
Dao of Guns

My name is Han Li. I have arrived in This Xianxia like world With a special Gun gifted to me by God. My mission is to entertain god. And I myself am also amused by the various events in this magical world and excited. I have met a few MC's already. I have robbed them of their fortunes and killed some. I did leave some of them alive for fun. I have slaughtered countless people for my cultivation and upgrading my gun. I have become a renowned figure in the world. Many high level cultivators hate me and want to kill me but can they block my super awesome spiritual gun that has many many functions. Hah! the answer is not. I have created a new dao unique to myself. Those sword cultivators who pride themselves as the strongest will fall down in the might of my super duper awesome mega gun. ********************* Note: My first language is not english. So I've probably made a lot of mistakes.

Bidhan_Achhami · Eastern
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7 Chs

Xuan Sect

"The day is finally here" said Han Li as he woke up from his bed.Then, He did his morning routine like he always did. He ate breakfast with his family.

He trained in his martial arts for a little while, but with no progress of even coming close to master their first step. He gave up and went to the garden to pass time. Since, the garden was huge he just

walked through the entire garden till noon.

He ate lunch.

After that He and his family gather at the living room and waited for the Elder to come.

After waiting for about 15 minutes. They heard a wooshing sound or sound like something cutting through air. They walked outside with the housekeeper and some maids.

Their they saw an elderly man who looked like he was in his sixties and two young boys the age of Han Zi.

Han Zi walked ahead of the family and greeted the elder. His father followed him.

"Greetings! Elder Zhan!"

The elder nodded his head with a smile in his face.

"We are very sorry for troubling you to come here!"

The elder laughed and said, " Haha! It's no problem, After all your brother is gonna be one of the core pillars of the Xuan sect in the future!"

He then turned to his disciples and said, "You two should learn from you Senior Brother. Look how well behaved and polite he is and knows how to respect your elders!"

The two embarrased boys hurriedly said "Yes! Master!"

Han Li had tried to see through their cultivation level. He had succedded. The two young boys were at 8th and 9th stage of Qi condensation.( By the way Qi condensation has 12 stages.).

As for the elder, he was unable to see his cultivation stage. Most likely, in Late or peak Foundation Establishmebt stage.

"This must br the young Han Li, I've heard so much about. Just 15 and already 7th stage of Qi Condensation. Such a genius is rare even in the those Tier 1 Mid - level factions. He will surely become a golden core stage in the future."

The elder sung many praises of Han Li.

Han Li thought ,"Looks like I've underestimated the talent of thos body. Even without the cheat, this body has the potential to reach golden core stage, which there are no more than a handful of in the entire Tupi kingdom."

Then, the head of the house finally came up and said respectfully, " The elder and two little brothers must be tired from the long trip here, from Xuan peak. Please come inside for a little rest"

"Haha! Then we will accept your hospitality"

The elder and his two disciples followed the Family head and Han Zi.

They sat in the living room and began to discuss about the sect and and how amazing it was. Han Li had already learned much from his brother.

He was really excited to join the sect. Since, he had read about it in different web novel, he was really eager to see it with his own eyes and to experience it. He was not just going to join the sect as some random disciple but a core disciple, whom most of the sect resources are allocated to.

Besides that there was another reason, for his excitement. He would not have to act like Han Li anymore, and could be himself. He also could cultivate without restraint. If somebody questioned him, he would just give credit for the sect.

"It will surely he fun." he thought.

Then he thought about the sect he will be joining, Xuan sect. It was one of the four major sects of Tupi kingdom with a golden core cultivator! Xuan sect was situated in the westernmost region of the kingdom protecting the western borders of the Tupi kingdom from Sumi kingdom. It was a kingdom even weaker than Tupi kingdom. The standing of Sumi kingdom and Xuan Sect were the same as both were Tier 1 low level kingdom with less than five golden core realm cultivators. The only reason Sumi kinfdom had not been conquered yet by other kingdoms yet were because of their strong relationshil between Yan empire with who they shared borders with . Yan empire was a Tier 2 Mid level faction, So no one dared to attack Sumi kingdom. But, recently, It was revealed their relations were crumbling and the surrounding kingdoms were eyeing them like hungry wolves. Han Li felt that he was gonna be in a war real soon. So he had to reach Gold core by then to be absolutely safe.

He also had a mission to kill MC's. So he had given a thought about how to find MC's and he had finaaly come up with an idea. He was going to search for Jade beauties. He thought the plan was perfect After all, Jade beauties are the magnet for Young masters and MCs. He had already made a plan. When he would enter the sect, he would ask around for any popular beauties in the kingdom. If some of them happened to be inside Xuan sect. He would keep and eye on them and try to befriend them,So when the MC comes, he would be able to recognize them and plan for MC's death. For the beauties outside the Sect, All he can do is wait for the yearly sect tournament.

Then he began to pay attention to their talking.

After some time, The elder said," Let us return now"

The elder and the boys went outside the mansion followed by the Han Family.

When they finally got outside, Su Ki was sad and happy at the same time for her sons. They were both going away but, to become strong. So she tearfully said her goodbye to them.

His father and sister also said goodbye to both of them.

Han Li smiled at them and also said "Goodbye".

The elder took out three swords from somewhere. He gave two to his disciples. The elder with his disciples then, proceeded to ride the sword. The swords slowly floated in the air. He was pretty amazed but not too much after all his weapon of choice was a gun not a sword.

He was suddenly interruped of his thoughts by his brother.

"What are you waiting for? Come stand beside me, and make sure to hold me tight."

He did as his brother instructed, and the sword too soon floated like that of the elder's. The elder said "Now let us go!". He along with the disciples became of light and quickly disappeared.

The Han brothers looked at their family and quickly said goodbye before they too flew off.

Han Li was holding tightly too his brother, So that he would not fall down. He looked at the surroundings and saw they were just a blur. He decided he needed to learn this. Even, if his main weapon was a gun, it was still hia last resort. he still needed some kind of weapon, So he chose a sword which was the kost common weapon for cultivators.

He asked his brother," Brother! When will I be able to learn this?"

Han Zi replied, "You will be eligible to learn this after you reach Foundation Establishment stage. It's a basic skill, So it should not be any trouble to learn this after you reach the Foundation establishment stage."

" But brother, weren't those two senior brothers flying in the sword too?"

"That is actually the elder's skill. He is controlling their sword along with his. It requires an advanced understanding of sword control technique to be able to control multiple swords."

"Oh, I see."

Soon they say three figures waiting for them.

"We are sorry for making you wait, Elder Zhan." said his brother while clasping his hands and bowing his head a bit.

"It's no big deal, You should take your time with departures." said the Elder.

Then without saying anything, all of them sped up, once again becoming a blur.

After a couple of hours of flying, they finally arrived at a majestic looking mountain. At the foot of mountain. There were many buildings. Mist likely a town or a small city

They passed through gates and long stairways of the mountain where many people were constantly entering and leaving.

After some more minutes of flying, thhey arrived at a relatively quiet place. It was the core area of the Xuan sect.

The elder then said, "We've finally returned. Han Zi! We should first report back to your master before showing your little brother the sect."

"I agree with you, Elder"

They walked for a couple of minutes. While walking, Han Li was amazed. This small area was already much bigger than The green ring city. Then they finally stopped. He looked at the front and saw a huge mansion. His brother told him, it was his master's abode meaning Xuan Sect's Grand elder's residence. Grand elder was the only other Gold core realm cultivator in Xuan Sect.

Han Li was a bit nervous about meeting a Gold Core realm expert. But he said to himself, there was nothing to be nervous about, and just like that they made their way to the huge door.

His brother kneeled and said,

"Master! I've returned. My little brother iis also with me right now."

"Grand elder! We have succesfully escorted Han Li safely, So We will take our leave now!" said Elder Zhan. Then he left along with his disciples.

" Han Zi, You and your little brother may enter!"

With that the huge door opened auromatically, and they both walked inside.


I was quite bored, So this chapter was probably worse than others

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