
Daqin: at the beginning of the game, the immortal master is unparallel

Su Xuan crossed to the Qin Dynasty and got the Disha Tiangang skill at the beginning. The seventy-two skills of Disha: sitting on fire, entering water, covering the sun, resisting the wind, swordsmanship, beheading demons Tiangang 36 methods: mediate good fortune, overturn Yin and Yang, change stars, return to the sky and the sun, call the wind and rain With the help of Disha Tiangang technique, Su Xuan was invincible in this era. …… In the zhangtai palace, the lights were bright. Ying Zheng, dressed in a mysterious suit, asked modestly to the person in front of him, "dare to ask the national teacher, can you have a long life?" Su Xuan said, "yes!" …… Everything starts with calling the wind and rain!

chunhua_3810 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 21: Spiritual Techniques

Subconsciously, Honglian wanted to say that of course she had seen it.

As she spoke, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes. "Brother, is this really begging me?"

Han Fei couldn't help but be taken aback. He didn't expect his sister to say such words. He was also a shameless person and said, "Just think of it as me begging for Honglian!"

Upon hearing Han Fei's words, Hong Lian's face showed a hint of contentment and she immediately said, "I have seen him a few times before, and he is a very magical person."

"Ghost soldiers are deadly. If there are really ghost soldiers, maybe he can deal with them!"

"Is that so?" Han Fei's eyes flashed with surprise, not expecting his sister to say so. "You seem to know him very well, Honglian!"

"Well..." Of course, before the two words could be spoken, Honglian felt that it was inappropriate and lacking in her ladylike demeanor. How could she let her brother know that she was interested in that man? She quickly changed her mind and said, "After all, he lives in the palace, and I know more or less about him."

"I see!"

Han Fei nodded, as wise as him, how could he not see his sister's insincere attitude.

From the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but feel even more curious about the person named Su Xuan.

He really wants to see Su Xuan once.

But he didn't rashly export to let his sister introduce him. As long as that person is still in Korea, still in Xinzheng, he will eventually be able to see that person.

General's Mansion.

After returning here, Ji Wuyue's life was simply more comfortable than that of the King of Han. Here, he was the true king, with beautiful sons dressed beside him for every meal, drink, and other expenses.

Two beauties were waiting on him beside him.

He was eating fruit while asking the person ahead, "What is that person doing now?"

King Han asked someone named Su Xuan to investigate the Ghost Soldier incident, which surprised Ji Wuye.

Although Ji Wuye believed that the person could not uncover the truth.

The robbery of wages and the extortion of lives by ghost soldiers may seem to have been done by ghost soldiers, but the truth is clear to him. They are actually human made.

That person wants to investigate the elusive and non-existent ghosts and gods, how can they find the truth?

However, in addition to this idea, Ji Wuye eventually developed a bit of vigilance.

After all, he is an extraordinary person who has mastered the ability to summon wind and rain, and no one knows what other means he has. Therefore, after the end of the court meeting in the court, Su Xuan was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the King of Han, and he has been sending people to secretly monitor Su Xuan.

I want to see how Su Xuan investigated the case.

If he really finds any clues, he must deal with them in a timely manner.

"That person seems to really think that this case was done by ghost soldiers. He went to the Broken Soul Valley outside the city!"

The Broken Soul Valley is the place where ghost soldiers first appeared. Longquan Jun and Anping Jun escorted military pay and also encountered ghost soldiers there, and then the military pay mysteriously disappeared.


Ji Wuye's mouth curved into a strange smile, "Interestingly, it seems that this extraordinary person is just like that."

"I suddenly hope that he can really find the Ghost Soldier!"

So, can Su Xuan find the Ghost Soldier?

That is an impossible thing to do.

In the Broken Soul Valley, Su Xuan was dressed in green clothes, and several guards sent by the King of Han were standing beside him.

The leading guard is named Han Jiuli, a middle-aged man.

"Sir, have you ever found anything?"

He looked at Su Xuan and asked softly.

They are not unfamiliar with the place of Heartbroken Valley. When Han Kingdom conquered Zheng, many soldiers of Zheng Kingdom died here, hence the name Heartbroken. In the past, many people's impressions of this place were limited to this.

But after incidents such as ghost soldiers robbing salaries and ghost soldiers demanding their lives appeared, this place became eerie.

Even if it's a sunny day today.

Han Jiuli still felt a cool breeze blowing from behind, making him instinctively want to stay away from this place.

Beside him, the other guards also looked a bit afraid of this place, but because Su Xuan was here, they could only continue to stay here, and their hearts also placed their hopes on Su Xuan.

If there really are so-called ghost soldiers, I hope this expert can withstand them.

Su Xuan said lightly, "I did find something!"


Han Jiuli was taken aback for a moment, not realizing that this person had really gained something.

Should one truly be considered a master?

Immediately after, he heard Su Xuan say, "You guys, dig back some of this piece of soil for me!"

Han Jiuli and several guards were stunned at the same time, not expecting Su Xuan to make such a strange request.

But the actions of experts must also have their reasons.

They still followed suit.

Returning to the palace, King Han watched as several guards piled up some soil excavated from the Broken Soul Valley on the ground according to Su Xuan's request, looking puzzled.

"Mr. Su, are you here?"

He heard that Su Xuan had found a clue in the Soul Broken Valley, and upon returning, he immediately rushed to Su Xuan's place. However, he did not expect Su Xuan to bring back so much soil.

"To be honest with the king, I am proficient in the art of penetrating the underworld and can converse with ghosts and gods!"

"The Broken Soul Valley is the place where ghost soldiers appear, so the soil there is also contaminated with the breath of ghosts and gods. I ordered people to bring back the soil there, preparing to use it as a medium to summon ghosts and gods, and from the mouths of ghosts and gods, ask where the lost military pay is hidden!"

Upon hearing this, King Han and the guards beside him who had piled up soil on the ground were both shocked and frightened.

Especially the guards who dug up the soil and brought it here are eager to cry without tears.

As Mr. Su said, the soil in the Broken Soul Valley contains the breath of ghosts and gods. If they touch this soil, they should not be entangled by ghosts and gods, and then be killed by them.

King Han was horrified that Su Xuan could penetrate the underworld and converse with those deadly ghosts and gods. He repeatedly asked Su Xuan with certainty, "Can this really be done?"

"What can be done!"

Su Xuan appeared incredibly confident.

King Han was still a bit worried, "If the summoned ghosts and gods want to take their lives..."

"Don't worry, since I dare to use this technique, I have confidence in dealing with ghosts and gods!" Su Xuan's words contained deep confidence.

Upon hearing Su Xuan's bold words, King Han couldn't help but feel a bit of courage.

"Since that's the case, then Mr. Su should let go and give it a try!"

Su Xuan ordered people to pile up the soil well, and then, under the gaze of King Han, he officially performed the technique of clearing the darkness. Soon, waves of Yin wind blew in.