

ex-collage student transmigrated into danmachi world as bell with yuno template from black clover caution bad grammar will update the story if i have 10 chapter

faiz_mumtaz · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 1(home work need to rewrite)(fixing grammar)

i'm just fixing the grammar. still not done rewriting. and this is done by AI so i'm still not finished editing yet.


"One year had passed since Bell found the book, and the challenges he faced had only grown more intense. In the midst of a desperate escape from a pack of kobolds, Bell cried out for his grandfather's help, questioning why he had been thrown into such a dangerous situation.

As Bell continued running through the woods, a distant old man watched the scene unfold. "Gahaha, Bell! You need to defeat them! Isn't it your dream to become an adventurer?" the old man yelled.

Bell, exhausted and overwhelmed, shouted back at the old man, "How am I supposed to defeat them? I can handle one, but ten is too much!" He tightly gripped the short sword in his right hand, realizing that fighting them head-on was not a viable option.

Suddenly, one of the kobolds lunged towards Bell, but he managed to dodge the attack with a nimble jump. Gasping for breath, he tried to calm himself down amidst the chaos. "How am I supposed to stay calm in this situation?" he questioned, desperately seeking guidance.

Remembering the system he had discovered in the book, Bell requested an update on his progress. "System, show me my progress," he pleaded.

The system responded, "[AFFIRMATIVE]. [YUNO TEMPLATE: (PROGRESS 12%)/(30% SEALED)]."

Sighing in disappointment, Bell realized that his body was not yet mature enough to utilize the grimoire effectively. Frustrated but determined, he decided to try a different approach. He focused his mana and channeled it into his left hand, shouting, "Wind Magic: Great Tornado!" Bell leaped into the air and swiftly turned back, pointing his hand towards the pack of kobolds. However, instead of the magnificent tornado he had envisioned, a small palm-sized tornado formed. Both Bell and the kobolds were momentarily stunned before resuming their chase through the woods.

In the midst of the chase, Bell cried out to his grandfather for help. "Grandpa, I'll do anything! Just help me!" he pleaded.

"Gahaha, alright! I'll give you a hint, but you'll have to do laundry for a month," Zeus shouted back from a distance.

"Fine! I'll do it, just help me now!" Bell desperately agreed.

"Sharpness of the sword," Zeus yelled, providing a hint that left Bell deep in thought.

Realizing the significance of his sword's sharpness, Bell slapped his forehead, berating himself for not realizing it sooner. "Of course, why didn't I see it?" he muttered.

With renewed determination, Bell focused his magic on his sword, enchanting it with wind magic to enhance its sharpness and cutting power. "Now I've coated the sword with magic, increasing its sharpness and attack strength," Bell marveled at the sensation.

As he continued running, two kobolds closed in on him with incredible speed. Bell swiftly slashed his sword, successfully defeating them. "That's two," he counted.

In the heat of battle, Bell's arm and back were wounded by the slashing attacks of two more kobolds. Grunting in pain, he reminded himself to stay focused. He concentrated his magic on his sword once again, this time adding wind magic to the mix. "It's successful, but maintaining the shape is challenging," Bell acknowledged.

Exhausted and fed up with running, Bell mustered his courage and shouted, "I'm tired of running! Come at me, you bunch of dogs!" With a war cry, he unleashed a series of slashes, taking down several more kobolds.

However, the remaining kobolds tried to surround Bell from all angles, frustrating him. In a moment of inspiration, he formulated a new plan. Concentrating all his mana into the sword, it began to emit a vibrant green light. Bell swiftly swung the sword to the left and then behind his back, positioning his body on his left foot. With a powerful spin to the left, he unleashed a devastating attack, simultaneously swinging his sword and shouting, "Wind Magic: Spiral Sword Movement!" The magic-infused sword released a ring-like wave, damaging all the remaining kobolds within its range.

Panting heavily, Bell took a moment to catch his breath. "Phew... Almost all of my mana is depleted, but I'm happy with this progress after a year of training," he reflected, gazing at the disintegrated kobold bodies. He collected the stone-like crystals left behind by the defeated kobolds and stored them in his pockets.

Bell's gaze turned westward as he called out to his grandfather, "Grandpa, I've finished them all!"

"Gahaha! Not bad, kid. Come here, let's have lunch," Zeus shouted from afar.

Zeus couldn't help but marvel at Bell's ability to devise techniques in the heat of battle. He imagined the potential of his grandson, even without a Falna. "I can't help but envision Bell with a Falna. Hahaha, this kid will surely surpass the strongest adventurers or even become a hero himself," Zeus thought, grinning.

Zeus recalled a conversation they had earlier about Bell's weapon preferences. Bell had surprised him by choosing three main weapons and two secondary weapons.

In a flashback at Zeus' house, he asked Bell, "As an adventurer, you need a weapon. So, tell me, what weapon do you want to use?"

Initially considering a sword or spear, Bell had changed his mind. "I want to learn sword, spear, dagger, and bow," he had answered, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Zeus furrowed his brow upon hearing Bell's ambitious choice. "Bell, you know that mastering a single weapon takes years, right?" he said, staring at his somewhat naive grandson.

Bell pouted and protested, "But I want to learn all of them!"

Sighing, Zeus explained, "I have no problem with you learning both the sword and dagger since they share similarities. However, you must choose between the spear and bow. Once you choose one, you cannot learn the other."

Bell, determined to pursue his desires, insisted, "I want to learn all of them!"

Zeus couldn't help but develop a headache, contemplating how his grandson planned to learn four different weapons. "I need to find that ring quickly. There must be an item that allows instant weapon mastery," Zeus thought.

He then presented Bell with a condition, drawing a ring on a piece of paper. "Take a look at this ring. If you can find it within this house, I will consider your demand. But first, you need to learn how to use the sword or dagger, alright?" Zeus explained to Bell.

{back at present}

Zeus saw his grandson coming close to him.

'what monster, he learn dagger mastery in just 5 month and now he is training with the sword. Dagger mastery you can learn it in about a year but this kid learn it less than half a year. But the ring where I put that ring'. Zeus thought while seeing his grandson.

As Bell approached his grandfather, a wide smile spread across his face. Sweat glistened on his brow, evidence of his intense training session. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and looked at Zeus expectantly.

"Grandpa, did you see that? I'm getting better with the sword, right?" Bell asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

Zeus chuckled and ruffled Bell's hair affectionately. "Yes, Bell, you're improving at an incredible rate. I'm amazed at your dedication and talent," he praised.

Bell's smile widened, his chest swelling with pride. "Thanks, Grandpa! I'm working really hard to become a great adventurer, just like you."

Zeus's mind, however, was preoccupied with his earlier thoughts. He tried to recall where he had put the ring he had drawn on the piece of paper. Realizing he had misplaced it, he felt a pang of frustration.

"Ah, Bell, about that ring I mentioned before," Zeus started, scratching his head. "I seem to have misplaced it. I apologize, but I'll keep searching for it. In the meantime, continue training with the sword and dagger."

Bell's face fell slightly, but he quickly recovered. "That's okay, Grandpa. I'm in no rush. I'll keep practicing with the sword and dagger, and maybe one day, I'll find that ring myself."

Zeus smiled at Bell's determination. "That's the spirit, Bell. Keep pushing yourself, and remember, becoming a great adventurer takes time and perseverance. Don't be discouraged by setbacks."

Bell nodded, his resolve strengthened. "I won't give up, Grandpa. I'll work hard every day to improve."

Pleased with Bell's response, Zeus patted his shoulder. "I have no doubt that you will, Bell. Just keep at it, and one day, you'll achieve great things."

With renewed determination, Bell bid his grandfather farewell and headed back to his training area. He knew that the path to becoming an exceptional adventurer would be challenging, but he was ready to face any obstacle that came his way.

Meanwhile, Zeus continued his search for the misplaced ring, hoping to find it soon and fulfill his promise to his determined grandson. He knew that with the right tools and guidance, Bell's potential would be limitless.


Chapter 1

{ timeline 1 year after bell found the book }

"GRANDPAA…, HELPPPP!!". Shout someone who is running from a pack of kabolds. "WHY YOU THROWN ME TO THEM". Shout the kid again running to save his life "hah…hah..hah..". the kid look tired but need to run. He is running in the woods. Although he has a short sword at his right hand. There no way he can fight them face to face.

And there some old man who is watching from far away." GAHAHAHA BELL, YOU NEED TO DEFEAT THEM. YOUR DREAM TO BECAME ADVENTURE RIGHT?". YELL'S OLD MAN.

"HAH.. HOW SUPPOSED I DEFEAT THEM? I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH ONE BUT TEN IS TOO MUCH". The boy named Bell shout at the oldman while running. Then one of the kabold try to attack Bell.



'shit'. Bell dodge the attack by jump zig zag while running. 'okay calm down, focus focus'. Bell take a deep breath then" HOW SUPPOSED I CAN CALM DOWN BY THIS SITUATION". Bell shouting while running.' System show me my progress'



'Sigh, just cause my body still no mature enough I can't use the grimore'. Bell deadpanned look at his progress. 'Alright lets try this'. Bell focusing mana in his body. "NOW WIND MAGIC: GREAT TORNADO". Bell shout his voice and jump, then turn back quickly. Pointing his left hand to the pack then a tornado forming in his hand. Bell who is the caster blinked several time for a second ' what…' Bell saw his magic that supposed to be magnificent turn out to be a mini tornado at palm sized. "WHYYYYY.." Bell and the kabold stunned for a second then they going again running in the woods.

"GRANDPAA!!! HELPP". Shout Bell who is running who now is crying no because he is in danger but how weak his magic is.

"BELL I WILL GIVE YOU A HINT, BUT YOU NEED TO DO LAUNDRY FOR 1 MONTH". Bell grandpa said while yelling far away.

"tch, ALRIGHT I WILL DO IT, JUST HELP ME HERE". Bell who is desperate because he need his grandpa now.


'sword? Sharpness?...' Bell thought

'ah.. how can I not realize it'. Bell who is now know the answer how the beat the kabolds.

'I have my sword and with my wind magic enchant to the sword making the sharpness that can cut boulder like butter'. Bell facepalmed him self for not notice the simple use of magic.

"Alright, lets do this". Bell eyes shown determined will

For a second time he focused his magic to his sword.' Now I already coated the sword with magic, even with this the sword sharpness and attack are increased'. Bell astonished what he feel. 'hmm, let's move on the next stage'. While thinking two kabolds are chasing with incredible speed.



'!! UGH'. Bell arm and back get slash by kabolds. "OUCH, THAT HURTS YOU BASTARD". Bell get angry at the kabolds

'focus I need to focus'. Now Bell focusing his magic on his sword adding wind magic. 'its success but its hard to maintaining the shape'


*SLASH "THAT ONE". Bell counting.






The remaining kabolds try to surrounding Bell from all angle. 'this frustrating. Hmm let's try that'. Bell quikly thinking a next move.

Then he focused all his mana to the sword as the sword shining light green. He take his sword to the left and then to his back. With his stance on his overweight his body on his left foot. His upper body spin to the left. Then with the momentum he release it and cause his all his body to spin to the right with strong force. While the body spinning he also swing his sword that coated with his wind magic the he shout. " WIND MAGIC: SPIRAL SWORD MOVEMENT". Bell shouted the name of his move. All bring that together the magic on his sword release a magic that look like a wind cutter. This move cause area damage 360 degrees like a ring that attack the rest of the kabolds.

"huff.. huf.." *taking a deep breath then let out

"huf.. ahaha, well that move really take almost all my mana but I'm happy with this development 1 year of training paid off". Bell then look at the body of 10 kabolds that chasing him disintegrated into nothing but left with stone crystal like. With Bell take all the stone and store it into his pockets.

Bell eyes point to west." GRANDPA I'M FINISHED THEM ALL ". HE SHOUTING.


'that kid really make a technique at time like that and the development is rather fast for someone who doesn't have falna'. Zeus say what in his thought then grinned

' I'm now imagine him having falna later. Hahaha well this kid will sure surpass all the strongest adventure or maybe a hero its self.' Zeus thought while grinning.

Zeus who is waiting for his grandson. ' but last time I ask Bell what weapon he would use. At my surprise he chose 3 weapon as his main weapon and 2 secondary weapon'. Zeus laugh at him when he heard what he want to use that time.

{flash back}

{Zeus house}

" Bell as an adventure you need a weapon. So mind tell me what weapon you want to use". Zeus asked Bell.

"I'm thinking about sword or spear at first but now I want to learn sword , spear, dagger, and bow". Bell smilled at his grandpa.

Hearing this Zeus has line on his forhead.

" Bell you know one person to mastery a weapon take a years". Zeus stare at his grandson stupidity.

"eh but I want to learn all of then". Bell pouted and protest to his grandpa.

"sigh… well I have no problem with you want to learn both dagger and sword because it has the similar treat but for spear and bow you need to chose one of them and if you chose one of them you cannot learn another". Zeus explain to his grandson.

"I want to learn all of THEM". Bell being stubborn.

Zeus had headache how his grandson want to learn 4 different weapon.

' I need to find the ring faster if its going like this. There should be an item that can learn weapon instanly'. Zeus thought.

"Alright but in one condition". Zeus pointing his finger at Bell.

" what is it?". Bell have a star in his eyes.

Zeus take a pen and a paper then start drawing something there and writing on the paper.

"take a look this ring. If you can find this ring in this house I will consider your demand and first you need to learn how to use sword first or dagger okay." Zeus said this to bell

" sure LETS TRAIN NOW COME ON". Bell shout and run to the backyard.

Zeus follow his grandson. And at the backyard

" Bell I will tell you if you can't mastery you sword or dagger in one year. You can forget about spear and bow." Zeus threatening Bell

" WHAT..but-". Bell want to say something but Zeus interfere "no buts. Now START TRAINING AND PICK YOUR SWORD".

'*snorted lets see if my grandson can mastery the sword in one year that usually take more than 3 years even if you're genius'. Zeus thought and with that Bell start training.

{back at present}

Zeus saw his grandson coming close to him.

'what monster, he learn dagger mastery in just 5 month and now he is training with the sword. Dagger mastery you can learn it in about a year but this kid learn it less than half a year. But the ring where I put that ring'. Zeus thought while seeing his grandson.


Hello author here sorry for the late update. i kinda forget.

for your information Bell Cranel image is like the original but... yes.

and yeah the ring is like a ring storage in cultivation story.

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