
DanMachi: The War of the Gods

Orario is not the only city to stand facing the threat of monsters. To the far North, the ancient city of Asgard stands vigil over the Dragon Valley, home of powerful monsters like that in the Dungeon itself. With the death of Odin, and the destruction of the Odin Familia, certain powers both within the Lower World and outside the Lower World are moving. And in the center of it all, Bell Cranel must become the hero he has always dreamed to be.

Omnistar93 · Anime & Comics
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DanMachi: The Dragon's Return

Hey, everyone! Thanks for the reviews. I hope you enjoy the chapter. As always, please leave your reviews. I value any thoughts you might have! Musical inspiration for this chapter came from LOTR's "Farewell to Lorien!"

Warning: Some sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised!

Chapter 9


Many ages ago, when Sheol was unbound, there was once a boy who yearned to be a hero in a great kingdom that ruled over the human race without question. Facing many trials and adversities, the boy was able to become the hero he yearned to be. In his struggle to achieve his goal, the boy had prevented a war that would have consumed the mortal races, leaving them defenseless against the ever-growing hordes of monsters that came from the depths of Sheol. The boy had also saved two princesses from the hands of a monster the king of that country foolishly tried to control through blood magic. With the princesses freed, the king came to death, despised by his people. The princesses married the young hero together in turn, becoming queens, and they were blessed with pregnancies, but the young hero died as he lived in his next great adventure conquer Sheol: a brave fool they called "Argonaut, the Hero of the Dawn."

With the death of the hero, the two queens called upon the mortal races to form an alliance that would attempt to contain the threat from Sheol. For seven years, the mortal races fought the monsters and Sheol, aided by the spirits, and drove what they could back into depths of Sheol. In the victory of the mortal races, the two queens called upon the mortal races once more to build a tower of magic and splendor that act as a seal upon the dark pit of Sheol. Though only the dwarves and the spirits aided them, the queens achieved their goal build the tower that bound Sheol. It was then that the spirits charged the human queens with the maintenance of the tower, which they called Babel, and the older queen handed the rule of Babel to the younger. For years, the united kingdom of humans stood as the beacon of hope for all mortal races. But, the peace the humans had achieved would not last. Five hundred years after the founding of Babel and the small city that would eventually become Orario, the Black Dragon came down upon the capital of the human kingdom and laid it waste. But the princess of the great human kingdom was not in its capital, but rather Orario. And when word reached Orario that the great kingdom of humans was shattered by the Black Dragon, she married her kin from afar, Orario's prince, who was named Waldstein.

But her marriage to Waldstein did not unite the human race like the union of Argonaut and the two queens did, and the Black Dragon escaped the hands of the humans. Yet, the princess of gave birth twins, a boy and a girl. The boy was named Albert, and he took the sword to avenge his mother, and ultimately failed, though he took the Black Dragon's eye in his death. The girl, however, would go to the top of Babel, and she cried out to the gods for aid. And when she cried, Ouranos repented of the deeds of the gods to the High God, and the High God bade the Titans to withdraw from their guard of the Straight Road, which they call the "Bifrost" in Asgard. Thus Ouranos descended into the Lower World, with Zeus and Hera behind him. And the princess of the Orario swore fealty to Zeus, and he gave her his falna, and she became the first captain of the Zeus Familia. So the Familia grew, the gods rebuilt Babel higher than ever before, and she came to love a young man named Cranel, and married him. And when she gave birth to Cranel's child, she gave birth to a daughter, whom Zeus loved dearly. And it is said amongst the gods that Zeus was given a guarded secret by the High God that Freya only knows now.

Bell Cranel looked sat upon a horse, slowly climbing a hill north of Orario. He looked behind him to see the Labyrinth City growing smaller in the distance, though Babel's height jutted high enough into the sky that Bell couldn't help but be an awe upon seeing the glory of Babel that could truly only be captured at a distance. From Tiona had told Bell, on a clear day, Babel could be seen for about a day and a half's march. (2) Yet, to the north of them was the Beol Mountains, where monsters hid from the sealing of the Dungeon in ancient times. Given the height of the mountains, Bell figured he would see Babel again once they reached Beol at the end of the second day of their journey. Still, Bell couldn't help but wonder how far the road he traveled would take him.

"Bell?" the boy heard a feminine voice beside him. He turned to see a pretty elven girl dressed in white and in a green cloak. Her hood was down, revealing hair that was dyed green but still retained elements of its true blonde nature. "What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing, Ryuu," Bell chuckled. "I was just thinking that is has been a while since I left Orario."

Michael had allowed those whom he had chosen to accompany him take companions if they so wished. No one in the Hestia Familia, was willing to let Bell head to gods-know-where by himself, even if he wasn't actually alone. Ryuu joined Syr, a beautiful silver-haired girl whom Michael had called upon, out of friendship and a sense of duty. Tione was reluctant to leave the side of the Loki Familia captain, Finn, but Finn encouraged her to be by the side of Ais, Tiona, her twin, and Lefiya. Bete wanted to join Ais, but Michael refused him, asking Loki instead for Riveria. Loki agreed, after some secret conversation between the two.

The Titan remained at the head of the group, with Riveria by his side, and Bell remained at the back, quiet and in thought. Ryuu would often go between him and Syr, but mostly stayed at Syr's side just ahead of him. Ais, Lefiya, and Tione stayed together ahead of Syr, and Tiona stayed with Haruhime. The pair shared stories with each other and their memories of Bell. Lili and Hestia rode together, ahead of Welf and Mikoto. After a few hours of riding, a break for lunch, and another few hours of riding, Michael eventually brought the company to a halt for supper at a crossroads. Michael, however, after dismounting his horse, stepped away from the group to gaze upon the Beol Mountains. Bell followed the Titan out of curiosity, but stayed behind Michael.

"Speak your mind, young master Cranel," the old man muttered, not turning to meet the boy.

"I have too many questions of ask," Bell frowned. "And I don't think we have time for me to ask them all, nor for you to answer."

"Indeed," Michael chuckled. "But I'm sure you have one that you will ask regardless."

"Zeus and Hera," Bell said after a pause. "What happened to them?"

"After their exile?" the Titan stroked his beard. "Hera was murdered by members of Evilus, and her soul was sent back to the heavens. Zeus escaped the plot, but…."

"Lord Michael?" Bell frowned, trying to draw the Titan out of his thought.

"I will tell you everything you wish to know, master Cranel," the Titan smiled at the boy when he finally turned away from the mountains. "But not now. Come. Let's eat."

The old man returned to the group, Bell's eyes following him for a short time. The boy sighed, unsure what to think. When he did return to the group, the boy immediately had a large berry stuffed into his mouth by Tiona. The Amazon giggled, watching Bell's eyes widen with surprise as he chewed on the berry.

"Come on, Argonaut!" the Amazon cried happily. "Everyone's waiting on you, and I'm starving!"

"Th-thanks for the berry, Tiona," Bell blushed softly as the Amazon clung onto him.

Hestia glared at the Amazon with envy as she violently ate her food. Bell couldn't help but chuckle nervously when he saw Lili doing the same. Haruhime, however, watched Tiona with interest, which the Amazon caught onto.

"Hey, Haruhime!" Tiona grinned widely. "Let's get Bell to tell us hero stories all night!"

"Oh! That's a wonderful idea!" The Renard grinned back, lightly clapping her hands in applause for Tiona's idea.

"I'm glad you made a new friend, Haruhime, but please don't encourage her so much!" Bell muttered as Tiona dragged him between the two beautiful women.

"The bonds you form with your friends is important," Michael narrowed his eyes at Bell. "Little things like the pleasure of sharing stories, may help to provide light in the darkness."

Tiona giggled playfully and began to recount some of Bell's favorite stories, much to the joy of Haruhime, who paid attention to the Amazon like a children would pay attention to new toys they got as presents.

"Are you sure what you're about to do is necessary? Riveria asked the Titan with a slight frown.

"I do," Michael nodded. "We need allies, after all. And who is suited better, I wonder?"

"Kali may be more willing to listen than my father," the elven princess sage muttered. "Alfs have no love for gods."

"No, they don't," Michael smiled. "Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya? May I have a moment of your time."

The trio of young women all exchanged looks with each other before approaching the Titan. He smiled kindly at them before looking to the sky and softly singing to the heavens. For a moment, Bell thought he heard something respond to the Titan in a whispered chorus of many voices. Michael stretched forth his hands and soft light appeared before him. From that light came a (3) spear and a bow, both adorned with golden hieroglyphs, and a silver necklace with a gem that had the image of fairy.

"These are the items of your forebearers," the Titan handed the spear to Tiona, and the bow to Tione. "Evelda used this spear and bow to aid Albert. Gabriel kept these weapons safe, in case Evelda's bloodline ever needed to be reestablished. And more so, the hieroglyphs upon these weapons Kali will recognize as the work of the Titans. She will listen to you, but you must be cautious. Even for those in power over her, Kali will not relinquish her throne unless she were to approve of you."

The twin Amazons studied the weapons before looking at each other. The both knelt before Michael and bowed their heads, but the Titan laughed. "I told you, I am a servant. Rise, and do what must be done."

Lefiya watched the Titan, though her eyes wandered to the jewel that Michael held in his hand. The old man smiled and paced over to the young elf so she could take a closer look at it. Gently, Lefiya took the jewel into her hands. It glowed softly and faintly as starlight.

"Beautiful, isn't it, lady Cranel?" Michael smiled teasingly. Lefiya took a small moment to look at Bell at the mention of his last name before turning her eyes back to Michael. "It's a pretty little gem called the 'Stone of the Alfheim.'(4) It was considered the birthright of the High Elves, before it disappeared with Celdia."

"Ri-Riveria?" Lefiya squeaked out to her mentor.

"It's real," Riveria muttered. "My father has something similar in looks, but the real gem was said to have starlight inside of it. I never thought I would see the real thing…. Or that it would belong to Lefiya!"

"Yes, this is the proof needed to stir even the hearts of the elves to action," Michael nodded. "Still, your father may call it a fake."

"No one has seen it for a little over a thousand years," Riveria frowned. "He would call it fake regardless of it we had proof or not."

"It's holy gem," Michael smiled, though his face slowly became dark and serious. "Its power will shine through her when the time comes. But, this all part of a greater plan for us. Here, we must part ways. An army is needed if we wish to defend Asgard, and it will be an army that will drive terror into the hearts of the evil creatures of Dragon Valley. Tiona and Tione must travel to Telskyura and rally the Amazons to our cause. Haruhime, Hestia, and Mikoto shall go with you both. Haruhime's power will strengthen you both in your test against Kali, and Mikota will protect Haruhime when neither of you can. Hestia will be able to deal with Kali diplomatically. Lefiya, Ryuu, Riveria, Ais, and Syr will travel towards the Alf's Royal Forest. That will be our challenge, however, for Lefiya's claim to the Alfheim Throne will undoubtedly cause a civil war. Riveria and Syr will be useful in bringing elves to our side, however, just as Ryuu will provide excellent protection."

Lefiya frowned. Never had she dreamed that she would be the cause for a civil war if the worst

came it. She still couldn't believe she was a royal, and that the gods considered her more important than Riveria. The young elf was confused, and was rather unsure of herself, but she was sure those around her would help her.

"As for Bell and Welf," the Titan continued, "they will come with me. Welf has blood in him that I can train. There will come a day when he will need to make those weapons in our war against the Dragon Valley. As for Bell, he must grow stronger. And every step we take shall bring him closer our enemy."

"Wh-what about his status?" Hestia frowned. "I need to update his status!"

"Their abilities will be well looked after in my hands," Michael assured the goddess. "My authority is greater than yours, after all. However, that leaves the problem of communication. Master Cranel, come with me and bring both Tiona and Lefiya with you."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Bell thought with suspicion but followed after the Titan.

Bell's suspicion was on point, for Michael had explained to the three that Lefiya could work the magic of Spirit Reading upon a pair as long as she was touching one of the partners involved. Tiona was shy like Lefiya was when she first did the ritual for the intimate form of magic. However, the Amazon seemed slightly more comfortable with them both naked and her on top of Bell than Lefiya did.

After reading the enchantment along with Lefiya, and kissing Bell, Tiona found herself in the marketplace of Orario. She saw Bell looking at armor and was ready to call out to him when he put on a black helmet. He tried pulling off the helmet to no avail and apologized to the shopkeeper about not being able to remove it, promising to get it back to the shop and leaving his money behind with the shopkeeper as collateral. Tiona followed the boy, sure she had seen the helmet somewhere before, until came to a bookstore that the boy went into. The same bookstore she met a mysterious adventurer whom she developed a "love at first sight" crush on before meeting Bell during his battle with the minotaur.

"N-no way," Tiona felt heat rise to her cheeks and she entered the bookstore only to see her past-self chatting away to the masked Bell over hero stories. A small smile painted her lips and she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them next, she saw a naked and blushing Bell underneath her.

"Thi-this is your fault, you know," Tiona fidgeted, a blush growing strong. "And… and you're taking responsibility!"

"Huh?" Bell gulped and felt a familiar bulge press against her that terrified Lefiya. Yet, the instincts of the Amazon beauty took over and she roughly pinned him down.

"S-sorry," Tiona leaned down to kiss him once more as she fit him inside her, slowly rotating her hips. "But I'm not letting you go this time."

She pulled him up and bounced slowly on him, wrapping her arms tightly around his back as she pressed her bare breasts against his back. Bell moaned in response, his eyes wide half in fear and half in pleasure. The Amazon cried softly again and again until she stilled, kissing him a final time as their essences became one inside of her.

"Y-you…." Lefiya stuttered, her eyes filled with tears and rage. Tiona laughed nervously as Bell's eyes filled with terror. "YOU PERVERT!"

"I'M SO SORRY!" Bell screamed back.

1. The "Bifrost" in Norse mythology is literally the road between Asgard (heaven) and the other eight realms of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. In J.R.R. Tolkien's works, he adopts the concept of the Bifrost and puts a Christian subtext into concept, also calling it the "Straight Road." However, Tolkien's idea for the Straight Road is a very physical concept and is only limited to use by that of the Ainur (the "Holy Ones," sort of angelic figures,) and the Elves. As I stated in a previous chapter, the gods can only use the Straight Road by using their Arcanum, which is dangerous in itself.

2. A day's march is roughly twenty-four miles at a comfortable pace, if there is twelve hours of sunlight to use with some light remaining to set up a camp. Doable in nine hours if marching at speed, (three miles per hour,) which is recommendable during the winter. Essentially, considering the geography of Orario, it can be seen somewhere between thirty and forty miles away without elevation increase.

3. As I stated in a previous chapter, the Amazons of Greek Mythology were thought to have been apart of a Russian ancestry known as the Steppes, who are Scythian. The Scythians largely made their home north of the Caspian Sea, but historians regard the Steppes territory to be as far north and west as modern-day Moscow and as far east as Mongolia. According the myth, the Amazons were blessed in their physical abilities by the goddess Artemis. As such, the Amazons were said to most use a bow or a spear out of respect for the Greek goddess of the hunt. Occasionally, an Amazon would also use a single-handed axe. They were also considered to be masters of fighting from horseback. Their strength was a natural inspiration for the Greek women of Sparta, and their legacy also inspired fear in the form of the Huns, who were close enough to the Steppes to be considered possible descendants.

4. In Norse, Alfheim literally means "homeland of the Elves." It was meant to a holy place much akin to Avalon in the Arthurian legend.

Hey, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please leave your reviews and thoughts! Just for a quick note, I had a hard time trying to figure out who would be the one to be Bell's "first." I had it narrowed down to either Lili or Tiona, but Tiona just made more sense given how the light novels paint Bell as Tiona's "love at first sight," even if she wasn't aware it was him in the beginning. (Look up the Sword Oratoria short, "My Memory.") Anyway, I hope you all have a great day! And until next time!