
Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace

This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated as Bell Cranel and fused with his soul, with his awareness of the plot, the new Bell will change the storyline to one that he approves of.

zack_364 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 24

"Are you the one who revived the dead?"


I was completely shocked with my eyes wide open, how did he find out? The arrays I used were completely invisible and even if someone found it should take them more than half a year to see it as they have no access to the array key which is with me!! Just how?!

"Hmm let's say I read a bit of information about you, you arrived a year ago and left on the same day, the Astraea Familia reported about a civilian using some sort of item to paralyze the people who kidnapped him and that was at the same day you came to the city, and now you are back in the city as soon as the Great Feud was done, you appeared unharmed at the city gates even though there should have been Evilus members in the run."

"And when you wanted to request a piece of land you used an item that can heal people the effect itself is not suspicious but the item was because it was made from paper and was activated by sending some mind into it, the same material and way of activation method that was described by Astraea Familia and that only confirmed that you had these items a year ago."

"But You revealed that these items were made by you and the talisman's role is to just store your magic spell."

Damn you Astraea Familia, even now you can still indirectly screw me over I will make you pay for this… but even so this is not enough to be-

"Yes all of these are not enough to point you or even relate you to the one who revived the dead, they at most would make you an abnormal child."

"…Then how?"

"A hunch"

"A hunch?"

He smiled at me while my mouth twitched at his statement.

"Yes a hunch, in all honestly if I didn't meet you today I would have never guessed you are the one, even the information I have on you doesn't connect with the one who revived the dead, but I had a hunch that you are related to this so I simply asked you and your reaction confirmed everything."

"…Ha haha ha you Gods are really scary you know."

"Not really, it's just that you are bad at controlling your expression."

I'm at fault now!! This God!! sigh well, he is not wrong about it, thinking about it now even if I can't lie to him I can simply not answer and fake confusion, he really got me.

"So now what? you know I'm the one who revived the dead so what are you going to do?"


"Huh? Are you serious? you are not even going to ask me how I did it or if I should use it or not?"

"You mortals always explored the unknown, in my 1000 years here in the mortal realm I had seen a lot of things that even we Gods deemed impossible, your being able to revive people did indeed surprise me as you are the first one to succeed in doing it but I'm sure it came with a price and limitations."

"First one?"

"… He is talking about me, I also researched the field of resurrection and even gained a spell in my Falna… but even till this day I have never succeeded once in getting the spell to work."

Fels answered my question with a low voice hanging his head low possibly thinking about his regrets, Ouranos looked at him briefly and let out a faint sigh and then returned his gaze and asked me another question making Fels focus on the conversation again.

"Bell Cranel, although I said I only wanted to ask you 2 questions, I find myself puzzled by your actions, the people you revived all died between the start and end of the Great Feud… why exactly at that time?"

…From all the Gods that could have questioned me it had to be him huh… sigh there is no point in hiding it anymore my future actions will all be decided depending on how he reacts to the truth.

"I suppose I can't hide it anymore or rather there is no point… then let me just say this straight ahead… I don't care for the lives that I 'Saved' I only did it because my relatives were there and if they were not there I will not even save a life there."

They were both surprised at my sudden change, well I'm still speaking in the usual way but the things I said are not, Ouranos recovered quickly and started asking again.

"Is that why you only revived Our side and not Evilus' side, I'm sure this kind of mass resurrection will not differentiate between an enemy or ally so what happened to Evilus members?"

"You are right it can't differentiate, but there is one point you missing, my relatives were not on your side, they were on Evilus's side"


This time they were completely flabbergasted by what I said, even Ouranos opened his eyes wide, there were a lot of thoughts going through his mind but returned to normal quickly and let out another sigh, looks like he figured it out.

"I should have expected you were related to them, only those two were able to produce monsters like you"

"Those two? what do you mean Ouranos??"

Ouranos revealed a faint smile on his face while Fels was still confused.

"Yes, my relatives were non-other than Alfia and Zald from Both the Zeus and Hera Familia."


"To be more specific Alfia is my aunt and she is the only blood relative I have in this world, while Zald is my uncle because although he is not blood-related to my Father they consider themselves brothers, While Zeus and Hera are both My Grandparent that raised me, As from whose Familia I'm from… Well, my mother was from Hera and my father was from Zeus so I'm considered a decedent of both, I think this alone clears my origin and why I revived people."

"Indeed, I can understand the reason behind your action"

"You are not saying anything about it?"

"No, even I know that something like the Great Feud was necessary for Orario to reach and new height, and it was only thanks to the pressure that both your aunt and uncle put on Orario that we can still see the light of hope."

"…You don't seem to be against them, but what if I tell you that I want to remove the banishment of both my grandparents and have them come back to Orario with Alfia and Zald?"

"If I had the power to keep them here at that time I wouldn't have let them go, but because the guild is a neutral force I couldn't interfere with their banishment because it didn't involve just them but the current top forces in Orario as well."

"..Freya and Loki…"

"Yes, I and Zeus and Hera teamed up together to shape Orario into what it currently is, whether it is the dungeon, monsters, skills, magic, and even development abilities information it was all thanks to them as they never hid away there children abilities from the guild specifically me, of course, these pieces of information were only told to those who needed it."

"But with their fall came new top Familias in Orario, the information they reveal is limited and they only do it when there is something to gain, but it's understandable looking at how Orario is"

"You mean they are afraid of the personal information leaking? I heard that there were some people who got targeted by Evilus because they showed a rare skill or magic, I hardly see this as inconvenient and it's their right if they want to keep it a secret, plus don't you have a lot of information already, my grandparents were in Orario for 1000 years I doubt what they provided was little."

"The information is just a way to keep the guild and the Familias connected with each other, now because they are providing less of it with the only stable information about their expeditions, sooner or later they will start seeing the guild as an obstacle to them."

"Huh? No way aren't you just overthinking it, you know the Loki and Freya Familias will never-"

"I do but I'm not talking about them, but about other Familias that will rise in the future, if even the two strongest Familias fell, what will stop Loki and Freya from Falling as well, Loki although doesn't look like it she cares for her children quite a lot, and Freya has a goal of her own, and I know that both are not a threat to Orario, but the same can't be said for the future rising Familias"


He is not wrong about that, there were a lot of people that came back to life thanks to my interference so this may change the structure of power in Orario.

"I'm not against you bringing back Zeus and Hera but you should understand that it's not easy to do, the fastest way is to create a Familia stronger than Loki and Freya but that could lead to war between you 3 and it's not something I want to see."

Definitely, Loki and Freya won't allow them back simply because I have a strong Familia, and as he said it may develop into a war between us and he won't allow it to happen because the Black Dragon is still out there.

"You are right about that but I'm not giving up on bringing them back."

"I respect your decision but you need to think about what you will do in the future, so first how about we change our deal a little bit?"

"Hmm… I'm listening"

"Alright, you said that the talisman stores your magic spell so I'm right to believe you can cast that healing magic as long as you have mind energy right?"


"Then how about I hire you to heal the heavily injured people on our side?"

"What! Are being serious? what makes you think I will agree to expose my ability in public and what's more to heal those people!"

"Calm down for a bit I have reasons for asking you this."

"…Fine, but don't expect to agree even if you tell me."

"That's fine, the main reason is so we can stabilize Orario, Currently although there are a lot of people that got revived because of you, there are still a lot of injured ones not to mention the ones that survived are at their limit even if they don't show it, while Evilus lost their main powerhouses and a lot of their members the only thing they can do now is retreat but they won't do it silently, they will try to cause as much damage as possible, so by using your healing ability we can recover our power faster then them and although I wouldn't dare say eliminate them at least we can stop them from causing further harm to the city, you should understand my point as you almost got 'kidnapped' by them."

I can understand that Evilus are a pain in the ass, even I want them gone but I know that I can't act as long as that man-made dungeon is there not until I'm strong enough.

"As for the second reason although it may sound weird but it's to show you off."

"Huh! You are getting on my nerve Lo- no Ouranos, am I an animal for display now!!"

Show me off he says, what the hell is wrong with him, he is not treating me as human at all!! he is even chuckling at my rage!! where did that stone face go now huh

"Not you as a person but your ability, well as you said yourself you can use magic without a Falna, although it's not unheard of it's still a rare thing, and because you do not belong to a Familia then the guild can protect you until you join or create your own Familia, and by the time you get a Falna I doubt that you will start from level one as your case is abnormal so instead of getting questioned about it they will just relate it to what you showed them before."

That… actually makes sense, My status is not going to be a normal one too as it won't display anything other than development ability if they saw it I won't catch a break from those curious gods but…

"Let's say I accepted your quest, this amount of work is not worthy just for me to buy land don't you think."

"Since I did hire you of course I will pay accordingly for your service but I doubt money is what you need, from our previous conversion I can safely assume that you are going to create a Familia and that's probably the reason for wanting to buy a land, but because it is for a Familia you need a big space even if you don't use it at the start."


"If you want a big land then you have to buy multiple small ones but that comes with the issue that there are at least 3 or 4 small lands with an owner, not to disrespect you or anything but I doubt anyone wants to sell their own land to a child even if you have the money, so having the guild hold the negotiation in your stead will help you and even hide your intention of creating a Familia so the Gods won't annoy, even if they discover your ownership to the land you can simply say it's a reward from the guild"

"Valid… but still not enough."

His offer is indeed tempting but I want something more and he probably left to the end on purpose, and as if sensing my thoughts he faintly smiled and started speaking again.

"Then how about having the guild as your ally?"

I narrowed my eyes at his statement, I expected other things but not this one I can even see Fels looking at Ouranos with surprise.

"As I said before I'm not against you bringing Zeus and Hera back, but their banishment can't be easily removed, I believe that you will achieve a lot of success in the future, and when the time comes for you to negotiate bringing them back I will be the first to support you."

Both I and Fels were utterly shocked by his statement now, this is Ouranos we are talking about, he is someone who values staying neutral above anything else… but I can't miss such an offer.

"Ouranos, I really want to question why you decided to take my side and ditch everyone else in Orario…but I can't afford to lose such an offer from you especially your support in that matter… so both me and you have a deal now."