
Danny Phantom: Afterlife

After saving the planet and revealing his identity to the world, Danny continues fighting ghosts and going to high school.

Larry_Moore_9883 · TV
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The next morning, Danny walks downstairs and sees Jazz working on her college essay.

"Hey Jazz, I thought you'd be at your dorm."

"Well, I was but dad thought a girl with green hair was a ghost and long story short, I'll be staying here for awhile."

Jack and Maddie walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, In my defense that girl was really pale. Besides, any ghost catcher could have made that mistake, right hunny?"

"Of course, dear." Maddie replies, kissing Jack on the cheek.

Danny then looks at the clock.

"I gotta run guys, Sam's probably waiting."

As he walks to the door, he realizes something.

"Oh wait, you guys know I'm Danny Phantom. Guess I don't need to sneak off anymore to do this."

Danny transforms into his ghost form.

"See you guys later."

He then flies off, phasing through the ceiling.

"Man, I'll never get used to that." Jack says.

As Danny flies through the city, he gets a lot of waves from people, sees posters of him, and even flies past one of his statues, smiling while doing so. He then makes it to Sam's front door and knocks, surprised when Sam's parents open the door.

"Oh, hi- Mr and Mrs. Manson. I'm uh- here to pick up- Sam." Danny says nervously.

He then realizes that he's still in his ghost form and awkwardly changes back to human, as the Manson's scowl at him.

"Sam! The- Fenton boy- is here!" Mrs. Manson says.

"I'm coming! Don't scare my boyfriend off!" Sam yells.

As they wait for Sam, her parents continue to scowl at Danny, making him feel tense. When Sam finally comes down, Danny is stunned by her new look. Her hair is long with purple highlights and eyeliner. He then smiles and blushes at her.

"Wow. I like what you did with your hair." He says.

Sam blushes, brushing her hair behind her ear.


Danny reaches out to her and Sam takes his hand. He then transforms into his ghost form again and picks her up off her feet, worrying her parents.

"Ready?" Danny asks.

"Always am."

They then fly off to school, as the Manson's look on in worry. Sam's grandma rolls outside beside them.

"I ship them." The elderly lady says.

Mr and Mrs Manson looks at her in confusion.

"What? It's what the young people say."

Danny and Sam soon land infront of Casper High, with smiles on their faces. As Danny shifts back to normal, Tucker comes up behind them and wraps his arms around them.

"You two ready for our last first day of high school?"

"Definitely. No more bullies, no more tests, no more detention." Danny says.

"No more pep rallies, no more perky cheerleaders, no more colorful school posters." Sam adds.

"No more gym class, no more high-school girls rejecting me." Tucker says.

"Yeah, now it'll be college girls rejecting you." Sam jokingly says.

"Haha, very funny. Man it's times like these I wish I was still the mayor, that way people wouldn't be able to make fun of me."

The three of them then walk through the doors of the school, ready to start the school year. When the students see Danny, they start to clap and cheer for him. Danny is surprised by this and waves at everyone as they walk to their lockers. Paulina looks over and sees Danny with Sam, then looks over at her Danny Phantom shrine and sighs in disappointment.

"Wow, I still can't believe that people know my secret. And that I'm famous now. It's kinda cool."

"Hey, what about me? I was mayor for like a week, where's my popularity boost."

Sam then points out one poster of Tucker, saying that he's the youngest mayor in history.

"Alright! Recognition!" Tucker cheers.

"Fenton!" Voice yells behind them.

Danny sighs.

"Looks like somethings never change." Danny says, as he turns around to see Dash.

"Hi Dash, how's it going?"

Dash walks up to Danny and puts his hands on his shoulders. He then looks at him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Fenton. For everything. I didn't know that you were actually Danny Phantom, my idol and hero. Can you ever forgive me? Please don't kick me out of your fan club." Dash pleads with him.

Danny is shocked.

"Wow, you're actually apologizing to me? Wait, I have a fan club?" Danny asks.

"This is pretty satisfying." Sam says with a smile.

"Yep." Tucker adds with a smile.

"I guess- I could- forgive and forget, just this once." Danny says.

Dash grabs him and pulls him in for a tight hug.

"Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." He says with a smile.

"Dash- Spine- crushing." Danny replies.

Dash realizes this and let's him go. He then leaves with a big smile on his face.

"Well, I guess things around here really have changed." Danny says to Sam and Tucker.

"Mr. Fenton." Another voice says behind him.

He turns around and sees Mr. Lancer.

"As much as I do appreciate your little, extra curricular activities, I hope you don't expect any free passes on your work in my class. I still expect the same thing I expect from all of my students." He says.

"Yes Sir, I promise things will be different this year." Danny says.

Mr. Lancer smiles.

"Good to hear."

At that moment, Danny's ghost sense goes off.

"Danny, what's wrong?" Sam asks.

"A ghost is near by, but I don't know where."

As Danny looks around, a green glowing arrow flies through the window and goes through his shoulder, causing him to scream out in pain. He drops to one knee and sees a hooded figure standing in a tree across the school.

"Danny!" Sam and Tucker yells.

"Robin Hood: Men In Tights! What was that?!" Mr. Lancer yells.

Danny pulls the arrow out of his shoulder, his blood dripping on the ground.

"Mr- Lancer. Evacuate- the school, now."

Lancer kneels down to Danny.

"But Mr. Fenton, you're injured."

"I'll be fine, just go, now!" Danny demands, eyes glowing green.

Lancer hesitates for a moment, then starts evacuating the school.

"I'm- Going- GHOST!"