
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 26: First Step in Fighting Injustice

Once we parted from the Astraea Familia and the group of robbers we arrived home within 15 minutes.

Entering we were greeted by the sight of Athena, Leonmitchelli, and Millhiore.

"Welcome ho-Agh!" Millhiore screamed once she got a good look at us.

"Don't worry it looks worse than it is." I told her. "But some first-aid wouldn't hurt."

It really wouldn't.

Nodding Millhiore ran off to get the medical supplies, while the four of us took off our salamander cloaks and put them away properly.

Those things cost a pretty penny after all, and as a familia who is still trying to get our bearings we don't have that much money to spare. So we need to take care of our shit until it isn't able to last any longer.

At least until we start making major bank that is.

Which I plan for our familia to start doing very soon. I just need to work on a few things before we begin.

Moving to sit down on the couches and the chairs the four of us who went to the dungeon today were finally able to relax. Letting out tired sighs we waited until Millhiore came back with the medical supplies.

Once she did so she started treating our injuries, alongside Leonmitchelli and Athena.

As they did so we re-counted our experience for the day on the 13th floor. As well as our run in with the band of thieving adventurers and the Astraea familia.

"Oh, so you met Astraea's children did you?" Athena asked us after we finished re-telling events.

"We did." I said. "Goddess, do you know Astraea?"

Athena nodded. "In heaven we had a very good relationship. Though I haven't really had a chance to see and speak with her since I came down to the mortal world." She explained to us.

"Well then it looks like we'll need to arrange a meeting between you two in the future." I said.

Since Athena and Astraea are old friends it would be good for them to catch up. There are also several more benefits I can think of that come out of their friendship.

One is that we will be able to form a relationship and work with the Astraea familia in the future. I think those girls would be willing. Meaning we can take on Evilus together, and probably do some joint expeditions into the dungeon as well.

We might even be able to ask those girls to look after Athena and our home while we go on a solo expedition in the future.

As various thoughts ran through my head I waited for my treatment to get finished.

Once it was I thanked Millhiore and then headed up to my room.

Closing the door I placed my spear against the wall, and then stripped down to my birthday suit before stepping into the bathroom. I then went over to the tub and turned on the shower.

Yeah, they have showers in this world. They were featured in the Sword Orario anime. Only instead of nobs to control the temperature of the water there are two magic stones in place of them.

Adjusting the temperature to hot like I like it I waited for the water to warm-up. As I did so I untied my hair from its pony-tail allowing it to flow freely.

Since I look like Zhongli I decided to style my hair just like him, and honestly it works.

In my last life I kept my hair short since I didn't want the hassle of dealing with caring for long hair. But here I don't mind it at all.

Strange, but it is what it is.

Once the water was just how I liked it I stepped into the shower and started washing away the sweat, fatigue, and blood of the day.

A smile on my face as I did so.


Enjoying the nice breeze I walked down the street with Ryuu and Leonmitchelli on either side of me.

Today we are not going to the dungeon.

After yesterday's series of events we're going to take a few days to recover.

But we are going to the guild to turn in all the magic stones we collected yesterday.

The three of us walked down the street, and turned a corner.

But as we did so we stopped in our tracks. Since we just happened upon quite the sight.

Several men are standing around a flower shop stand, surrounding a woman and a boy.

The woman looks pretty. She has dark-brown hair and golden eyes.

[Image Here]

While the boy doesn't look much older than me. He has dark hair and dark eyes.

[Image Here]

Standing in front of the woman the boy glared menacingly at the men. But all of them just looked at him with smug expressions on their faces.

"Fuck off." The boy told the men. "Didn't we already tell you we wouldn't pay." He said.

"Kid, show some manners." One of the men said. "Didn't your mother teach you anything?" He asked, looking at the woman standing behind the boy.

'Oh, so she's his mother.' I thought.

Actually now that I look at their faces they do have similar features.

"Don't you dare look at my mother with your disgusting gaze!" The boy yelled at the man.

It was then the man stepped up and punched the boy in the stomach. Dry heaving he fell to the ground and clutched his stomach in pain.

"Kid, it looks like you need to learn to respect your elders, so let me teach you!" The man sneered. He then kicked the boy in the side, laughing as he cried out in pain once more.

"Stop!" The woman yelled at the man. "We'll pay, just leave my son alone, please?" She asked. A few tears appearing in her eyes as she did so.

"Oh, so it looks like one of you have some brains after all." The man said. He then looked down at the boy. "Be thankful kid, your mommy just saved you." He told him.

As he did so the boy gave him a furious look.

But the man ignored it, simply stepping over the boy and moving to his mother. Placing a hand on her shoulder as he did so.

"So then, as we previously discussed the rent fee is 10,000 valis a month." The man told the woman.

"But, we don't make near that much." She immediately retorted.

"Sorry, but that's the fee." The man said again. "And if I let you skimp, then my other renters might feel they can do the same." He explained to her. The man then started eyeing the woman's body, specifically her breasts. "However there are other ways you can pay me."

As Ryuu, Leonmitchelli, and I watched this all of us put looks of utter disgust on our faces.

To think these scum would do such acts in broad daylight.

I can now see that Evilus isn't the only problem plaguing Orario in the "Dark Period".

Sharing a look with Ryuu and Leonmitchelli we made our decision on what to do instantly. No hesitation at all.

We walked up to the scene.

As we did so all eyes turned on us.

"Hey, is there something we can help you brats with?" One of the thugs asked us.

"Yes." Leonmitchelli said. "I was wondering why pieces of shit like you are still allowed to walk around after beating up a kid trying to protect his mother from being touched by the dirty things you all call penis's? Explain it to me?" She asked. A bright smile on her face as she did so.

The moment she said this all seven men got angry expressions on their faces.

"Little bitch, looks like you need to learn some manners!" The thug in front of Leonmitchelli screamed.

But the second after he did so she kicked him right in the balls. No hesitation at all.

"Agghhhh!" Releasing a high-pitched scream the man fell over, unconscious.

Wincing I clutched my boys for a moment, making sure to never have that happen to me.

Seeing their friend taken out the thugs were stunned for a moment.

That is until their leader shouted at them.

"Don't just stand there, get those brats!" He said.

As soon as he did so the men snapped out of their daze and moved to attack us.

Once they did so I dropped the bag with magic stones in my hand and quickly moved up to the leader.

I then delivered a palm strike to his chin, before delivering several punches to his body. Sending him flying across the street.

As I did so I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Ryuu and Leonmitchellit take down the other thugs easily.

So easily I can tell these guys are not adventurers, just assholes who enjoy bullying the weak.

But now the shoe is on the other foot.

Moving over to their leader I punched him in the face, knocking out a tooth as I did so. I also knocked him out.

Picking him up by his leg I dragged him over to his comrades and then used his unconscious body to beat them some more, a smile on my face as I did so.

After five minutes I stopped. Seeing that they were all unconscious. Dropping their leader I looked towards Ryuu and Leonmtichelli. "Let's contact the Ganehsa familia to come arrest these scum."

They both nodded.

Once they did so I turned back around to the mother and her son.

"Thank you." The woman told me.

"No problem mam." I told her.

As I did so I caught her son staring at me.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Hey, why did you help us?" He asked me.

"Simply because I wanted to. No other reason." I told him. "Looking him in the eyes as I did so."

"I see." The boy said after a few seconds. "Ok then, next question. Are you guys adventurers?"

"We are." I told him. Not seeing any harm in doing so.

"Ok." He said. "So, what would you say if I asked to join your familia?"

As he did so I raised a brow.

To think our first steps in fighting injustice would lead to this.

Well, at least its not boring.