
October 3rd

#Chapter20 October 3rd

I don't know if I should really be excited about going to the beach. It's been years since I felt the salty waters touch my skin and the way the sand felt on my feet. But also, thinking about going back there is hitting me with a nostalgic feeling.

Thousands of memories hit me, thousands of memories that reminded me of home. Thousands of memories about my dad, my mom, and I having fun--the times where we used to smile, how my mom used to smile that it reaches up to her ears.

/"Hey, are you okay?/" I heard Amelia beside me as she taps my shoulder. I looked at her and nodded my head, and directed my head towards the board, trying to focus and catch up with the lesson, but somehow, my mind always wanders.

Like, right now. No matter how much I want to focus, I can't seem to focus. But it's okay, right? It's just a chemistry class.

/"I would like you guys to answer the seatwork on your textbooks on page 81./"