
DanMachi: New Sun

"And what a solitary love you are, the most exquisite wine to intoxicate every fiber of the heart. But alas, I am not the vessel fit to contain you. Oh, Lord, I beseech... I beseech for another vessel to arise, one capable of embracing that love. You deserve it." With these parting words to his beloved, the sin of pride exhales its final breath, dissolving into ashes carried away by the wind. Yet unbeknownst to all, a tiny shard of the Sun's majestic grace awakens to consciousness. Mourning the loss of its master, it breaks away from the original power, plunging into the Sea of Chaos, defying the natural order of the universe in its quest for a successor worthy to rival or surpass Escanor.

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter - 2


Chapter - 2: a journey full of glory


Rose Fannett Pov

"I wish to register as an adventurer," the man replied, a slightly amused smile playing on his lips, causing me to examine him more closely, lest I mistake him for another adventurer.

He was a young teenager, slightly taller than me, whose clothing was unusual and striking. The style was unique and striking, with a lion-shaped jewel adorning his neck, which I had to admit was very eye-catching.

His outfit exuded luxury, suggesting considerable expense. He had a masculine, slightly tanned face, with piercing eyes and a head of neatly cropped blond hair that framed his calm and confident demeanor, tinged with a hint of arrogance.

There was dried blood around his face, slightly staining his jacket. Fortunately, his black color hid the stains. I could barely contain my fear at the sight; it was a rarity for even the dumbest adventurer to visit the guild with such obvious wounds from the dungeon.

Here was yet another daring adventurer, seemingly ill-prepared for the dangers of the dungeon, venturing out without adequate preparation or knowledge of potential opponents.

I wasn't surprised; I couldn't recall meeting or hearing of anyone with such a distinctive appearance who had chosen the path of adventuring. Individuals like him couldn't easily blend in; wherever they went, they naturally attracted attention.

However, my indifference remained firm. He was probably destined for an early death.... This was the fate of those who dared to enter the dungeon to fulfill their desires.

[Picture -----> Mc]

However, I still had to follow the standard procedure. "Are you sure? Have you fully considered the risks? It's imperative that you understand the potential danger to your life," I said professionally, without a hint of concern or curiosity in my tone.


He made no reply, just fixed me with an intense stare. "Understood." His silence was enough for me. Inwardly lamenting the impending fate of yet another promising soul, I took out some forms and handed them to him.

"Please fill out these forms and review the agreement before you sign. You can do it over there," I said, pointing to a nearby desk where he could work comfortably. But then a thought occurred to me.

"Did I forget to ask if you can read and write? If not, I can help her fill out the files." After hearing my question, he took a quick look at the documents in his hand and apparently found them understandable, judging by his next words.

"Thank you, but I will take care of it," he replied calmly and confidently before walking to the designated area and sitting down.

The questionnaire looked very simple and mostly asked for basic information like name, age, hometown and so on. Some fields were required, some were optional, but overall the questionnaire was manageable for anyone who wanted to become an adventurer.

As for the document that had to be signed, it essentially released the guild from any responsibility if he died in the dungeon. The process did not take long, only about ten minutes. When it was over, he joined me and took a seat across from me.

"I take it you filled out the forms?" I asked, having to admit it. 

"Right here," he replied, handing me the papers. After examining them for a moment, I confirmed that everything seemed to be in order. However, I still had a few questions to ask.

"Are you Aiden Steiner?" I asked, making an effort to learn the adventurer's name. With a professional demeanor, I proceeded to ask for his documents to make sure everything was in order.

Contrary to popular belief, the Pantheon was not just a assembly of like-minded individuals. Instead, it functioned as the governing body of the Timetable, invested with considerable authority and responsibility.

Although it was not obligatory to reveal one's entire past, one was expected to provide at least a minimum of background information. Failure to do so could have created suspicion and complications, especially since not all Families adhered strictly to Guild rules.

"You don't seem to have listed anyone to contact in case of death in the dungeon. Your father is dead, your mother is dead, and you have cut all ties with your past. Is it safe to assume that you are here in Orario looking for a new beginning?"

"Exactly... Orario represents a new beginning for me, which I am eager to embrace wholeheartedly," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of melancholy, as if burdened by an invisible weight.

I looked at him in silence for a moment, choosing not to comment, knowing that everyone had their own circumstances. There could have been reasons beyond mere fame and fortune that drove his desire to become an adventurer, reasons that did not concern me.

"That said, have you ever thought of joining a familia?" I asked, shuffling the cards. After all, not everyone had a familia in mind from the start, and I was willing to make recommendations.

"Well, Mr. Aidan, what do you think?" I intervened by looking at the young man sitting across from me with his arms crossed.

"I haven't committed to any particular Familia, so I'd appreciate an overview of the ones currently 'openly' recruiting," he replied, emphasizing the word.

"Formally, all Familias are open to new members, but some are more accessible than others," I explained. "Familias like Loki or Freyja set high standards. For Loki Familia, catching the eye of a high-ranking member or responding to their recruitment notices is necessary. As for Freyja Familia, you'll need personal recruitment by their Goddess for any significant support. Otherwise, it's best to explore other options."

"Pass," he promptly rejected the notion of joining either of those Familias, much to my surprise. I quickly regathered my composure and moved on to present other options.

"Moving on, we have Hephaestus, Ganesha, Ishtar, Hermes, Ikelos, Soma, Apollo, and Miach Familias," I continued. "These Familias seldom turn away new recruits and could be suitable depending on your specific needs."

In response, Aiden pondered for a moment, contemplating something that had been on his mind since arriving in this world. Finally, he voiced his inquiry. "What about smaller Familias? And are there any new ones emerging?"

I wasn't surprised, some new adventurers were like that, opting for small or new familia which they could join without any issue or risk of being rejected. Perhaps it's also because they are ambitious wanting to become captain of said familia and lead it to glory... or something like that.

"There are many small familia around that are heavily and urgently in need of new members like the Leto Familia, Dian Cecht Familia, Dellingr Familia, Ogma Familia. As for the new Familia around, there is one that recently came from the Far East a month ago, the Takemikazuchi Familia and Hestia Familia"

As I finished speaking, Aiden eyes lit up for a moment before coming back to normal. With that sole last information, he was able to approximately deduce the current timeline.

"I suppose it's their luck to be my choice." He thought not even realizing how arrogant his thoughts were. "The Hestia Familia it will be then."

I hesitated, my hand poised in mid-air, ready to interject with a cautionary word. "Are you... certain about joining this Familia?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern. "It's just... with only two members, they might not have much to offer in terms of resources."

I bit my lip lightly, torn between advising caution and respecting his autonomy. He seemed determined, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a hasty decision. "Given your capabilities, I'm certain a more established and formidable Familia would readily welcome you," I continued, my tone urging him to reconsider.

"Perhaps," he conceded, his response bringing a glimmer of relief. "But I believe I prefer to join this Familia... Being appointed as captain right away holds more appeal to me than simply following orders under someone else who isn't me."

His determination shone through, and despite my lingering doubts, I couldn't help but admire his resolve. I found myself unable to refute his reasoning. Joining this Familia would grant him immediate authority as captain, a privilege that others might have to tirelessly prove themselves to attain.

But was this expedited path truly worth it? Certainly not in my eyes. Yet, as I observed the adventurer before me, brimming with determination and a hint of arrogance, there was something compelling about his desire to seize this opportunity.

"Very well, I'll draft a recommendation letter for you. Although I suspect it may not be necessary," I conceded. With that, I bid he farewell, departing with the files in hand.

"Thank you," he replied, his face betraying a mixture of appreciation and anticipation, as if he could already imagine the possibilities that await him.

"Mhmp" an inexplicable grunt escaped my lips. I could not help but watch the path of this adventurer, indeed Aiden, with a mixture of apprehension and hope. I silently wished that his fate would be different from that of countless others who had traveled similar paths before him.

I watched as Aiden made his way, a flicker of doubt mingling with my hope. In this labyrinthine city of dreams and dangers, I hoped he would carve a different fate for himself.

Yet, the weight of history and the tales of those who had gone before him hung heavy in the air. As he disappeared into the bustling streets of Orario, I could only hope that his journey would be one of triumph rather than tragedy.

[Picture ---> Rose Fannett]


I hope you enjoy this chapter!

A chapter from a different perspective to give some depth to other characters, because in this world that's a very important thing to show to make it a good story.

Especially I wanted to give Rose's character some space, because she seemed to be a very interesting character, and I don't think my Mc would have felt comfortable with Eina, because she is someone who respects a lot of her choices, no matter if they are right or wrong, because that's exactly why you can grow as a person.

The name Aiden, meaning "little fire," has roots in Irish mythology. In the Gaelic language, Aodh is the name of the Celtic god of sun and fire. Aed is taken from the word Aodh.

As for Sunshine, I came up with her new name because, as mentioned in the previous chapter, it's much more similar to Gawain's skill, which I think makes a lot more sense to use in this world.

And if you have any skills or chants for magic slots for Mc, you can recommend them without too much trouble, as it makes me very happy.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.


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