
The Surface(2)

--- Bell's POV ---

I was devastated.

Ais-san... she had a lover.

It was a logical assumption. A woman as enchanting as her must have captured someone's heart already.

I knew this. So why did the sound of my own heart shattering echo so loudly? Why did this pain hurt more than any injury I've ever had so far?

Perhaps, deep down, I had fooled myself into believing that she would wait for me.

How foolish I was...

My thoughts clouded my focus, weakening me at a time when every ounce of strength was crucial, when failure meant the death of those I held dear.

I felt like a pathetic, miserable fool, questioning why someone else couldn't take my place and protect them as they deserved.

Slapping my cheeks, I forced the thoughts away. This was not the time for such indulgence...


News and rumors spread like wildfire, carrying tales of the remarkable deeds performed by the Loki Familia.

The Loki Familia, a beacon of hope, manifested a true miracle!

Such resounding cries reverberated far and wide, capturing the attention of countless onlookers from neighboring districts. Their gaze turned towards the impromptu sanctuary, hastily constructed to accommodate as many people as possible.

Though the effects of the barrier were greatly diminished after Ren severed his connection, it still offered a function to isolate the area from bacteria, a sanitized haven that could sustain its patients for precious hours.

Undeterred by exhaustion, the healers chose to press on, dedicating themselves to their noble task.

The impact of this selfless act was profound, causing hearts to stir and perspectives to shift.

Those who once revered the "Top" Familia saw their admiration waver as the Loki Familia emerged as the true Heroes.

While others remained within the safety of their own territories, indifferent to the plight of the people, the Loki Familia also descended into the depths of the Dungeon, facing untold dangers to protect the city and put an end to the crisis.

In ordinary times, strength alone dictated supremacy, overshadowing any acts of benevolence. But these were no ordinary times.

The situation was so dire entire Familias were completely and forever disbanded. Even the highest-ranking ones experienced a devastating loss of members, causing the hierarchical landscape to shift drastically within a single day.

However, the Freya Familia, led by a formidable Level 7, emerged largely unscathed, with only a handful of unfortunate casualties.

This fact only fueled ire, as whispers spread that the Loki Familia suffered significant losses due to their relentless pursuit of justice.

The origins of these rumors remained elusive, but one truth remained undeniable—the Loki Familia deserved honor and respect.

Their selfless sacrifice prevented Orario from descending into utter chaos and ensured that hope persevered amidst the darkest of times.

The trust once placed in the Freya Familia had been shattered, and the repercussions were significant...

--- Ren's POV ---

As we hastened our steps toward the Hestia Familia Manor, a peculiar sight unfolded before us. Several individuals bowed deeply as we passed by, their show of respect leaving me perplexed.

Hey, I'm no King Arthur¹⁸. There's no need for such exaggerated reverence.

Nonetheless, amidst this strange display, we finally arrived at the Manor.

The gate, or rather what remained of it, lay in pieces on the ground.

The entire Manor bore the scars of battle, as if hordes of monsters had descended upon it in an attempt to obliterate the Hestia Familia.

It made sense, of course. That bastard knew the central plot of the novel, and he wanted to devour powerful souls.

While I couldn't gauge the strength of Bell's soul, the fact Freya had been simping for him like a bitch in heat for so long indicated he possessed a certain allure.

Before I could delve deeper into my thoughts, I was confronted with an unexpected sight.

It appeared that the little Hero, on this particular day, had...


--- Bell's POV ---


Yamato Mikoto, died today.

I failed to protect them.

With each monster I cleaved through, more emerged, an unending horde.

It felt like a nightmarish haze as I witnessed her torn form, ravaged by the very creatures I fought. Just as quickly as they had appeared, the monsters abruptly ceased their onslaught, vanishing into the ether as if the World rejected their existence.

But I couldn't allow myself to succumb to despair. Though my vision remained clouded, I forced myself to focus on those I could still save.

With trembling hands, I utilized every bandage at our disposal, staunching Lili's profuse bleeding. Yet, even that was insufficient.

Haruhime-san's wounds ran deep, demanding urgent and delicate attention.

Welf, too, coughed up blood, his vital organs undoubtedly pierced by the relentless barrage of needle rabbits.

A putrid stench tainted the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood. The suffocating odor filled my nostrils as I stared down at my blood-soaked hands.

My breath labored and weary, I couldn't help but question why it was I who survived, utterly powerless to prevent this tragedy.

I pressed on, my fatigue threatening to consume me.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a resolute voice sliced through the turmoil, demanding my attention.

"Bring them all here and find another table, Ais. I'll do my best to stabilize their conditions while you search for a healer. Hurry!"

I turned my hazy gaze upon her. Even in my blurred vision, her golden hair and eyes were unmistakable.


Regret gnawed at my heart. I knew I would never be worthy of standing by her side.

Beside her stood a man with jet-black hair, a figure I no longer needed to question. Ren Von Seraphis, the new Level 6 of the Loki Familia.

Undoubtedly, Ais' boyfriend.

Under different circumstances, my reaction might have been different. But as I beheld the battered and broken figures of my fellow Familia members, their lives hanging by a thread, I couldn't help but bow my head, my forehead touching the cold ground.

"Please...save them."

And so, on this fateful day, Familias of equal standing to the Hestia Familia faced utter devastation and met their demise, crumbling to dust. In comparison, Hestia's Familia emerged relatively unscathed, with only a single life lost.

But was this truly a stroke of luck?


Author's Note:

Your Plot Armor warranty expired, sorry Bell :/

18: King Arthur: You can see several versions of him through fate, mythology or anywhere else he appears in. Many novels do use King Arthur, so it may be familiar to you.

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