
Chapter 33

Over there at the monster festival home ground, it was already in chaos.

A large number of monsters escaped their restraints and poured into the city.

Such commotion also gave the organizer, Lord Ganesha, a huge headache.

The only good news is that the nearby Loki Familia voluntarily joined the crusade against the monsters.

Under such circumstances, the damage should be minimized.

After all, the Loki Familia is the strongest Familia in Orario.

But the problem is…the number of escaped monsters is too many.

Under such circumstances, even if Loki Familia takes action, something will inevitably be missed.

At least as far as Ganesha himself knew, there were three or four monsters that were more powerful than LV3 adventurers, and they were missing.

At the same time, in a small alley near the main monster festival.

Bell was taking Hestia for a stroll in this alley.

To say it was a stroll might be inappropriate.

Because the two of them came here because of Hephaestus' request.

"Lord God, according to Lord Hephaestus, there are adventurers selling rare materials nearby."

"correct. Hum Bell, this is the time for me, as a god, to use my knowledge and experience that I have lived for hundreds of millions of years. Let me tell you, those materials are rare things."

Hestia rolled up her sleeves, with a look of confidence on her face.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the alley.

Bell, who was looking at the material, subconsciously raised his head Looked over there

"Lord God, what's the fuss about being so kind? They seem to be running away."

At the entrance of the alley, you can see a large number of people running away from there in a hurry, as if they are avoiding something terrible. At the same time, from time to time, shocking screams float from that side. Come on.

This situation is obviously not normal.

At this time, Hestia also noticed something was wrong and immediately grabbed Bell.

"Bell, let's run away first. If there is any commotion, it will only be very dangerous to stay here."

Hestia reminded

"Ah, good Lord Kami."

Bell was not someone who refused to listen. After hearing Hestia's persuasion, he nodded and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, at the entrance of the alley, a woman fell to the ground, her face The hangings were filled with despair.

The helpless screams reached Bell's ears clearly.

"Is there anyone, is there anyone who can save my daughter?"

The woman's helpless cry also made Bell stop in his tracks.

"Bell? What's wrong?"

Hestia, who was running towards the other end of the alley, saw Bell stop and couldn't help but asked in confusion.

Facing her question, Bell said seriously:"Lord God, please come now Go and take shelter quickly, I still have things to do."

After saying these words, Bell immediately pulled out the dagger from his waist and ran quickly towards the entrance of the alley.

Soon he rushed out of the entrance of the alley and immediately saw the people not far away. The scene.

There, a huge five-meter-tall silverback gorilla was standing there, with a frightening glare in its eyes, and its hands were destroying the nearby streets.

And what shocked Bell even more was that Twenty or thirty meters away in front of the silverback gorilla, a seven or eight-year-old girl was sitting there slumped, crying.

After seeing this, Bell's heart sank, and he quickly walked towards the silverback gorilla without saying a word. He ran over there.

At this time, it was impossible to take the little girl away from the silverback gorilla.

Then there was only one way, he himself would attract the silverback gorilla's attention, so that the silverback gorilla could attract the attention of the little girl. The little girl was saved.

After a moment of thinking, Bell took action immediately.

Without any hesitation, he immediately rushed towards the silverback gorilla that was several times larger than him.

If it was at this time before , he definitely does not have such courage, but now he is completely different from before.

Yes, he has made up his mind not to live up to that person's expectations, and will definitely become… a hero!

So what he should do now has already been determined.

Soon, as planned, Bell led the silverback gorilla to a remote and uninhabited place, allowing the little girl to escape. At this time, He, who had just ran out of the alley , Stia could only just see the back of Bell attracting the silverback gorilla.

"Now it's troublesome… The silverback gorilla is not an opponent that Bell can defeat at this level. If he is attracted alone, I'm afraid it will be a big problem...."

Hestia bit her lip, her expression a little gloomy, and her eyes filled with worry.

However, she can't help at all now.

No, are there any other members of the family nearby?

If there were other members of the family, they might be able to save him in time.

Thinking of this, Hestia quickly looked around, constantly looking for anyone who could help.

After just a few minutes of searching, she was extremely disappointed. Most of them were people who were in panic because of the commotion and could not be used.

Under such circumstances, there are no adventurers who can step forward to save people.

For a moment, Hestia's heart sank completely to the bottom, and deep guilt, self-blame, and uneasiness emerged in her heart.

Yes, she still remembered that Roger told them not to wander around when they went out today.

If she hadn't asked for it, perhaps this situation wouldn't have been caused.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in Hestia's ears.

"What's wrong, goddess, where is Bell?"

After hearing that familiar voice, Hestia couldn't help but raise her head, with a touch of excitement and excitement on her face.

"Ah Roger, Bell, he attracted the monster's attention and went over there, you hurry up and save him!"

Hestia grabbed the hand of the boy in front of her.

Yes, it was Roger who appeared in front of her.

"Really, going in that direction, goddess, what did the monster Bell encountered look like? Roger nodded slightly and asked calmly without showing much panic.

As if infected by his calmness, Hestia also calmed down.

"Ah, the monster is a silverback gorilla. It is very huge. Even an adventurer of level 3 can probably not deal with it."

Hestia said, her face full of worry.

After hearing this, Roger's heart completely calmed down.

Yes, if we talk about the gorilla, with Bell's current strength, naturally I can handle it.

The only thing that needs attention is the weapon.

Thinking of this, Roger immediately handed something to Hestia

"Goddess, if you give this thing to Bell, he will definitely win!"