
Dante the immortal

A fan-fic for shadow slave Dante finishes his Trial and gets possessed by a Devil who pretends to be an echo. he makes a deal with Dante that if he helps the devil reach hell he will allow Dante to use his power and be an echo the main plot will be around Dante trying to reach hell and the other characters trying to get out of his influence and stop him

20OneAndOnly06 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

4: New powers

"Cursed rank? I remember Gale telling me about the ranks, and I don't recall a rank called cursed," I ponder, trying to recall what Gale had taught me. "Maybe I am just special," I muse inwardly, though the confusion persists.

Summoning the runes once more, I scrutinize the Aspect once more:

Aspect: [The underworld's master]

Aspect [Rank: Cursed]

Aspect Description: [You were once a faceless Doppelgänger, but now you are the master of the underworld. Did you replace the Devil? Or did he replace you?

You possess a strong aura and are immune to fire. You were born in it.

Embrace your new Face. Be the Master of Hell!]

I can't make heads or tails of it. "Master of Hell? Strong aura? Immune to fire? Embrace my new face? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? AAAAAHHHHHH!" I exclaim in utter confusion. It's all too overwhelming to comprehend.

There is still one more thing though.

Innate Ability: [The Master of contracts]

Ability Description: [The Devil knows his way with contracts. Fooling others is what gives him pleasure. You are the Devil now.

Create a contract with a creature and make them your pawn.

The worse the contract for the creature the more influence you have over them]

'This Ability could prove useful, especially when I enroll at the academy Gale mentioned.

If I get some pawns in there, that would've been perfect,' I think to myself. 'It's the end of October now, so if I wasn't in the trial for too long, I should be able to enroll in three to four days... with Andromeda.'

Amid my contemplations, the Spell speaks again:

[The First Seal is broken]

[Awakening dormant powers…]


"AGH!" I cry out, clutching my heart and nearly collapsing. The sensation is akin to a heart attack, but it's more than that. Every fiber of my being is undergoing a transformation. My bones crack and mend, muscle fibers tear and rebuild, and my body becomes substantially stronger. My emotions, feelings, and perception sharpen, and I sense something moving within me—a strange blob of darkness that engulfs my inner organs. My body grows even more robust. I feel as though I could outrun a car in a marathon.

A wave of heat courses through me, only to be swiftly replaced by an icy coldness. The places touched by both heat and cold become stronger and better. As it washes over my eyes, I see something—a boundless sea of black flames stretching out before me, with a crimson star in the sky. "It feels like I am in hell," I remark, touching the flames that reach my knees without getting burned. "But it's too beautiful to be hell."

I recognize this as the Sea of Soul, an experience Gale had described but which looks different from his accounts.

Surveying my surroundings, my eyes land on something undeniably chilling. Positioned just behind the crimson star, a colossal black orb looms, dwarfing the star's size by at least tenfold. The realization sends shivers down my spine.

"The Echo..." I remember, my skin prickling with goosebumps as I gaze upon this enigmatic presence.

As I extend my hand toward it, the Spell interjects and pulls me out of the Sea of Soul:

[Awakening Aspect Ability...]

Finally, I hope for something powerful or psychological—anything but a support ability that would let others outshine me.

[Aspect Ability acquired!]

[Aspect Ability Name: Abyssal Replica]

As the Spell's voice fades, I summon the runes once more, eager to explore my Aspect's description, but not before taking a quick look at the Echo slot.

Echoes: [The dark prince of the Underworld]

"Let's save the most interesting for later," I decide.

My eyes move down to the Aspect section.

Aspect Abilities: [Abyssal Replica]

Aspect Ability Description: [You can copy any move/action you see, replicating its power completely.

Slot 1: Empty

Slot 2: Empty]

"Interesting... I'll let Gale show me some moves so I can copy them," I plan as the Spell reaches out to me again:

[All power has a price.]

[You have received a Flaw.]

[Your Flaw is: Eternal Consequence]

Flaw Description: [You cannot die]

I stare at the description dumbfounded for a moment before erupting into hysterical laughter. "Flaw my ass," I mutter between laughs, tears forming in my eyes.

"Wonderful Flaw. Love it" I say as I calm down from laughing.

All of sudden the Spell speaks for the last time:

[Wake up, Dante!]


I slowly open my eyes, temporarily blinded by the light in my room before my vision readjusts. Before me is the sight of an angel, my loyal servant and dear friend, Andromeda. My head rests on her lap, and her raven hair cascades gently onto my forehead. Her hand runs through my golden hair as she focuses on the massive TV spanning the entire wall in front of my bed.

Studying her lovely face, I can't help but notice she has somehow grown even more beautiful, reaching a level of perfection that defies description.

"Hey there, Andromeda," I whisper, causing her to look down.

"Dante," she responds with her sweet voice, tears shimmering in her eyes. I reach out to her face, gently stroking her cheek. "You did it," I say, pleasantly surprised that she has completed her trial.

"And you too..." she murmurs, locking eyes with me, forging a deep connection.

Abruptly, the door bursts open, revealing Gale, great sword in hand. He shouts, "Dante! You little brat!" before erupting into hysterical laughter.

I sit up, and both Andromeda and I regard him with confusion. "You good?" I inquire.

Gale sheathes his sword and strides toward me. "I thought you'd turned into a damn Nightmare Creature cause of your presence! You gave me a heart attack," he exclaims, his laughter subsiding. "I told your little girl here not to stay with you until you were done with your trial, but birdy didn't wanna listen, no matter what I said."

Gale moves closer and pinches both Andromeda's and my ears, playfully scolding us. "Now, you both. There's a lot to discuss. Come on," he insists, leading us out of the room---

In the large hall Andromeda and I sit near each other on the couch opposite from Gale.

In a spacious hall, Andromeda and I sit together on a couch opposite Gale. "Now let's start. Andromeda, tell me about your abilities," he commands. She nods quietly and says, "My Ability gave me these bandages," summoning milky-white bandages that wrap around her forearms, extending down from her elbows. "I can control them as I wish, sharpen them on command, or make them as hard as metal chains," she explains in hushed tones. My spine shivers at the mention of chains, a vivid reminder of my Trial.

"That's all," she whispers.

Gale nods and remarks, "Alright, that's actually... not bad," showing his approval. Gale is a Master himself, so he knows what's good and useful and what's trash and useless

He turns his attention to me, grinning mischievously. "What about you, golden boy?" he asks, knowing full well that the nickname gets under my skin.

I return his gaze with a smirk. "I can copy 'any' move or action I see and replicate it with the same power. I have only two slots, though," I inform him, my excitement bubbling. "I'll need you to show me some of your attacks so I can replicate them, Gale." Before he can react, I drop another bombshell, "Oh, and I received an Echo," I add, a mischievous smile creeping over my face.

For a moment, Gale is left speechless, but then he bursts into laughter. "I always knew you were special, boy," he says between laughs, still calling me 'boy', even though he is only five or six years older than I. It's to emphasize the difference in our power dynamics.

Once he finally composes himself, he looks at me more seriously. "Can you summon it?" he asks, his curiosity piqued.

No. I am too scared. I am scared that what I summon will resemble the Devil from the Trial.

I wont be able to control it.

'But Gale is a Master. He can defeat it if something goes south. And I am interested myself.'

I nod and concentrate on the Runes of the Echo:

Echo: [The dark prince of the Underworld]

Echo Type: Devil

Echo core: Transcendent

Echo Attributes: [Devourer of Souls], [Lords of Flames], [Tough skin], [Mimicry], [Shapeshift]

Echo Description: [You are not worthy…]

'I am not worthy? What the hell does that even mean' I ask myself annoyingly.

Echo Attribute Description [Devourer of Souls]: [The dark Prince can consume souls of fallen enemies to gain strength or regenerate.

Souls consumed: 6666/10000]

'He can gain strength by defeating enemies? And I need more than three thousand? What the hell', I get more and more confused as I continue to read the Runes

Echo Attribute Description [Lords of Flames]: [The dark Prince is immune to any form of flames. Fire is under his command]

Echo Attribute Description [Tough skin]: [The dark Prince has high resistance to most damage types. Except for anything with Holy or Purifying capabilities]

Echo Attribute Description [Mimicry]: [The dark Prince gained this power from the one who he resides in. He can copy any move he sees]

Echo Attribute Description [Shapeshift]: [The dark Prince can change his form to whatever creature he has slain]

'What a powerful bastard'

Deciding to summon the Prince, I concentrate. The room darkens, and an oppressive darkness starts forming on the floor, eventually coalescing into a massive circle with a crimson pentagram.

From this abyss emerges a colossal arm that lands near me, followed by another equally immense arm on the opposite side.

'It really is him' I say horrified.

These limbs alone fill most of the room.

The muscles flex as a monstrous head emerges, measuring around 19 feet tall and triple that in length. The skull resembles that of a horse which I have seen in one of my books about history. It's adorned with massive, twisted horns, each larger than my entire body. Though I could potentially ride on this Devil's head, my concerns about controlling it outweigh any other thoughts.

The Devil's mouth brims with razor-sharp saber-like teeth, varying in length and orientation. "That's one ugly bastard," Gale remarks, craning his neck to examine the massive, dark, and rusty-furred head.

Wanting to address the creature, I summon my courage but suddenly the terrible hoarse voice sounds again, not just from the Devils mouth, but everywhere. The sound was coming from everywhere at the same time.

"You puny creatures like to summon me in tiny places don't you.", it said with a voice which send shivers down my spine.

I look it in the eyes and gather my courage, why should I be scared of something which belongs to me anyways.

"Why is it talking like that?" Gale inquires as he prepares to summon his weapon.

"I am the dark Prince. I can talk in whatever way I want", the voice says as the Devils crimson-black eyes aim at Gale.

Gale meets its gaze, his voice tinged with annoyance. "You are just an Echo..." he murmurs with a hint of anger.

"I allowed myself to become an Echo, you tiny creature," the Devil asserts, a third hand appearing from the portal and gripping the edge. The long nails threaten to pierce the marble floor.

"Maybe use [Shapeshift] and turn into something smaller?" I suggest, interrupting their conversation.

The Devil heeds my advice, melting and reforming into the shape of an average-built man in his mid-thirties, albeit with two massive horns on his head. He sports a black suit adorned with crimson stripes. "That's better," he says, brushing his rusty hair back and settling into the nearest leather chair.

Cutting straight to the chase, I ask the most pressing question. "Are you my Echo, and will you follow my commands? Or are you just inhabiting my body, deceiving the Spell into appearing as an Echo somehow?"

Leaning back in the chair with his feet on the wooden table, the Devil replies, "I am your Echo, but it's up to me whether I follow you or not, boyo," he says, picking his shark-like teeth with long nails. Gale stands ready, and I subtly signal him not to act rashly.

Before I can continue, the Devil vanishes, leaving only his voice behind. "I will do anything you command me, and I will even lend you my powers from time to time. If you promise me to deliver me to the underworld city—the place where you were in your Trial," the voice adds, stirring memories of the colossal medieval city I saw behind the massive window during the Trial.

"Not only that, but I need you to help me regather my strength. Can you promise me that?" it continues.

'Deliver him to the underworld city? So, basically, I need to go to hell and back? That's insane', I think to myself. 'But if I have such a powerful servant in my hands, it shouldn't be too hard. Or I could just use him to gain strength surpassing his.'

"I promise you to try" I say with confidence. I won't show him any weakness or fear. I am his master.

"I promise you to try," I assert with confidence, refusing to display weakness or fear. "Good enough," the voice says as a portal.

I look at the hand with confidence and shake it.