
Dinner and What Just Happened?

"Great. I will gather food." Meriwether set a rolled fur under his head, and began gathering things from a group of bags in the corner. Adalyn gathered the firewood and lit the pile with her own passion. Her emotions were calmer now, anger and frustration gone with the introduction of a purpose. 

A medicine woman was a good profession in another world. She was suddenly glad that was her primary course of study under the Hunter and the Mother. This was a plan at least, a goal met as set by Grandmother's book. Long term shelter was still something she needed, as well as to plant the seeds in her bag. There was at least one option left for her to make them grow if this world did not replenish her magic while she slept. 

"So, your a Witch Doctor?" Meriwether asked, seeming to want to have a conversation. Adalyn smiled more than happy to oblige her. The more they talked the better chance Adalyn had at survival. In truth, Adalyn didn't want to admit she was afraid of being alone in this world. The book was great and all, but she had always had some sort of guidance back home. Friends were never a large part of her life, but family… family was everything. 

"Not exactly. I am still young. My magic hasn't settled yet. However, I do seem to have a gift for healing and growing things. Mother thought I was A blend of Earth and Fire, but I wouldn't become an adult till next year." Adalyn replied as Meriwether began roasting the fish on the open flame. Meriwether seemed surprised and tilted her head curiously. 

"Back home, do you not have a mate?" She asked and Adalyn's face grew solum. The pain in her eyes was like a mirror, and Meriwether wished she hadn't asked. 

"Yes. I did at one time. His name was  Akira." Adalyn replied, her hand going up to touch the tattoo behind her left ear. The crystal embedded in her skin over that pressure point was smooth and warm to the touch. A permanent memory of him. 

"Did… other males kill him?" Meriwether asked as she appraised Adalyn.

"No, he was rushing to the hospital. His sister had been involved in a werewolf attack. I was trying to stop the infection from changing her and I was weakening. He...never saw the other car coming." Adalyn replied as she rotated the chunks of meat over the fire. She wasn't sure what it was but at the moment, it was the least of her worries. 

"I see… he died then?" Meriwether asked not honestly sure what most the things she was saying meant, but she was able to piece together the general idea. 

"Yes. It's ironic really. He died to save her, and I ended up stranded in another world to do the same." Adalyn whispered, laughing at herself in a mocking tone. She prayed to whatever Gods exist in this dimension that Pricilla would stay out of danger from now on. 

"You ended up here over his sister? She sounds foolish." Meriwether commented a bit uncertainty. In her mind, anyone who willingly got into a tiff with a wolf was stupid. Adalyn shook her head. 

"Just naive and a bad taste in men." Adalyn replied as she took the meat skewer off the fire and set it down to cool on a rock. 

"Oh. I see." Finally Something actually made sense to Meriwether so she took her own skewer and began happily chomping down. Adalyn took a pocket knife out of her bag along with a small fork key chain and began cutting and eating the meat. Her stomach growled even as she began to eat. The warm, gamey meat was strange flavoured but it didn't matter at the moment. She was hungry. This was food. That's what mattered. 

However, once she finished the meal, her mind wandered to her Mother and Grandmother, now alone in her home world. Her friends… his parents… all the things she swore to do. Sadness engulfed her as home sickness set in.. yes that's what this was. She was home sick, Adalyn realized after a bit. Meriwether sensed the change in the younger woman's mood.

"I don't know why your here, Adalyn, but I am glad you are. I know that doesn't help much, but it's all I can offer."  Meriwether offered gently. Her words were meant to sooth Adalyn and they did somewhat. At least she had done some good. 

Soon after, Meriwether returned to her mate's side and lay beside him. She wrapped her arms around his bicep, as if afraid he will disappear and fell asleep. The complete exhaustion of her day claiming her. For a long moment, Adalyn envied her. At least she had someone to hold, an anchor that mattered. 

With a sad sigh, Adalyn coiled herself into a comfortable pile, her arms a living pillow. It was surprising how easy it was to get comfortable when over half of her was long, muscled tail. She stared out at the water. A lone figure sat at the water's edge, looking out at the still burning boat. Curiosity barely had a chance to rear its head before she fell asleep. Dreams of kind eyes and hours under the moonlight chasing away the fear of an uncertain dawn. 


Realm Between Worlds 

The Hunter

"Have you searched every world we have access too?" Winter demanded, staring at his brother who paced back and forth rather agitated. This had been funny when he first heard about Hunter's little accident but now it was serious. They couldn't find her. 

"Every world we have access to. She has to have fallen into a By Prayer world. Unless she calls on one of us three…" he growled at the sky, the wolfish spirit within him snarled in anger. He would, once again, be denied his place beside his mate, the Mother. 

"A By Prayer? You think so? I mean it makes since after where Elowyn landed but… wait you don't think…" Harvest looked at his brothers, his normally golden, sunkissed skin pale. 

"I mean… it's possible. I sent out a vision about an out of world visitor to every temple I reside in just to cover bases. Most worlds still fear winter no matter what name I go by and beg me not to freeze them to death." Winter reminded them a bit boastful. Both his brothers rolled their eyes but couldn't refute. 

"Thank you." Hunter swallowed his annoyance. For once he actually meant it. The Mother was going to kill him if he didn't find that little Lyn girl soon. 

"You know you have to tell her… right?" Harvest asked putting an arm around the wolfish brother. 

"Yea I know… she is going to bloody murder me." Hunter's head fell forward in defeat.  The apprehension for the torrent of her anger already building in his mind. "At least it's a long walk to the Goddess's Garden." 

"If it makes you feel any better.. I think she already knows." Winter offered and when the other two realized the change in the air. 

"She's right behind me isn't she?" Hunter whispered knowing his fate before he even spoke. Harvest let go of his brother and swiftly took four steps to the side. He took a deep breath and turned around with his best devilish smile which instantly died. 

Three women stood before him, two of them he recognized as Rosalyn and Faelyn of the Lyn witches. They were far less scary than the literal Goddess they were standing behind. She was tall, curvy and her warm brown hair flowed down her back in heavenly swirls. A tiara sat delicately creating her brow with a radiant gemstone between her two brilliant green eyes. Her fair skin glowed with the radiance of a mother. The billowy cloth that swirled around her was white but red dye seemed to drench the edge, the color dark and fading up to her hips before turning white as pure snow. The anger in her eyes and the slight snarl on her perfect rosy lips caused a cold sweat to break out on the Hunter's forehead. 

"Where is my Child?" Growled the Goddess and both Lyn witches nodded in agreement. 

"My lady, Maiden Mother please calm down." Winter purred trying to soothe her. He always had a way with this hot tempered goddess. She was the goddess of motherhood, maidens and children. The proud daughter of the Ocean God, and the perfect Goddess of Love and beauty, and yet she had her father's temper. 

"Don't Maiden Mother me Winter. I will rip your arm off and use it to beat your brother to death." The Goddess's warning coupled with her eyes showed she meant every word. Winter let go of her shoulders, put both hands up and moved a was away. "Hunter there are four little Gods who could take your place with the snap of a finger. Where. Is. My. Child?" She growled. 

"It isn't all Hunter's fault Madi…" Harvest tried to point out but the fist that struck his face stopped that rather quickly. 

"Maiden Mother, we don't know. I think she fell into The Young World." Hunter told her quickly before she could start stabbing them. He half expected her beautiful pearl dagger to be hidden somewhere in that gossamer cloth. 

"The Young World?" There seemed to be a pause, and the Maiden Mother touched her jaw with a single finger tip. Her furry turning to contemplation. 

"Yes, the Young World born of Old Magic, for the old ones. The Cursed lands." Winter offered, elaborating.

"You dropped my little girl into a cursed world?" Rosalyn demanded her voice shook as she worried for her baby girl. 

"Rose… it isn't as bad as it sounds. There are things you do not understand yet. I will help you. Come. Back to my garden my little ones." the Maiden Mother soothing her gently. 

Hunter stood in shock as the younger Lyn witch was guided away by the once Raging Goddess. However, Faelyn stood quietly looking at him. He felt a pang of guilt seeing the frail woman. She looked as though she had aged centuries in the mere hours since the Gathering.

She walked closer to him and sank shakily to her knees. She bowed her proud head, white and gray strands falling over her shoulders from what had been a neat bun. "Please… you took her from us and onto yourself… look after her now that our connection is severed." The old woman whispered and Hunter felt an unfamiliar pain in his chest and unease. A weight settled onto his shoulders at this proud woman's begging. 

Faelyn of the Lyn witches had never bowed before. She never gave ground to any witch, wizard, or dark mage who tried her power. Yet, she was on her knees before a third tier God begging as though her life was dependent on it. 

He nodded slowly, unwilling to speak the promise he wanted to. It was a promise be may not be able to keep. 

Faelyn rose, and joined her daughter and the Goddess who were making their way back to the garden. Winter, Harvest, and Hunter watching them go. 

"What just…" Winter began but trailed off at a loss for words. 

"Happened?" Hunter finished for him "No Idea." 

"All I know is, we better find out for sure where that Lyn girl went and put her in a damn bubble." Harvest replied rubbing his still stinging Jaw.