
Danmachi: Outsider's journey

Hi there! Are you a fan of the Danmachi franchise and cannot wait for the release of new volumes? Are you the fan, tired of endless Isekai-Harem fanfics? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you're going to be good with this one.    The story begins 15 years prior to the adventures of Bell Cranell and Hestia Familia. Right before Zeus and Hera Familias were defeated and later destroyed. It is a story about a man, who has a sole goal in life. But first, he needs to reveal what it is...

futur_hop · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

No stressing, just obsessing…

The ground trembled violently as the clash of swords and the resounding impact of spells reverberated throughout the slave depot. The air crackled with raw energy, thick with the scent of burning wood and the acrid tang of magic. Elladan's heart raced, torn between fear and a newfound glimmer of hope. Could it be that the rogue from Artemis Sanctuary had rallied others to their cause?

As chaos erupted around them, Elladan turned to Hades, his voice urgent.

"My Lord, these attackers are the rebels, the ones who seek to liberate us! We should head to them immediately if want to get freed!"

But to his surprise, Hades wore a grave expression, his eyes filled with caution.

"No, my Cerberus," he said, his voice tinged with urgency. "I am afraid you are wrong! These are not the rebels you seek. Eris was telling me that a different faction, driven by their own motives, soon gonna attack this place. Seems like the time has come… We must seek for Eris, first, and escape this place. You get me?"

"What? But why can't we make sure that those are not the ones who have come to save us?!"

Elladan protested, his voice laced with desperation. He clung to the flicker of hope that the rebels had finally arrived to liberate them from their torment. Hades' expression hardened as he grasped Elladan's arm firmly.

"There is no time to debate, my Cerberus," he replied with a resolute tone. "Trust me when I say that these attackers have a different agenda. Eris herself warned me of their imminent arrival. We must find her and seek her guidance."

Doubt warred within Elladan, his eyes darting between the ongoing chaos and Hades' unwavering gaze. The sounds of destruction grew louder, echoing through the corridors, intensifying the urgency of the situation. In the end, he finally made the decision.

"I am not going with you, Lord Hades! Starting from here, our paths separate" the boy said.

"Well, I expected you might behave in this way, so I brought this!" and then he pulled a wooden baton from the stash. The boy immediately tensed up at the object he saw. "No worries, my Cerberus! This baton is actually to protect myself from them!" Hades pointed his baton behind Elladan's back.

But when the boy turned back, he saw no one there. No sooner had he asked, "Who do you mean?" than he had a pain in the back of his head, dizziness, and blurred vision. Right away, Elladan lost consciousness and was knocked out. As Elladan crumpled to the ground, Hades swiftly swung him onto his shoulder. With a determined stride, he made his way through the chaos-ridden corridors of the depot, navigating the tumultuous battleground.

"Seems like when you wake up, it will be quite problematic to explain my actions to you… However, this boy is the third Cerberus that I'm knocking out in a row… So, there shall be no problems, hahaha!" the god tried to cheer himself up.

Finally, Hades reached the grand chamber that housed Eris, the goddess of chaos. The room exuded an aura of intrigue and mischief, adorned with intricate tapestries and peculiar artifacts. Also present in the room were the highest members of her Family, and their gazes toward Hades were not quite friendly. Eris reclined on her throne, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"Lord of the Underworld, didn't I say you to get me rid of your presence without the emergency, did I?" she asked with annoyance in her voice.

"Yes, you did! But this is a real emergency, I am finally reunited with my Cerberus again!" declared Hades.

"Is that really so? Then I have no more reasons to tolerate your company here. You know where the exit is. If not, Arnold will be glad to show you…" indifferently declared Eris and paid no more attention to Hades.

A smile played on Hades' lips as he approached Eris, gently setting Elladan down beside him.

"Goddess Eris, chaos incarnate, please accept my sincere gratitude! If there wasn't your help, I would find my Cerberus that fast" he declared, his voice filled with a mix of relief and joy.

"I was paying my debt back and that's it!" cut Eris off.

"Why you are so cold, Eris? We used to be good friends in Tenkai…" wondered Hades.

"Yes, we used to be! Until someone started to hang out with Dionysus and make orgias with lots of pervert stuff!" the goddess became really angered.

At this very moment, all the members of Eris's family seemed to realize that the conversation was taking a rather bad turn. And they began to stare very intently at the frescoes and patterns on the ceiling, and wishing that their goddess will not recall about their presence. Whilst poor Hades was a little confused with the things he just heard.

"Eris, it was long ago and I already apologized for this! Next time we meet, let's talk about it…" proposed Hades with little confidence in his voice.

"Next time we meet, I kill you… Now, get the f*ck out of here!!!" first the goddess hissed, and she then screamed.

Hades' eyes lit up with gratitude as he bowed before Eris. "Goodbye, my Eris. Your help was invaluable."

After Hades left the grand chamber, someone, probably the abovementioned Arnold, followed him. With a wave of his hand, the man pressed certain brick, and a secret tunnel appeared on the wall before them. "Step through this gateway, Lord Hades, and it shall lead you beyond the confines of this depot," he instructed. "May chaos guide your path, my Lord!"

Hades nodded appreciatively and gently lifted the still-unconscious Elladan onto his shoulder once more. Stepping through the tunnel, they emerged on the outskirts of the slave depot, far from the turmoil and destruction.

As the secret pass dissipated, Hades carefully laid Elladan on the ground, his expression filled with concern. Gradually, the boy began to stir, his eyelids fluttering open.

"Where... where are we?" Elladan groaned, his head throbbing with pain.

Hades knelt beside him, offering a reassuring smile. "Long story short, we are safe now, my Cerberus," he said softly…