved otherwise. The beauty I once knew seemed to center only around the main character and those close to them. For characters like me and other ordinary citizens, our destinies seemed doomed to plunge into the darkest depths of this world. I witnessed government deceit, hostile actions by spirits, and lives shattered in chaos. Each day, fragments of existence were broken and left behind amidst battles against annihilation. After discovering such bitter truths, all my hopes and once cherished ideals turned to resentment. Silently, I vowed to change this dark world, once and for all.

KEDITHA · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Merciless's Proclamation




"Still not working, huh?!"

I sighed, sweat beading on my forehead after hours of relentless training. I was tirelessly researching, trying to understand what had happened to me in that battle. How could I become so powerful yet so crazed?

Just then, Origami walked into my room.

"What are you doing?"

"ORIGAMI?" I shouted, startled.

Realizing my childish and ridiculous reaction, I quickly searched for an excuse to explain to her.

"Uh, I was just... um, practicing a bit," I said awkwardly, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Origami looked at me without saying anything. Seeing this, I quickly changed the subject to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"By the way, it's been a while since we heard anything from Mana. I wonder if she's okay?"

"As far as I know, Mana is being treated at another facility, so she should be fine," Origami replied calmly.

"But there's something else I need your help with, Watano."

Seeing Origami's serious expression, I couldn't help but be curious. "What is it?"

Origami looked me straight in the eyes, a glint of resentment shining in her gaze. "I want you to help me eliminate Efreet. I must avenge my parents."

"Efreet? Are you talking about Kotori?"

Origami nodded, her voice growing more resolute. "Yes. You know, Kotori is the spirit who caused my parents' death. I cannot forgive her."

This was a bit unexpected. Although I knew Origami always wanted to avenge her parents, I didn't think she would invite someone else into such a dangerous mission, especially me instead of her longtime colleagues.

"Why me?" I looked at Origami, puzzled.

"I think we have the same goal, right?"

"Of course. The purpose here is singular."

"To destroy the spirits, to bring peace to the world."

"However, this time I can't join you, Origami."

"I see," she replied calmly.

"But instead, I will give you this useful information."

Origami raised an eyebrow, showing interest. "What information?"

"On June 22nd, Kotori and Shido will go to Ocean Park. Of course, Tohka and Hermit, Yoshino, will also be there."

"Where did you get this information?"

"I have a friend who is good at gathering information." Of course, this was a lie I had just made up.

Origami was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you, Watano. I will remember this."

The reason I didn't participate in Origami's mission this time was that I was certain it would fail. Even with the advanced CR-unit «White Licorice», it still wasn't enough. The power of the spirits was not something humans could easily handle, like what Westcott had done. That power was beyond the control of any technology or weapon we currently possessed.

Spirits were not only physically powerful but also possessed supernatural abilities far beyond human understanding. Each spirit carried within them a tremendous power, and the destruction they could cause was unimaginable. Moreover, the opponent this time was Kotori, or Efreet, a spirit with fire powers capable of incinerating everything in sight, and she was a very combative individual with such formidable power. This made dealing with her much more complicated.

I needed to prepare more thoroughly. I couldn't let my momentary impatience ruin the plans I had painstakingly devised. My plan was not just to eliminate the spirits or the related forces, but to reconstruct, or more precisely, create a perfect world where all disasters, evil organizations, corrupt governments, rotten political systems that had deeply infiltrated society, and those who exploited power to deceive about the danger of space quakes, the spirits, and the safety of people in shelters, all had to be eradicated, once and for all. I would create a world where no one had to live in fear, a world where justice and truth were respected, where strength was not a weapon to oppress but a tool to protect. This was not just my mission but the dream of those who had been hurt by the injustice and cruelty of this world.

"Here you go, Origami!"

"What is it?"

"An emergency alert activation switch. I think you'll need it."

"Emergency alert? You mean..."

"That's right, faking a space quake alert to evacuate people."

"Time flies, it's already the 22nd."

"Once again, I must thank you for helping me so much."

"We're colleagues, no need to be so formal."

"Alright, I'm off."

"Be careful."

I had helped Origami sneak into warehouse F4 to steal the CR-unit «White Licorice» along with its ammunition. Honestly, I wanted to gain her trust so that later, when Origami became a spirit, I could consider her as an "Ally of Justice." But I'll think about that when the time comes. For now, there was only one thing I needed to do—train to become stronger.

"A space quake is about to occur in the area. This is not a drill. Please proceed to the nearest shelter, I repeat..."

"Oh dear, Origami has taken action."

"What is this, the base just lost a CR-unit, and now there's a space quake alert, what a mess!" Captain Kasukabe lamented helplessly.

"All units, assemble on the runway, prepare to move to the designated location!"


After the captain's order, I was reluctantly dragged into Origami's revenge mission.

A while later, we arrived at the scene, coincidentally just as the battle seemed to have ended. The park's landscape was utterly devastated, nothing within the battle's range remained intact, but thankfully, no one was found under the rubble during the rescue operations.

"Origami? What are you doing here? And why is «White Licorice» here? Moreover, in such a damaged state…" Captain Kasukabe's voice was filled with surprise and anxiety.

"Captain, she seems to have fainted from exhaustion," a member reported, his voice full of concern.

"That might be the case. All units, transport Origami and «White Licorice» back to the base."

"YES!" The team responded, immediately taking action.

"Captain, may I stay a little longer? Everyone else can go back first."

"Is there something wrong, Watano? The rescue work has been handled already."

"I have a personal matter, Captain. Please understand."

"Alright, but don't stay too long." The captain said, still looking doubtful.


When everyone in the AST had left, I finally spoke up.

"Are you still here, Shido?"

A familiar figure stepped out from behind the bathroom wall. It was none other than Shido, carrying an unconscious Kotori due to being sealed, with Tohka and Yoshino by his side.

"What's your purpose in staying here, Watano?" Shido asked, his eyes sharp.

"Are you planning to do what you did before?" Tohka, as usual, pointed her sword and shouted at me.

"Really? Every time you see me, you point your sword like that?" I replied, my voice full of sarcasm.

"You dare…" She angrily started, but Shido stopped her.

"Calm down, Tohka. He means no harm."

"Such an honor to be trusted by you."

"I really want to trust you, Watano."

"But sadly, it's too late, Shido," I replied, my eyes cold.

"What do you mean?" Shido asked, looking confused.

"The day I first met you seemed to have already determined my fate."

"In your eyes, I saw the utmost fear, as if looking at a monster, right?" I continued, staring intently at Shido.

"I didn't want to believe it, but you showed me the truth about what you think of me."

"And thanks to that, I saw what was hidden behind the beautiful facade surrounding you, Shido."

"The slaughter, the deceit, the betrayal, I've seen it all since I set foot here," I said, my voice full of anger.

"But it's okay, Shido. Thanks to you, I've become as clear-headed as I am today."

"Thanks for rejecting me, Shido."

"I will personally destroy all those threats, just wait,"

"JUDGMENT OF <THE MERCILESS>." My solemn declaration echoed across the desolate battlefield.

"That's all. Farewell, the one I once trusted most, Shido." I whispered, my voice filled with regret but also determination, then turned and left, heading back to the base.