
Danmachi: Reincarnated with Mera-Mera No Mi

This is my First shot at writing something so go easy one me English in not my native langauge so forgive the mistakes that come with it. Well Here is Your Synopsis Liam Williams a carefree and somewhat depressed young man in his 20s. Liam Dies in a accident on his way home from Work, At the Expense of some of his memoris he gets to Reincarnate into a world of his choice and with a power of his choice, PS: Pictures used in this Fanfic obvs isnt mine so let me know if i need to remove any of them. PSS: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE ORIGINAL WORKS IN THIS ONLY OC CHARCTER IS MINE

RESilversalt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Sorry Guys Im Down for the count.

Hey guys just wanted to give a small update since i didnt release a chapter yeasterday and wont today either.

I've come down with some form of influensa and it hit me pretty hard i seems, im almost unable to get out of bed so writing is off the table for the time being.

Just wanted to update you guys, and let you know i'll be back at it soon hopefully.

Take care out there and stay safe.