
DanMachi: Reborn as Bell Cranel

Our mc reborn in DanMachi world as Bell Cranel, without knowing how he died, and who he was. The rest of his memories remains, like modern technology, politics, science, anime, movies, among others. These memories include the plot of his new world. Without knowing if his presence will change something, he is decided to live his own life as he wants, taking full advantage of what will happen in the future. I don't own Danmachi

1Saurio_ · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Plans

The day after his first birthday party, Bell understood that he is a normal human and to become stronger he needs Falna, and only gods can give him that. Fortunately for him, his grandpa was one, but sadly he knows that he will reject him because he is not living that kind of life anymore, he likes being a farmer. Sadly for his grandpa, he is planning to master the puppy eye technique and use his 2 year birthday present to fulfill that step of his plan.

6 month has passed, and until now, his grandpa has told him all kind of hero stories, the sword champion Albert Waldstein and the spirit Aria, the rise of the argonaut hero, and every story that Zeus and Hera Familia had gone through, his adventures in the dungeon and the world, like the 3 grand quests. The first time that he heard about it, he freaks out, he knew them because of his memories of the main history, but the level of details and the fact that his grandpa is a good storyteller, has leveled up the intensity of the tale.

On the other hand, Bell also spent time trying to build a more muscular body, not excessive, but the right amount to be fit. He ran through the village, do some push-ups, squats, and yoga from his old world, the flexibility will be necessary to evade monsters attack and perform better on the battlefield. Sadly for him, he is less than 2 years old, so the quantity of exercise that he can do is really very little. Besides, a baby squat and a baby push-up is a really fun thing to watch. One day Zeus noticed him training and started to laugh at him. He recommended him to start exercising when he grows enough to not look funny while doing it.

Bell ignored his advice, his time to train is counted. His grandpa will leave him, through a fake dead, when he is 14 and he would need to go to Orario. By that time the training will be deadly, if he makes a mistake in the dungeon mean his death. Considering that, Bell will take advantage of his Grandpa to be trained, even if he won't want to.

Besides the fact of being prepared to not die in the first dungeon's dive, he needs money. Money rules the world, or at least that was the said in his old world. The problem? besides that he has 1 and a half year old and nobody will give him work, he lives as a farmer in a rural village where people hadn't much money and the best shoot to make some is to be a trader and make business with another village, town or adventurers that are passing by.

And so time passes again, he spent his time on the same routine but instead of talking to villagers or flirting with young girls, he spent the rest of his time sketching and writing in an old book that he got for free from one of his neighbors. In this book, he put in all types of ideas of how to make money through his knowledge of his old world. The best ideas that fit with his current situation was to create tools for agriculture, create a solar power system and light bulbs, create the bicycle and the pedal cart - a bicycle where the front part is a cart and the back is a normal bicycle, and after some time and if the business goes well, he thought in to make an electric version of the two last ones.

His second birthday has come, his grandpa woke him up with breakfast in bed, which surprised him, the first one wasn't like that. While he was eating and treating his grandpa for such detailed attention, Zeus talk.

Zeus: "So Bell.... I noticed that you are not flirting girls anymore and started to spent time with that book of your..."

Zeus was intrigued about the book, the damn book that deviates his grandson from being a Casanova and popular with girls like him.

Bell: "Well grandpa, you know that if in all this time, you tried to sneak through and failed to read it... then, a breakfast as bribery neither will..."

Zeus: "aaah.." - he sighed deeply - "come on, I just want to know that is that demonic book that gets you away from girls..."

Bell: "...do you want to know that so much?...maybe I could tell you"

Zeus: - with electric and sparkling eyes - " yes, I want to know it, pleeeeaseee tell me.."

Bell: " okay...." - he did a long pause while sighing - " the book is ..." -he took another long pause while looking his grandpa with mysterious face - "..... a .... secret"

Zeus fell to his knees, almost crying for his trickster grandson, he started looking at Bell with puppy eyes and with his hands together like praying. Bell felt overwhelmed, that puppy eyes are incredibly effective. He cursed for inside for not practice it along the time, he swears to do it for his third birthday.

Bell: "Don't look me like that, if you want to know we can make a deal"

Zeus: "Okay, what do you want?"

Bell: "hmm I have to think... maybe at the dinner i will be ready to negotiate"

With that Zeus stood up and kissed Bell forehead, he thanks him and then leaves. Zeus planned to do a big party, a lot of food and get him a good gift, in this way the negotiation will start at his side. He has until evening to fulfill his plans.

And so the evening came, Bell was doing the same as every day. He finished another business design, and he already has 3 blueprints completed. When he heard his grandpa calling him, he went to the living room and surprised he saw a table full of his favorite foods, drinks, gifts, and a big cake with candles. His mouth opened and his eyes widen.

Zeus: " haha happy birthday my dear grandson, surprised by your birthday party?"

Bell: ".. well yes, you surpassed your limits, no grandpa?"

Both started to laugh, Zeus because the negotiation was on his side, and Bell because he didn't care about the negotiation, he was thinking on tell him anyway.

The party has coming to the end, was very late and the food vanished from the table. Zeus and Bell were resting on his chairs with big bellies coming out of their clothes.

Zeus: "so Bell, do you want to negotiate?"

Bell: " First, do you have my real birthday present?... you know that I'm not the kind of kid that likes toys...."

Zeus: "Fuck... I saw that coming, give me a minute..."

Zeus left to his dorm and come back with his hands at the back

Zeus: "I was planning to give you this someday in the future since i watch you train... take, happy birthday"

Zeus move his arms and deliver to Bell a long bag, Bell started to open it and his eyes started to shine, he never thought that something like this would happen. A sword, or at least to him. Bell's height is approximately 1m, all the exercises help him to grow faster and stronger. So the sword was more like a long dagger with a sword shape.