
Chapter three

The accommodations they were given was up to standard and better than their previous one. It was a successful pack after all and this luxury was to be expected.

The Roberts had no issues settling in properly, they did not have much property, to begin with. Emma, Lina's mom was the brightest in the room, always leaving comments about how they would be happy here and how they would come to find their place in the pack with time. It was almost as though she had lived in a pack but her children knew otherwise.

It was time for dinner and the Roberts after dressing up left for the pack house. Emma took beta Brian's advice and dressed well, Jeremy had always been the relaxed easy going boy and it reflected in the way he dressed. He took the whole dress how you want to be addressed to a whole new level. Lina on another hand had put on palazzo pants, a sleeveless top, and a cute sandal.

The pack dinner was simple, unlike what they had assumed it was simply a gathering of the top members of the pack and the new members. They all had to sit at a single dining table. The Alpha sat at the head with his two betas at his side. They had arrived late as everyone was already seated.

Arrangements were simple enough for Lina to make heads of those beside the Alpha. It was Brian on his left and the mysterious silver-eyed man on his right. She remembered the Alpha had introduced Brian as his second beta, which should mean silver eyes was his first and right-hand man.

They were offered their seats somewhere close to the head of the table. It was a generous position as only top-ranking pack members got to sit close to the Alpha. Lina sat close to Beta Brian while her mother and brother sat across from her beside Mr.brooding silver eyes.

Dinner had already begun before they arrived so all they had to do was join in and enjoy dinner, or so Lina thought.

'This is disappointing, when you said new pack members you omitted to mention charity cases' a woman right beside Lina spoke loud enough for everyone at the table to hear, super hearing or not everyone heard what she had just said.

'They smell funny, I don't like it, doesn't sit well with me.' she continued ignoring the atmosphere her words had created.

Everyone turned their focus on her even Lina who was right beside her had to look too.

'Victoria!!' Alpha Morgan's voice boomed 'You will accord them respect and mind your tongue'

Victoria simply laughed it off, not attempting to look remorseful. Lina was used to side comments and insults about her but bringing her family into it was another whole ball game.

She got it, Victoria was a beautiful woman, and women who looked like Vitoria tend to get away with anything. Sitting beside her, Lina could tell that. She looked like a model, with refined and elegant looks but the same could not be said about her personality. Her blue eyes enchanting with plump lips any man would be dying to kiss, she was everything any man would desire. Lina hadn't seen her standing but she could make out her figure too, it was in her line of work to know these things.

Emma, trying to be the bigger person in the room decided to wave things off and asked easier questions to ease the built-up tension at the table. She had to introduce herself and her family to the pack for the second time today. Jeremy simply observed keeping most of his attention on the Alpha and his betas. Lina could see that peculiar look of admiration he had in his eyes.

Jeremy was the most devastated when their father passed away. Lina was just glad he was starting to be himself once again, the last time she saw that look was when their father was still alive.

Lina simply clenched her fork as Victoria's comment was still fresh in her mind but she could feel that same piercing gaze on her. This time she knew what lay in his silver gaze, she had seen the same earlier today. It was not something she wished to see again so she fought the urge to meet his gaze.

While everyone looked shocked at Victoria's comment there was one person who had a fire in his silver eyes as he observed Victoria. He knew who she was after having to live with her in the pack house for years, everyone in the pack knew Victoria. He found her outburst particularly infuriating.

Silver eyes did not know why he felt this way, he had heard her say worse but for some reason, he did not appreciate her insensitive remark. He looked over to Lina, observing her, she was the only one who did not look shocked. Instead, she was angry gripping her fork and taking in hard breaths.

She was a beautiful woman, with honey brown eyes, long scattered eyelashes, and a mouth just begging to be kissed. He wanted her eyes on him like it was when they met earlier on. He knew who she was to him, just how long would it take for her to realize it too.