
Dare Dream

Sweet dreams, it has been long since I have felt the meaning of that word when I was 7 years old I suddenly started having the same nightmare over and over again until I got into an accident and fell into a coma now I am going through this dream hoping to find an exit or to meet my end

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: RUN!

With each silent step, Liam navigated the dimly lit corridors of the hotel, his heart pounding in his chest as he moved with the utmost caution, determined to outsmart the lurking entities. The worn carpet beneath his feet absorbed the sound of his movements, ensuring his stealth as he sought refuge from the relentless pursuit. The crimson walls seemed to close in around him, casting ominous shadows that danced in the flickering light, heightening the sense of dread that clung to him like a shroud.

Despite the oppressive atmosphere and the overwhelming sense of isolation, Liam pressed onward, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. Each floor he ascended brought him closer to the highest reaches of the hotel, where he hoped to find sanctuary from the encroaching darkness. Every flight of stairs he climbed seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each step a testament to his unwavering determination to escape the clutches of his pursuers.

But as Liam reached the uppermost floor of the hotel, his hopes were dashed by the chilling sight that awaited him. Before him stood the entities, their twisted forms silhouetted against the faint glow of the moonlight that filtered through the windows. Their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, fixated on Liam with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

A sense of dread washed over Liam as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was trapped, surrounded on all sides by the very creatures that had pursued him relentlessly through the labyrinthine halls of the hotel. The thought of retreat briefly crossed his mind, a fleeting temptation to flee back down the stairs and seek refuge in the lower floors. But as he met the unyielding gaze of the entities, he knew that such a course of action was futile – there could be no turning back, no escape from the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead.

Summoning every ounce of courage within him, Liam squared his shoulders and prepared to face his adversaries head-on. Though fear threatened to consume him, he refused to succumb to despair, drawing strength from the flickering flame of hope that burned within his heart. With a steely resolve, he steeled himself for the battle that lay ahead, ready to confront whatever fate awaited him on the highest floor of the hotel, come what may.

Feeling his heart beating fast and his head filled with thoughts, Liam jumped into action. He remembered all the moves he'd seen in movies and used them to try to fight off the scary creatures. He punched and kicked with all his strength, aiming for the places where the monsters looked weak. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed like his hits didn't even bother them. The creatures just ignored his attacks, like they were nothing.

But Liam didn't want to give up. He kept going, pushing through the crowd of monsters, hoping to find a way out. With each step, he felt more and more tired, his muscles hurting from all the effort. Scary thoughts filled his head, making him feel scared and sad.

Just when Liam thought he couldn't go on, he saw a tiny opening in the line of creatures. It looked like a path to safety. Without wasting a moment, Liam ran towards it, his heart thumping as he hoped it would lead to freedom.

But his happiness didn't last long. When Liam got to the lower floors, he saw that the creatures were everywhere – they were coming up from below, just as determined to catch him as the ones above. Liam felt scared and panicked as he looked for another way out.

On the fifth floor, Liam saw an escalator Open. It seemed like his best chance to escape, but there was a problem –In front of the escalator was filled with creatures, blocking his way.

With no other option, Liam made a quick decision. He took a deep breath and jumped onto the escalator, his heart pounding as he prepared for whatever came next. but when he Leaped into the escalator but there is a hole at the bottom of the escalator, so he starts falling ready to accept his death.

As he fell down, he sees that at the bottom of the escalator that there it is finally there the exit, the exit was below the escalator a feeling of relief and surprise washed over Liam as he fell towards the ground. In that moment, he realized that he'd managed to outsmart the hotel's traps and escape all by himself. With a newfound feeling of bravery, Liam was ready to face whatever came next, knowing that he could handle it.

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