
Danmachi: The White Heron Princess

After a fatal hit-and-run accident, Hiroki Yamamoto, a diligent university student, is granted a second chance at life, but in an unexpected twist. He finds himself reincarnated as a noble girl in the fantastical world of Danmachi, where God and Goddess walk among men.

TempestNotion · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

The Receiving End of a Tragedy

[Third POV, a few hours ago]

Somewhere within the Far East, amidst the turmoil of war between Gods and Monsters, the Thunder Goddess, Raiden, stood as a beacon of hope for her allies. Her mere presence sent shivers down the enemies' spines, her strong influence reigning supreme on the battlefield.

Later, as the monsters' attacks momentarily ceased, the gods convened to plan their next move. Kujo Sara, a captain, briefed the troops about the current situation, outlining the path to victory.

"Excellent work, men. It seems that the recent wave of monsters has been neutralized. If this continues, victory will be within our grasp. Is that understood?"

"Affirmative, captain."

Meanwhile, Raiden observed the operations with a keen eye, ensuring that every move was strategic and every decision well-made. However, a nagging thought kept on bothering her throughout the war—an intuition that something was amiss.

"Oh my, why the long face, Your Excellency? Is something the matter?"

A playful inquiry broke the silence, as Yae Miko, the shrewd kitsune shrine maiden, glanced at Raiden, searching for answers in the Thunder goddess' singular functioning eye. Sighing wearily, the deity stared at the distance before responding to the question.

"No, it's nothing. Just a peculiar feeling."

"And what would that be?"

Miko pressed for more information, her curiosity piqued by Raiden's cryptic demeanor.

"It's difficult to explain... But I felt a disturbance within the uncertainty."

Her ambiguous words hung in the air, casting a shadow over the battlefield even as the gods prepared for their next confrontation.

"Captain Sara, we have an emergency!"

Just then, a troop suddenly emerged, rushing toward the Tengu captain to report a piece of information. This caught the attention of Raiden and Miko, who were curious about what was going on. Thus, they approach the group and the deity asks some questions.

"What's going on here?" 

Seeing the Thunder goddess, Sara briefed her on the report.

"Your Excellency, we've just received a distress call from the Gonjourno Clan. They said they were attacked by a group of assassins. Not only that, but they also saw a huge barrier being erected at the neighboring estate, which belongs to the Kamisato Clan."

Raiden's expression turned grave as she absorbed the news, her instincts telling her that this was more than just a simple skirmish.

"We should investigate immediately. Sara, gather our forces. We cannot afford to overlook this threat."

Sara's eyes widened in surprise, momentarily considering the implications.

"But Your Excellency, what about the war?"

"We'll worry about that later. For now, we should prioritize the task at hand."

Hearing the deity's resolute response, Sara had no choice but to comply. 

"As you command, Your Excellency."

With determination in their hearts, Raiden and her allies prepared to face whatever danger lay ahead, their duty to protect the innocent driving them forward into the unknown.


Arriving at the Gonjourno estate, Raiden and her Familia were greeted by a scene of utter devastation. The whole area was lay in ruins, its structures burned and crumbling, evidence of a brutal attack. Pillars of smoke rose into the night sky, mingling with the cries of chaos and despair.

Surveying the destruction before them, Raiden and her companions felt a pang of sorrow and anger at the sight of innocent lives torn apart by senseless violence. Resolved to bring justice to those responsible, the deity swiftly issued orders to her comrades.

"Sara, instruct our troops to apprehend those assailants."

"Understood," Sara responded, her voice firm as she relayed the orders to the troops, who moved with the purpose of carrying out their captain's command.

Turning to Miko, Raiden's gaze softened as she entrusted her with a crucial task.

"Miko, focus on rescuing the residents. Their safety is our top priority."

"Leave it to me," Miko replied with a confident grin, her determination shining through as she prepared to lend aid to those in need.

With their roles assigned, the Familia sprang into action, each member dedicated to restoring order and bringing hope to the residence.

During their efforts, a young girl approached Raiden with urgency and misery etched into her features. The goddess noticed her distress and gently confronted her.

"Are you alright, young one? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Trembling with fear, the girl pointed in a certain direction, her voice shaky as she spoke.

"Please, save my friend. Save Ayaka and her family."

Recognizing the name, Raiden nodded, determination burning in her lone eye as she vowed to bring aid to those in need.

"Understood, we'll save them as soon as we're finished here."

"Thank you..."

A sense of relief washed over the girl's expression, feeling grateful for the assistance.

"What's your name?"


"Good, stay here and wait for your family."

With a reassuring nod, Raiden turned her attention back to the task at hand, supervising the apprehension of assailants and the rescue of the Gonjourno clan's residents.


As soon as their mission at the Gonjourno estate was accomplished, Raiden and her Familia wasted no time, swiftly making their way toward the Kamisato estate. As they drew closer to their destination, a massive barrier loomed in the distance, casting a foreboding shadow against the night sky.

The sight of the barrier only fueled Raiden's resolution to uncover the truth behind the chaos that had befallen the Kamisato clan. With each step forward, her resolve hardened, her lone eye glinting with steely determination.

At the estate's entrance, the barrier stood as an impenetrable wall, thwarting any attempts to enter without authorization. Sara voiced her doubts about the feasibility of breaching it, her tone tinged with skepticism.

"This barrier is completely sealed off. There's no way we can get inside this," she observed, her pessimism evident.

Miko, however, remained undeterred, her perseverance relentless as she insisted on finding a way to overcome the obstacle.

"Not with that attitude. We just need to find the weak point of this damn thing. Do you agree, Your Excellency?"

Raiden's response was swift and decisive as she unsheathed her katana, its blade crackling with electricity, a testament to her decision to press forward.

"I agree. Hah!!"


With a swift motion, Raiden swung her blade with all her might, channeling her divine power into the strike. As the sword connected with the barrier, a momentous shift occurred.


The barrier fractured under the force of Raiden's strike, pulverizing before their eyes and opening a path forward. With the obstacle ultimately disappeared, they were met with an unusual sight.

"Your Excellency!"

At the far end of the entrance, Ayato, the eldest son of the Kamisato clan, was cornered by three figures.

The first was Kyosuke Sanjourno, the treacherous fox noble brandishing a knife with a manic gleam in his eyes. The second was Kunikuzushi, his fingers bound with strings, a puppeteer controlling the situation. And the most shocking of all was the sight of a counterfeit clone of Raiden herself, standing amongst the assailants.

However, what struck Raiden to her core was the sight of her Familia member, Shinobu, and the head of the Kamisato clan, Akihiko, lying motionless on the ground.

"You monsters... How dare you lay a hand on my children!"

Raiden's anguished cry echoed through the air, her fury and decisiveness blazing bright as she prepared her Familia to confront the assailants and bring them to justice.


Meanwhile, on the side of the miscreants, Kyosuke couldn't help but shudder in fear upon hearing the thunder goddess's enraged cries. The sudden appearance of the real Raiden caught him off guard, disrupting their plans in a way he hadn't anticipated.

Kunikuzushi, however, remained composed, his eyes narrowing in calculation as he assessed the unfolding situation.

"Tch, what an unexpected turn of events. No matter. I will find a way to escape this mess," he remarked, his voice oozing with confidence despite the newfound complication.

With a subtle flex of his fingers, he manipulated the counterfeit Raiden into charging at the group, brandishing her Naginata to serve as a distraction.

As the fake goddess closes in, the real Raiden anticipates its movement and voices out a command to her Familia members.

"Miko, intercept it now." 

"Yes, yes~"


With lightning speed, the kitsune maiden appeared in front of Raiden and blocked the attack using her fox tails, wrapping each at the counterfeit Raiden's naginata.

"Oh my, she looks just like you, Your Excellency~"

Miko's playful comments left Raiden somewhat annoyed and couldn't help but roll her single functioning eye. 

"Sara, shoot both of his hands to seize the imposter."


Hearing her command, Sara drew out her bow and aimed at Kunikuzushi's hands.

With a swift release of the arrow, the Tengu's shot found its mark, severing the strings that the puppeteer used to manipulate the counterfeit Raiden. Kunikuzushi recoiled in pain as his reign faltered, and the fake goddess froze momentarily before collapsing to the ground like a lifeless marionette.

Raiden then wasted no time, closing in on Kyosuke with vengeance blazing in her eye. The fox noble staggered backward, feeling scared for his life. However, in a desperate move, he grabbed hold of Ayato and placed his knife against the boy's neck.

"Don't come any closer, or else this child gets it!"

His threats stopped Raiden in her tracks, her heart pounding with a mix of fury and concern for Ayato's safety. She clenched her fists, weighing her options carefully as she stared down the treacherous noble.

"That's right, stay right there, and don't move a muscle," Kyosuke commented while dragging Ayato away from the Thunder Goddess and her Familia.

Just then, Raiden's gaze softened slightly as she uttered an unexpected command.

"Don't kill him, Shinobu."


Out of nowhere, a katana was placed at the fox noble's neck after a green-haired girl crept behind him without making a sound. 

"Drop the knife and release Lord Ayato, or else..." Shinobu urged, her voice tinged with anger.

Reluctantly, Kyosuke let go of both his weapon and Ayato, who rushed towards his father to check his condition.

With the threat neutralized, Raiden's attention then shifted to the fleeing Kunikuzushi, both of his hands were too injured to do anything harmful. 

"Miko, knock him out."


Following her order, the kitsune maiden rushes toward Kunikuzushi and knocks him out with a powerful roundhouse kick, causing him to collapse to the ground upon impact.


With all three foes defeated, Raiden and her Familia stood victorious amidst the chaos, their decisiveness and teamwork prevailing against the odds. Yet, the air crackled with tension as they surveyed the aftermath of the confrontation, their senses on high alert for any signs of further danger.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Raiden turned her attention to Ayato who was hunched down in front of his father, her expression softening with concern as she approached them.

"Young one, how was your father?"


His silence spoke volumes, and Raiden's heart sank as she realized the head of the Kamisato clan was no more. With a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder, she tried to comfort him.

"I'm sorry for your loss, young one. Your father was a brave and kind warrior."

Ayato nodded silently, his grief palpable in the air as he struggled to come to terms with the sudden loss. Raiden remained by his side, offering silent support in the face of tragedy.

Turning her attention to the rest of her Familia, Raiden issued a solemn command.

"Sara, tell the troops to take these two intruders into custody."

"What about this lifeless imposter, Your Excellency?"

Raiden's gaze shifted to the counterfeit clone of herself lying motionless on the ground. With a brief pause, she made a decisive decision.

"Leave it. I might have use for it in the future."

"As you wish, Your Excellency."

With those words, Sara ordered the troops to take both Kyosuke and Kunikuzushi away from the estate while leaving the counterfeit goddess aside. The real Raiden then turned to Miko and made her a favor.

"Miko, I want you to help this young one for me. Support him in any way he needs during this difficult time."

"Consider it done, Your Excellency."

The Kitsune Maiden then approached the grieving boy, offering him a comforting embrace as he wept for the loss of his father.

As the situation was about to conclude, something else occurred.


An ear-piercing scream resounded deep within the estate, alerting Raiden and the remaining people in the area.

"What was that?" Raiden inquired, her sole eye trying to determine the source of the sound.

However, Ayato, recognizing its location, murmured, "Ayaka..."

Hearing that confirmation, Raiden quickly rushed toward the source of the scream, her heart pounding with dread as she feared for the safety of the Kamisato clan's youngest daughter.


Upon approaching the deeper part of the estate, the landscape transformed, covered in a blanket of snow that seemed out of place for the current season.

Raiden's keen senses picked up on the shift in the atmosphere, the air growing colder and heavier with each step she took, a palpable sense of unease settling in her heart as she pressed forward.


Suddenly, a sharp cry pierced through the eerie silence, drawing Raiden's attention toward its source. And there, in a secluded area of the estate, a young girl, with hair as white as the snow falling overhead, was in the midst of a severe breakdown in front of a diseased woman.


Her fists pounded against the frozen ground, each strike echoing the anguish and frustration that consumed her.

Feeling bad for the girl's misery, Raiden approached her with cautious steps, kneeling beside her to offer silent solace amidst the chaos.

"Hey there, young one," Raiden began, her voice a beacon of comfort amidst the girl's raging tempest. "I understand that losing someone is exceptionally difficult, and it is natural to feel overwhelmed by grief. But remember, you're not alone in this."

The girl's tear-streaked face turned towards Raiden, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resentment. "What do you know?! You don't understand the pain I'm going through! I couldn't protect my mother from sacrificing her life against that masked bastard!"

Raiden's heart clenched at the girl's words, empathizing with the depth of her despair. She knew that mere words could never fully ease the pain of loss, but she remained determined to offer what comfort she could.

"I may not know the exact pain you're feeling right now, but throughout the centuries I spent within the mortal world, I've seen many suffer similar losses," Raiden replied softly. "And I've learned that while we may not be able to change the tragedy that happened, we can choose how we respond to it."

The girl's expression softened slightly, a flicker of curiosity glimmering in her eyes amidst the sea of grief. "What do you mean?"

Raiden's gaze met hers with unwavering compassion, her voice enduring as she spoke from the depths of her own experience. "You may not have been able to protect your mother, but you can honor her memory by living a life filled with courage and resilience. That, in itself, is a tribute to her love and sacrifice."

As Raiden's words sank in, the girl's shoulders sagged with the weight of her emotions, her fists unclenching as she allowed herself to release some of the pent-up tension within her.

"Why can't I live a happy life? Why do I have to lose my parents a second time?" the young girl mumbled, her voice laden with anguish and uncertainty.

Raiden's curiosity was piqued by the girl's words, prompting her to wonder about the deeper significance behind her anguish. Given that the girl is a reincarnated soul, it was evident that her grief ran deeper than just losing her mother in this lifetime.

"I suppose it could be seen as a test for you," Raiden assumed gently, her voice carrying a hint of understanding. "Life has a way of presenting challenges that we must overcome, and sometimes, those challenges feel overwhelming. But it's how we face them that defines who we are."

The girl's gaze softened, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes amidst the darkness of her sorrow. "Do you really think so?"

Raiden nodded, her expression encouraging. "I do. And I believe that you have the strength within you to overcome this trial, no matter how difficult it may seem."

With those words, the girl pondered whether to believe the goddess' words or not. However, before she could respond, Raiden extended a hand towards her and continued.

"Will you take my hand and face this trial together?"


The young girl hesitated, her emotions swirling within her, uncertain of whether to accept the goddess's offer. After a long moment of contemplation, she finally reached out and grasped Raiden's hand.


"Good, I welcome you to the Familia, Kamisato Ayaka."

With that confirmation, the girl named Ayaka, and the Thunder goddess, Raiden, made a pact together. The two then continued mourning the diseased mother before they joined with the other Familia members.

Fin, I guess. I do want to add more details to the ending, but meh.

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