
Danmachi: Outsider's journey

Hi there! Are you a fan of the Danmachi franchise and cannot wait for the release of new volumes? Are you the fan, tired of endless Isekai-Harem fanfics? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you're going to be good with this one.    The story begins 15 years prior to the adventures of Bell Cranell and Hestia Familia. Right before Zeus and Hera Familias were defeated and later destroyed. It is a story about a man, who has a sole goal in life. But first, he needs to reveal what it is...

futur_hop · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Receiving the falna

"… Thus, for the last UnknownHowMany centuries, I was traveling in this world along with you, my Cerberus!" told Hades. "Now, it is time for us to reunite once again! Are you ready to receive my blessing?" he asked.

Ell was remaining silent for a little while, and then he spoke.

"Lord Hades, you've just said "once again" … What does it mean?" was the boy's question.

"Hm… You should know that when people die, their souls go back to the Upper World, right?" started the deity.

Elladan shortly confirmed.

"You should also know then that the souls reincarnate back at the Lower World after a while."

The boy nodded.

"The same is true for you, my Cerberus! You… or better say your soul didn't belong to this world at first. But after I descended here a long time ago, it was a case that you needed some… you needed some reservoir. And that reservoir was usually a newborn infant. However, it usually takes a little bit of time until the soul of Cerberus awakes. By the way, when I said "a little bit of time", I mean years or even decades in some cases. Then, we start feeling the bond between each other and our fate tries to make us meet each other. The same happened to you more than a month ago. I don't know what happened exactly, but your true soul and identity woke up then, Elladan. And things started to make us get to reunite. You understand now?"

"Understood…" The boy instantly became sad.

"What's up, my little boy?" asked the god.

"I just recalled my family… friends… and how they have gone…" his voice was full of bitterness of loss.

"Oh… so that was the reason for you to awake. I see… I am sorry, Elladan!" apologized Hades.

"It's alright, my Lord! I just… I just gotta go through this on my own!" answered the boy.

"You don't have to do it on your own anymore! We are the family, you've forgotten, hm? I understand that it might be tough for you, but please, tell me what happened." Asked the god of the underworld.

Elladan took a deep breath, steeling himself to relive the painful memories that had haunted him for so long. With a heavy heart, he began to recount the story of his family, his friends, and the fateful day that forever changed his life. In the presence of Hades, Elladan's voice wavered as he recalled the peaceful village of Eldora. It was a place brimming with warmth and laughter, where the tight-knit community shared their joys and sorrows. Within this close-knit village, Elladan had a loving family— his mother and father.

As he spoke, his voice trembled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "But everything changed when the One-Eyed Black Dragon descended upon our village," he narrated. "Its arrival brought chaos and devastation, as it unleashed its dark powers upon our homes and loved ones."

The scene played out vividly in Elladan's mind as he continued his tale. Flames raged, consuming buildings and engulfing the once-serene village in a maelstrom of destruction. Panic filled the air, mingling with the terrified cries of the villagers.

With a heavy heart, Elladan recounted his desperate run from the forest to home in order to protect his family and friends, his voice laden with sorrow and guilt. Each memory etched itself deeply within his soul—the valiant struggle against the dragon's overwhelming power, the heart-wrenching loss as his loved ones fell one by one, and the shattering moment when he was separated from them in the chaos.

Tears welled up in Elladan's eyes as he spoke, his voice choked with emotion. Hades listened intently, his somber gaze fixed on the young boy. The god of the underworld understood the weight of Elladan's loss and the pain he carried within him.

"I couldn't even search for any sign of my family and friends," Elladan continued, his voice quivering. "Zeus and Hera Familias told me that amidst the chaos I was left alone, the sole survivor of the town."

Hades placed a comforting hand on Elladan's shoulder, a gesture of understanding and support. "I am sorry for your suffering, my Elladan," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine empathy. "You have endured a great tragedy, and I am here to guide you through the uneasy times of yours."

Elladan nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. The weight of his past still heavy upon him, but a glimmer of hope began to spark within his heart. With Hades by his side, he knew he wouldn't have to face the pain alone anymore. "How did this feeling suddenly appeared?" he asked himself. He was seeing this man for the first time in his life, but still he already knew that he is very close to him and that he can trust this god. "How is that even possible? Does it mean all his words were true about the Cerberus stuff?!" he was shocked.

Once again, Elladan took a deep breath, gathering his resolve. Despite the lingering sadness in his heart, he knew that he needed to find his own strength and walk on his own two feet. With a determined look in his eyes, he said,

"Lord Hades, I appreciate your kindness, but I believe I can walk on my own now."

Hades nodded understandingly and gently lowered Elladan from his shoulders. The boy stood firmly on the ground, feeling a newfound sense of independence, yet grateful for the god's support. As they stood face to face, the solemn atmosphere eased, and they began to converse about various topics, exchanging stories and insights.

They spoke about the Heroic Tales, with Hades sharing tales of ancient gods and heroes. As their conversation flowed, Elladan couldn't help but feel a growing connection with Hades. The god's wisdom and genuine interest in his well-being made him feel at ease as if he had found a true mentor and guide. The emptiness in his heart began to fill with a newfound sense of purpose and belonging.

Finally, after a lengthy conversation, Elladan felt the time was right to address the matter of his fate and destiny. He took a deep breath and looked into Hades' eyes.

"My Lord, I have thought long and hard about your offer. I am ready to receive your blessing and become a member of your Familia."

Hades smiled warmly with pride and compassion shining in his eyes.

"Then take off your outer clothing and kneel down," he told.

The boy everything needed. Then Hades approached his back, took the knife from his belt, and made his finger bleed. After a single drop of blood fell on Elladan's back, some mysterious light appeared backward. Hades was making some hand moves.

The boy felt a tingling sensation as the divine power coursed through his body. At that moment, he knew that his connection to Hades ran deeper than he could have ever imagined. When the light subsided, Elladan's vision became more apparent and he began feeling that he became different.

With the ceremony complete, Hades placed a hand on Elladan's shoulder, his voice filled with pride. "Welcome, my Cerber… no, Elladan! Welcome to the Hades Familia. As my only and forever child, we shall always be together!"

A mixture of excitement and determination welled up within Elladan as he gazed at Hades, ready to embrace his new role and face the challenges ahead. While the back of Elladan now has the following scripts:

Elladan Magnus


Strength: I-0

Endurance: I-0

Dexterity: I-0

Agility I-0

Magic: I-0


The Hound of the Underworld

Timeless Legacy




Finally, we reached the end of Volume 1, cheers! I hope you enjoyed the story! All the continuing chapters will now appear in Volume 2. Also, I will create an auxiliary chapter where I will record Elladan's status (his level, status, skills, etc.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know. Perhaps, you will contribute to making this fanfic story more amazing!!!

Thank you for reading once again!

Sincerely yours,


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