
Chapter 74

In front of Tianqing Drug Store.

Roger opened the door and walked straight in.

The clerk of this pharmacy is a member of the Mihe family, or rather the only member, Naza Elise.

The race is canine, with dog-like ears.

This time, Roger came here with the intention of purchasing a batch of medicines.

After all, if you want to completely win the war game, drug support is also essential.

"Ah, welcome, please take a look, our medicines are very cheap and extremely affordable. Nazha

, who was still lying on the counter until just now, immediately perked up her ears after Roger approached, stood up directly, and greeted Roger with a smile on her face.

"Well, let me just take a look first."

Roger nodded slightly, and did not immediately look at the medicines on the counter. Instead, he looked at Naza.

Gee, is this the dog girl? She looks very cute.

And most importantly The thing is, some places are much better than a certain cat girl.

It's like noticing���When Roger looked at her, the smile on Nazha's face froze for a moment, then a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and she came directly to Roger's side.

"Guest, how about you let me show you around."

While speaking, Nazha hugged Roger, and pressed the murder weapon towards Roger.

After firmly feeling the oppression, which was not inferior to the weight of a certain Loli goddess.

Roger My heart skipped a beat, but there wasn't much reaction on my face.

"Well, then I'll let the clerk lead the way."

After hearing this, the light in Nazha's brown eyes became even brighter, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised with a smile.

It seems that today's words can make a handful of orders.

As Nazha was thinking about these things At that time, Roger pointed to the medicines on the shelf and asked about their various functions.

Hearing this, Nazha quickly came to her senses and immediately explained them one by one.

After understanding the functions of the last medicine, Roger did not show any He showed signs of buying, but stood there as if he was deep in thought.

This move also made Nazha's heart skip a beat, and there was a trace of panic and surprise in her eyes.

What, this damn Shibiao, is it possible that she doesn't plan to buy it? ?

I'm obviously already like this… Damn it, how can I let you give up at this time? You must give me the money for today's order… spit it out.

A glimmer of light flashed in Nazha's eyes, and she pressed it directly Roger asked with a smile

"Guest, why, don't you have any favorite medicine?"

"The medicines we have here are very affordable. Do you really not want to buy some to take away?"

"Of course, if it's you, I can also give you a special discount price! Nazha

, who spoke, deliberately used ambiguous words, obviously intending to completely deceive Roger.

It's just that...

"Well, it's not that I don't want to buy it, but…for this amount…it might be a little…not enough."

Roger waved his hand and said lightly.

"What I need is probably double this amount of medicine."

Just after Roger finished speaking, Nazha who was standing there was completely shocked, and then a trace of horror and surprise appeared in her eyes.

"Ah, guest, you mean we need more medicine? Ah, this, this… of course there is no problem, but what I say now may not be enough, so I need to wait a little longer. Nazha said, her eyes gleaming, and her face showed a bit of excitement.

After all, twice the amount of medicine is a lot, and the profit is naturally greater.

In such a situation, Next, I believe I can make more money.

However, at the next moment, Roger's words caused Nazha to fall from heaven to hell, and her face lost all color.

"Well, I'd better go look elsewhere. After all, it may be needed in a short time."

After saying this, Roger raised his feet and prepared to walk out of the store.

Seeing this, Nazha's eyes showed a terrifying light, and she grabbed Roger without saying a word.

After all, such a person Sexy… How could the big fat sheep be let go?

Here, for the future of the family, we can only sacrifice a little.

Nazha, who had made a decision, quickly stepped forward to persuade her.

"Don't be anxious, guest, how about we go into the back room and talk in detail?"

While talking, Nazha used all her strength to hold Roger and prevent him from running away.

"This, clerk lady, this… I'm afraid it's not good."

Why, listening to what this means, is it possible that we are about to enter a welfare event next?


Roger swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes couldn't help but glance over Naza's big ears.

Well, such ears are different from those of the cat girl , I believe the feelings are completely different

"It's okay, my guest, let's go into the inner room and have a good chat. I believe you will change your mind. Moreover, I will definitely make you, the customer, satisfied with the discounts I offer. Nazha naturally saw Roger's hesitation, and the smile at the corner of her mouth became even brighter. She grabbed Roger and walked towards the back room.

Yes, this is for the future of the family.

And anyway, everyone has their first time. , if lost here, it can be exchanged for a great value.

Thinking of this, Na's hand became even stronger. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In this way, Roger could not withstand Nazha's strength. , was taken to the back room to discuss the transaction.

This time, the transaction was very detailed, so it took a little more time.

Half an hour later, Roger and Nazha walked out of the back room. came out.

However, Zha Shao seemed a little tired at this moment.

It seemed that the previous large order transaction also consumed a lot of effort for her.

It was necessary to calculate the profits of each drug and what could be obtained. The best interests.

Under such various factors, Nazha's spirit was slightly defective.

"Well, that's it. Since you are so thoughtful, Nazha, I will place an order with you."

Roger smiled and waved his hand, then took out a handful of gold coins and put them on the counter.

"This is the deposit, and you will pay the rest after you finish the work and send it over."

Nazha's eyes immediately fell on the gold coins on the counter. With so many gold coins, you can even make a small profit after removing the cost, and this is just a deposit.

Nazha's eyes lit up. Suddenly my waist no longer hurts.

"By the way, where are the medicines finally sent?"

Naza thought of something, looked at Roger and asked

"Yes, send it to the residence of the Hestia Familia."

After leaving these words, Roger turned around and left.

Nazha, who stayed there, blinked her eyes, and then suddenly exclaimed

"Hestia Familia?"[]


"It turned out to be that dependent clan!"

Nazha couldn't suppress the shock in her heart.

You know, the Hestia Familia is even worse than the Mihe Familia, the most destitute Familia.

When did this Familia become so generous? etc. Wait, this guy has ordered so many medicines. Could it be that the Hestia Familia is going to make some big move?

Oh no, this guy is actually a member of the Hestia Familia.

Hiss… What a loss!

The Lord God knows him.!

I had just known that I would have raised the price a little higher.

Nazha couldn't help but regretfully thought in her heart. Suddenly she lowered her head and showed a strange smile.

However, it was not impossible, after all, this guy is a complete…factory ….