
Danmachi: Shrouded in the Abyss of Darkness

In a world suffocated by the weight of societal expectations, Ren's life unfolds as a hollow facade, devoid of purpose or true fulfillment. His days are spent trapped in the chains of conformity, desperately yearning for the moment they will end. And then, a revelation tears through the veil of his existence, thrusting him into a realm beyond his wildest dreams. Consumed by a delusion that permeates his every thought, Ren becomes enamored with a goddess-like character, Ais Wallenstein, from the world of "Danmachi." Her otherworldly beauty, with long golden-blonde tresses cascading like a radiant sun, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of gold, and a figure exuding grace and elegance, captivate his imagination. As if fate's cruel jest, tragedy befalls Ren, casting him into the realm of the afterlife. But amidst the abyss, a powerful Goddess emerges, confirming the existence of worlds he once believed were mere figments of imagination. It is a revelation that shatters the boundaries of his perceived reality and reignites the flames of the twisted desires he suppressed for a long, long time... ————— The novel's discord server: 2NUzdasA6F Author Notes: First and foremost, I extend my apologies in advance. Throughout this novel, I may make references to various anime and novels, as well as playfully critique certain aspects of other works. Please understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone. I neither claim ownership of these works nor have personal connections with the authors. Posting Pace: I must confess that I am writing this story purely for my own satisfaction, without any fixed schedule or deadlines. Anticipating some common questions: Q: Will there be a harem? A: I cannot say for certain. My MC has a deep obsession with Ais Wallenstein alone, which may be enough to satisfy his desires. Q: Is the MC mentally stable? A: No. Ren is a broken individual, a clear example being the MC of "The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines." If you are unfamiliar with that character, I encourage you to read a few chapters or peruse the synopsis for further insight. Q: Is this a Danmachi fanfiction? A: Yes, it is ultimately a Danmachi fanfic. However, it may diverge from the most popular fanfictions you may have encountered, offering a unique perspective and narrative. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I hope you find the story engaging and thought-provoking, as it explores the depths of Ren's twisted desires and the intricacies of a world woven from both familiar and unfamiliar threads.

DeeplyLostInShadow · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Those In The Background(2)

"It does seem like something is off," Ryuu-san remarked, drawing my attention to the peculiar behavior of Zero and Ren. Their actions had become increasingly mysterious and calculated.

As the battle unfolded before us, it was evident that Zero was unable to gain the upper hand against Ren. Each of his strikes was effortlessly blocked by Ren's hand.

Ren was studying Zero's powers, trying to find a way to counter them. We had all witnessed how Three had miraculously healed even after her heart was ripped from her chest, so he must have been searching for a weakness.

But why was Zero allowing him to do this? It couldn't be mere overconfidence; there had to be more to their strategy.

As I delved deeper into their intentions, my thoughts became muddled. I couldn't quite grasp the reasoning behind their actions. Something was amiss.

"Wait, Ryuu-san, have you noticed something strange too?" I interrupted our contemplation, my focus shifting to a different matter.

"Why are there no corpses in this area?"

It was a bizarre observation, one that I wouldn't have picked up on amidst the chaos of battle. But as we distanced ourselves from the front lines, I couldn't help but notice the absence of any fallen bodies.

Ryuu-san's expression grew thoughtful as she scanned the surroundings, searching for an answer.

Then, we found it—the corpses were all strangely congregated around Ais-san.

Recalling the explosion caused by Three's self-detonation which was clearly not too distant from Ren, it became clear.

Ren might not be able to sense their self-destruct, and neither could we. If my suspicions were correct, we had to act swiftly to prevent a catastrophic outcome.

"We need to stop it at all costs," I said, a sense of urgency in my voice.

"....How can I help?"

The words that came from Haruhime-san surprised both Ryuu-san and me, almost making us jump as we were too focused on the current circumstances. Her serious gaze bore into me, and I knew I couldn't refuse her help. Lives were at stake, and we needed all the assistance we could get.

We quickly huddled together with the other members of the Hestia Familia to come up with a plan.

It seemed strange that Ais-san was the prime target, but then it all made sense—she would probably be used as a hostage to keep Ren from participating in the battle. Ren's extraordinary strength as an unusual Level 6 could be a game-changer, and if he were stopped, it would deal a significant blow to morale and lead to more losses.

It was clear his strength was beyond a level 6 to almost everyone present.

We couldn't let them do whatever they wanted.

After discussing, we formulated a plan as Ryuu-san and I prepared ourselves for action.

"We need to use our abilities to push them away," I said, emphasizing the urgency of our task.

"Right. If they all explode, even the Sword Princess won't be able to endure it..."

Welf chimed in, his voice extremely serious as we focused once again on the main battle.

--- Ren's POV ---

This power they're using... it's really bizarre.

Maybe if Lucy was upgraded, we could actually figure out how to deal with them, but I don't have that luxury.

"...You know, even if I give you more time, the situation is still in my hands. You're strong, much stronger than me, but so what? Your weakness... I've already grasped it."

Since he wanted to chat, I played along for now and scoffed.

"I don't have any weaknesses. All I have is one precious person in my life, and that's all I need."

He seemed amused by my response, and his laughter filled the air.

"And that, my dear Ren, is precisely your weakness. Look at your precious person. Don't you think something's off?"

His words made me frown, and I slowly turned my gaze while remaining alert to his moves.

A little farther from the front lines, there she was, still fighting against some of them. But this time, I didn't just focus on her; I glanced around her surroundings, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

So, that's what he meant.

"So... do you still want to fight me? Even if I can make her die in an instant?"

I didn't dignify him with a reply. My heart was torn between reaching her and ensuring her safety. But he wasn't done playing his sick games.

"If you dare move a finger, she'll really die. Since I can't kill you, you'll just have to stand still and let us do whatever we want. After we're done, we'll leave both of you alone. How does that sound?"

He thought he could control us, dictate our actions, but he had another thing coming. My anger simmered, refusing to be cowed by his threats.

Before I could respond, a sudden interruption took us all by surprise.

"Now! Get away, Sword Princess!!"

In an instant, a surge of potent magic erupted around Ais, enveloping the entire area in a frigid chill. Ice spread like wildfire, turning the corpses into statues and nearly trapping me in its icy embrace, even if its power lacked in strength to do so.

The sight was awe-inspiring. The ice was a deep, glacial blue, glistening under the moonlight like an ethereal masterpiece. It encapsulated everything, leaving no space untouched as if nature itself had bent to the will of the caster.

It was obvious that Welf used a magic sword.

"I will crush you all," Zero suddenly snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "I will not let you ruin my plans!"

...Foolish bastard, did you really think this plan of yours had worked?

"They can still explode even if they're frozen! Don't you dare move!" he warned, but I paid him no mind. I reached him in an instant and clutched his throat.

My grip tightened as I effortlessly tore away his limbs one by one. I didn't aim to kill him, at least not yet.

"Did you think you had some grand plan..."

But before I could continue, a sudden eruption shattered the eerie calm. The corpses, frozen in ice, exploded without warning, engulfing "Ais" in a violent blast.

Even with his limbs torn away, Zero seemed immune to pain as he erupted in maniacal laughter.

"This is what you get for not listening to me, you bastard!!"

He reveled in his twisted triumph, but I remained eerily calm. As the cries of worry and concern filled the air around me, my emotions were oddly muted.

However, I seized the opportunity. With methodical precision, I applied some force and removed the mask that concealed his identity. The power behind it was no match for me, and as soon as it was gone, he screamed in agonizing pain.

My fingers dug into his flesh, ripping and tearing with merciless force.

Good. Finally, I could let myself savor this moment...

"Ren! Ais-san...Ais-san...!!"

Lefiya's screams bothered me as I looked at her, shaking my head as if I was looking at an idiot.

How did she even reach the front lines this fast? This girl...


Author's Note:

We will see the situation from Lefiya's POV next chap, It will also be explained properly and not rushed like this, and there is a reason for it so worry not! :)