
Danmachi x Konosuba : The Legend Of Aqua Familia

After defeating the Demon King, Kazuma decides to return to Japan. However, just as Aqua is about to send him home using a magic circle, Megumin and Darkness interfere, causing them to be thrown into the DanMachi world. Witness the legend of Aqua Familia in the city of Orario.

Kasumigaseki · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 17 : Rock, Paper, Scissor

[3rd Pov]

"Rock, paper, scissors? What kind of game is that?"

Loki wondered, having never heard of a game called rock, paper, scissors.

The gods and goddesses attending this special Denatus event were also confused. They had never heard of a game called rock, paper, scissors either.

After that, Aqua explained the rules of rock, paper, scissors to all the gods and goddesses present.

Rock-paper-scissors is a simple hand game usually played between two people. Each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with their hand: rock (a fist), paper (an open hand), or scissors (a fist with the index and middle fingers extended, forming a V). The outcome is determined by the rules: rock beats scissors (rock crushes scissors), scissors beats paper (scissors cuts paper), and paper beats rock (paper covers rock). If both players choose the same shape, the game is a tie.

The game of rock, paper, scissors would be played in three rounds. The person who wins two rounds first is declared the winner.

All the gods and goddesses who heard about this new game couldn't help but smile. They were very intrigued by how the game was played.

However, Loki didn't share the same enthusiasm as the others.

"Hey... Aqua, don't tell me you chose this game because you think your Familia members would lose in a direct fight against mine?"

Loki suspected this was a cheap trick Aqua used to avoid a direct confrontation. The first reason being that Aqua Familia only had three adventurers, and earlier Aqua had already said she would only send Kazuma alone.

Even though that wasn't the case.

In Aqua's mind, she simply couldn't think of any other game besides rock, paper, scissors.

That game had left a deep scar on her, especially after being beaten so badly by Kazuma. No matter how many times she played rock, paper, scissors with Kazuma, she always lost. Even when she used her blessing to boost her luck, she still ended up losing.

"Huh? What are you even saying, Loki? Don't tell me you're sleep-talking? PFFFTT!"

Aqua laughed mockingly in her signature way.

She laughed while covering her wide-open mouth with one hand, and the other hand was holding her stomach.

"Have you already forgotten that my Kazuma has beaten three of your adventurers?"


"Do you want your adventurers to go through the same embarrassment like the other day?"


Loki was furious at Aqua's laughter. Anyone in Loki's position would realize just how infuriating it was to be mocked and laughed at by Aqua.

"Well, well, everyone, may I offer my opinion?"

A gray-haired goddess interrupted the conversation among the gods and goddesses, addressing Loki directly. Her name was Freya. She possessed unparalleled beauty and had a charm ability that could enchant not only humans but also gods and goddesses alike.

When she spoke, all the gods and goddesses fell silent and turned to look at Freya.

All the male gods who saw her immediately exclaimed "oooff," their faces turning red as they placed one hand on their heads, bowing slightly.

They showed that they were willing to listen to Freya's opinion.

"Although this game of rock, paper, scissors isn't like the usual War Games that involve violence, But isn't it interesting? This will be the first time a War Game is held without shedding a drop of blood. While I do enjoy watching battles, I don't dislike games like this either."

"That's right, what Freya said is true!!"

"Exactly, exactly! Loki, don't tell me you're afraid to fight Aqua Familia!!"

"Loki, you should just accept the challenge!"

All the gods and goddesses, enchanted by Freya's charm, urged Loki to accept the game. Even those who were not affected by her charm continued to pressure Loki, hoping they would take this opportunity to get closer to Freya.

"Besides, Aqua Familia already said they would only send one person, while Loki Familia can send as many as they want."

"Loki, don't tell me you're going to be a coward now that you have the strongest Familia in Orario?"


"So, Loki, do you agree to the game suggested by Aqua Familia?"

Freya asked Loki directly with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Tch, fine! I'll accept it. I'm not afraid of this game!"

Loki replied to Freya's question with complete confidence.

"Then, may I suggest an addition to make this game more interesting?"

"Hoooo... go ahead and say it."

Loki narrowed her already slanted eyes, looking at Freya with a cautious yet curious expression.

"Since Aqua Familia is only sending one person while Loki Familia can send all its members, how about we add a wager of 10 million valis for each round? So for every round your adventurer from Loki Familia loses, you will have to pay 10 million valis."

"That's a great idea! I totally agree!! If you want, Loki Familia only have to defeat Kazuma in one round!"

Aqua immediately got excited upon hearing Freya's suggestion. She nearly hit her own head, wondering why she hadn't thought of this from the start.

"Are you insane? We only need to defeat you in one round?"

Loki was shocked to hear Aqua propose an even crazier suggestion. At this point, she couldn't tell if the goddess in front of her was crazy or foolish.

"Of course, you can send all your adventurers. If that's not enough, you can borrow adventurers from other Familias."

"Haahh... well, in that case, I'll accept your challenge!"

Once both Familias agreed on the wager and the type of War Game they would play, the next step was to determine the location and time for the event.

Ganesha, acting as the MC for the event, suggested that the War Game be held tomorrow at the Colosseum.

The reason Ganesha suggested this was that there was an event called Monsterphilia taking place at the Colosseum tomorrow as well.

All the gods and goddesses agreed with Ganesha's suggestion. With this, the special Denatus event came to a close, having made several decisions.

One: The type of game for the War Game between Loki Familia and Aqua Familia is "Rock, Paper, Scissors."

Two: If Loki Familia wins, they will obtain Satou Kazuma, while if Aqua Familia wins, they will receive Twilight Manor.

Three: Aqua Familia will only send one participant, namely Satou Kazuma, while Loki Familia can send as many participants as they wish.

Four: Aqua Familia will lose the War Game if Satou Kazuma loses just one round, while Loki Familia will lose when they run out of participants.

Five: Each participant from Loki Familia can play for three rounds, and Each time Loki Familia loses a round, they must pay 10 million Valis.

Six: The War Game will be held tomorrow before Monsterphilia, while the Monsterphilia event will be postponed by one day.

As there were no important matters left to discuss, the Denatus event was quickly concluded, and all the gods and goddesses returned to their respective homes.

It didn't take long for news of the War Game to spread throughout Orario in just a matter of hours.

All the adventurers in the city of Orario couldn't wait for the War Game to take place the next day.

Various opinions emerged about Aqua Familia, but four opinions stood out the most among the adventurers:

"Foolish, Crazy, Arrogant, and Overconfident."

The adventurers couldn't believe the rules of the War Game between Aqua Familia and Loki Familia.

Although the stakes for Loki Familia were more valuable than those for Aqua Familia, the rules of the War Game clearly favored Loki Familia.

Only a madman would think Aqua Familia could win this War Game.




In a guest room,

Kazuma paced back and forth, holding his head.

Right now, he was anxiously waiting for the results of the Denatus.

He was very worried that Aqua would make the War Game even more difficult for him.

"Kazuma! why don't you just sit down and wait quietly for Aqua to come back?"

Megumin snapped at Kazuma, unable to tolerate his restless pacing. Darkness stepped in beside Megumin to help calm him down.

"That's right, Kazuma. Just trust Aqua for this time. You know. sometimes she's the most reliable member of our party in unexpected situations."

"I know that... but still, I can't help but worry. We never know what's going on in Aqua's mind."


The sound of the door swung open loudly from outside.

"I'm back!!"

Aqua pushed the door open, a big smile on her face.

"Kazuma, Kazuma, listen to this! I have good news!"

"What is it? Is it about the War Game?"

"Oh, of course! If you promise to call me with the -san honorific, then I'll tell you."

Aqua said to Kazuma in a slightly smug tone. Even Kazuma, who was used to Aqua's behavior, still felt irritated by her.

"Oi... oi, don't joke around and just tell me already!"

Kazuma, feeling frustrated, grabbed Aqua by the shoulders and shook her, urging her to quickly share the important news about the War Game.

"Wait, Kazuma! Why are you being so rough? Let me go!"

"Then hurry up and tell me!"

"Alright, alright, but let me go first!"

Kazuma released his grip on Aqua and listened to her explanation.

"The War Game between Our Familia and Loki Familia is Rock, Paper, Scissors"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, you say...?"

Kazuma then released Aqua's hands, staring at her with a look of fear.

He jumped back, drawing his short sword called Chuncunmaru and pointing it at Aqua.

"Who are you??? Are you really Aqua? There's no way Aqua could be this smart!!"

Kazuma couldn't believe what he had just heard. Aqua had managed to convince the gods and goddesses to agree to do this funny game. On top of that, she chose Kazuma's favorite game, in which he had only ever lost once in his life to the Goddess of Luck, Eris.

"How rude! Of course, it's me, the real Aqua!"

"Then you better explain everything that happened at the Denatus. I can't believe you pulled all this off by yourself."

Then, Aqua detailed everything that had happened at the Denatus from start to finish. Although Aqua didn't know why everything went so smoothly, Kazuma, being the clever one, quickly noticed something.

'I see, the key here is the goddess named Freya. She just said a little something, and all the gods and goddesses there immediately agreed. She seems like a formidable goddess. I need to be careful when I meet her.'

After Kazuma realized who was behind all this, he sheathed his sword again, believing that the Aqua in front of him was indeed the real Aqua.

"Aqua, it turns out that even though you're an idiot, you can be reliable too. I misjudged you."

"That's right! If you know that, hurry up and thank me, and call me with the -san honorific every day!!"

"Aqua-sama, Aqua-sama, thank you so much!!"

Kazuma, without hesitation, immediately called Aqua with the -sama suffix. He also knelt down and held Aqua's legs while thanking her.

Overwhelmed by emotion at seeing this reliable Aqua, he deliberately let tears and snot flow and wiped them on her legs.

"Wait, you don't have to kneel and hold my legs like that!"

"Aqua-sama, Aqua-sama, thank you so much!!"

"Eww, you're disgusting! Don't touch me!!"


Aqua mercilessly hit Kazuma, who had wiped his snot on her legs.

Kazuma was sent flying by Aqua's punch, crashing into the wall of the inn. Shortly after that, he lost consciousness.




[Freya's POV]

My name is Freya, and I am the goddess of beauty.

I possess the ability to see souls—more specifically, the color and brilliance of souls.

Every living being has a soul, which serves as their identity.

A soul is akin to a mirror.

A mirror cannot lie.

It reflects whatever is in front of it.

Similarly, a soul's form, color, and brilliance reveal the true identity of the living being.

In fact, a soul can reflect aspects that the owner may not even be aware of.

A few days ago, I discovered a soul that was exceptionally pure and transparent. He is the one I have been searching for all along—my soulmate, my destiny, and my husband, Bell Cranel.

He is kind-hearted and innocent.

When I saw him with Satou Kazuma, I became worried that he would have a negative influence on Bell. To be honest, I don't like him.

Satou Kazuma is an ordinary human. Especially when it comes to the color of his soul, I've seen countless souls like his to the point of boredom. His soul isn't as pure and transparent as Bell's, but it's also not tainted like those of criminals.

The color of his soul is in the shades of gray.

This isn't my favorite color. It signifies that Satou Kazuma isn't a good person, but he isn't evil either. If I had to find the right words to represent him, 'morally gray' would be the most accurate description.

But that's not the most important thing; what truly matters is that his soul is filled with cracks. It's as if his soul has been shattered repeatedly and forced to be pieced back together. Just like a broken glass, no matter how long you try to mend it, the cracks will never disappear.

In the cracks, there is something hidden; I can see traces of luck. Satou Kazuma possesses a high level of luck, just one tier below the Goddess of Luck.

Although I don't like him, he stood up for Bell, who was humiliated and insulted in public, even willing to become an enemy of Loki Familia.

With his incredibly high luck, I am confident he won't have any issues winning the Rock, Paper, Scissors game suggested by Aqua.

Furthermore, it seems Aqua also knows that Kazuma has such high luck.

"Ottar, do you think Aqua Familia can win against Loki Familia in the War Game tomorrow?"

I asked Ottar, the young boy I adopted and raised to this size. He is the most reliable member of Freya Familia.

"Impossible, Freya-sama. Loki Familia has fifty high-level adventurers. The chance of Satou Kazuma winning against 50 people is nearly 0%

"So you think like everyone else, but I don't see it that way. He will win for sure"

For this time only, I will help him.

Satou Kazuma... I hope you can provide me with the best entertainment.

(To Be Continued)


Fun Fact:

Let's calculate Kazuma's chances of winning if he has to face 50 people, with each person having the opportunity to play 3 rounds.

- First, the chance of winning in rock-paper-scissors in one round is 1/3.

- If Kazuma wants to win 3 rounds against one person, his chance of winning is (1/3)^3 = 1/27

- Meanwhile, if he wants to win all rounds against 50 people, his chance of winning is (1/27)^50 = 2.70 x 10^-72

- Finally, the last step is to convert that decimal number into a percentage 2.70 x 10^-72 x 100% = 2.70×10^−70%

So the chance of Kazuma winning the War Game is 2.70×10^−70%

*By the way, Correct me If I'm wrong, I'm still learning math.