
Danmachi: The Second Chance of a weak Master

Ashton Poole was the opposite of a good child. He was always getting into trouble, causing unnecessary stress onto his mother. Upon moving to Japan, he hoped to turn over a new leaf and be the child his mother could be proud of. Thing didn’t go as planned as she was diagnosed with a chronic illness, destined to die. When Ashton learns of an object that can grant any wish, he becomes obsessed, putting all his energy into being able to join the tournament that ended with the winner getting this Holy Grail. He didn’t make it past the first battle… Now, given a second chance by a deity to gain more strength with his servant, Ashton is thrown into a fantasy world with gods monsters and dungeons. His goal? Get strong enough to win this holy grail and save his mother. “Hah! What a stupid monologue!” Mordred yelled from the lake as Ashton sat at his bedroll, emberrased. “I’m trying to write here!” He yelled, his face burning as he closed his notebook. This is the story of The Weak Master and his servant in Danmachi. Danmachi world obviously, but he will also go back to Fate eventually. Hope you enjoy

TheGodSage · Anime & Comics
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After telling Mordred everything she scoffed and started walking away. Ashton had told her the truth but she thought he must have been messing with her, there was no way a God had put them in a world with the goal of becoming stronger, and if it had happened there's no way the God would do it to this loser that she called her master.

She barely recalled the dark tea she had been in and the last thing she could clearly recall was when she was dying, hence her confusion of how they had ended up here in the middle of a forest.

"Please!" Ashton grabbed onto her and kneeled down with a pleading expression. He'd heard everything and knew they'd be going back to his world and fight in the Holy Grail War. For this reason, he absolutely needed Saber to stay, She had hit him when trying to call her Mordred.

"Why should I?... you got lucky enough to summon me, but now we aren't in the war right?... live your own life" Mordred then continued walking forward into the forest.

"Saber!... get back here" Ashton had no other choice but to use force... a stupid idea he thought after being put on his ass in one kick by his servant.

"Fine... go!... whatever... damn it" Ashton lied on the ground covering his face trying to hide the fact he was tearing up. The way he saw it this was his only way for his mother to be fine... even if he didn't win the war he could still use these new items that he had.

Mordred stopped and looked back before sighing and walking back. "Fine... I'll stay, you're too weak to be here yourself... but don't treat me like your servant anymore... I'm a king!" Mordred started to get fired up remembering her birthright.

"Aren't you a girl?" Ashton looked at her body in confusion before flying back into a tree, courtesy of the foot that she'd kicked him with.

"Call me a girl again and you'll lose your life... Now we should figure out where we are... or whatever" Mordred took Clarent from Ashton's neck and looked around.

"Yeah... you're right about that..." Ashton said rubbing his neck and standing up before looking around as well. "You can do it then!" Mordred suddenly said and laid down looking up at the sky with a relaxed expression. She'd didn't feel like doing something like this, so she would simply leave it to him.

"Lazy Bitch..." Ashton murmured and swept his light blue hair to the side. Ashton was a 16-year-old American. He had come to Japan simply for his mother's treatment, who knew he'd die before she even got the first treatment done?

As Ashton walked away he unslung the bag around his shoulder and looked inside. It was a mystical glowing space, that's all he saw, no weapons or items from earlier.

"He said I could put anything here?... but the things he gave me aren't here... oh wait!" Ashton reached inside and then brought it out seeing the dagger from before in his hands. He remembered that the god sage had told him to think of what he wanted to take out and it worked.

While walking deeper into the forest he made sure to leave a mark so he could find his way back to where Mordred was. He knew that she only stayed because of the weird magic pull he felt.

He hadn't said anything but when she was walking away he felt a pull in his heart and she had stopped at the same time. This made him think that the god had added something extra to ensure Mordred stayed with him, and he was certainly thankful, but inside he felt like he was keeping her here against her will, something he didn't want.

"Gargargar!" Ashton stopped seeing the nine-foot green monsters in front of him. They were tearing their hands into a small deer and gobbling it up. It seemed they didn't see him yet so he backed up the way he came.


The goblins looked back and Ashton instantly turned away and ran back the way he came. Losing all thoughts about stealth as he broke branches and stomped through the forest as fast as he could hearing the Goblins stomp behind him speaking in their Goblin tongue.

"Saber!!" Ashton yelled and jumped forward just as the goblin behind him was going to smash down with his club.


Mordred appeared behind the Goblin with her sword in the air, She then sheathed it as blood erupted from the Goblin's neck after being cut by Clarent. "You can't do anything right can you?" She asked annoyed before looking back and seeing 2 other identical Goblins.

Ashton watched as she cut the second one down with a strained expression. He didn't like hearing her say that he couldn't do anything right, but he knew it was true. He was always being a huge screwup.


"I'm going out with my friends tonight, can I have some money mom?" Ashton asked sweeping his hair back and looking at his phone. His mother was cleaning and smiled at him before looking in her purse for some extra change.

Seeing the 3 dollars in his hand Ashton scoffed at his mother. "Really?... god damn it, I always have to mooch off my friends because of you!" Ashton yelled annoyed at his mother's Stupidity' and walked out slamming the door as his mother looked down and continued cleaning before going into a coughing fit.

He was always like this ever since he'd turned 13 and started hanging out with the kids who would always bully him when they were younger. They didn't really like him but he had connections to people who could get them free weed, this made them let him hang out with him, pretending to be his friend...


"They think it's due to stress... do you know if your mother was working hard at all or-" A doctor started asking Ashton, who had received a phone call in the middle of hanging out with his friends. He had been annoyed at first until he'd learned why they'd called, making him rush over to the hospital as fast as he could.

"I... don't know sir... can I see her?" The doctor nodded and led him inside the room before leaving him to look at his sleeping mother. Ashton walked forward and sat down next to her taking out the 3 dollars she'd given him earlier.

"Mom... I'm sorry... please, I-I'll be good now..." Ashton bowed his head on her hospital bed and cried as his mother continued sleeping, oblivious of her son's change...


Ashton jumped up and ran forward without thinking, holding the knife with a forward grip. He was still an amateur and wouldn't know how to use it yet. Luckily, this dagger was a sacred weapon gifted to him by The God Sage, and also one of the best items given to him, at least for now until he gained more skill.

"Ahhh!" Ashton drove the knife into the Goblin that was behind Mordred intending to hit her with its club. As it felt the dagger enter its back it looked back and froze, literally, the curse caused it to be paralyzed and going through unimaginable pain for a month until dying, that is, unless Ashton stopped it before the time was up.

"I... actually did it..." Ashton looked at the bloody dagger in his hand while Mordred slashed the goblin killing it. She then looked at him in confusion, she didn't expect him to do anything like this, but now that he had, why was he looking at with a complicated expression?

Mordred had been taught by her mother to kill, so she didn't understand why he was like that. Ashton was just a normal human, someone that wasn't ready to kill and ignore it like a psycho, he had only been given the command seal by some random person he'd never seen before, and he had written it off as luck, so he wasn't ready for something like this.

Ashton closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew that he'd have to get used to this kind of thing, even if he never went and participated in the war again, he'd still need to somehow survive in this world according to the God that had reincarnated him.

"Are you okay?" Mordred finally asked sheathing her sword and looking at him in confusion. Ashton broke out of his thoughts and nodded putting the dagger back inside of the bag and turning away from her walking away.


The next day Ashton and Mordred were seated in front of a lake both of them surprised at what they'd found in the bag. "It seems... he thought of lots of things haha..." Ashton said holding the two-piece swimsuit in front of him.

Mordred snatched it and started to undress as he watched with surprise and turned around quickly. "You shouldn't change so unhesitantly in front of a guy..." He said, sighing.

Mordred just huffed throwing her schoolgirl outfit to the side and jumping into the lake with a smile. "Shut up and relax, today I'll teach you more so you aren't so useless next time!" Mordred lifted her hands in a diving pose and went down under the surface before coming back up and spitting water all over him.

Ashton looked at her annoyed but then smirked as he fished in the bag and found swim trunks. Quickly changing he jumped in after her and they started splashing each other, laughing as they relaxed and had fun.

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