
Darek's Cat, Mati's Father and a Sword

This is a story of Mati's Father, who - due to his lack of tolerance - dies a miserable death, but ends up in another world, assigned a quest of learning how to become a tolerant and decent being. Join him as he proceeds through the unknown, meeting a variety of races inhabiting the place he transmigrated to. Note: silly, stupid and crazy story, written for certain group of people. While most should find something for themselves in here, the deeper meaning may be hard to understand for those, who are not in the know :)

TheDarkestDark · Fantasy
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23 Chs

04. Same shit, different world

Mati's father was sent to a new world as discussed with Darek.

While the man was allowed to set what kind of being he is going to be based on parameters presented to him by dimensional supervisor, he could not keep any of his memories from the previous life.

Based on what Darek said, it would be pointless action for undergoing rehabilitation if he were to know what the problem he had to work on to begin with. Something gained with previous knowledge of the mistake cannot count as an improvement to save the soul since it would not be sincere.

In the end, with that, Mati's father arrived in a new world and started as an infant born to married couple in already advanced age, being a kind of miracle for them.

It was a mixed-kin family, giving birth to an unusual humanoid breed now known as Mattheia Matos del Ros Kabanos, having elven and beast-kin features.

Since this was a combination unheard of, and one nobody expected to happen, the parents were concerned about the child's future, therefore they decided to invest all their money in the best possible conditions and upbringing. In order to make sure they can afford that, parents sold many of family valuables and portion of the land originally belonging to Mattheia's father - Carrera, who came from the ancient line of the elves.

Land Carrera owned was quite vast and selling part of it did not affect them much - even with this decision, they still had the most fields in the western part of the country.

With the money gathered, Mattheia's mother - Farah, proceeded with looking for a decent nanny, doctors and teachers, who would keep an ey on and guide their precious child. However, finding correct canditates was not as easy as one could have thought.

The main issue was related - as they have expected before starting the search - to their own origins. Carrera was of the ancient elven line, which in itself would usually make humans - who were the most numerous race on the continent - cautious, but combined with Farah's ancestry, the bad rumors about the child spread already weeks after it came into this world. After all, among the number of beast-kin races, spear-claws were considered the most dangerous.

Having all these said, Farah felt this kind of bias towards her son to be way too unfair, especially since no one knew which features he inherited from both parents. Therefore, knowing little about their child and having problems with finding teachers willing to take on a work with a mixed-blood, she took unusual step of looking for mage with a seer skill.

"I unerstand you are unhappy that no one wants to approach our child" Carrera talked to Farah one night "But the idea of finding a seer will be seen as something crazy. Our workers are already worried because of Mattheia, and bringing in someone like that..."

"That's why we need someone like that! Seers tend to be outcasts, such person may be best support we can have for our son!"

"Calm down dear, your claws..." Carrera pointed at his wife's hands. It was something happening whenever her temper started acting up.

"Don't change the topic, we are doing that, no matter what you say!"

There was no point in arguing with her in such circumstances, thus the only thing husband could do there was to nod and agree.

"If that's what you want, let's do it, but remember what I told you."

After this conversation, Farah left for a few weeks, and when she came back, a stranger accompanied her.

The initial feeling that person's aura gave Carrera made him feel chills going down his spine.

"This person is Nine, dear. She agreed to take care of our Mattheia" Farah said that with a wide smile. Her husband could not believe she managed to stay that happy nearby figure like that. "Nine is not the actual name, but she got used to being called that, so I was told we should that too."

"So Nine is a nickname?" Carrera forced himself to talk with this unusual person "What's the origin?"

Nine was wearing a long coat, her head hidden under a hood, but when asked by Carrera, she finally showed her face. The man did not know whether it was the effect of her clothing until now, but once she was no longer hiding, the vibe changed completely. More than that, when she took off the hood, it turned out she is a gorgeous lady, making Carrera speechless.

"That's exactly what I thought!" Farah hit her husband in the ribs, seeing his reaction "I knew you would be like that! Remember that she is here to help our son, and her looks are nothing compared to skills she has."

"You are too kind, Farah" Nine spoke, and her voice was also beautiful "Nice to meet you, Carrera. I hear a lot of you while we were traveling with Farah. I can assure you that I know everything needed to nurture your child from the earliest age. After all, I'm called Nine because of number of special skills I have."

Carrera could not show his surprise. This world had a strong magic, and most of the creatures had some traits that made them special. In case of intelligent species, achieving three special skills was something considered the usual, with prodigies reaching six or seven, but nine?

"You surely jest now!" he unintentionally raised his voice "There are maybe several people like that around the whole world. There is no way your name would be unknown if you posses that many skills. Who are you?

Nine smiled: "I want my name to remain a secret until I deem time to be proper to reveal it."

Carrera was curious, but Farah forced him to let it go.

"So what can you tell me then?" he changed the question "Your looks, you seem similar to dark elves, but I see differences..."

"There's not many beings similar to me, sadly" as Nine said that, her face looked tired for a moment "Most of my blood is that of a dark faerie, but there were dark elves among my ancestors too. That's what I heard at least."

"Dark faerie? Didn't you have wings? I don't see..."

Nine laughed, hearing that.

"How about now?" she took off her coat, exposing wings looking as if hybrid of bat and butterfly ones. Additionally, she also had a tail.

"Stop ogling her!" Farah hit Carrera's ribs once again "Where is Mattheia?"

"He should be walking in the garden."

Farah looked at her husband as if he was crazy.

"What do you mean by walking? He's only three months old!"

"Well, you tell me. I know what I saw."

"Yeah, and you left him alone?"

She rushed to the garden, followed by the other two. Indeed, the toddler was there, walking clumsily as he tried to catch a butterfly.

"Watch out!" Farah jumped forward, seeing Mattheia nearly falling on the rock, but the child jumped and landed safely. "Did you see that?"

"You didn't lie your child is special, Farah" Nine approached the kid and put a hand on his head "Interesting. I'm even more intrigued now. You aren't changing your mind about hiring me?"

Farah and Carrera looked at each other.

"What's this question about? Did you notice something?" Farah asked the dark faerie.

"Many things, some hard to put into words. However, there is one thing I can tell you for sure: you rarely find a raw talent like that."

"Then, we were right about him?" Carrera could not hide his happiness "Is he going to be a great mage?"

Nine sighed, picking up the kid.

"He has many options, but I suggest you better move away for a moment now."

Moments after, a golden stream shoot several dozen meters into the air, and Mattheia started laughing as Nine put him into the cradle.

"What was that?" asked Farah.

"His pissing power is really strong" dark faerie replied "Didn't you see that before?"

"No, it's the first."

Nine started taking care of putting a diaper on the kid as she continued talking:

"It may be that the body is not accustomed to innate aptitude of your child. If that's the case, we need to immediately start working on him so he doesn't get hurt because if his raw skills."

"Do whatever you think is right" said Farah "I chose you for a reason and I know Carrera will agree, right?"

Her husband nodded, looking at the hole in the fence his son made by pissing, his face showing mixture of anxiety and excitement.

From this moment on, the daily routine of Mattheia turned into pretty much the same shit he went through his previous life as Mati's father. Obviously, he could not remember that time, but his soul was reacting automatically to stimuli from the world around him, building a new being with the old core. However, each time he recalled his beginnings in this world in his future, there was one specific quote he would repeat: "Shit, here we go again."

He went through pre-school preparation, and then started the regular education combined with training sessions mostly handled by Nine with support from additional trainers Mattheia's parents hired.

His daily life was not really that different from what he experienced in his previous world as a child with main exception being that current world had magic.