
Dark A Live (Date A Live Fan-fic)

I had thought that my life would be filled with happiness and purpose upon transmigrating to the DAL world. However, reality proved otherwise. The beauty I once knew seemed to center only around the main character and those close to them. For characters like me and other ordinary citizens, our destinies seemed doomed to plunge into the darkest depths of this world. I witnessed government deceit, hostile actions by spirits, and lives shattered in chaos. Each day, fragments of existence were broken and left behind amidst battles against annihilation. After discovering such bitter truths, all my hopes and once cherished ideals turned to resentment. Silently, I vowed to change this dark world, once and for all.

KEDITHA · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Determined to Join AST

The Next Day, I received a message from Origami with the location and time to meet a member of the AST. I quickly prepared and went to the meeting point. When I arrived, a woman in military uniform was waiting for me. She looked me up and down before saying, "You must be Watano Genso. I'm Mikie Okamine, and I'll be your guide as you join the AST."

I nodded, feeling my resolve solidify. "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"We will begin immediately," Mikie said, leading me to a secluded room. Inside, I met other AST members who looked at me with curious and slightly suspicious eyes. I knew I had to prove myself.

"This is your first test," Mikie said, handing me an AST uniform and a laser gun. "We'll be evaluating your combat skills."

I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement. This was my chance to prove myself and get closer to my goal. I donned the uniform, gripped the gun firmly, and prepared for the test.

The test began, and I faced a series of moving targets. I focused intensely, trying to recall everything I knew about combat and weapons in this world. I shot each target, trying not to waste a single bullet.

When the test ended, Mikie approached me, nodding with satisfaction. "You did well, Watano. I think you have potential. From now on, you are an official member of the AST."

I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a huge weight lift off my shoulders. "Thank you, I will do my best."

Mikie smiled and said, "You will start your first mission next week. Keep up your performance until then."

I nodded, filled with determination and hope. The first step of my plan had been a success, and I wouldn't stop until I achieved my ultimate goal. This world would change, and I would be the one to make it happen.

From that day on, for the entire week, I devoted hours to training after school. Under Origami's guidance, I learned to use weapons, read situations, and quickly eliminate targets. The fire of hatred burned more fiercely within me. Every time I thought of the spirits, I saw the image of the innocent victims they had mercilessly killed, treated like expendables. I vowed to never let it happen again.

One day, during training, I received information about a faint spirit wave near the city. Though surprised by this sudden appearance, it seemed like a good opportunity to test the results of my recent training. For the first time, I donned the CR-Unit used by AST members. It felt slightly different from the female design, but the combat capabilities were the same. Soon after, Origami and I, along with others, quickly planned our attack. Facing this spirit, I felt the power and danger it posed. It was none other than 'Nightmare,' Tokisaki Kurumi, the worst spirit, having taken over ten thousand lives without even counting the spatial quakes.

I don't understand how I could ever accept such a disgusting creature when watching movies before. Only facing reality can open one's eyes. Though Kurumi is a victim of the original spirit Takamiya Mio's deceit, her killings deserve the most ruthless punishment, whether she was wronged or not.

"This wave originates from that spirit? Unrecorded before," said Captain Kusakabe Ryouko, surprised.

"Since this is a new spirit, today's mission is to gather more data on her, do not engage."


"Watano, you'll go with Origami in the vanguard this time," Mikie said, breaking my thoughts. "Be careful and remember your mission."

"Yes!" I replied, following Origami out to prepare for the mission.

Our team secretly approached Kurumi's current location. "What do you feel about this spirit?" Origami asked as we stopped at a street corner to observe.

"Just a monster in human form," I replied.

"I agree with you."

Holding vast knowledge is a double-edged sword. Sometimes, the truth is something people aren't ready to accept, and what I know could cause chaos, panic, and unnecessary destruction. I must be careful, choosing the right time and people to share what I know, or everything could collapse in an instant.

This knowledge is like an invisible burden, reminding me that my responsibility is to protect this world from instability and chaos. I know not everyone can understand and face what I know. So, I keep those secrets close, waiting for the right moment to reveal them if necessary, always remembering that sometimes, silence is my strongest weapon.

Suddenly Kurumi leapt onto a building's roof, raising her hand as if about to unleash an attack. The spirit wave detector emitted intense signals, an invisible pressure bearing down on those near Kurumi.

"What's happening?!"

"Captain, spirit wave is at a high level."

"Captain, people near the area have fainted, likely caused by the spirit."

Hearing the conversation, I deduced it was one of Kurumi's dangerous abilities, 'City of Time.' It's dangerous because within that area, ordinary people without spirit power or spirits with sealed powers have their life force drained by the 'city,' unable to resist or escape.

"Is she really that dangerous?"

"All units, we must stop this spirit, preventing her from harming the people."

"Ensure the citizens' safety first, capture later."


We rushed forward, approaching Kurumi directly and opened fire without hesitation. The firepower was overwhelming, the smell of gunpowder mixing with the sounds of bullets creating a real battlefield scene. However, no matter how hard we attacked, Kurumi easily dodged, moving as if teleporting, sending chills down our spines.

We continued to maintain the firepower, hoping to slow her down, but no bullet could touch her. Origami signaled our team to close in, forming a tight encirclement.

"She's moving too fast, we need to change tactics!" Origami shouted over the battle noise.

I nodded, eyes tracking Kurumi's every move, looking for an opening. Suddenly, Kurumi stopped in midair, looked at us with cold eyes, and sneered.

"Do you really think you can stop me?"

I stared at her, eyes filled with arrogance and challenge. Anger surged within me, urging me to charge and fight her to the death. But reason held me back. I knew that at this moment, I couldn't defeat a spirit with her power and the danger of her time angel, Zafkiel.

It seemed Kurumi noticed my presence. Her face turned grim but she maintained her calm, mysterious demeanor. She then asked me a question I had heard from Tohka before.

"What exactly are you? You emit something terrifying. Not spirit power, spirit force, or anything I've encountered. Answer me, now."

"What did she say, Watano?"

"I have no idea, Origami," I replied, eyes never leaving Kurumi.

I could feel Kurumi's sharp gaze, as if trying to pierce through my mind for an answer. In that moment, I realized that I undoubtedly possessed something that made spirits fear and hate. Kurumi's eyes showed not only hostility but deep terror. Yet the troubling part was that I didn't know what I held. This mysterious and dreadful power remained an unsolved mystery to me.

"I'm not something you can easily understand, Kuru–, spirit," I answered, trying to keep my voice steady. "And I didn't come here to introduce myself, but to destroy all spirits, and you are one of them."

Kurumi sneered, eyes flashing dangerously. "You think you can destroy me? You're too arrogant."

"But I'm done here for today, no need to fight you all."

"See you again, AST-san, and you too."

Kurumi vanished into black smoke, leaving a tense silence. I exhaled, realizing I had just survived a dangerous encounter.

Captain Kusakabe approached us with a worried look. "All members, we must be more careful. The spirit just now is different from Princess and Hermit, not an easy opponent."

"You all did well today, quickly check on the people below and retreat."


I looked towards where Kurumi had disappeared. This battle had just begun, and I knew the road ahead would be filled with challenges. But with determination and iron will, I would keep moving forward, not letting any spirit harm this world again.

On May 16th, while sparring with Origami in the training room, I heard the door open. Mikie entered, her face more serious than usual. She approached and informed us that a 'special person' would be visiting our AST team today. Mikie emphasized that this was no ordinary visit and requested that we gather to formally welcome this important guest. Seeing the look in her eyes, I knew this would be an event we couldn't take lightly. Origami exchanged glances with me, perhaps wondering who this special person was and why they were visiting us at this time. We quickly wrapped up our session and mentally prepared for the upcoming meeting.

As we were about to leave the training room, we suddenly bumped into a petite girl. She looked like a middle school student but was dressed in a CR-Unit combat suit, the emblem of elite warriors. Her eyes were bright yet resolute, reflecting a strong will far beyond her years. The moment I saw her, I immediately recognized her as Takamiya Mana, Shido's younger sister, a warrior with formidable skills and experience.

"Sorry, I bumped into you," she apologized.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry about it," I replied quickly, trying not to make the situation awkward.

"This outfit, I've never seen it before," Origami remarked in her usual tone, her eyes scanning Mana's combat suit.

"Oh, you noticed. Actually, I've just been reassigned to this unit," Mana replied with a gentle but confident smile.

"So, the 'special guest' Mikie mentioned is you?" Although I had guessed, I pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, that's right. My name is Takamiya Mana. Nice to meet you," she introduced herself warmly.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Sergeant Origami, and this is Watano Genso, a member of our team," Origami responded.

"Since you're already here, why don't we have a little spar?" Mana suggested with a challenging smile.

When Mana issued the challenge, Origami and I exchanged glances, silently agreeing. Facing Mana, an experienced warrior, was a great opportunity for both of us to learn and improve our combat skills. Despite her childlike appearance, Mana's skills and strength far surpassed mine, perhaps even a hundredfold. But that was the challenge I needed to grow and progress further.

We decided to move to the spacious outdoor training field, where there was enough room for a real showdown. Mana led the way with confident and strong strides, while Origami and I quietly followed. This training ground was designed to withstand high-intensity battles, with walls and floors made of special materials that could absorb and minimize the impact of powerful attacks.

When we arrived, Mana turned to us, her face radiating seriousness and determination. "Are you ready?"

Origami and I nodded, ready for the battle. We stood a suitable distance apart, my eyes never leaving Mana. Even though this was just a training session, the tension and excitement in the air were undeniable.

"We'll fight one-on-one," Mana said, looking straight into my eyes. "Whoever takes down the opponent first wins."

"Alright," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "Who goes first?"

"I'll go first," Origami stepped forward, her eyes cold but resolute. She was ready for anything.

Both of them then put on their CR-Units. Mana nodded, getting into a fighting stance.

"Let's begin!"

Origami launched her attack at lightning speed, but Mana quickly dodged and countered with a precise kick to the side. Though pushed back, Origami didn't lose her balance and immediately returned with a series of rapid attacks. Origami unleashed powerful and precise strikes, showcasing all her proud skills. From her long-range gun with accurate, continuous shots to her sharp and agile swordsmanship, every move displayed her expertise and experience. When Mana closed in, Origami activated her Territory, creating a protective space around her while enhancing her strength and speed. But all seemed futile against Mana.

I stood by, observing and trying to learn from their every move. Mana truly excelled with refined combat skills and quick reactions. While Origami wasn't weak, she clearly struggled against Mana's sharp and effective attacks.

The fight continued for a while, and eventually, Origami was defeated by Mana after a series of powerful strikes. Mana looked at Origami, who was lying on the ground, breathing heavily but still maintaining her spirit.

"You fought very well," Mana praised. "But there's still room for improvement.

Origami stared at her clenched fist, her face showing clear frustration.

Now it was my turn. I stepped forward to face Mana. My heart was racing, but I didn't let my anxiety take over. "I'm ready," I said, feeling the strength and determination in my voice.

Mana smiled, a smile both challenging and encouraging. "Good. Show me everything you've got."

The battle began, and I charged at her with all my strength and skills. Mana reacted swiftly, dodging and countering each of my attacks with skill. I felt the clear gap in experience and ability, but I didn't give up. Each time I was pushed back, I tried to learn and improve right in the middle of the fight.

After some time, I started to get a feel for Mana's rhythm and fighting style. Though I still faced many difficulties, I managed to handle them better and even created a few significant attack opportunities.

However, in the end, Mana was still the victor. She took me down with a precise and powerful strike, making me fall to the ground, breathing heavily but satisfied with what I had learned.

Mana approached, offering her hand to help me up. "You did very well," she said with an encouraging smile. "Keep practicing your Territory skills and never stop improving. You'll become stronger."

I grasped her hand, feeling the sincerity in her words.

"Thank you, Mana. I'll do my best."

Origami also approached, nodding to both me and Mana.

"We all need to work harder. But today, we've learned a lot."

We left the training field with a renewed spirit, determined to train and improve ourselves further. Meeting Mana had shown us what we lacked and needed to achieve.

After the training session, Mana was formally introduced to the other AST members. All eyes were on her, no one could deny the impressive presence of Mana in her CR-Unit combat suit. Others could feel the strength and resolute will emanating from this young girl.

After the formal introduction, we were led into the meeting room, where images and videos of recent battles were displayed. Everyone focused on reviewing the confrontations with Hermit and Nightmare, two dangerous entities that AST had faced recently. The large screen showed intense and fierce moments, with attacks and defenses occurring continuously.

Suddenly, Mana stared at the screen, displaying an image of Itsuka Shido, and exclaimed, "Nii-sama?!"

To me, these things had become routine, but for Origami, it was completely different. When the meeting ended, I saw her quietly take Mana's hand and lead her out of the meeting room, perhaps to talk more about Shido and Mana. Though I was a bit curious about their conversation, I didn't pay much attention. I knew I had other important goals to focus on at this moment.

Training time waits for no one. I needed to put all my effort into improving my skills and strength, enough to face and eliminate any spirit that threatened the safety of this world. Grueling battles and tough challenges awaited ahead. To rewrite this world, I couldn't let myself be distracted by unimportant matters.

The following days passed peacefully, and as usual, I immersed myself in constant training after school. My life now revolved around these repetitive, mundane activities, but I didn't mind. I understood that to survive and execute my plan, mere survival wasn't enough. I needed to become stronger, to become truly powerful so that no one could defeat me. Only then could my path of justice be fully realized.