
Danmachi: Shrouded in the Abyss of Darkness

In a world suffocated by the weight of societal expectations, Ren's life unfolds as a hollow facade, devoid of purpose or true fulfillment. His days are spent trapped in the chains of conformity, desperately yearning for the moment they will end. And then, a revelation tears through the veil of his existence, thrusting him into a realm beyond his wildest dreams. Consumed by a delusion that permeates his every thought, Ren becomes enamored with a goddess-like character, Ais Wallenstein, from the world of "Danmachi." Her otherworldly beauty, with long golden-blonde tresses cascading like a radiant sun, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of gold, and a figure exuding grace and elegance, captivate his imagination. As if fate's cruel jest, tragedy befalls Ren, casting him into the realm of the afterlife. But amidst the abyss, a powerful Goddess emerges, confirming the existence of worlds he once believed were mere figments of imagination. It is a revelation that shatters the boundaries of his perceived reality and reignites the flames of the twisted desires he suppressed for a long, long time... ————— The novel's discord server: 2NUzdasA6F Author Notes: First and foremost, I extend my apologies in advance. Throughout this novel, I may make references to various anime and novels, as well as playfully critique certain aspects of other works. Please understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone. I neither claim ownership of these works nor have personal connections with the authors. Posting Pace: I must confess that I am writing this story purely for my own satisfaction, without any fixed schedule or deadlines. Anticipating some common questions: Q: Will there be a harem? A: I cannot say for certain. My MC has a deep obsession with Ais Wallenstein alone, which may be enough to satisfy his desires. Q: Is the MC mentally stable? A: No. Ren is a broken individual, a clear example being the MC of "The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines." If you are unfamiliar with that character, I encourage you to read a few chapters or peruse the synopsis for further insight. Q: Is this a Danmachi fanfiction? A: Yes, it is ultimately a Danmachi fanfic. However, it may diverge from the most popular fanfictions you may have encountered, offering a unique perspective and narrative. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I hope you find the story engaging and thought-provoking, as it explores the depths of Ren's twisted desires and the intricacies of a world woven from both familiar and unfamiliar threads.

DeeplyLostInShadow · Anime & Comics
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--- Ren's POV ---

It has been quite some time since I last lost consciousness, hasn't it?

During my tenure as the Prime Harmonic, vulnerability was a luxury I could ill afford. I had to remain ever vigilant, lest someone seize the opportunity to strike me down unnoticed.

But at this moment, as I gradually awakened, I couldn't help but feel an unusual sense of tranquility wash over me. Why did I feel so at ease?

Silently, I opened my eyes, only to find myself in an unfamiliar room. My senses confirmed that we were still within the confines of the Dungeon, albeit in one of its safe havens.

Before my thoughts could fully process the situation, they were abruptly halted by the sight of Ais—her signature golden hair clinging to her sleeping face.

She lay nestled in my arms, like a delicate flower whose gentle presence belied her ability to slice divinity like a hot knife through butter.

My heart raced like never before since arriving in this world, yet I managed to suppress its fervent beats. Observing her slumbering in my arms, I couldn't help myself.

Lucy, photo! Photo!

I urged, prompting Lucy to capture this precious moment.

Someday, I envisioned creating a beautiful album, a cherished collection of memories to share with our children.

Through these photos, I could unveil the world of their grandparents, my own homeland, which I never held in high regard. But perhaps, in their eyes, it would hold a certain fascination.

Although I possessed no images, my journey had gifted me with countless memories, each a vibrant tableau waiting to be brought to life through Lucy's skillful lens.

This System, though not all-powerful or game-breaking, has been a true gift, saving me on more than one occasion. Its worth extends far beyond its capabilities, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Thank you, Eve.

Anyways, after indulging in these antics, I turned my attention to a lingering question: How were we still together?

The answer soon presented itself as Riveria entered the room, a subtle chuckle escaping her lips—a surprising display from someone typically reserved. However, I chose not to question it.

"We attempted to separate the two of you, but our efforts were in vain, you know?" she explained, her gaze bearing a hint of amusement. "Now, allow me to examine both of you for any injuries."

My apologies. It seems that even in my unconscious state, my instincts regarding Ais were irrepressible.

I nodded, my reluctance palpable, but before I could make a move to separate myself from her, I felt her hand gently clinging to my sleeve. Neither Riveria nor I said anything for a moment, but eventually, she let out a sigh.

"You can stay. I do not need to remove her clothes or anything..."


After ensuring Ais was in good condition, Riveria decided to employ the most potent form of Healing Magic to tend to my injuries as well. Following some discussion, I made a practical decision to remain by her side.

As I entertained the notion of losing myself in her captivating beauty, a sudden prompt materialized before me.

[Memories Extracted: Information Updating. 17%...]

Naturally, while Lucy possessed remarkable abilities, projecting the meticulously analyzed memories proved to be an insurmountable task.

Given their origin in divinity, attempting to replicate them was beyond her capabilities.

Therefore, the next viable approach was to grant her access to break it down and gradually update her existing knowledge.

Of course, the extent of memories she could extract initially would heavily influence the scope of this process.


After what felt like hours, Ais finally roused from her slumber, her gaze briefly grazing the ceiling before locking onto mine.

I was about to utter some words, but before I could, she wrapped her arms around me in a tender embrace, as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

"...Are you alright?" she inquired, her concern evident in those mesmerizing golden eyes.

Oh, it had been far too long since I'd devoted my undivided attention to her.

How adorable!

Of course, I made sure to reassure her that I was perfectly fine, even going so far as to flash my abs, eliciting a soft laugh from her.

I longed to indulge in conversation, to lose myself in her company, but alas, it wasn't the opportune moment for that. We needed to discuss what I had now discovered about...that piece of trash.


Name: Malachi (Current) - Malachiel (Former)

Race: Former God (Fallen)

Strength: Estimated to be approximately 40-50 times greater than the Host. However, it is important to note that this is merely speculative, and the Host should not consider it as his true strength.

Current Situation: Once a revered God possessing a Major Divinity over Annihilation, as well as minor Divinities over Souls and Conquest. However, he now finds himself among the exiled beings of this World. In the realm of the Heavens, he is remembered as a kind and outgoing deity.

Objective: To consume this World and eliminate the Special One. This presents an opportunity for a potential breakthrough-#?.°_

Faction: Known as [The Forgotten Ones], they have been banished from this Universe by the *-@#. Their ultimate desire is to return and claim what they believe is rightfully theirs. This faction exhibits a cruel and demonic nature, stopping at nothing to achieve their goals.

Additional Information: According to {The Secrets of Godhood}, his strength is estimated to be growing by devouring emotions, souls, and other divinities. However, due to the varying sources, his Divinity is classified as [Impure]. Further information could not be extracted.



Author's Note:

From next chap we'll see some of the starting plot for Arc II :)