
Danmachi System in Fairy Tail

Man_Of_Mystery · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

Mack dug his claws into the neck of a bear. Mack growled before pulling tearing it off. Mack huffed throwing the head of the bear away. Mack stumbled a little from exhaustion. Thankfully he didn't have any new injuries.

He popped a few bones as he wiped the blood of the bear off. He opened his status and sighed again.

Name - Mack Tyler

Level - 1

Age - 9

Strength - C 650

Vitality - C 692

Dexterity - C 677

Speed - C 655

Magic - A 832

Mack was curious how he was supposed to reach level 2. From what he understood he should be able to when he's maxed out in experience but he doesn't know how he would do that. He believes that if he can max his stats out at whatever they max at he can level up so that was his goal. To reach whatever the max was in all stats.

Mack walked in a certain direction for the next few hours. He was far out on a C-Rank mission so he had a long walk. Mack was still a C-Rank mage but he was one B-Rank mission away from being a B-Rank. He just had trouble going on then since the last one got him the scar under his right eye.

Mack rubbed the scar in thought before putting his hands down. He thought of increasing his training. If he can get his strength to B and his magic to 900 he thought he could take a B-Rank mission easily.

Mack noticed someone walking on the road in front of him. He looked closely and could make out brown and red. He increased his speed in curiosity. As he got closer he realized it was a person. He was surprised having never seen hair that red before.

"Your hair is really red." Mack watched the girl jump and spin around holding a sword. Mack instantly noted her wrists had bruises as well did her legs. There seemed to be dried blood on her feet from walking and she was missing an eye. "Calm down."

The girl seemed to panic as she slashed her sword. Mack was surprised how fast she seemed but dodged. His right and left hand transformed and he gripped her arms gently trying to not touch her wrists. He raised them.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Just calm down." The girl looked scared. Something Mack surprising picked up on. "I'm gonna let go now. Ok? Don't attack me again."

Mack let go of the girl and they both took a step back.

"I'm Mack." She kept glaring at him.

"Erza Scarlet." Mack looked at her head.

"What a coincidence. Your name is Scarlet and you have beautiful bright red hair." Erza blushed.

"Why are you out here?" Mack looked at. He thought about her question since that was what he was gonna ask.

"A mission." Erza's eyes widened as she looked at Mack.

"Are you from a guild?" Mack nodded. He turned around and removed his robe. The first thing she noticed was all of his scars. They're were just so many. She subconsciously counted them at eleven small thing slightly long scars, four little holes at his spine, a giant circle on his right side, a large scar from his shoulder to his waist and a scar that ran from his shoulder to right under his right eyes.

The next thing she noticed however stopped her. A large tattoo on his back. The Fairy Tail guild symbol.

"What about you? Why are you out here? It looks like you've been walking for a long time." She looked at her feet. She didn't feel much pain from them since they were numb.

"I-I…I escaped from hell." Mack looked at her face. He had gotten better at reading people and could see the pain from her.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to come with me? I'm on my way back to my guild." Erza's eyes widened looking at him. She stumbled lightly.

"Yes! Please I heard of Fairy Tail! I want to get stronger! I want to join!" Mack looked at Erza as she limped slightly. Without saying anything he crouched in front her slightly. "Um… what are you doing?"

"Your feet are hurt. I'll carry you. It'll be faster and you won't hurt yourself more." Mack couldn't see Erza blush as she leaned against his back. He felt the pain of his most recent scar at his spine but didn't flinch having gotten use to pain. He felt her tighten her arms around his neck and legs around his waist so he stood up fully. "Hold on."

His body started morphing. Both of his arms gained beautiful white fur as he grew taller and more muscular. His body took the shape of a were lion. Erza almost scream in surprise but quite liked his fur. It was soft. She didn't see the lightning coming off of him before she felt sick.

Her vision caught up and noticed he was swaying as they appeared nearly a mile away from where they just were.

"Sorry. That usually makes me slightly dizzy so I if you feel sick tell me." Erza nodded into his fur as she felt the same feeling a few more times. After a few seconds she opened her eyes. She saw Mack still transformed leaning against a tree.

"I can get off?" Erza felt bad making him have to carry her.

"It's not you. I'm fine. That was one of my magical skills it just takes a lot of mana and fucks with my stomach. I'll walk the rest of the way but we are much closer now." He felt Erza nod into his fur. He looked at his status in front of him.


<Flash> F

Turn into lightning for .1 second(s) to move at incredible speeds!

It was a useful skill but god it hurt his stomach. He could also only use it four times before he had to stop. He had enough mana to do it six but any more than four and he will have throw ups. He learned that the hard way.

Mack thought of the B-Rank he should take once he gets back. He was looking forward to reaching B-Rank soon. Mack almost completely forgot Erza was on his back until he heard snoring. He did his best to keep quiet and not make any sudden movements so she could sleep.

Mack made incredible time. He was originally about a day away from Magnolia but with his ability he was able to reach Magnolia in just 10 hours. Mack went straight to the guild. People saw him transformed but no one acted like it was out of the ordinary. Mainly because here it wasn't. This was the usual for them as Mack usually came back transformed to get back to the guild quicker.

Mack walked into the guild. He asked a barmaid to go get Makarov and set Erza down in a chair. He transformed back.

"Who's the new girl?" An older member asked Mack as he sat down at the table next to them.

"Erza. She escaped from a bad place and wants to join Fairy Tail." Mack turned as Makarov walked out of his of office.

"Welcome back Mack! It's good to see you again! Ah!" Mack notice he was drunk. The barmaid walked away after smacking Makarov.

"Master. This is Erza Scarlet. She wants to join Fairy Tail." Makarov rubbed his chin.

"OI!" Erza jumped awake as Makarov shouted loudly. "HAHAHAHA! Welcome back to the land of the living! Where do you want you mark and what color?!"

"Wha?" Erza rubbed her eyes and looked around. After a few seconds she seemed to realize and looked at Mack with wide eyes. "What happened?"

"You feel asleep and I made it back. Come on. It's late so get your guild mark and I can show you towards Fairy Hill." Erza looked at Makarov. He got her guild mark on her left arm and blue.

Mack watched her rub the mark slowly. She looked at him with a small smile and the arms in her eyes. Before he knew it she gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you so much!" Mack patted her back.

"Come on. I think it's better if we take you to Porlyusica. She's the guilds doctor and will help you with your feet." Erza blushed and stood up. He wrapped an arm around her waist surprising her. She wrapped her arm around his neck and looked at him. He nodded and started leading her out.

"I'll show you Fairy Hills either tomorrow or tonight either way I'll show you the mission board as well. Just be careful talking with a blond boy named Laxus. He has a short fuse and is a real ass hole. A kid named Gray is pretty cool but he is a little… weird I guess." Mack kept giving her what he thought was helpful tips as they walked. Erza was more focused on his hand though. She leaned against him with a small smile thinking how she just left the tower yet already was having a better life.