
Dante in DXD

I do not own anything that is copywrited that is included in this fan-fiction. I will try to either update somewhere between once a day and twice a week. Please for you critics out there don't hate post just because you don't like my writing. I am writing because I want to better myself not because I am a masochist that wants to beratted because his writing quality is subpar. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the novel, please keep in mind that my descriptive writing isn't the best so bear with me, also if you cant quite picture what I am writing about then you can probobly find some kind of picture of the caracter online. Also I ask that the readers know at least some of the Devil May Cry story along with some of Highschool DxD. Other than that I hope you can enjoy my story. There will be a harem, some willing, some not so much. But there will be one.

Scarlet_Slayer · Others
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39 Chs

Chapter 26:

After breakfast he went to Akeno's house but when it was 10 minutes until first bell he called her to find out that she was already at school courtesy of Rias' magic. After hanging up he drove to school and walked in just as the bell went off.

After class he did the same as always and went to the ORC building and waited for Akeno to finish her club duties.

Rias: "Why did you help me?"

Dante looked at her and shrugged,

Dante: "You being married to Riser means he also owns your peerage and I don't plan to share my girlfriend with anyone let alone a lowlife fried chicken, so I killed him and ended it. Why, did you think I did it for you? Hahaha don't be serious, I don't date spoiled princesses with no drive to grow."

Akeno blushed at Dante's words while Rias was drowning in self-pity. Right before she could continue the rest of her peerage showed up. "Hello Koneko, Kiba." Dante greeted, but they only gave him a nod and sat down. Rias looked at Dante with a strong gaze as if she was trying to uncover all of his secrets. "I will ask again, Dante will you join my peerage?"

Dante: "Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you no? I reuse to serve someone weaker than me and you don't have enough pieces."

Rias: "What do you mean not enough pieces?"

Dante: "In case you weren't watching the match, or you just aren't smart enough to catch on I am a triple sacred gear user with all of them leaning towards the attribute to rule. I am unable to submit to anyone, even if your big brother Sirzechs showed up he wouldn't be able to make me join as my body and sacred gears would reject them."

Akeno: "Does that mean you can only take in a king piece?"

Dante: "I am unable to take in a normal king piece, it must be a red-class mutated king."

Rias: "What is a red-class mutated king?"

Dante "Ask your brother as I am not obliged to tell you, also if I do ever get my own set of pieces, I will probably take Akeno as I am capable of removing an evil piece without killing the owner or master."

Rias: "What! What do you mean you can remove the piece!?"

Dante massaged his temples and called out Yamato.

Dante: "This is Yamato, he is capable of many things including the ability to cut anything, whether it be man, devil, angel, or even gods, as you probably saw I can also cut through space and traverse through it. It also has the ability called 'cut man from devil' which can separate the different parts of a person, for example, I could cut Akeno with it and remove her evil queen piece, but if I cut her again it would split her body in half and separate her human half with her fallen angel half."

Rias/Akeno/Kiba/Koneko: "What!"

Rias: "So you could separate her human and fallen angel halves?"

Dante: "Yes but I won't do so."

Akeno: "Why? You know how much I hate being a fallen angel."

Dante: "It is because the weaker half would eventually die and only leave the stronger half which would be the fallen angel half, plus when you separate you wont just be one half is human one half fallen, it would be all the personality traits and abilities you gain from that half and as much as you hate to admit it your fallen half has helped your physic and magic from when you were a child even if you weren't aware of it. Do you understand?"

Akeno: *nods*

Rias: "But why do you plan to take my queen?"

Dante: "First she is my girlfriend and I plan to boost her prowess being my bishop as while a queen gives good all-round boost since Akeno is a magic based fighter the bishop piece would be better for her. Also, I don't like how you are wasting her talents by just lazing around instead of training your members properly. When was the last time you and all of your peerage members trained together for more than just a few hours?"

Rias: "I…I…We do train but individually. We still grow at our own pace."

Dante: "Pathetic. Kiba tell me, when was the last time you spared against another devil or being capable of matching your strength as a devil or was stronger?"

Kiba: "I am unable to remember, Rias-buchou always had me self-teach instead of sparing with the members of Lucifer-sama's peerage. She said it wasn't safe for me and that they could possibly kill me."

Dante shook his head.

Dante: "I see, if you wish to be properly trained ask Akeno for my number and I will give you some basics and spar with you. As for you Koneko, has Rias ever tried to help you master your senjutsu?"

Koneko: "No, but I didn't want to learn it because it is what made my sister go power hungry and kill her former master."

Dante: "Is that what they told you?"

Koneko: *nods* "Is that wrong?"

Dante: "It is indeed wrong, the complete opposite actually. Your sister's former master experimented on her to try and make an army of super devils using your sister's blood, and when he saw that her purity was declining from the experiments he was planning on using you in her place. Knowing this she lashed out and killed him, she left you because she knew that she would be hunted because of her actions. I spoke to Kuroka recently and the really misses you."

Koneko gasp and small tears start to fall out of her big blue eyes.

Koneko: "Big sis Kuroka really misses me Nya?"

Dante was surprised by her verbal tick because it is almost unbearably cute. Recomposing himself Dante nods.

Dante: "She does miss you and is sad that she had to leave you behind but ever since you came to the human world, she has been keeping tabs on you because she still loves you very much." Dante gives a smile and pats Koneko's head. After a few minutes she eventually sits in his lap and purrs while he scratches her head.

Dante: "Last but not least, Rias have you ever tried to help Akeno come to terms with her other half instead of trying to reject what she is? While it may be connected to her father that she despises it, being a half fallen doesn't define her, as her king you should be helping her grow and come to terms with herself instead of being a couch potato and letting her dwell on the matter. Stagnation is the start of failure, those that hesitate are doomed to fail."

Rias stutters trying to find some way to defend herself, but she is unable to refute Dante because he is right.

Dante: "But if I am being perfectly honest the most pathetic thing here is you Rias. You are a failure as a king, you know nothing of strategy, magic outside of your innate gifts, and you are the weakest member in your peerage physically or mentally. Answer me this, when was the last traumatic thing you had to experience. Koneko has her sister, Akeno has her father, Kiba has his past that I know he doesn't like mentioned, but when were you ever tested? When did you ever have to work for something?"

Rias: "I…I…I have worked. I couldn't have become a king without working." She answered with shaky confidence.

Dante: "Shakes head* You became a king because you were born a high-class devil, but your actual power is somewhere around a high-grade mid-class, and that is because if you went berserk your innate destruction powers would start to destroy indiscriminately. You have not practiced your powers since you were a child and were forced to, you never trained your body. You only have your looks because of your blood and devil traits, you didn't even keep in shape which is seen by the extra plump on your body. You are weak. If it wasn't for Akeno I would have left you to Riser because at lease he would have made you useful, or at least your peerage would be useful."

Rias is unable to speak because while every word Dante said stung it was the truth, Kiba was fast enough to kill her before she could react, Koneko could use her rook piece to tank her little magic prowess and kill her with brute strength, and finally Akeno. Akeno's magic reserves are so insane that it is almost impossible.

Dante: "Oh I almost forgot our dafnir friend that you keep locked away since you are too weak to resist his sacred gear. I actually feel bad for him, locked away all his life because he was considered a mistake and after he finds someone to give him a home they turn around and lock him away because they are too weak to help him. Truly pathetic."

Giving a large sigh, "Alright then. Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno will be going home with me today." Dante stated loudly.

Rias: "What are you doing to my peerage!?"

Dante shook his head,

Dante: "While you may be pathetic, I refuse to sit back and watch my girlfriend and her friends die for you because you don't help them improve. Since you won't do it, I will."

Rias looks at her peerage hoping to hind some kind of rebellion to Dante's hostile take-over, but she is disappointed because they all nod and give him thankful nods.

Dante: "Alright let's go." Not wanting to drive Dante cuts open a portal with Yamato and they all minus Rias walk through.

Once at Dante's house he is greeted by his maids Aurora and Adalynn, "Welcome home master! We see that you have guest so we will prepare some snacks quickly, where do you want us to bring them?" Dante gave a nod, "We will be in the training room, bring them there with cold water and towels." Both of the maid gives him a nod and head back into the kitchen. Glancing back, he sees that Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko are giving him strange looks. "Okay so I may have accidentally broken the minds of two fallen angels when my bloodline got a bit out of control and made them my maids, but they were given permission to leave but chose to stay. Akeno why are you giving me that look?" Akeno's cold but questioning gaze was making Dante sweat enough bullets to overload a fighter jet. "Ara, Ara, Dante-kun, we will have to have a thorough conversation about how you 'broke' them, but for now we need to go train." Dante quickly nods and heads to the training room.

Once there the three devils were surprised that the training room was massive. It was about the size of a pro football field. Going over to a small box on the wall he grabs three wrist bands, one he puts on himself and the others on Kiba and Koneko. Giving him questioning looks he says, "Those wristbands increase your personal gravity but because it is internal it will only affect you, after I turn them on you both will practice with x5 gravity. Kiba I want you to be able to do 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and a 50-mile run with this on. Koneko, I expect 500 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 500 crunches, and a 100-mile run from you. Akeno I will bring out your gear in a minute to increase your magic prowess I am going to have you wear a vest that will make you consume x10 as much magic as normal to not only increase your magic reserves but also decrease the amount of magic you will need to use." They all gave him horrified looks. Giving a sigh he clarifies, "I don't expect it to be perfected all at once, it will be a steady increase. Kiba and Koneko I will start you both at 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and a 2-mile run for now. Then we will move onto sparring after a 10-minute break. Akeno follow me because I doubt you want change in front of these two." With that Dante pressed a button their gauntlets and they both immediately fell to the floor thinking the same thing, 'how the hell are we supposed to move with this!' "Oh, my bad, it still on my personal setting of x500 gravity. Here we go, x5 for both of you." Both the rook and the knight looked at Dante like he was some kind of monster. Ignoring their looks, he tells them to get started as he takes Akeno to his room. "Here we go, this is my room, you can change in here, no one can get in here without my permission, not even my perverted uncle. I will go change and meet you back downstairs." Without another word Dante sets out the vest which looks like a jacket.

When Akeno changed and headed downstairs she found that Dante had went back down and had Kiba and Koneko change as well so they wouldn't mess up their uniforms before going to change himself. When Dante finally came down, he was in a form fitting sleeveless muscle shirt and pants along with some slip-on shoes. When Akeno sees him her lust almost exploded to the point where she wanted to ravish him then and there, seeing her gaze he gives a smirk. Looking back to Kiba and Koneko that are both sweating he ask, "Have you two finished already?" Kiba nods and so does Koneko, "Good. You two can take a small break while I help Akeno get started. *snaps fingers* Adalynn, please give our guest a towel each and some water." "Of course, master." Giving a nod he turns his attention to Akeno. "That vest like I said will double your magic consumption while I also will make you experience x2 gravity because while strong magic is a good plus it will only get you so far." When Akeno gives a nod, he uses a simple activation spell and Akeno immediately feels pressured. "Now I want you to make some strands of lightening in between your hands and practice not letting the sparks go anywhere until you have 5 lines of lightening between your fingers. Akeno, while it sounds easy remember that lightening is a wild element that doesn't like to be controlled so keep that in mind, to control lightening one mist first tame it." With a nod she sits down and starts to practice.

Returning to Kiba and Koneko he asks, "You two ready for spars?" they give him a confident nod. "Alright then, something else you two should know about, it is impossible to die as long as you are wearing that wristband in this room. I installed a time spell so that if anything happened to me while training it would revert my body back 15 seconds before death, so that means you need to come at me like you plan to kill me because I will be returning the sentiment. To even the playing field a bit I am under x470 gravity. Ready?" when they give a nervous nod, he gives them a smirk as he uses his doppelganger technique to make a copy of himself and rush the two devils. The Dante that rushed Kiba is using the Sword of the Wise and the one rushing Koneko is using Gilgamesh. When the first Dante gets within striking range Kiba uses his sacred gear Sword Birth to make a solid black blade and tries to clash with Dante but gets launched back because she strength difference. Kiba was momentarily shocked because even though his neck was snapped when he crashed into the wall, he was good as new before he could recognize he was even hurt, realizing that he really couldn't die his expression turned grim. Koneko wasn't fairing much better as Dante2 was repeatedly using his superior speed to strike from different angles.

Dante2: "Stop using your eyes and use your instincts or I am going to start breaking limbs instead of doing light jabs."

Koneko relented knowing that her eyes were useless, and she let her white cat ears and tail come out and closed her eyes. Dante just dashed around her a few times and decided to test her and sent a jab that she tried to avoid but was to slow to do so, but the point is that she knew it was coming.

Back to Dante1 and Kiba, Kiba was still getting his ass kicked because he wasn't used to fighting someone with both superior speed and strength.

Dante1: "Come on Kiba! I know you can do better, how do you plan to achieve your goals if you are this weak?" he goaded.

Kiba was breathing raggedly but hearing Dante he closed his eyes and instead of making a bunch of brittle swords he remade a solid silver sword that seemed more 'solid' than any before. Dante1 smiled, "Now we're talking! Show me what you've got!"

And like that Dante slowly trained them for the remainder of the day and let them stay the night since they were exhausted from the training.

The next morning Dante called Kiba and Koneko over, "Alright I know how I am going to start training you two. Kiba I am going to give you a set of different sword styles and I want you to study them before tonight, I want you to pick 3 out of the available 100. I will train you to the adept level in those three before I let you do the rest yourself while giving advice during spars. *Kiba nods* Koneko, I am going to call Koroka and have her teach you senjutsu and tenjutsu because they are not my strong suits, she will also be teaching you different martial arts so we can do something with that rook strength. *Koneko nods* Good, now I expect you both here every night at 5 p.m. on the dot because any later and I will send Nevan to drag you back via lightening whip, am I clear? *Both nod like chickens* Good."