
Danmachi: The Orphaned Heir of blood

*there are some dark elements to the story so keep tha in mind before reading the FF* This is the story of a boy who was stripped of his world and brought to a new yet familiar one. once a story now his reality lets see if he can realize his dream or...die trying *I do not own danamchi nor the story only the Mc and Oc's* *I do not own the cover art*

Sinplex · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Sylas POV

My eyes start to slowly flutter open, and I'm hit with this weird burning sensation on my face. Still half-asleep, I grab the blanket that's draped over me and try to pull it up to cover my face. But there's this odd resistance, like something's holding it down. My half-awake brain tries to brush it off for the sake of more sleep.

Then, after about five seconds of just lying there, I mutter to myself in my head, "Wait a minute. When did I get to bed? And sheets, too? I'm pretty sure I'm broke..."

My eyes snap wide open, and I'm suddenly in a completely different place. There's this fancy wooden ceiling above me with expensive-looking decorations all around. The whole place smells fresh and inviting, and to top it all off, there's a blonde Loli sleeping soundly with her head on my stomach. Plus, there's this sweet view right out the window – I can even see some birds flying by-....'wait a sec go back-what happened?'

I glance back down to find Ais sitting there, leaning comfortably on a chair and snoozing away, her head using my stomach as a makeshift pillow. Yeah, I'm definitely lost here. What the heck is going on?

As I'm trying to wrap my head around what just went down (and hoping the FBI won't show up with a million questions), I get a sudden flashback to those wild adventures that led me to the brink of death. It's like, "Hey, cool beans, I managed to pull off a clutch move and save our butts."

But then, I'm left wondering, "Okay, so where the heck am I now, and what in the world happened?"

I end up just staring out the window, lost in thought. And then, in a moment of sheer spontaneity, I decide to go for the holy act of head-patting the loli. Because, you know, why not?

Just as I was getting all comfy with my head-patting session, I hear a knock on the door, and my heart practically leaps out of my chest. Before I can even mutter a word, someone barges in without waiting for an answer.

I stammer, "Officer, she was on me when I woke up-" But my defense against the FBI is cut short as I'm left absolutely speechless.

Standing there, in all her tall, majestic glory, is this jaw-dropping figure. She's got jade-colored hair and eyes that could make even the snootiest rich kids do a double take. To top it all off, she's got elf ears, giving her this totally unique and ethereal vibe. And her outfit? Let's just say it's like something out of a fantasy dream – green, with fancy yellow borders, a white cloak, a black belt, a snazzy yellow sash, black leggings, and knee-high brown boots. I'm just left staring at her in complete awe and mystique

She glances at me and then lets out what seems like a sigh of relief. After that, she checks on Ais, who's still sound asleep. But before she can say anything, I decide to take the lead.

I shrug and say, "Just gonna double-check here, but we ain't dead, right?" I mean, the last time I was in that place, it was way darker, but hey, new world, new afterlife, maybe?

Riveria shoots me a slightly amused look and answers with her usual attitude, just like in the anime.

"Ah, Sylas, you are very much among the living. I implore you not to harbour such a pessimistic perspective on existence," Riveria spoke with a compassionate tone, urging him to find hope amidst his troubles.

I flash a sly grin and say, "Hmm, yeah, I thought so. I don't recall the God of Death being quite this stunning." I try to pull off an innocent smile, but my eyes give away my not-so-innocent thoughts.

Riveria raised an elegant eyebrow in response and retorted with a hint of amusement, "Aren't you a bit too young to be making such jests?"

I chuckle at her response, feeling like she activated my trap card, and I retort with a playful, "Oh, you know what they say, age is just a number. In your case, a very big number." I maintain my innocent smile, keeping the banter going.

At that moment, Riveria's eye twitched, and I could almost discern a faint tick mark forming on her forehead. She clenched her staff and retorted, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance, "And how, may I ask, do you come to know my age, young man?"

I can't help but grin and respond, "Well, I didn't make a wild guess, but hey, it paid off big time from the way you're reacting!" I burst into genuine laughter, which feels like a breath of fresh air after all the recent craziness. My laughter shakes my stomach, and when I look down, I see Ais trying to hold back her own laughter, but she's failing pretty miserably.

Not one to miss a chance, I start playfully ruffling Ais's hair and tease her, "What are you laughing at?" She blushes a little in embarrassment at being caught and quickly escapes over to the jade elf.

Riveria glanced at the two of us and let out a resigned sigh, but I couldn't help but sense a trace of contentment in the way she regarded us both.

I clear my throat and offer a friendly introduction, "Ah, my bad, I just couldn't resist a good setup. The name's Sylas, no last name, at your service. Thanks a bunch for lending a hand." I nod my head in appreciation, kind of relieved that whatever I've become wasn't instantly roasted to a crisp.

"You're welcome, Sylas," Riveria expressed her gratitude. "But I must also extend my thanks to you for rescuing one of our familia member, and for ensuring that the other 24 survivors emerged from that perilous ordeal with minimal harm. Your efforts are greatly appreciated," she added, inclining her head slightly in a gesture of respect.

I couldn't help but be taken aback. Riveria, no matter how caring she may be, is still royalty, and for her to bow her head even just a little is a significant gesture. Plus, as I think back to the seven years I've spent in this place, it dawns on me that this is the very first time someone has genuinely thanked me.

Emotion wells up inside me, and I find myself looking down a bit, feeling a tad overwhelmed. I nod my head, my heart fluttering with joy.

"Thank you," I hear a small voice, and I glance over to see Ais expressing her gratitude. I can't help but smile at that.

I groan a little, my body aching all over, and I can't help but wince as I try to sit up. I turn to Riveria and ask, "Could you fill me in on what went down? I'm drawing a blank after I blacked out, and I'm seriously hurting all over. Oh, and by the way, do you happen to know where the heck we are?" I pause for a moment, realising that I'm also feeling incredibly thirsty.

Riveria fixed her gaze upon me and remarked, "While I am eager to delve into that conversation, it would be best if we waited until everyone was gathered. As for your current location, you find yourself within the confines of the Loki Familia house. It has been approximately three days since the incident, and to be quite honest, I am somewhat perplexed as to how you have regained consciousness."

"What ya mean?" I faint ignorant with a head tilt 

Riveria regarded me with a solemn expression. "What you accomplished was truly beyond imagination," she began, her tone grave. "I won't delve too deeply into it until we gather with the others, but the fact that you exhibited the power of a Level 4 temporarily and recovered in just three days, all without receiving a falna, is both remarkable and exceedingly reckless,"

I nod as she cautions me and act a bit surprised when she mentions they're from Loki's familia. I mean, it would be kinda suspicious if I just acted like I knew everyone.

But then she drops a bombshell, saying I somehow managed to get as strong as a level 4, even if it was just temporary. That genuinely shocks me. I mean, I had no idea I had that in me. Of course, there's always a price to pay for such power, and I can feel it now – I'm definitely feeling weaker. It's like a bit of my life force got converted into fuel for that crazy display. Fortunately, being half-elf means I've got a long life ahead of me, and I can probably recover back with some Drain Touch.

I notice a hint of concern in her expression when she brings up my recovery. She's being way too kind to someone she barely knows, but I guess I can't blame her after my recent antics. Now it's time to play it up.

I suddenly freeze and speak slowly, my eyes widening in fake realization, "Hold on a sec, did you say Loki's familia? And here you are with the green hair, a magic staff, and what feels like a big shot aura... Don't tell me..." I trail off, leaving the sentence hanging, trying to milk the dramatic tension.

"Your deduction is impressive, yes my name Riveria Ljos Alf the the vice-captain of the Loki Familia and your current within the Twilight Manor." she answers with a faint smile and a hint of pride, but it gets cut short as she sees me sulking, with a dead look, muttering under my breath loud enough to be heard.

I can't help but let out a forced chuckle and say, "Oh, haha, I see. Haha, I just insulted high elf royalty, haha, and she's the captain of one of the two strongest familias, haha. Oh well, Ais dear, it's been nice knowing ya, haha," I finish with a smile that clearly doesn't convey any real happiness.

"May I interject?" Riveria chimed in with a gentle interruption, her demeanour showing no sign of taking offence at the jest. She continued, her tone carrying a subtle touch of amusement, "Even if I were to take great offence, I would never entertain the idea of harming a child."

My eyes light up suddenly, and I exclaim, "Really? You're telling the truth, big sis!"

She closed her eyes for a brief moment, a faint blush gracing her cheeks, and then she smiled slightly at the comment. "Well, indeed, I would not lie about such a matter," she admitted with a touch of sincerity.

She opens her eyes to see me grinning like a mischievous kid on April Fools' Day and says, "Wow, big sis is so kind!" I can't help but laugh, relieved that my little act seems to have worked.

She catches on that I'm teasing her once again and delivers a playful chop to my head.

"Ow!" I feign a bit of pain, but honestly, I'm just having way too much fun with this banter.

"Alright, if you are capable of moving," Riveria acknowledged, "I will go and gather the other executives so that we can convene for our discussion."

I nod and say, "I'm good to go, just need to tidy up a bit. By the way, you wouldn't happen to have a change of clothing for me, would you? I'm not really a fan of the all-white look." I ask with a hint of curiosity in my voice.

She nods and gestures towards some clothes on the chair. They're better than the all-white ensemble, but still not exactly my style. Well, I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?



45 minutes later



"All good to go," I think to myself as I glance at my reflection in the mirror. A quick shower worked wonders, and I look like I've just been reborn. I can't help but notice some new features – my skin is clean and pale, and my hair is this cool mix of purple and white, no longer mucky. My eyes still have a hint of red and hollowness to them, but they've definitely got more shine now. And, oh, retractable vampire fangs. Well, I'll deal with that as a future me problem.

As I walk out, I'm surprised to find Ais standing there like a perfectly still doll, most likely waiting for me.

"Oh, hey, Ais. I had no idea you were here. Sorry for the wait. Do you happen to know where we need to go? Because I'm clueless," I say with a sheepish smile.

"Hmm," she affirmed with a nod and began walking, and I followed her.

We start waking and there is silence…and so I ask some questions to make some conversion.

I tilt my head slightly and ask, "So, Ais, are you okay? I can't remember what happened after I passed out. Did something happen while I was out?"

"Hmm, you saved everyone and protected us," she replied briefly, acknowledging my heroic actions.

I nod, relieved to hear that she's okay, and we both fall back into a comfortable silence.

As we continue on our way, I can't help but notice a change in Ais. Her negative emotions seem to have lessened, not just the immediate ones from our recent situation but the ones that had been weighing her down even before all this. I can't help but think that they lessened even more when she saw me wake up. Maybe she cares a bit more than I thought, which is good to know.

We finally arrive in front of a big door, and I can only assume it's Loki's business or strategy room. It definitely doesn't look like her personal quarters, which I imagine are filled with empty bottles.

We step into a spacious room with some pretty fancy decor – two comfy-looking couches flanking a table in the middle. At the front, there's a table with a big desk piled high with books and papers.

I spot Finn, Gareth, and Riveria standing behind one of the couches. Gareth, in particular, looks like a textbook example of a dwarf – brown eyes, long brown hair, and facial hair to match, forming a beard. He's decked out in battle gear, including a cloth and some sturdy boots as his regular attire

And then there's Loki. In Norse mythology, Loki is a complex and mischievous figure known for his trickster nature, shape-shifting abilities, and complicated relationships with the gods. He's infamous for his involvement in the death of Balder and is eventually bound and subjected to venom as punishment. A betrayer who's not exactly known for being trustworthy.

But now, here she is – a drunkard, as flat as an airport runway, her face plastered with a grin that makes her look like a kid who just snorted powdered sugar and is about to set fire to the house. Yet somehow, she's running a fully functioning familia. How the mighty have fallen, and I absolutely love it.

"Oh, well, well, well, if it isn't the new anomaly and my dear Ais. Come here, my lovely, and give your adoring goddess a warm embrace. No, no, don't move a muscle, darling; I'll make the effort." Loki playfully suggested before her theatrical intentions were abruptly halted by a well-placed bonk on her noggin by the jade elf.

"Mama, don't be so harsh! I was just attempting to give my precious Ais a loving hug!" Loki protested with a pout, though Riveria's stern gaze and her firmly gripped staff conveyed a clear message.

"Don't call me that"  the jade elf responded, a deadly glint in her eyes, while Finn and Gareth simply shook their heads in response.

After a second finn called us over to sit and so we complied.

As I take a seat, I can't help but run through a few plans in my mind. I need to ensure that I can, at the very least, leave this place alive. Even if they are good people, they're not stupid. I highly doubt they'd just welcome me with open arms or let me roam around freely. I'm, as Loki put it, an anomaly, and anomalies tend to bring unnecessary risks and troubles.

My years in the slums taught me that if you pose a threat to someone's interests, they won't hesitate to get rid of you. Even if Loki is interested in me, she wouldn't risk her people's safety over my life. To her, I'm a gamble, and I need to be careful about how I play my cards here.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and put on a warm smile.

"Hello, Goddess Loki and esteemed executives," I begin, "As you already know, I'm Sylas. It's a real pleasure to meet all of you." First impressions, after all, can make a world of difference.

"Hello Sylas, I'm Finn Deimne, the captain of the familia. You've already met Riveria, and the dwarf here is Gareth Landrock," He introduced them with nods of confirmation from both his companions.

"As you've probably figured out by now, I happen to be none other than the esteemed goddess of the Loki Familia. It's a delight to see you cheeky rascal" Loki chimed in with her trademark mischievous grin intact.

I look at Ais before starting and say "Ais are you sure you want to be here its gonna be boring and details might not be so pleasant" I say a bit worried

She looks at me resolutely and says " I wanna hear" the executives shake their head and Riveria attempts to get her to leave but loki's stops it "My Ais wants to stay so she can unless you have a problem with her staying you can tell her to leave yourself more directly" she throws the ball to my side of the court tsk.

I looked at Ais, and she gave me a pleading look, silently urging me to trust her…

"Sigh its fine shes seen enough to be included to deprive her of that is a injustice at this point" I give my answer and move back on topic 

"Hmm I see good to meet you all, If you don't mind me asking godd-"

Loki interrupted with a playful tone, "Oh, don't be so formal, you little scamp. It's a tad unsettling how proper you are for a seven-year-old. It makes me feel like a stick in the mud! Just call me Loki when we're in the company of friends."

I ease up a bit, having expected this, and get straight to the point.

"Alright, Loki, I'll cut to the chase. I already asked Riveria about what happened, but she mentioned it's best if we all discussed it together."

Loki blinked in astonishment, her playful demeanor momentarily faltering. "Well, you caught me off guard there, didn't you, you cheeky brat? Haha!" She burst into laughter, her infectious mirth filling the air.

I nod and reply, "Yeah, even though I come from the slums, I'm not stupid enough to refer to a god casually unless I'm given permission. But with everything that's happened, I guess some formalities flew out the window." I lean back into the couch, trying to maintain a relaxed demeanor.

Loki nodded earnestly, her playful demeanor transitioning to a more serious one. "Yes, I quite like that too. Anyway, let's get down to business, shall we? So, my dear, do you recall anything about what you've been up to?" She inquired with a touch of concern in her voice.

I begin to explain everything, from how I followed the kidnappers, to taking down their members , and finally saving the captured individuals. I recount the moment when I made the decision to drink Ais's blood and how it all led to me eventually blacking out.

Looking a bit taken aback, Finn inquired, "How did you know that Ais's blood would awaken your powers?"

I lean forward a bit and ask, "I didn't really plan to drink her blood; it was more of a feeling I have, like a sixth sense I was born with. Can you tell me what happened after that?"

The three executives exchange glances for a moment before they begin recounting the events from the perspective of everyone involved, including the archer woman who was the sole survivor. I listen intently, hoping to uncover the truths of that fateful night.


I sit there in silence, not all that surprised by the information. While it's quite enlightening, it doesn't shock me too much because I was essentially gambling on something similar happening when I drank Ais's blood. The only thing that genuinely surprises me is the fact that I ended up protecting everyone and not just Ais. I suppose there's some good left in me, even if I'm driven to madness at times.

Finn looked at me with a questioning expression and remarked, "You don't seem too surprised."

I turn to Finn, my expression oddly blank, and reply, "I'm not surprised, really. I somewhat expected this, especially since I showed signs of a race that I once considered fiction." I can see the confusion on their faces, and Loki looks particularly intrigued, so I decide to elaborate further, In a more solemn tone

"I was more like a fairy tale, really," I began, my tone growing more serious. "A story about a monster meant to scare kids. The creature is described as an ominous and mysterious being of the night, possessing an alluring yet terrifying presence. It's depicted as ageless, shrouded in darkness and blood, with eyes that hunger for the life force and blood of others. Its words are said to be seductive, ensnaring the unsuspecting. The creature moves with unnatural grace, dwelling in hidden lairs filled with centuries of history. It's said to possess supernatural powers, like controlling shadows and hypnotizing its victims. Despite its dread and malevolence, the creature remains an enigmatic and timeless symbol of the night's mysteries."

"In this tale, what is its given name?" Gareth inquired. As I speak, I notice that Loki seems to understand what I'm getting at. We exchange glances, and at the same time, we both utter a single word.



Author ranting

It's your favourite segment yup, sinplex ranting, ha so I was working thas why late chapter. Dead tired but ima upload this and and work on the next, and before you ask Idk if Ais will be the waifu or stay in the sister statues. I was thinking maybe Ais, Airmid or ryuu . I dont know why Airmid isnt a choose in the FFs ive red so do let me know if something up, anyway hope yall have a good rest of your day or night. Comment and gimme powerrrrr!