
Chapter 49

The car comes to the house, the tall gates taking forever to open. All I want is to see that Jai's all right, be with him. I knew YuMing wouldn't accept this easily, but it never crossed my mind he'd be this vocal about opposing us. Thought he'd throw a bit of a tantrum but get round it soon enough, just telling me to be careful and not let this be known. Turns out he's far more prejudiced than I ever knew.

"Shi di," he murmurs. I pretend to ignore him. "Put an end to this. You're not this person, you're not this kind of man."

"What kind of man? Fuck you, YuMing, you don't even know who I am. I don't know who I am, because I sure am not who I thought myself to be all these years. For thirty-two years I've believed myself something I now realise I'm not. Just let me figure it out, okay? Let me live my life, let me live this. Try not to be so prejudiced."