
Dark's Black

Dark was misunderstood and hated by Black because of Susie's death. Susie is Black's best childhood friend. Dark and Black fight every time they see each other. One day, Black meets the man he's betrothed to because of his grandfather's plans. ....In the moment, Black saw the face of a person who will be with him for the rest of his life..... **They both loved black.It was always such a coincidence.Black could see himself in Dark's sparking beautiful eyes under the sexy eyebrows. His lips under the beautiful nostril.They were so sexy every time. Dark was wearing a black shirt without a necktie and a coat over it. His skin was visible under the shirt. ** ** "You and me?Oh no no no,this is never going to happen." "Never?" Dark teased Black. So Black became mad and ran in front of Dark and said, "Not even in your dreams,Dark get out before I punch you in the face." Dark stood up fast and walked near Black.Their faces got so close that Black stepped back a bit. As Black stepped back a bit,Dark went closer and closer and Black almost hit the wall. "You!Always you!!" And Dark hugged Black from his waist and pulled close. Then he stared at Black's baby pink lips. Black suddenly remembered something.This wasn't the first time for him,right? Dark had touched him before .... in the elevator. "Don't touch me,move!" "You'll fall if I move." "It's none of your business,just move." "What do you mean ' not even in your dreams '? " "I mean the reason why you're here.What else can it be??" Dark hugged more tightly.And he turned Black to his side. "Excuse me,what the heck are you doing?" Since they were face to face,Black's heart was beating fast.Dark was taller and bigger than Black so Black couldn't resist him. "Why do you think I'm here?" Black was mad but he fell for Dark's long beautiful eyelashes.Dark also loved Black's eyes so much that he almost kissed him. "My grandpa told you to,right?" "Hmmmm.." "What hmmm?" "You're right." When Black heard Dark's answer,he felt more depressed.Not only he was shy but his groom was also the person who he hated most. "MOVE!!!" "You know that I never let you go easily." **

Darkness_165 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

What if I want to?

Chapter-( 3 )

" Ouch "

" Hey! "

"Ooh,it's you."

Black knew it was just an accident but when he saw who came into his way,he didn't think of letting it go easily.

Someone who was wearing a black shirt with black style pants with a pair of classy sunglasses.No matter how much that someone looked good he was just a monster wearing a beautiful mask in Black's eyes.

Black's smiles suddenly turned into a sad face and said

"Why are you here?"

Dark looked at him and then a moment later,he signed heavily. He knew that he couldn't get over this without answering.

"As you see,this is where all the cars that come to the school park"

Even though the exam was divided into two sections;morning session and the afternoon session.Their majors were not the same but the sessions were. So they'll be seeing each other even if they don't want to.

"Hey,I'm not blind.I see that,too"replied Black.

"You asked me so I answered it"said Dark.

As soon as Dark turned around and started to walk away,Black pulled Dark's backpack. Dark had his backpack just on the tip of his right shoulder so when Black pulled it hardly,the backpack fell to the ground.

Dark was used to this so he just picked his backpack and put it on his shoulder.

Then Black pointed at the books which were on the ground and told Dark to

"Pick up those for me "

"What?Why?"questioned Dark.

"The books!!!"yelled Black.

"Oh,only in your dreams..haha"said Dark.

Dark was spinning his car keys in the air and stared at Black a little bit. Black looked very cute in Dark's eyes.Well,except for those anger. Black's body turned red as he was getting angrier.

"What?!You ran into me!Do u think I dropped them on my own????"said Black.

Today's the last day of the exam.Dark blamed himself for not going home straight and spending a lot of time at the canteen.Black's books were on the ground and it was not a hard thing to pick those up but he wouldn't.Because of the way Black spoke.

"I don't think so but I won't pick those up.Sorry boy."said Dark.

As usual,Black became more aggressive.

"You're the one who came across the corner and you're also the one who hit me first!!Right??"


"Let's go check the CCTV record."said Black.

"You! Don't blame me!!"added Black.


"A person like you is just handsome but nothing else.Such a priceless person."said Black.

"Oh Black,why are you always blaming others?Well,it matches with your face and looks."replied Dark.

Dark teased Black on purpose because he wanted to know how Black would act on that. Black looked pretty mad after hearing that.

He was really pissed off.

He came real close to Dark and said

"What the hell did you say?"

"You heard me.Do you want me to repeat it again?"said Dark.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!"shouted Black.

As the wind blew,the awesome hot cologne smell went across Dark's nose. He didn't have time to be romantic.

"Why?Did I say something wrong?"asked Dark.

"SAY IT AGAINN!"yelled Black.

"Damn,you sound just like a kid,"added Dark.

Dark said those words easily nodding his head. He even changed the way he was wearing his backpack and carried on..

"Well,you heard me"

Dark stopped the conversation and walked to his car thinking how Black seemed childish.

Beep beep there goes the car alarm as Black's voice came out.

"No,you're not leaving after talking to me like this!!"said Black.

Dark became stressed as the childish Black landed his hand over Dark's backpack. Dark slightly turned left and looked at the hand which grabbed his backpack.

Everything about Black was so beautiful.

One look at Black and you'll always be thinking how gorgeous he is.

"Don't try to do this to me again.There the book which fell because of you.If you're not going to pick that up for me,don't even think about leaving." said Black.

"I'm not thinking.I'm doing it already.Get out of my way".replied Dark.



Black became angry and he didn't just grab the backpack but he shook Dark's shoulder hardly. They both got hurt and Dark's backpack fell to the ground.


"Okay Black.Calm down.I'm picking those up for you.Okay?" said Dark.

Dark stepped forward.

"No!!Not Okay!!"said Black.

"What?!WHAT?!!Now what's wrong?"said Dark.

"Nothing's wrong with me."replied Black.

Dark shook his head and opened the car door and put his backpack in the car.

As soon as Black saw this,he thought Dark was going away.

Actually he wasn't.

He came near Black and picked up the books but Black was still yelling and not moving,he was standing in front of Dark.

And Dark whispered …

"Oh why so childish? Seems just like a bad boy.And why me??Do you like me that much?"

Black stood still for a while.

Dark knew staring closely at another person was rude but he couldn't stand it.

"You think I like you?Oh no. It will never happen even in your wildest dreams."said Black.

"Why can't you just stop?!I'm picking up your books already."


Black stood on his tiptoe to reach Dark's height and he put his hand on Dark's left side shoulder and said one more time.

"Don't ever think about going away easily."


If Dark lowered his head a bit,their faces were so close that they could get kissed.Black didn't notice these things but Dark did.

Dark's heartbeat ran fast.

He fell in love.

"Me neither" replied Dark.

He picked up Black's books and hand over those to Dark.

Since Black was thinking about Dark's words ,he didn't see Black handing over his books.

And Dark touched Black's left hand.

"Don't touch me."said Black.

"What if I want to?"asked Dark.

Black didn't like Dark touching him.

Actually Dark was trying to give him back his books.But Black thought of other and he was trying to run away.

Dark became impatient and he pulled Black with force.Black lost control of his body fell into Dark's arms.


Black hated this situation so much that he tried to hit Dark's face.

"No..Black."said Dark.

"YOUUU!!!"yelled Black.

Dark had to stop Black's incoming hand with his arm which were holding the books.But Black's right hand got hurt with the corner of the book.

Dark let loose and he put the books away.

"Black,you hurt??"

Dark tried to touch Black's right hand but

"Don't don't touch me."said Black.

Black moved backwards holding his right hand.As he moved and moved,stepped and stepped back, his steps went wrong

and almost fell to the ground.

But Dark was ready.

He held Black in his arms one more time.

If somebody saw them,they would think that Black and Dark were in love.

Well,some people did.

"Oh my…"

"Carry on,carry on.We didn't see anything"

Dark and Black lost their mind for a while and they stared at each other for minutes.

But when they heard other's voices,they felt bad. The people who saw them were really nosy girls of the school.

They spread rumors all over the place.

"Hey,why did you hug me?"

"So you won't fall."

Dark took Black's books where he put on the car and gave it to Dark.

Black didn't care and carried on his conversation "No,don't. Just leave me alone no matter what happens."

"Okay,I agree.Here are your books."replied Dark.

As Black took the books,Dark saw his hurt hand.The wound turned green and dark.

"You ok?"

"I'm not dead yet.I'll keep this in my mind.Next time's your turn."replied Black.

Dark checked his wound in the mirror and smiled.

They couldn't forget about what happened last night as well as today's fight.But it's pretty sure that rumors had spread because of those two sisters who saw Black and Dark together.

They added even a bit more.

"Okay.I'll have what I should have next time too."

Apart from rumours,only Black and Dark knew what really happened.