
Dark A Live (Date A Live Fan-fic)

I had thought that my life would be filled with happiness and purpose upon transmigrating to the DAL world. However, reality proved otherwise. The beauty I once knew seemed to center only around the main character and those close to them. For characters like me and other ordinary citizens, our destinies seemed doomed to plunge into the darkest depths of this world. I witnessed government deceit, hostile actions by spirits, and lives shattered in chaos. Each day, fragments of existence were broken and left behind amidst battles against annihilation. After discovering such bitter truths, all my hopes and once cherished ideals turned to resentment. Silently, I vowed to change this dark world, once and for all.

KEDITHA · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

<Phantom> and the Enigma: A Trip to Arubi Island

As I was deep in sleep, my phone's alarm blared, shattering the peaceful slumber of my weekend. Reluctantly opening my eyes, I slowly sat up, reached for the phone beside my bed, and silenced the irritating sound.

"Waking up early on a day off is the worst," I muttered to myself.

Today was Saturday, July 15th, just two days before the school trip would begin. Since it was a day off, I had planned to spend the entire day preparing everything necessary for the trip. Before the supermarkets and stores opened, I decided to start my morning with some exercise to get my body moving. After that, I'd catch up on the latest news. Of course, a nutritious breakfast was a must to fuel the long day ahead.

"A hamburger with a hot cup of coffee should do the trick!" I thought.

While enjoying my breakfast, I opened my phone and navigated to the news app. Scanning through the headlines, I stopped at an article about unusual weather changes in the past week. The article caught my attention with its vivid illustrations and detailed analysis of the phenomenon.

The article explained that the offshore area had recently been experiencing a phenomenon called "twin storms," where two storms appeared and disappeared simultaneously. Although the reporter claimed that the storms did not cause any casualties, I knew those were just lies. The chaotic paths of the storms had struck the fishing routes of distant fishermen and moved into nearby islands and peninsulas, making it hard to avoid casualties.

I knew all too well that the culprits behind these twin storms were none other than Yamai Kaguya and Yamai Yuzuru. The cause was simple: the two were fighting, competing to see who was the true Yamai. In my eyes, their actions were incredibly cruel, as their game had taken away homes, properties, and lives of island residents and fishermen.

After reading the news, a surge of anger welled up inside me. The feeling of helplessness and rage when thinking about the innocent people suffering the consequences of the meaningless battle between Yamai Kaguya and Yamai Yuzuru was overwhelming. Imagining the fishermen losing their lives and their families being torn apart made my hatred uncontrollable. In that moment, I just wanted to find and stop them immediately, to put an end to their cruelty and irresponsibility.

Determined, I stood up and decided to go out and buy some supplies. The sky was overcast, and the air felt damp, foreshadowing an impending rain. I pulled up my collar, stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets, and walked briskly down the cobblestone street. Even though it was summer, cold gusts of wind blew through, carrying the moisture from the sea, adding to the heaviness in my heart.

Passing by a convenience store, I stopped and went in. Inside, there was a wide range of products to choose from. Since the school had already arranged accommodation and meals for the trip, I only bought a few personal items like sunscreen, a razor, toilet paper, etc. Although it seemed like a small amount, carrying the bags made me realize how much I had actually bought.

Leaving the convenience store, I noticed a small toy shop right next door. Something inside the shop caught my eye. I walked in, the doorbell chiming to announce a customer. Inside, toys were neatly arranged, from dolls and small cars to complex building sets.

In a corner of the room, my gaze was drawn to a special mask. The mask was intricately designed, resembling the masks worn by warriors in sci-fi movies and animations. The large visor covered the entire eyes and nose, combined with a sturdy frame around the face, giving it a strong and mysterious appearance. There was something about this mask that made it impossible for me to look away, as if it was emitting an irresistible magnetic energy.

I felt a strange sensation urging me to get closer, gently lifting the mask. The material was unique: lightweight yet sturdy, giving a powerful and authoritative feel when touched. It was a perfect piece for the role of <The Merciless> that I had mentioned to Shido earlier. With this mask, no one, not even Shido, could see my true expressions, allowing me to hide all emotions and become completely cold as I desired.

"How much is this mask, sir?" I asked the shop owner.

"Oh, you have a good eye! This Zero mask costs 3500 yen," he replied.

"Seriously?!! That's expensive!"

Despite the price, I decided to buy it and felt satisfied with my choice. As I walked out of the toy shop, I couldn't stop admiring the mask in my hand.

"Maybe I should upgrade it a bit more," I thought.

Just as I was excitedly heading home, the spacequake alarm blared again.

"Really?! I haven't even gotten home to put away my stuff."

Grumbling, I quickly called Captain Kusakabe to inquire about the situation.

"Captain, where did the spirit appear?"

"Oh, Watano, it's close to your location. The signal of Princess is very near."

"Princess? Understood, please send my CR-unit to coordinates x-204, y-101 urgently."

"Roger that. The CR-unit is being sent to your location. Be careful, this time it's Princess, don't rush in and wait for backup."


Donning the CR-unit, I quickly moved to the designated location on the radar. Suddenly, the GPS signal became heavily distorted. The further I moved, the more I felt like I was trapped in a labyrinth with no way out. It was clear that Ratatoskr had also taken action to counter our AST team.

Although I could fly to escape the current position, the area had not been fully evacuated, so I couldn't act freely. While struggling to find a way out, I received a new directive.

"Watano, do you copy?"

"Yes, Captain."

"The signal of Princess has disappeared. To be cautious, head to the coordinates sent on the radar and return to base."


Feeling helpless, I could only carry the bags of items I had bought and head back to the base. After an hour of waiting for the signal to return in vain, I was finally allowed to go home and put away the purchased items. A simple shopping trip had already stretched to lunchtime. I hurriedly prepared a lunch no different from breakfast, except for an added bowl of miso soup. The feeling of fatigue and pressure from the mission lingered, but at least I could now relax a bit... or so I thought. The radio buzzed again, signaling a new directive from the AST team.

"Yes, Private First Class Watano Genso reporting!" I responded quickly, unable to hide the weariness in my voice.

"The signal of Princess has returned, and it's even stronger than before. The investigation team has sent you the coordinates, quickly go there to observe and wait for backup." The serious voice of the captain came through the radio.


With no other choice, I geared up and headed to the scene as fast as possible.

"Reporting, the target is moving from the city center to Tenguu Park," I informed while moving.

"Roger! We'll be there in 5 minutes!" The captain responded, her tone leaving no room for delay.

I turned off the radio and flew straight to the location. Upon arrival, I saw Tohka, clad in her astral dress. The atmosphere around became tense.

"You want this back that much?" Tohka asked, her eyes filled with determination.

"Huh?" Shido was puzzled, not understanding what she meant.

"Are you really determined to leave?" Tohka continued, her voice tinged with annoyance and suspicion.

"Leave? Go where?" Shido asked back, more confused than ever.

"Stop pretending," Tohka said, her voice growing colder.

"I know everything." She continued, making him even more anxious.

Tohka, angry, stomped on the ground, causing it to crack open, revealing a throne cradling Sandalphon. The thing Tohka was preventing Shido from taking was... a suitcase?

Though I didn't fully understand the situation, I had to remain calm, observe, and prepare to face whatever came next.

She quickly drew Sandalphon and pointed it straight at Shido, her eyes blazing with a challenge, ready for a battle.

"If you want it... then defeat me first!"

Shido was shocked, his voice trembling: "What's wrong with you, Tohka?"

"I'm not planning to go anywhere!"

"Really?" Tohka asked, still not understanding.

"How could I leave? I still have to make dinner for you and Yoshino, and study for the upcoming exams." Shido continued, his voice resolute.

"But... weren't you tired of staying with me?" Her eyes were heavy with sadness, tears starting to fall down her beautiful face.

Shido shook his head firmly, denying it: "I never said that!"

"Then... what's this box about?" Tohka pointed to the suitcase, unable to hide her worry.

"Isn't this the 'Goodbye, I can't live with you anymore' box from the movie?"

"And you brought it to meet Origami earlier, didn't you? Surely you..."

"That's not true!"

"That... is for our school trip the day after tomorrow." Shido tried to clarify.

"Our trip?"

"Yes, exactly."

"So you're not tired of me or anything?"

"We can still live together, right?"

"Of course."

At that moment, I saw this as the perfect "golden opportunity" to eliminate Shido. In these rare moments, nothing but Tohka could stand in my way. My eyes scanned the surroundings, seeing Shido standing alone in a desolate space, unarmored, with nothing to protect him. The silence was overwhelming, broken only by the sound of wind rustling through the trees, creating a tense and pressured atmosphere.

My heart pounded as anticipation and excitement surged through my body. This was the moment I had been waiting for. All the plans, all the efforts, and all the desires for vengeance for the fallen had converged in this instant. The image of Shido, the one holding the threats that caused so much suffering and loss, was clear before me. There was no doubt; this was the time I could put an end to everything.

But I couldn't let this feeling overwhelm my mind. The weapon in my hand was surely not enough to take him down, the one possessing the healing power of the angel Camael. I needed a stronger weapon, something powerful enough to ensure he couldn't recover after the shot.

"Reporting to the captain, I've located the target. Requesting reinforcements with weapon <RT-20 > and a magic-infused magazine to eliminate the target," I said urgently into the radio.

"Negative! Wait for the reinforcement team before taking action!" The voice on the other end of the radio was firm.

"Moreover, <RT-20 >? Its power is immense; it could destroy the entire area!" The captain emphasized, his tone worried.

"This area is uninhabited. Please allow me to receive the weapon reinforcements!" I pleaded, feeling a sense of desperation rise within me.

"Absolutely not, Private Watano! That's an order!" The captain commanded, her voice unyielding.

"But... Understood!" I responded reluctantly, disappointment evident in my voice.

I cut off the radio, gripping my weapon tightly, feeling a surge of frustration. This opportunity might not come again. I knew that if I missed it, there wouldn't be another chance to take down Shido.

"Damn it, the opportunity is right in front of me and yet..."

Watching Shido stand there, unaware of my presence, a sense of helplessness spread through me. What should I do now? With my current equipment, I couldn't possibly take them on, especially Tohka. She had regained her spiritual power from Shido and was in an emotional turmoil, making her even more dangerous. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder of my helplessness.

I sighed, my eyes never leaving the scene. Shido was trying to calm Tohka, attempting to soothe the storm of emotions within her. His gaze was gentle and resolute, each word like a balm to Tohka's troubled soul.

All I could do was watch Shido comfort Tohka and kiss her to seal away the uncontrollable spiritual power within her. The sight of them close together felt like a blow to my pride, making me feel small and insignificant. My heart felt like it was being squeezed, a mix of jealousy and helplessness creating a dull ache.

Then, members of Ratatoskr transported Shido and Tohka onto the Fraxinus ship as soon as they detected the presence of the AST rescue team. I could only stand and watch, completely powerless as they disappeared in a blinding light.

I sighed once more, looking around the desolate area, feeling abandoned. The sense of disappointment was overwhelming, but I knew I couldn't stop. I had to continue, overcome every challenge to survive and seek another opportunity. Only then could I hope to achieve my goal one day.

Exhausted, I reported through the radio, "Reporting, the target has disappeared! I repeat..."

"Understood! All units, retreat! Don't let the civilians spot us!"


I opened my phone and dialed my parents' number, both working abroad. On the other end, my mother's warm voice answered.

"Hello, dear, it's Mom."

"Mom, it's me," I replied. "Is Dad there?"

"Yes, let me pass the phone to him."

A few seconds later, my father's deep voice came on. "Hello, son. What's going on? Everything okay?"

"I just called to let you know I'm going on a field trip with the school, so if you call and I don't answer, don't worry."

"A field trip, huh? That sounds like a fun experience."

"Make sure to tell us all about it when you get back."

"Will do, I'm hanging up now."

July 17th, Monday. At 6:30 AM, Raizen High School students had gathered at Akaru Airport, waiting for the teachers to complete the final preparations before departure. Lately, I hadn't had enough rest, and my body felt exhausted, sometimes even experiencing fleeting hallucinations.

From afar, Ms. Tama-chan called our class to gather.

"Class 2-4, gather here! Hurry up, everyone!"

Everyone was excited and quickly assembled, except for me, left behind. While standing on the escalator, a figure on the opposite side caught my attention. A tall man wearing a tattered cloak, his face completely hidden by a hood. I was puzzled, wondering why someone dressed so oddly would be at the airport without anyone reacting, as if only I could see him. The air grew tense, and a sense of unease crept into my mind. The escalator moved slowly, and as we passed each other, every second felt like an eternity. From behind, a whispered voice sent a chill down my spine.

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, [------]?" The low voice, both unfamiliar yet eerily familiar to me.

My heart pounded so hard it felt like my chest would burst. Cold sweat trickled down my forehead, mixing with the numbness in my fingertips. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, an invisible fear enveloping my thoughts.

My eyes scanned around frantically, searching for the source of the voice. But the man in the tattered cloak had vanished, like a ghost. I turned my head, trying to catch sight of every face in the crowd, but all were empty, unfamiliar.

Questions swirled in my mind: "How did he know my real name?" "Why did his voice feel both strange and somewhat familiar to me?" "Could he be the one who brought me to this world???" The feeling of being exposed to a stranger, as if all my deepest secrets were laid bare, made it impossible to control the rising anxiety.

"Watano-kun, did you forget something?" Ms. Tama-chan asked worriedly.

"Ah… no, it's nothing, ma'am."

Perhaps I was just so tired that I imagined it all? Now, I could only hope that the absurd event earlier was a figment of my imagination.

The flight to Arubi Island lasted three hours. Sitting in the narrow airplane seat, I tried to find a comfortable position to catch some sleep during the long flight. My eyes grew heavy, and sleepiness washed over me. However, sleep seemed like a luxury at the moment. Right in front of me, Shido was seated between Origami and Tohka. The two girls kept fighting over Shido or the window seat. The noise from their voices was like a stereo, making sleep feel ever more distant.

A while later, the plane landed on Arubi Island, creating a scene of excitement and noise. Outside the window, the white sandy beach stretched along the shimmering blue sea, reflecting the bright sunlight and creating a paradise-like tropical scene. Everyone disembarked from the plane, stepping out into the cool sea breeze, their eyes shining with excitement.

Cheers and laughter echoed everywhere as the students began to take in the island's beauty. Groups of friends held hands, their eyes glowing with joy, constantly chatting and laughing about their upcoming fun plans.

Even the teachers and staff couldn't hide their happiness, their faces beaming as they watched the students' enthusiasm. Suitcases and luggage were dragged across the sand, the sounds of wheels mingling with the gentle lapping of waves creating a lively summer symphony.

"Alright, everyone, calm down and gather here," Ms. Tama-chan reminded us.

Suddenly, the sky began to swirl ominously, as if foretelling something bad. Tohka, her face tense and suspicious, insisted that someone was watching her from afar. This made her unwilling to move, resulting in our group being left behind.

"I'm so tired of you guys," I angrily shouted, running towards Shido and Tohka. "Origami, you go ahead. I'll bring Shido and Tohka back."

Origami hesitated, worry etched on her face. "Will you be alright?"

"I'll be fine, don't worry."

Origami nodded and turned to follow the rest of the class. I hurried after Shido and Tohka, who had wandered quite far from the group, making it increasingly difficult to find them due to my unfamiliarity with the area.

"Shido! Tohka!" I called out loudly, hoping my voice would reach them. But only echoes returned, heightening my sense of loneliness and anxiety.

As I searched, I looked up at the sky with everyone else, unable to speak at the sight before us.

"What… what the hell is that…?"

The sky, which had been clear and refreshing just moments ago, was now covered in dark clouds. Gradually, with the terrifying speed of the sea breeze, the surroundings changed completely. The once calm blue sky was now filled with black clouds, the gentle sea breeze turned into fierce winds, the calm waters turned into raging waves. And all of this seemed to happen within a single minute.

I frowned, shielding my face with my hand to avoid the blowing sand.

According to the weather forecast, the weather was supposed to be clear throughout the school trip, which is why the teachers had chosen today to depart. But now, with the weather behaving so strangely, it could only be the work of <them >, <Yamai Tempest>. Unlike Origami, I had never violated any rules since joining AST, so I was allowed to carry my Cr-unit microchip, enabling me to act freely at any time.

I activated the Cr-unit armor within me, then put on the mask I had bought and slightly modified earlier, and set off to hunt down the Yamai sisters, Kaguya and Yuzuru, spirits with the power to control the weather. As I flew deeper into the forest ahead, where the reverse winds grew stronger, I was suddenly blocked by a blurry figure.

"Phantom, why are you here?"

"Are you the one I met at Akaru Airport?" I spat out angrily, recognizing the enemy before me, the one who had caused so much disaster for everyone in this world.

The person before me was none other than our physics teacher, and a member of Ratatoskr on the Fraxinus ship, Murasame Reine, who could disguise herself as <Phantom > by creating a noise barrier that covered her entire body and altered her voice.

"Perhaps you've mistaken me for someone else. Besides, I'm here because I feel that you will interfere with my wish."

"Wish? Your stupid wish has caused the deaths of so many people, do you even know that?"

"That... I'm truly sorry to have to do this… But I have no other choice…"

Hearing such deceitful words, my heart couldn't remain calm for another second.

"I won't let you cause any more disasters," I shouted, my determination growing stronger. "Even if I have to sacrifice everything, I will stop you."

"Unfortunately, you cannot defeat me with that thing."

I charged at Phantom with all my strength and determination, but as I got close to her, it felt like I was rushing through a shadow. Phantom's body seemed to dissolve into the air, leaving me facing nothing but emptiness.

At that moment, a flare was fired into the sky from offshore. I turned to look at the signal, my heart filled with concern. It seemed that a fisherman had run into trouble as the storm hit.

I couldn't ignore this. Even while facing Phantom, I couldn't ignore people in danger. I took a deep breath, deciding to help them before continuing my confrontation with Phantom.

Phantom smiled, as if she had anticipated my thoughts: "You're a good person, but don't interfere with my work anymore."

"I will personally destroy you and your foolish wish," I replied, my determination burning inside. "This battle isn't over, PHANTOM!!!"

"Is that so?" she said, then gradually disappeared into the air.

I soared into the sky, heading towards the flare signal. The wind was still blowing fiercely, but I didn't let it slow me down. As I approached the area where the signal originated, I saw a fishing boat being engulfed by the fierce waves.

I landed on the deck, immediately recognizing the seriousness of the situation. The fishermen on board were panicking, trying to keep the boat from capsizing. One of them, probably the captain, shouted when he saw me:

"Who are you? Please save us!"

"Stay calm, I'm here to help!" I replied, trying to reassure them.

Without hesitation, I used the Realizer's power to create a Territory to stabilize the boat. But the boat was too large, and with my current mana levels, I couldn't hold on for long. The relentless waves kept attacking, and I felt my strength dwindling. If I didn't find a solution soon, even I would be in danger.

In this situation, I had to consider an option I didn't want to think about: "Save as many as possible." My heart was heavy, continuously contemplating the possible consequences. But I had no other choice.

I took a deep breath, looking directly at the captain and said, "Listen, we don't have much time. I'll try to save as many people as I can!"

Hearing my words, everyone seemed to regain some hope.

"I trust you! Please save us!"

"Alright, I'll take two people first, I'll come back for the rest!"

Sweat drenched my forehead as I felt the exhaustion spreading through my body, but I couldn't stop. One by one, I took them out of the sinking boat and back to the island using the Territory.

"I can't believe I'm flying!"

"Please keep this a secret for me."

"Of course, you're our lifesaver."

As I prepared to bring the last person back to the island, I looked back at the boat and saw a terrifying sight: it had been completely engulfed by the fierce waves. The cries for help gradually faded into the sound of crashing waves and howling wind. My heart ached, the same pain I felt when I chose the path to fight against everything. I collapsed to my knees, tears streaming down my cheeks hidden behind the mask.

At this moment, even with the storm and the raging waves still present, a profound silence enveloped my mind, leaving only me and the indescribable pain of loss. The hopeful faces had vanished into the cold waters, leaving an indelible mark on my memory. I hadn't been able to save everyone.

A gentle hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up to see the captain, his face also filled with sorrow. "You did your best. Don't blame yourself," he said, his voice warm and comforting.

I nodded, but my heart remained heavy. The survivors huddled on the beach, their eyes vacant, staring at the spot where the ship had disappeared.

I stood up, trying to suppress my emotions and looked directly at the survivors.

"Find temporary shelter from the storm, and when it calms down, go to the nearest rescue station. They will help you get home."

"What about you?"

"I have other things to do. Goodbye." I spoke with determination, turned, and flew away.

The storm had begun to dissipate, and the sky gradually returned to its original blue. As I flew to the eye of the storm's location, there was no longer any figure there. The strange tranquility and peace made me feel as if I had stepped into another world, entirely separate from the chaos and suffering I had just experienced.