
Danmachi: Shrouded in the Abyss of Darkness

In a world suffocated by the weight of societal expectations, Ren's life unfolds as a hollow facade, devoid of purpose or true fulfillment. His days are spent trapped in the chains of conformity, desperately yearning for the moment they will end. And then, a revelation tears through the veil of his existence, thrusting him into a realm beyond his wildest dreams. Consumed by a delusion that permeates his every thought, Ren becomes enamored with a goddess-like character, Ais Wallenstein, from the world of "Danmachi." Her otherworldly beauty, with long golden-blonde tresses cascading like a radiant sun, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of gold, and a figure exuding grace and elegance, captivate his imagination. As if fate's cruel jest, tragedy befalls Ren, casting him into the realm of the afterlife. But amidst the abyss, a powerful Goddess emerges, confirming the existence of worlds he once believed were mere figments of imagination. It is a revelation that shatters the boundaries of his perceived reality and reignites the flames of the twisted desires he suppressed for a long, long time... ————— The novel's discord server: 2NUzdasA6F Author Notes: First and foremost, I extend my apologies in advance. Throughout this novel, I may make references to various anime and novels, as well as playfully critique certain aspects of other works. Please understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone. I neither claim ownership of these works nor have personal connections with the authors. Posting Pace: I must confess that I am writing this story purely for my own satisfaction, without any fixed schedule or deadlines. Anticipating some common questions: Q: Will there be a harem? A: I cannot say for certain. My MC has a deep obsession with Ais Wallenstein alone, which may be enough to satisfy his desires. Q: Is the MC mentally stable? A: No. Ren is a broken individual, a clear example being the MC of "The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines." If you are unfamiliar with that character, I encourage you to read a few chapters or peruse the synopsis for further insight. Q: Is this a Danmachi fanfiction? A: Yes, it is ultimately a Danmachi fanfic. However, it may diverge from the most popular fanfictions you may have encountered, offering a unique perspective and narrative. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I hope you find the story engaging and thought-provoking, as it explores the depths of Ren's twisted desires and the intricacies of a world woven from both familiar and unfamiliar threads.

DeeplyLostInShadow · Anime & Comics
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Training: To Reach You

--- Ais' POV ---

I had dedicated years of my life to mastering the sword.

It felt like a conduit through which I could transcend my limitations and become stronger than ever before.

And...I was not mistaken.

The moment Ren wielded a sword in his hand, a tangible shift occurred in the atmosphere. It was as if the very surroundings had adapted to his presence, bending to his will rather than the other way around.

I stood there in awe as he effortlessly executed a simple vertical slash, that single motion spoke volumes about the gap between our skills.

The force behind that strike was so potent that even with a wooden sword, it sliced through the ground with a resounding thud that reverberated in my ears...

This was the level I aspired to reach.

My gaze remained fixated on Ren, my curiosity piqued. Though I couldn't comprehend the intricacies of his technique, I patiently awaited his explanation.

"That is what you will be capable of achieving once you reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship. It matters not whether your weapon is a wooden sword, a leaf, or a finely crafted blade. The sharpness of the sword does not stem from the quality of its materials, but from the depths of your heart. Would you be kind enough to lend me your sword for a moment?"

Perplexed, I tilted my head in confusion. How could my heart imbue a sword with an attribute...?

Nevertheless, I handed over my sword to Ren.

He executed the exact same slash, yet this time, even with a perfectly sharpened blade, it failed to cut through the grass it collided with.

Instead, the ground trembled under the impact, as if struck by a hammer rather than a sword.

"Using this approach, a sword becomes more than a mere weapon for indiscriminate killing. It becomes a trusted companion that will obey your every command. Of course, the quality of the sword will amplify its effects."

His words were laden with wisdom, prompting a nod of understanding from me. Still, I remained uncertain about how to achieve such mastery.

"Do not fret, Ais. In due time, you will naturally grasp the essence of what I'm demonstrating. Now that you have witnessed the true potential of a sword, you can begin to reassess your own approach. While harnessing the flames of revenge to bolster your strength is commendable, you have been treating the sword as a mere tool."

I allowed him to continue his explanation, knowing full well that he understood my fighting style.

"Your sword struggles to keep up because you burden it with your insatiable desire for revenge. Moreover, while your current sword technique proves effective against monsters, it is not directed toward fellow adventurers. Consequently, you are less efficient when engaging in combat with them, and that poses a problem. Your sword style is flawed."

His words sparked contemplation within me as I gazed at my sword, still nestled in his grasp.

Unconsciously, I had followed this approach ever since I first wielded a blade. Could I truly change that...?

Ren seemed to perceive my doubts, for he continued his speech.

"..Moving forward, we will engage in sparring sessions. I will employ a wooden sword and cast an illusion upon myself to deliberately weaken my abilities, ensuring I am far inferior to you. In doing so, you will witness firsthand the gravity of this issue."

His words ignited a fierce determination within me. If he deliberately placed himself in a position of weakness, it presented an opportunity for me to bridge the gap between us, even if the circumstances seemed unfairly skewed...


I comprehended why Ren had abstained from wielding a weapon.

This man... was a prodigy.

By limiting himself, he informed me that his power level should be around a mere level 2—an astonishingly low level. An adventurer of that caliber could be dispatched with a single blow from a level 6 adversary.


Even when our swords clashed—my weapon against his wooden blade—I was effortlessly defeated.

Or rather, he had to further restrain himself to prevent accidentally harming me.

Such humiliation plunged me into a spiral of self-reflection, abandoning all defense in my desperate pursuit to land a hit. But...

"Compose yourself. That is not the purpose of this training. Observe my sword and attempt to discern why yours refuses to heed your command to strike me down."

His words snapped me out of my reverie, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

I felt a tinge of embarrassment, exposing such vulnerability to him. His gentle smile only intensified the heat in my cheeks...

Once I regained composure and truly observed his movements, I began to notice certain patterns.

Ren could not actively perceive my sword. His reactions mirrored those of an average level 2 adventurer—somewhat sluggish.

However, it was as though he possessed the uncanny ability to anticipate my every strike, not solely relying on his understanding of my combat style, but rather...

My sword appeared to be nothing more than a predetermined sequence of motions to him. He knew how each movement flowed and in what order, even if I attempted to deviate.

My approach to swordsmanship was deeply flawed. From the start, I failed to regard him as a human being.

No, behind him, I had always seen...

A Monster.

Whether it was due to a slight variation in my strike this time or a newfound understanding, I managed to avoid being swiftly bested and almost landed a blow on his shoulder.

Although he effortlessly parried it a moment later, it marked a significant improvement, fueling my determination.

At that moment, I realized that humans and monsters were not interchangeable, and behind my sword, I needed to infuse something different.

I ceased our sparring session for a moment, closing my eyes as if a crucial realization demanded my complete comprehension.

After a few moments, it struck me.

While seeking revenge would undoubtedly enhance my swordsmanship, once I accomplished my vendetta, my style would inevitably stagnate—a mere firework fizzling out after its grand display.

That was not my desire. To be regarded as a mediocre woman in his eyes was utterly unacceptable. No, what I yearned for...

Exceeded such limitations.

Raising my sword once more, I noticed a flicker of seriousness in Ren's expression.

Did this signify that I possessed the potential to graze his skin now?

The thought elicited a smile as silence enveloped us.

In the blink of an eye, the sole sound reverberating was the resounding clang as his shoulder collided with my blade, absorbing the impact with unwavering resolve, untouched by injury or recoil.

Even limited to level 2, it seemed Ren couldn't perfectly suppress himself.

The elusive scratch I longed to see failed to materialize, but an indomitable sense of satisfaction permeated my being.

For the first time, his perception faltered, unable to discern the intricate dance of my sword.


Author's Note - Poem Edition:

If the Discord you forsake,

Then coolness, thy heart will not partake.

Join the server, be in the know,

Where coolness and camaraderie flow.

For within those virtual walls so grand,

A community of coolness shall stand.