
Chapter 37

Just when Roger's side solved the golden-backed gorilla.

In another corner of the East District, the battle between Bell and the silverback gorilla has come to an end.


Bell was leaning against the wall of the alley, breathing heavily. A large amount of sweat dripped from his forehead, but he had no time to wipe it. He stared straight at the silverback gorilla opposite.

Although at this time, the silverback gorilla had a lot of wounds, there was no fatal wound.

At the same time, his physical strength was almost reaching its limit.

To put it more directly, he now only has the strength left to launch an attack.

In other words, if the next blow cannot determine the outcome, then the one who will die will be…him.

When he thought of this, Bell's heart couldn't stop trembling, and a trace of fear emerged in his heart.

But soon, that trace of fear was forcibly suppressed by him.

Yes, if you can easily shrink back and be afraid here, then what kind of hero do you want to be?

Bell soon calmed down, clenched the dark dagger in his hand, and looked straight at the silverback gorilla opposite.

That's right, he is not fighting alone.

The black dagger in his hand was the weapon that Roger asked Hestia to hand over to him.

And this weapon means Roger's recognition of him.

In other words, Roger was convinced that he could defeat this monster, so he didn't come in person.

Faced with such trust, Bell didn't want to betray, but at the same time he couldn't.

Therefore, he must win!


After taking another breath, Bell's heart calmed down to the extreme. The appearance of the silverback gorilla in his sight became clearer and clearer. At the same time, his brain was working to the limit. At this moment, the silverback gorilla opposite him As if the orangutan couldn't bear the extremely oppressive air, he kicked off the ground with his feet and rushed towards Bell like a meteor. The fist, which could easily crush even rocks, headed straight towards Luo Jay smashed it over.

Faced with such an attack, Bell was not afraid, but took the initiative to meet it.

At this time, at the corner not far away, a figure walked out of the darkness and watched the scene from a distance.

That person , it was Ais who arrived not long ago.

However, she did not take action immediately, but hid in the darkness and watched.

In fact, she had arrived at the scene just three minutes ago.

However, she chose to hide Get up.

Because it's not time for her to appear yet.

She can feel that the white-haired boy has an extremely terrifying fighting spirit burning in him.

She has no idea that the white-haired boy who seems harmless in the slightest will actually Being able to possess such a terrifying power of will.

And people with such a strong will often have astonishing improvements in strength.

Just like she was before, no, she is now.

At this moment, Ais saw in Bell what she once was. herself.

Therefore, she did not take action to rescue Bell at this time.

Although doing so could save Bell, it would not allow Bell to grow in any way.

Of course, the most important thing is that Aisi has grown from Bell. She felt the determination to become stronger.

Because of this, she didn't want to take action rashly.

The more critical the moment, the more people can grow up quickly.

Of course, Aisi is also ready, at any time Prepare to take action to save people.

As for this moment, Hestia, who was standing further away, clenched her hands, looking at Bell not far away with a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Bell…must win"

"Speaking of which, does Roger really believe that Bell can win?..."

Hestia shut up before she could finish her words.

Because at this time, Bell had already met the silverback gorilla.


The silverback gorilla's fist hit hard, and the powerful force directly made a hole in the ground. At the same time, a large amount of smoke enveloped the area.

Under such circumstances, Hestia simply couldn't She couldn't see clearly what was going on, and she didn't know what was going on.

However, Aisi, who was not far away, had a glimmer of light in her eyes, and she could clearly see what was happening inside.

The silverback gorilla's fist , when it fell, Bell slipped directly under its legs and escaped the fatal attack.

At the same time, when the silverback gorilla could not withdraw his hand immediately, Bell climbed directly onto the silverback gorilla's back, aimed at his neck, and stabbed the dagger in his hand.


Roars mixed with despair and unwillingness echoed over the area for a long time.

The next moment, the sound of something heavy hitting the ground was heard.

Then the commotion died down.

Hestia, who was standing not far away, was stunned for a few seconds, then blinked and looked forward with a blank look on her face.

"Is it… over?"

"Is there a winner?"

Just when Hestia was still a little overwhelmed, in the corner of her sight, a blue figure walked past not far away.

"Hey, she is…from the Loki Familia..."

"Why does it appear here?"

"Forget it, let's go check on Bell's situation quickly."

Hestia suppressed the doubts in her heart and ran forward quickly.

Soon, she found Bell. At this moment, Bell was lying on the ground, looking exhausted, but his face was But it was full of excitement and excitement.

After seeing Hestia, Bell, who was lying there, twitched the corner of his mouth and revealed an extremely bright smile.

"Lord God, I did it. I killed that monster. I lived up to Brother Roger's expectations. I did it!"

"In this case, Brother Roger will also agree with me!"

After hearing Bell's words, Hestia smiled, walked forward and said

"Ah, if Roger knew, he would definitely be happy. Okay, Bell, don't talk too much. He wasn't injured before. We'd better leave quickly, it won't be good if the commotion attracts other people."

Just when Hestia left with the exhausted Bell.

Ais, who had left earlier, had already joined her Amazon sister Tiona.

But what made Ais a little confused was that the look on Tiona's face A look of loss and disappointment appeared on her face.

Such a situation also made Ais a little puzzled. After all, Tiona only went to deal with monsters. How could she become like this?

Is it possible ?...

"Tiona, did you let the monster go?"

Ais asked with some doubts.

"Ah Ace, listen to me, I am lovelorn."

Tiona looked at Ace with great sadness, as if she had found someone to talk to.

But Ace, who heard this sentence, was confused, her eyes were blank, and she could not understand Tiona's words at all.

However, Tiona's words were difficult to understand, and it wasn't just a day or two.

Hey, that was…

Just as Ace was listening to Tiona's feelings, she saw a black figure in the corner of her sight.

The black-haired boy, She was no stranger, he was the one who solved the Minotaur not long ago.

Why did he appear here?

And he looked like he had been through a big battle?

Well, is this… is she overly concerned?