
Dante in DXD

I do not own anything that is copywrited that is included in this fan-fiction. I will try to either update somewhere between once a day and twice a week. Please for you critics out there don't hate post just because you don't like my writing. I am writing because I want to better myself not because I am a masochist that wants to beratted because his writing quality is subpar. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the novel, please keep in mind that my descriptive writing isn't the best so bear with me, also if you cant quite picture what I am writing about then you can probobly find some kind of picture of the caracter online. Also I ask that the readers know at least some of the Devil May Cry story along with some of Highschool DxD. Other than that I hope you can enjoy my story. There will be a harem, some willing, some not so much. But there will be one.

Scarlet_Slayer · Others
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39 Chs

Chapter 35

Dante: "God Damnit Kuroka! Why are you here?"

Kuroka seeing Dante step out of the portal stopped playing with herself and immediately tried to jump into his embrace…key word is tried. Seeing her jumping at him Dante side stepped her and put Byakko in his place. Seeing it to late to escape from Dante's trick Byakko covered her mouth with her tail and caught Kuroka with outstretched arms to prevent her from trying to kiss her. Kuroka not noticing the switch tried to kiss Byakko but only got a mouth full of fur, which seemed to bring her back to her senses.

Kuroka: "Nyaa! You're not Dante! Where is Dante?"

Dante: "I am over here Kuroka. Why are you here?"

Kuroka: "I came here to see you Dante"

Dante: "Why did you come to see me? If it is about a job you could have asked Byakko or Veronica if you needed assistance, I am too busy to entertain your brocon fantasies."

Kuroka: "Why is Dante being so mean to me Byakko?"

Byakko: "Probably because Dante got two hot maids and a girlfriend. And no, you are not either Kuroka."

Kuroka: "Who are these 3 bitches that dare to seduce my Dante! I will shred them too pieces!"

Dante: [punches Kuroka on her head] "You won't be shredding anyone, especially my girlfriend! I have told you a thousand times Kuroka, I have no romantic interest in either you or Byakko, you both are like my little siblings."

Kuroka: "Then we must taste the forbidden fruit nyaa!"

Dante: "We won't be tasting forbidden anything. I will ask again, why are you here? If you don't give me a proper answer, I will throw you through a portal to Siberia while making you wear a anti-magic collar."

Kuroka: "Ugh, fine. I was working a job for a group called Kaos Brigade to infiltrate Kouh Academy to spy on the little sisters of the Devil Kings. Then I heard a wonderful rumor about a new transfer student that matched your description and got in contact with Veronica to lead me to your current house."

Dante: "Veronica, why am I not surprised she ratted me out. Anyways, cancel your current contract. Kaos Brigade is a bunch of terrorists, not some wonton group of fanboys and finnatics. Most of them are either battle junkies or former royals on a ego trip about a throne that was never theirs in the first place."

Kuroka: "But won't canceling the contract look bad for DMC?"

Dante: "Nah, it'll be fine. By the way, who hired you? Give me a name or a description."

Kuroka: "It was a young man roughly 16 or 17 with white hair and ice-blue eyes with some sacred gear that gave him white and blue wings. I think he said his name was Vali, why do you know him?"

Dante: [Facepalm] "Why did that dumb bastard have to show up now of all times?"

Kuroka: "Do you know him nyaa?"

Dante: "Yes I know him, unfortunately…. his name is Vali Lucifer, the grandson of the second line of Lucifers' Sirzechs is the third line. He is also the wielder of the White Dragon Empress Ambion, the Vanishing Dragon. This going to be a pain in the ass, because I am in possession of Irene, he will use the bull-shit excuse that we are destined to fight to challenge me and in order to uphold Irene's reputation I will be forced to fight him. Ugh."

Kuroka: "Is he too strong for you to fight?"

Dante: "Hell No! He is just going to be a cockroach that will refuse to die, I guess I can end this in one go, when you go back tell Vali that the Red One challenges him to a duel on the name of our dragons and he will come to me. I will just kill him and be done with it, might take in Ambion just to prevent any future issues while I'm at it."

Irene: ["Oh hell NO! I am not going to live with that stuck up bitch! I don't care if you kill her wielder, but I am not living with her! No way. Now how!"]

Kuroka and Dante were somewhat surprised by Irene's declaration as she appeared as the boosted gear on his arm.

Dante: "Sorry Irene but I am not leaving the possibility that someone more powerful or more troublesome will collect the Divine Dividing Gear, do I will just take it. Who knows, maybe if you both live in my soul you two can finally end your childish dispute."

Irene: ["Hiass, fine. but only this one. No more dragons after her, I don't know if I could stay sane if there is more than just her."]

Dante: "Fine. Aurora head back downstairs and introduce Byakko to Asia and Adalynn and get her a room set up because she sure as hell isn't sleeping in my room, while you're down there tell Veronica to set up Kuroka's room at the Devil's Golden Crown, so she doesn't have to rent a room somewhere else."

Aurora: "Of course master."

Aurora and Byakko gladly left the room.

Kuroka: "Why are you setting up my room at the hotel?"

Dante: "Obviously because Byakko took the last open room and I don't trust you not to try and sleep with and or fuck me in my sleep, so I am making arrangements for your temporary stay in Kouh."

Kuroka: "But I want to stay with you!!!"

Dante: "It doesn't matter how much you try and seduce me, I will only ever see you and Byakko as my sisters and I have no interest in fucking my own sisters. So, I am removing the opportunity for you to be tempted to come to my room."

Kuroka: "But why does Byakko get to stay when I don't?"

Dante: "Because Byakko actually listens when I tell her to stay out and if she does enter my room, she stays in her cat form and doesn't try to jerk or suck me off."

Kuroka: "It's still not fair!!"

Dante: "No. Final answer, it is either stay in the hotel or I teleport you to your room in China and finish your contract for you via letter, take your pick."

Kuroka: [Flattens ears and droops ears in sadness] "Fine, I will stay in the hotel."

Dante: "Ok. Now then, come here."

Kuroka shyly shuffles forward with sad eyes that suddenly open wide in surprise as she feels a pair of familiar strong and warm arms wrap her into a deep hug.

Dante: "I missed you my little kitten."

Kuroka didn't say anything she just melted into Dante's arms and enjoyed the warmth.

I know it's just a bunch of talking but i'm still getting back into the groove of writing again, so here is what I have for now. Hope you guys like it. As for adding Kuroka to the Harem, still 50/50

Scarlet_Slayercreators' thoughts