
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Turning Point: Lux Nexus Aegis

Riveria, Aiz, and Ryuu stepped out of the inn, their faces set with grim determination. The air was thick with tension as they scanned the streets, searching for any sign of Medusa or Bell.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, her eyes glinting with malevolence. "Not given up on stalking us?" Medusa said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "You three really need to get a life, you know."

Riveria stepped forward, her staff held high. "Enough games, Medusa," she said, her voice ringing with authority. "We're here for Bell Cranel."

Medusa laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Finders keepers. Go find someone else, you old cougar."

"It's over, Medusa."

"For you, it is. But for me and my Bell, our fate has only just begun."

Riveria's eyes narrowed, her grip tightening on her staff. "I challenge you, Medusa," she said, her voice steady and clear. "A battle for that boy's freedom. The victor takes all."

Medusa's eyes widened, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before it was replaced by a wicked grin. "Come and have a go, if you think you're tough enough."

Riveria took a step closer, her eyes locked with Medusa's. "Your move, Medusa," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "Let's settle this once and for all."

Medusa's eyes flashed with excitement, a twisted grin spreading across her face. "Very well," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "I'll go easy on you. Wouldn't want the fun to be over too soon."

Riveria, Aiz, and Ryuu dropped into defensive positions, their eyes never leaving Medusa's face. "Let's dance, then," Riveria said, her voice heavy with resolve.

Medusa smirked, a deadly gleam in her eyes. "With pleasure," she replied, her voice a deadly promise of violence. "Let us dance to the death."

The air around them crackled with tension as the two sides faced off, each one waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Aiz, Gale Wind," Riveria called out, her voice steady and clear. "I need you to distract Medusa. Buy me time to prepare my magic. You don't need to protect me, just keep her busy. I won't be long."

Aiz and Ryuu nodded, their faces set with grim resolve. They knew that Riveria's magic was their best chance of defeating Medusa and saving Bell, but they also knew that it would take time for her to cast her spell.

Without hesitation, they leapt into action. "Tempest!" Aiz cried, unleashing her wind magic. Her blade tore through the air, striking at Medusa with blinding speed.

Aiz charged forward, her sword flashing in the moonlight as she struck at Medusa with lightning speed.

Ryuu followed close behind, her wooden sword carving through the air with deadly precision.

But Medusa was no pushover. She blocked Aiz's attack with her extremely long, retractable claws on her right hand, before ducking under Ryuu's blade and striking back with her tail.

Medusa laughed, the sound echoing through the empty streets as she deftly dodged their attacks. "Oh, this is just too easy!" she taunted, a cruel grin on her face.

Riveria focused, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she began to chant her spell. "The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction..." she murmured, her voice low and steady. A mighty magic circle began to materialize.

Ryuu and Aiz continued their assault on Medusa, their blades leaving behind brilliant trails as they relentlessly attacked. But no matter how fast or strong their attacks were, Medusa seemed to effortlessly dodge or block them with ease.

The tension in the air was thick as the two sides battled for supremacy. Medusa was fast, her movements a blur as she evaded their attacks.

Meanwhile, Riveria continued her chant, her voice low and melodic as she wove the intricate incantation for Rea Laevateinn. The air around her crackled with energy, her staff glowing with an otherworldly light.

"The horn of battle sounds aloud, the cruelty of conflict will envelop all. Come, crimson flames, the ruthless inferno..."

Riveria's voice rose, the words of her spell ringing out with a power that seemed to shake the very earth. The air around her rippled with heat, the flames of her spell raging like a wildfire.

As she chanted, Aiz and Ryuu fought on, their blades flashing through the night air as they desperately tried to buy Riveria the time she needed to complete her spell.

Medusa was fast and powerful, her claws tearing through the air as she effortlessly dodged their attacks. Medusa lashed out with her claws, her eyes glowing with an eerie red light. Aiz dodged the attack, her sword flashing as she struck back with a powerful blow that sent the Dark Queen reeling.

Ryuu pressed the advantage, her twin blades carving through the air with deadly accuracy. But Medusa recovered quickly, her claws lashing out with deadly speed as she blocked Ryuu's attacks, her eyes narrowing. She was beginning to lose patience.

All the while, Riveria continued to chant, her voice growing louder and more powerful with each passing second. The air around her crackled with energy, her staff glowing brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding.

"You are the avatar of hellfire. Sweep completely, bring a close to the great war."

The air was heavy with tension as the three girls faced off against the Dark Mother. Riveria's spell was nearing its completion, the flames of her magic rising higher and higher. Aiz and Ryuu were relentless in their assault, their blows raining down on Medusa with a fury that would have felled lesser creatures.

Riveria's voice rose to a crescendo, her eyes blazing with determination as she delivered the final words of her spell. "Sword of Surtr - my name is Alf!"

"Rea Laevateinn!!!"

With a thunderous roar, the flames of Rea Laevateinn leapt to life, engulfing the air around them in a swirling maelstrom of fire. The heat was overwhelming, the air itself seeming to catch alight as the flames raged with an intensity that was terrifying to behold.

"Oh, what a pretty spell!" Medusa cried out, her voice filled with rage and defiance. "I'm about to see some fireworks!"

Riveria did not respond, her eyes locked on the Gorgon as she drew back her staff and thrust it forward. The flames of Rea Laevateinn followed her command, leaping towards Medusa with a ferocity that could not be denied.

Medusa snarled in defiance, her eyes blazing with hatred as she reached out and seized hold of the flames with her bare hands. With an inhuman strength, she hurled the flames back at Riveria, her wicked grin widening as she saw the High Elf struggle to maintain control of the raging inferno.

Aiz and Ryuu saw an opportunity and darted in, their blades flashing in the crimson light of the flames. Medusa fended off their attacks with ease, her claws slicing through the air with a deadly accuracy. But the distraction was enough for Riveria to regain control of Rea Laevateinn.

With a mighty surge of power, the flames surged forth once again, engulfing Medusa in a swirling maelstrom of searing heat and blinding light. The air was filled with smoke and the acrid scent of burning flesh, the ground scorched black beneath the raging inferno.

"Did your mother ever tell you not to play with fire?" Medusa taunted, her agitation obvious. "You've burned my lovely complexion - you're going to wish you had never done that!"

"Did your mother ever teach you any manners?" Riveria retorted, "or did you just grow up a psychotic, brainless beast?"

"I'll show you a psychotic beast, you arrogant, long-eared bitch!" Medusa roared, her eyes blazing with anger. She lunged forward, her claws raking across Riveria's arm. Riveria gasped in pain, her blood dripping onto the ground. In a vicious second lightning assault, her claws raked across Riveria's face, sending the Elf staggering backwards. With a cruel laugh, Medusa turned to face Aiz and Ryuu, her eyes blazing with both antipathy and triumph.

"Riveria!!!" Aiz and Ryuu cried out, their eyes wide with fear and concern.

"I'm fine," Riveria assured them, her voice steady despite the pain she was clearly in. "Focus on the battle - we must defeat Medusa!"

"Medusa!" Ryuu shouted, her voice ringing out through the streets. "Harm a member of the royal family, and you'll have to answer to me! I won't let you escape with Bell!"

Medusa turned to face her, a cruel smile playing across her lips. "You're too late, little elf," she purred, her voice dripping with contempt. "You are much too late."

Ryuu's grip tightened on her sword, her knuckles turning white with the force of her anger. "I will not let you destroy him," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "I will fight you with every last breath in my body."

Medusa laughed, a harsh, grating sound that sent shivers down Ryuu's spine. "The boy you fell in love with is dead," she hissed, her serpentine hair writhing and twisting. "He will become like me."

Ryu's eyes narrowed, her heart pounding in her chest. "No," she whispered, her voice filled with conviction. "I will save him."

With a cry of rage, Ryuu launched herself at Medusa, her blade cutting through the moonlight. The monster met her blow for blow, her serpentine hair lashing out at Ryuu like whips.

Riveria and Aiz joined the fray, their weapons glowing with power as they fought to protect Bell from Medusa's grasp. The ground shook with the force of their battle, tables and chairs splintering under the onslaught of their attacks.

But even as they fought, Ryuu could feel the tide turning against them. Medusa's power was too great, her magic too strong. With a final, desperate cry, Ryuu lunged forward, her sword aimed at the monster's heart.


With a flick of her wrist, Medusa sent Ryuu flying across the street, her body slamming into the far wall with a sickening crunch. Ryuu coughed up blood.

As darkness closed in around her, Ryuu's last thought was of Bell, of the boy she had come to love more than life itself. She prayed that he would find the strength to resist Medusa's control, to break free from the monster's grasp and become the hero she knew he was meant to be.

Medusa's power surged through the streets, her serpentine hair lashing out at Riveria and Aiz with terrifying speed and precision. Riveria gasped, her blood dripping from the gash in her arm.

Aiz could only watch in horror as Riveria was tossed aside like a ragdoll, her body crumpling to the ground with a deafening thud. The High Elf lay still, her green hair matted with blood.

"Now to take care of you, Sword Princess" Medusa hissed.

Aiz gritted her teeth, her knuckles white as she gripped her sword tightly. "I will not let you have him," she whispered, her voice filled with defiance and determination.

Medusa laughed, the sound echoing through the empty streets.

"So, he's head over heels for the bimbo princess?" she taunted, her voice filled with scorn and contempt. "That boy really has a wretched taste in women, doesn't he? Dear, oh dear."

Aiz raised her sword, her eyes blazing with resolve. "I will save him," she vowed, her voice steady and strong. "I will not let you win."

Medusa charged forward, her claws tearing through the air like scythes of death. Aiz met her attack with one of her own, her blade shimmering as she slashed at the monster with all her strength.

The two warriors clashed, their blows ringing through the air like thunderbolts. The ground trembled beneath their feet, the buildings around them crumbling under the force of their battle.

With each passing second, Aiz could feel Medusa's power growing, could feel the monster's magic surging through the air like a tidal wave. Desperate to stop Medusa before she gained complete control over Bell's soul, Aiz poured every last ounce of her strength into her attacks, slashing at the monster with all the speed and power she could muster.

"Take this!" Aiz cried, unleashing a devastating blast of wind magic that sent Medusa stumbling backwards.

"Aiz..." Riveria breathed, her voice barely audible. "Run...you cannot hope to defeat Medusa...not alone..."

Aiz's eyes widened, her heart racing. She knew that Riveria was right - there was no way she could hope to defeat Medusa alone, not when the monster's power was so far beyond her own.

But even so, she couldn't bring herself to abandon Bell, to leave him in the clutches of the monster who had taken him from her.

"I will not leave him," Aiz said, her voice filled with resolve. "I will not give up on him."

"I'm afraid it's a little too late for that," Medusa hissed, her claws slashing Aiz's chest, the Sword Princess crying out in agony.

Riveria and Aiz lay crumpled on the floor, barely clinging to consciousness as pain wracked their beaten forms. Above them, Medusa towered with a wicked, triumphant grin stretching across her beautiful yet terrifying features, her eyes glowing with sinister delight at the sight of her fallen foes.

"I could end you all right now," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "But where's the fun in that? I want to see the look in your faces when I take your precious Bell away from you."

Incredibly, Riveria rose to her feet, her body battered and bruised but her spirit unbroken. Medusa stared at her in stunned disbelief, unable to comprehend the elf's tenacity and endurance.

"No!" Riveria cried, her voice shaking with rage. "I will not allow you to take him!"

"It's impossible! How are you standing?" Medusa exclaimed in bewilderment as she eyed the bloodied Riveria.

Riveria pointed at Medusa. "Even if I must crawl towards you on my hands and knees, even if I must chew through your leg and drink your blood like a savage animal, I will stop you." Riveria growled.

Medusa's eyes narrowed. "You have heart, I'll give you that." she said. "But that's not enough."

"You may be right," Riveria conceded, "but you can never keep two hearts, brave and true, apart," Riveria declared, her voice ringing out with a strength that belied her injuries.

"I will never stop fighting for Bell, even if I must fight until the end of time itself!" Riveria roared, her voice echoing through the night air like thunder.

Riveria limped towards Bell, her steps slow but determined. The young adventurer was fighting a losing battle against Medusa's hold on him, his eyes glazed and his body trembling with the effort of resisting the gorgon's dark magic.

As Riveria reached him, she grabbed his hand, her fingers intertwining with his. In that moment, both their bodies began to gleam with a blinding green light that filled the streets, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Medusa recoiled in terror, her eyes wide with fear as she beheld the power of their connection.

"W-w-what is this???" Medusa asked in fear, her eyes darting around in desperation.

"Our love for him is stronger than your hate," Riveria said, her voice calm and steady as she faced down the gorgon. The light surrounding her and Bell grew brighter, forming an impenetrable force field that shimmered with an otherworldly energy.

Medusa screamed in rage and frustration, her claws raking uselessly against the barrier separating her from her prize. "NO!" she bellowed, her eyes glowing crimson with fury and spite. "HE IS MINE!"

Riveria turned towards Medusa, her eyes blazing with defiance and conviction. "You are wrong, Medusa," she declared, her voice ringing with authority and resolve. "Bell Cranel belongs to no one - not you, not me. He is his own man, and his heart is his own to choose."

Medusa howled in rage and disbelief, her claws slashing wildly at the barrier surrounding Riveria and Bell.

Riveria's words cut through the darkness, her voice filled with a desperate, aching love. She held Bell's hand tightly, her fingers trembling as she spoke, her eyes never leaving his face.

"We haven't known each other long, but I've never been so happy," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "In the short time we've had together, you've shown me what it means to truly live, to love with all my heart and soul."

Bell's eyes flickered, a glimmer of recognition sparking in their depths. Riveria's heart soared, hope blossoming in her chest as she saw the boy she loved fighting to break free from Medusa's grasp.

"What are we going to do with you, Bell Cranel?" she asked, a hint of playful exasperation in her tone. "Dear oh dear, letting a dubious woman like her kiss you. You have no idea how that made me feel."

She shook her head, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "A mere boy seducing a century old High-Elf princess, you really are the king of lady killers, aren't you? How naughty of you." she added, winking at Bell with a sly smile.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Riveria couldn't help but feel a flicker of embarrassment at the thought of her feelings for Bell being revealed. "Ugh, I can't believe you're making me behave like a lovesick princess! Don't you dare tell Gareth or Finn about this, or I'll never live it down!" she warned, her cheeks flushing slightly.

But even as she spoke, Riveria knew that none of that mattered now. All that mattered was the boy in front of her, the boy she loved with every fiber of her being.

"You, Aina and Aiz taught me how to love. And because of that, I can never be like Medusa. Thank you, Bell Cranel." Riveria murmured with tearful affection.

The light surrounding Riveria and Bell grew brighter still, shining like a beacon in the darkness of the night. Medusa screeched in anguish as her hold on Bell began to falter, his body bathed in the radiant glow of their love.

"I told you once I gripped your hand I would never let go," she said, her voice fierce with determination. "So you're not going anywhere!"

Riveria's voice was soft and tender, filled with a raw emotion that seemed to pour from the very depths of her soul. She gazed into Bell's eyes, her own shimmering with unshed tears as she spoke.

"Come back to us, Bell Cranel," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Come back to me."

Her grip on his hand tightened, as if she could anchor him to this world through sheer force of will. She took a shuddering breath, her heart aching with the weight of her words.

"If only I met you earlier in my life," she murmured, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "But still, I'm grateful I met you at all."

She shook her head, her eyes never leaving his face. "I don't know if you can call it love, but there is so much more I still want to learn about you," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion.

In that moment, there was only Riveria and Bell, their hearts beating as one, their souls intertwined in a bond that transcended time and space.

Medusa watched them, her eyes narrowed in fury and disbelief. She could feel the power of their connection, the strength of their love, and it filled her with a rage that burned like a wildfire in her veins.

But even as she gathered her power, preparing to strike them down once and for all, something stopped her. A flicker of doubt, a moment of hesitation that she couldn't quite explain.

For in that instant, as she beheld the love that shone so brightly between Riveria and Bell, Medusa felt a twinge of something she had never experienced before. A longing, a yearning for a connection that she had never known, a love that had always been denied to her.

It was a feeling she could not deny, no matter how much she tried. For in that moment, Medusa, the Dark Mother, felt a flicker of regret. Regret that she could never know a love like that.

Medusa gazed at Riveria and Bell, a myriad of emotions flickering across her face - envy, longing, and perhaps even a touch of admiration. It was an unfamiliar feeling, but not an unwelcome one. She could feel the power of their bond flowing through her, a force that even Medusa's dark magic could not hope to overcome.

Bell's mind was a swirling maelstrom of confusion and fear as he sank deeper into the nightmare, the hissing of the vipers filling his ears. He could feel their scaly bodies coiling around him, their fangs sinking into his flesh as he struggled to break free.

But just as he was about to succumb to despair, a blinding light pierced the darkness. He looked up, his eyes widening in awe as he beheld the radiant form of an angel, her wings shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

As the angel drew closer, Bell realized with a start that it was Riveria, her jade eyes filled with a fierce, protective love that took his breath away. She reached out her hand, her fingers brushing against his as she pulled him from the pit, her strength and determination driving back the serpents that sought to claim him.

In that moment, Bell knew that he was safe, that Riveria would always be there to guide him back to the light.

Suddenly, the nightmare shattered, and Bell found himself back in reality, Riveria's lips pressed against his in a kiss that sent shockwaves of energy coursing through his body. He could feel the power of their connection, a force that even Medusa could not hope to withstand.

Bell broke off the kiss, his eyes filled with awe and wonder as he gazed into Riveria's gaze. She smiled at him, a smile filled with such tenderness and devotion that it took his breath away. "I've got you," she whispered. "I've got you, and I'm never letting go."

"Mama?" Bell said groggily.

"What did you say? Did you just called me 'mama'?" Riveria asked in astonishment. "Who are you calling mama? Are you saying I'm old? Honestly, I'd box your ears if had the energy." She began to pout.

"Am I dead?" Bell wondered aloud. "Are you an angel?"

"No Bell Cranel." Riveria reassured him while gently caressing his hair. "I am not an angel. You are."

Medusa reeled backward, her face a mask of pain and rage as she fought to regain her balance.

"Just what are you, Bell Cranel?" Medusa whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and fear. "How do you affect all those around you in this way?"

Bell could only stare at her, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to understand what was happening. Riveria stood beside him, her hand clasped tightly in his, her presence a solid and reassuring reminder of the connection they shared.

A connection that Medusa could not hope to break.

Bell couldn't help but blush under the intense gaze of Riveria's gaze. "Riveria-sama," he whispered. "You're too close."

"Tsk," Riveria muttered as she moved closer towards Bell until she was mere inches away from him. "Don't lie. You're a real playboy, aren't you? Tempting women one after another, just how many women have you seduced?"

Bell's blush deepened as Riveria's gaze seemed to penetrate to the depths of his soul, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Medusa clenched her fists in anger and frustration as she watched the scene unfold before her.

Aiz and Ryuu approached Riveria and Bell, their eyes filled with awe and admiration as they beheld the boy who had defied Medusa's control and broken free from her grasp.

"It seems this isn't the end just yet," Aiz said quietly. "There's still one more obstacle for us to overcome."

"Yes," Riveria replied, her voice filled with grim determination as she turned to face Medusa.

"Do not think that you've won yet." Medusa sneered, her eyes burning with a furious intensity. "If I can't have Bell Cranel, than neither can any of you!"

"Enough of this! You will release my child now!"

A feminine voice rang out through the night air, a voice that Bell recognized instantly, one that shook the very foundations of the city. He turned to see Hestia striding towards them, her eyes blazing with a righteous fury that seemed to fill the air around them with electricity.

"Bell! I'm here for you! Don't worry, we'll get you out of here!"

Medusa's eyes narrowed as she faced Hestia, a mocking smirk playing across her lips.

"Goddess?" Bell asked in amazement as he saw Hestia running towards him, tears streaming down her face.

"Bell!" Hestia cried again as she threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. He found himself wedged between both Hestia's and Riveria's sizeable breasts.

"Move aside, Miss High Elf!" Hestia ordered Riveria. "Hands off my Bell-kun!"

Riveria frowned. "The boy is under my protection!" she declared, her hand gripping Bell's as if she was afraid to let go. "And I'm too injured to move."

"Excuses! Excuses!"

Medusa turned to face the goddess, her eyes narrowing in contempt. "You again," she hissed, her voice filled with disdain. "You've got to be the most clingy goddess I've ever met."

But Hestia stood firm, her resolve unwavering in the face of Medusa's threats. "The jig is up, you dirty vamp," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. "I'm here to pay you back for what you did to me."

"What can you even do on your own, little goddess?" Medusa laughed.

"I haven't come alone. I've brought the cavalry."

With those words, reinforcements surged forward, a tide of gods and goddesses who had been drawn to the battle by Hestia's call. Hermes, Dian Cecht, Hephaestus, Takemikazuchi, Loki and more approached, their eyes blazing with determination as they prepared to fight for Bell, accompanied by their most loyal children.

Medusa met their charge with a snarl of rage, her dark magic crackling through the air as she lashed out at her attackers.

In the midst of the chaos, Bell and Riveria clung to each other, their love a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"I will be back, Bell Cranel." She rose to her feet, and stepped forward, her staff glowing with power as she fixed Medusa with a steely gaze. "Don't you move an inch, or I'll kill you."

"Gulp!" Bell squeaked.

Riveria sighed as she placed her hands on Bell's cheeks as she gently raised his face up towards her face and gazed at him affectionately. "For once, keep the heroics to a minimum. Have faith in your friends. Can you at least promise me that, Bell Cranel?"

"Yes, Riveria-sama."

"Good boy," Riveria replied softly before bending down and kissing the top of Bell's head affectionately.

Bell could only watch as Riveria and the others charged into the fray, their voices raised in a chorus of defiance and determination as they fought to protect the boy they loved.

"This is for my dearest." Riveria whispered to herself as she unleashed a devastating blast of fire magic that sent Medusa reeling.

But Medusa put up a fight. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a wave of dark energy surging towards the adventurers. They scattered, dodging and weaving as they fought to avoid the deadly blast.

Aiz and Tiona charged forward as they engaged Medusa in close combat. The Dark Mother was a blur of motion, her serpentine hair lashing out at the adventurers like whips as she dodged and parried their attacks with inhuman speed and grace.

Bete and Tione joined the fray, their agility and ferocity a match for Medusa's as they drove her back, their blows raining down on her with relentless fury.

Bell could only watch in awe and disbelief as he saw his friends fighting for him, their love and loyalty giving them strength that surpassed anything he could have imagined.

Lefiya hung back, her staff glowing with arcane power as they unleashed a barrage of spells at Medusa.

Mikoto and Chigusa darted in and out of the fray, their blades flashing as they sought to distract Medusa and create openings for their allies. But the monster queen was relentless, her attacks coming faster and faster as she sought to overwhelm the adventurers with her sheer power and ferocity.

Through it all, Hestia and Miach worked to heal their allies, handing out elixirs and potions as they supported the adventurers from the sidelines.

Bell could only watch in amazement and gratitude as his friends battled for him, their love for him giving them strength that could not be denied.

He glanced at Riveria who was wearily fighting the serpent queen, her wounds still visible on her body despite being healed by Amid. "Riveria-sama," Bell whispered, his heart filled with guilt at seeing Riveria hurting so badly on his behalf. "I'm so sorry..."

Riveria briefly glanced at him as she staggered to her feet once again. "Do not apologize," she told him sternly. "I wanted to make it up to you, because I wasn't there for you in the past."

"But Riveria-sama...!"

"Shhh," she whispered soothingly, before pausing to cast a healing spell on herself. "My injuries aren't as bad as they look."

Medusa's patience had ran out.

"This is beginning to bore me." She snarled. "Just what are you adventurers made of, anyway? I'll unleash my full power and turn you all to stone in a..."

But before Medusa could unleash her petrifying gaze, the gods stepped forward, their eyes blazing with divine power. "Hold, Medusa!" Hestia shouted, her voice ringing out across the battlefield. "If you turn our children to stone, we gods will unleash our Arcanum upon you and destroy you utterly!"

Medusa hesitated, her eyes narrowing as she weighed her options. She knew that even her great power was no match for the combined might of the gods, and she could not risk their wrath. But she was not ready to admit defeat, not when she had come so close to achieving her ultimate goal.

With a snarl of frustration, Medusa raised her hands and began to chant, her voice rising and falling in a sinister incantation.

"What is she doing?" Riveria wondered aloud, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "A last ditch attempt to flee?"

The adventurers braced themselves, ready for whatever new horror the monster queen had in store for them.

But Riveria was faster. The high elf mage stepped forward, her staff glowing with an otherworldly light as she began to chant a counterspell. Her voice rose in a clear, ringing tone, the words of power flowing from her lips like a river of molten gold.

As Medusa's incantation reached its crescendo, Riveria unleashed her own spell, a blast of arcane energy that struck Medusa like a thunderbolt. The monster queen reeled back in agony, her body wracked with pain as she collapsed to the ground.

But Medusa was not finished yet. With a roar of rage, she unleashed a final, desperate attack, a wave of dark energy that surged towards the adventurers like a tidal wave of pure malevolence. Riveria's barrier held, but only barely, and the adventurers found themselves struggling to hold their ground against the onslaught.

Medusa's eyes flashed with a malevolent rage as she realized that her plans had been thwarted. The adventurers had proven to be more formidable than she had anticipated, and even the gods themselves had intervened to protect their children.

But even in defeat, Medusa was bent on getting the last laugh.

"Insolent adventurer scum and their meddling gods!" Medusa hissed, her voice dripping with venom, "I promise you, you will all pay for this dearly!"

As she spoke, Medusa reached into the folds of her dress and withdrew a small, glowing orb. The adventurers tensed, ready for whatever new trick the monster queen had up her sleeve.

With a cruel grin, Medusa held the orb aloft, its sickly green light pulsing and throbbing like a diseased heartbeat. "A parting gift," she laughed, her voice filled with a sadistic cruelty. "You've earned it."

And with that, Medusa hurled the orb towards the adventurers, its light growing brighter and more intense with each passing moment. The heroes of Orario scattered, desperate to avoid the deadly projectile, but it was too late.

The orb exploded in a blinding flash of green light, and a noxious cloud of gas began to spread across the battlefield. The adventurers choked and gasped, their lungs burning as they struggled to breathe in the poisonous miasma.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, they could hear Medusa's laughter, a harsh, grating sound that filled their hearts with dread. "The next time we meet, I won't go so easy on you."

As the poisonous gas dissipated and the adventurers struggled to catch their breath, Riveria swayed on her feet, her strength finally giving out after the immense effort of holding back Medusa's dark magic. Her staff clattered to the ground as her knees buckled, and she began to fall.

But before she could hit the ground, a pair of strong arms caught her, cradling her exhausted form with a gentleness that belied their strength. Riveria looked up, her vision blurry, to see Bell's concerned face hovering over her.

"Riveria!" he cried, his voice filled with worry. "Are you alright?"

The high elf managed a weak smile, her hand coming up to rest on Bell's cheek. "I'll be fine," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just need... to rest..."

"R-right, Riveria-sama!" Bell replied hastily as he carefully scooped Riveria into his arms and carried her to a safe distance from the battlefield. "You've done more than enough already."

As Bell gently lay Riveria down on the grass, she let out a contented sigh, a smile playing across her lips as she gazed up at Bell. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with affection and gratitude.

Bell blushed, his cheeks flushing crimson at the beautiful elf's words.

"Bell Cranel.... don't get the wrong idea... all that stuff I said and did back there, I didn't mean it... I just got overly sentimental in the heat of the moment, that's all." Riveria said red-faced and unsure if Bell would believe her. "I'm not a romantic person at all!!!! Don't get any funny ideas!!!!"

"What are you talking about, Riveria-sama?" Bell asked, his expression puzzled.

"You mean you don't remember?"

Bell scratched his head in confusion. "Remember what?" he asked innocently.

Riveria sighed, a faint smile playing across her lips as she shook her head in disbelief. "You're really hopeless, aren't you? I suppose that's for the best."

Bell held Riveria close to him as she slowly lost consciousness, his heart filled with gratitude and admiration for the woman who had fought so valiantly to protect him. He could feel her heartbeat against his chest, a steady, reassuring rhythm that calmed his fears and gave him hope that all would be well in the end.

"Maybe you'll remember our next kiss...." she said under her breath, "or I'll box your cute ears."

Her eyelids fluttered closed as exhaustion overtook her, and she drifted into unconsciousness in Bell's arms.

Around them, the other adventurers gathered, their faces a mixture of awe and confusion. They had all seen the incredible power that had flowed between Bell and Riveria, the blinding light that had driven back even Medusa's darkest magic.

"What was that?" Aiz asked, her brow furrowed in thought. "I've never seen anything like it before."

Finn nodded, his expression grave. "It was like a fusion of their powers," he said, his voice filled with wonder. "A bond that went beyond anything I've ever witnessed."

Hermes stepped forward, his eyes wide with realization. "Lux Nexus Aegis," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "The Light Bond Shield."

The other adventurers turned to look at him, their expressions ranging from confusion to outright disbelief. "What are you talking about, Hermes?" Loki asked, her tone skeptical.

"It's an ancient magic that has long been thought to be lost to history," Hermes explained, his voice filled with awe. "It's said to be a power that can only be wielded by those who share a deep bond of love and trust. But it requires a connection deeper than anything I've ever seen before."

He turned to look at Bell and Riveria, still locked in their embrace, and his smile widened. "And it seems that these two have found that connection," he said softly. "A love that transcends all boundaries and limitations."

The adventurers fell silent, their gazes fixed on the young man and the high elf, their hearts filled with a mixture of awe and envy. For in that moment, they all knew that they had witnessed something truly extraordinary - a love that could light the way through even the darkest of nights.

"Good work on bringing those two together, Asfi." Hermes congratulated his follower. "It may have just saved the world."

But then he came to a shocking realization - Asfi was nowhere to be found! "Wait a minute, where did she go? Has anyone seen my Asfi???"


Ouranos sat upon his throne, his ancient eyes fixed on the cloaked figure kneeling before him. Fels, his most trusted advisor, had come bearing news of the utmost importance, and the god of the dungeon listened intently as the mysterious being spoke.

"My lord," Fels began, their voice echoing through the cavernous throne room, "I bring tidings of a great power awakening in Orario. The union of the Green Fairy and the White Rabbit has given rise to Lux Nexus Aegis, a rare and ancient ability that could turn the tide of the war against Medusa."

Ouranos leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought. "Are you certain?" he asked, his voice deep and sonorous. "It has been many centuries since such a power has been witnessed in this world."

Fels nodded solemnly. "Yes, my lord," they replied, their voice filled with conviction.

"Just what is this Lux Nexus Aegis?" Royman asked.

"Lux Nexus Aegis is a bond forged between two hearts, brave and true," Fels explained. "It is a connection that transcends the boundaries of magic and the physical world, allowing those who possess it to draw upon each other's strength and overcome even the darkest of evils."

Ouranos nodded slowly, his eyes distant as he pondered the implications of Fels' words. "And you believe that the Green Fairy and the White Rabbit possess this bond?" he asked, his tone thoughtful.

"I do, my lord," Fels replied, their voice filled with conviction. "I have seen the power that flows between them, the light that drives back even Medusa's darkest magic. It is a love that burns brighter than any flame, a connection that could be the key to our salvation."

Ouranos leaned back in his throne, his fingers steepled before him as he considered the possibilities. "If what you say is true, Fels," he said at last, "then we must do everything in our power to protect and nurture this bond. The fate of Orario, and perhaps the world itself, may depend upon it."

Fels bowed low, their voice filled with determination as they spoke. "I will do whatever is necessary, my lord," they vowed. "The Green Fairy and the White Rabbit will have my full support, and the support of all those who stand against the darkness."


Asfi Al Andromeda darted through the shadowy alleyways of Orario, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to put as much distance between herself and Medusa as possible. She knew that the monster queen had a personal vendetta against her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

Asfi put on her Hades Head, vanishing from sight in an instant. She breathed a sigh of relief as she slipped through the streets unseen, hoping that she had finally managed to shake off her pursuer.

But just as she rounded a corner, Asfi felt a sudden chill run down her spine. She whirled around, her eyes widening in horror as she came face to face with Medusa herself.

The monster queen's eyes glittered with vengeance as she loomed over Asfi, her serpentine hair writhing and twisting around her like a nest of vipers. "You cannot escape, Perseus," Medusa sneered, her voice dripping with venom. "Now, I'm a little torn. Should eat your heart or your liver first?"

"M-Medusa!" Asfi stumbled back, her eyes wide with fear as she stared up at the towering monster. "How did you find me?"

"I know you like to disappear," Medusa hissed. "But my eyes can see right through your cheap tricks. Now, there's no one to protect you, Perseus."

"D-don't come any closer!" she stammered, her voice shaking with fear. "W-what do you want from me?"

Medusa's lips curled into a cruel simper as she advanced on Asfi, her clawed fingers flexing with anticipation. "Oh, my dear Perseus," she hissed, her voice filled with a twisted kind of affection. "Don't you remember? In every one of my past lives, it was always a 'hero' bearing your title who struck me down."

Asfi's eyes widened in horror as she realized the implications of Medusa's words. The monster queen had been reincarnated countless times, and in each of those lives, she had been slain by a hero named Perseus.

"But for centuries," Medusa continued, her voice rising to a fevered pitch, "I've been thinking about what I was going to do to you when I returned. I've decided I won't turn you to stone: that would be too kind for you."

Before Asfi could react, Medusa lunged forward, her claws slashing through the air with blinding speed. Asfi screamed in agony as the monster queen's talons tore into her flesh, ripping through her body like paper.

Blood poured from Asfi's wounds as she collapsed to the ground, her vision blurring as she struggled to stay conscious. Through the haze of pain, she could see Medusa looming over her, a twisted beam on her face as she savored her victory.

"I know it was your machinations that brought that High Elf and boy together, and that it would awaken some hidden power that could destroy me. Did you think I would not notice?" Medusa hissed, "What is the name of this bond between the boy and the High Elf? I'm sure you know. Do tell."

"L-Lux Nexus Aegis," Asfi whispered through bloody lips, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to cling to consciousness.

"Lux Nexus Aegis? So, that is the name of the power that robbed me of my prize. Let the world know that I am done toying with them. I will have my revenge, starting with you."

Asfi cried out in agony as Medusa's claws tore into her flesh once more, sending waves of pain coursing through her body. But even as she felt her life draining away, she found herself filled with a strange sense of peace, knowing that her sacrifice would not be in vain.

"Farewell, Perseus," Medusa hissed, her voice filled with a sickening kind of triumph. "May your soul find no rest in the afterlife, knowing that you failed to stop me once again."


As the sun rose over the city of Orario, the adventurers of the Hestia Familia made their way through the winding streets. As they rounded a corner, they saw a crowd of people gathered around a small, unassuming alleyway. Curious, they made their way over, only to stop dead in their tracks at the sight that greeted them.

There, lying in a pool of her own blood, was Asfi Al Andromeda, her head severed from her body. Her eyes stared sightlessly up at the sky, her face frozen in a final expression of agony and terror.

Hestia let out a choked sob as she fell to her knees beside the fallen adventurer, her hands shaking as she cradled Asfi's head in her lap. The other members of the Hestia Familia stood in stunned silence, their hearts filled with grief and disbelief at the loss of their friend and ally. Bell cried, tears streaming down his face as he cradled Asfi's headless body in his arms. Welf and Lili stood nearby, their faces pale and drawn as they struggled to process the horror of what they were seeing.

Bell felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he stared down at Asfi's body, his mind reeling with the knowledge of what Medusa had done. He had known that the monster queen was cruel and ruthless, but this... this was beyond anything he could have imagined.

As the adventurers stood there in shocked silence, a sense of grim determination settled over them. They knew that they could not let Asfi's death be in vain, and they would not rest until Medusa was brought to justice. No matter what it took, they would find a way to stop the monster queen and bring peace to the city of Orario once more.