
Danmachi: The Cursed Spear

"I don't know how to say this, but you are so bland, you make cardboard taste heavenly." I flinched, lowering my head. I thought I was average. "Use one of your wishes to be someone at least slightly attractive, or I will use one of them to do so anyway." I crouched, which felt weird since I had no body, and hugged my legs in despair. "Seriously, you're so bland you make bland one-liners hilarious." Aw, come on. "You're so boring, you make the gods watch paint dry for entertainment." Motherfucker. "You're so dumb-" I was an A+ student! "You went to a library to find Facebook!" Okay, that was just mean. "You so dumb five gods had to dig to find your IQ!" I didn't even want to be reincarnated anymore. A god was using yo mama jokes to insult me directly. _____ I don't own Danmachi, just so you know.

Nick_Kicker · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter one

Being a kid again was a pain.

That was the current thought of a child who walked through the streets, his red eyes looking around at the people who walked past him.

His medium-length blue hair swayed in the wind as he ran into a pedestrian accidently, hastily apologizing and taking off in a run.

As soon as he was out of sight, he smirked to himself, tucking a pouch of money inside his pocket. Too easy. Just a simple shy smile here, a polite bow with a thankyou there, and it was easy to get money with next to no effort.

Turning to his right, he entered an alleyway, and as soon as shadows covered him, he dashed away at speeds that a child should not have displayed.

The alleyways led him quite the distance away from his previous position and finally, when he thought that he was far enough away, he started heading toward where he resided, more specifically, where he kept his stash of money.

The district he headed to was abandoned, mostly because no one bothered with rebuilding the place. Though it wasn't big, it was still cleared out enough that no one bothered to check if they heard a loud noise, assuming that it was just another building falling apart.

Finally reaching the Daedalus district, the blue-haired boy slowed down, returning to a sedated pace. The district was like a maze, hard to navigate if you didn't know the layout, but fortunately, there was a shortcut.

Looking around to make sure that nobody was looking, the boy crouched down and jumped to the roof. Grabbing the edge and pulling himself up, he looked around to make sure that he was going in the right direction.

Nodding to himself, he continued his stroll. It took twenty minutes to finally reach the edge of the district, well, the unofficial edge of the district.

At one point, the building surrounding him turned from well-maintained to run down. The doors were torn off their hinges, the windows were broken, grass broke through the material, and parts of the buildings were scattered on the ground.

Jumping from roof to roof and making sure not to damage the buildings more than they already were, the boy got closer to his destination.

Finally, after some time, he spotted the building he was looking for.

It was just as run-down as any other, which meant that it blended in perfectly. The place itself was a two-story building with the top floor having a giant hole in one of its walls.

Thankfully, the door of the bottom floor was intact which was where he slept.

Jumping from the roof of the building, the Boy walked to the said door and opened it, entering the building. Locking the door behind himself, he walked to one of the floorboards in the desolate room and lifted it up to reveal multiple pouches containing money.

Dropping his newest addition to the pile inside, the boy covered it back up and stretched his arms out, a yawn escaping him.

Looking outside, he noted that the sun was setting, and unfortunately for him, he could not sleep yet but fortunately, the drunk people were easy money.

Tilting his head to the side and getting a satisfying pop in response, the boy shoved his hands inside the pockets of his pants and waited for the sun to fully set.

It was times like these that he missed having a phone.