
November 9th

#Chapter55 November 9th

He turned around and pressed his lips to mine. I was surprised by the sudden attack of the kiss, and if he keeps on doing this every time, I might be able to gain more motivation out.

/"I love you, and I told you that I am not going to give up until I prove to you how much you mean to me because you mean the world to me, everything. I'll be lost without you,/" he says, and I smiled, giving him a peck on his cheek.

He plasters a cute pout, /"Just a peck? You know I deserve more than a peck on the cheek,/" he points out his lips as I roll my eyes at how he is so dramatic about it.

/"I am so glad that you are putting your happiness first before others,/" Cayden said, /"And I am happy that I am part of your happiness./"

/"Without you, I wouldn't be happy,/" I wink at him, and he chuckles. He slaps my shoulder playfully like a girl as I let out a laugh.