
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Kleptos, God of Greed

Whispers of unease rippled through the bustling streets of Orario. Shadows lurked in every corner, eyes peering from beneath hooded cloaks. Medusa's spies had infiltrated the city, their presence a suffocating fog that settled over the once vibrant metropolis.

Every resident of Orario, the Adventurers most of all, were on edge. Not a day went by without the city hearing news of more and more adventurers vanishing during quests, never to be seen again.

In the heart of the Guild, a new figure emerged from the shadows, his presence both captivating and unsettling. Lord Kleptos, head of Kleptos Familia, the god with a smile that never quite reached his cold, calculating eyes, assumed control with an iron grip that left no room for dissent.

His words dripped with honey, each syllable carefully crafted to lull the unsuspecting into a false sense of security, but those who listened closely could detect the undercurrent of malice that laced his every utterance. The Guild, once a beacon of hope and order in the chaotic world of Orario, had fallen under his sway, its members now mere puppets dancing to the tune of their new master's dark ambitions.

With his shadowy influence spreading like wildfire throughout the city, it was only a matter of time before all of Orario fell under his thrall. The once-proud adventurers, driven by greed and lust for power, became mere tools in his arsenal. Their exploits were used as propaganda to bolster the Guild's popularity and secure Lord Kleptos's position.

No one dared to stand up against him.

Lord Kleptos's takeover of the Guild had been a masterful display of manipulation and deceit, a carefully orchestrated symphony of lies and half-truths that had left the organization reeling. He had arrived in Orario under the guise of the God of Wealth, his pockets lined with gold and his tongue dripping with promises of prosperity. The Guild, desperate for a solution to the seemingly endless stream of crises that had befallen the city, had welcomed him with open arms, unaware that they were falling prey to his insidious schemes.

His followers were quick to spread the word of his generous donations to the Guild, his seemingly endless generosity winning over the hearts of many. But it was not long before whispers began to circulate, tales of the sinister schemes behind his supposed benevolence. With each honeyed word and calculated gesture, he had woven a web of deception, ensnaring the hearts and minds of the Guild's members with his silver tongue. They had fallen under his spell, drawn to his charisma like moths to a flame, never realizing the danger that lurked beneath his charming exterior.

Royman Mardeel, the Guild's pudgy, incompetent leader, was a mere pawn in his game. The once-proud institution had been reduced to a mere puppet, its members dancing to Lord Kleptos's whims like marionettes on a string. The lord had uncovered Royman's darkest secrets, the skeletons that lurked in the deepest recesses of his closet, and had used them to bend the man to his will.

The Guild's corruption, its willingness to compromise its principles for the sake of profit, was no secret. But even they had their limits, their honor code ensuring that their actions were always within the boundaries of what was acceptable. With each whispered threat and knowing glance, Kleptos had tightened his grip on Royman's soul, until the once formidable leader was nothing more than a hollow shell, a marionette dancing to the lord's twisted tune. Royman now moved through the halls of the Guild like a ghost, his every action dictated by the fear of exposure, his once vibrant spirit crushed beneath the weight of Kleptos's blackmail.

But Kleptos's greatest triumph had been the ousting of Ouranos himself, a coup that had sent shockwaves throughout the divine realm. The god's shadowy influence had seeped into the Guild's very foundation, its members now little more than cogs in the dark machinations of his sinister plot. He had single-handedly brought the Guild to its knees, the once-powerful organization now little more than a shadow of its former glory.

Orario, the shining beacon of hope for many, had become a beacon of despair. Adventurers and citizens alike were gripped with fear and suspicion, each passing day bringing with it a fresh wave of terror as Kleptos's shadow loomed ever closer. The sinister god had discovered a secret so damning, so horrifying, that even the gods themselves had trembled in fear.

The forbidden knowledge he had acquired threatened to shake the very foundations of the mortal realm itself, plunging the city into chaos and despair. The details of the secret remained a mystery, a tantalizing enigma that hung in the air like a poisonous mist, but its power was undeniable.

Kleptos had the Guild and its puppet leaders at his mercy, their very existence dependent on his whims.

Orario would soon fall under his sinister thrall, his honeyed words and false promises luring the unsuspecting into a world of lies and deception. Ouranos's fall from grace had sent ripples of fear through the pantheon, as the other deities watched in horror, wondering who among them would be the next to fall victim to Kleptos's insatiable hunger for power.

However, there were still employees of the Guild who quietly opposed Keptos and remained loyal to Ouranos, in spite of his ruthless purges. Chief among these were Eina Tulle, and this did not go unnoticed by the Guild's new masters.

As Eina was making her way back from her shift, a group of hulking figures blocked her path. They were clad in black armor, their faces obscured by masks that revealed only their cold, unblinking eyes.

"You're not going anywhere," one of them growled, his voice low and menacing.

"What do you want with me?" Eina demanded, trying to hide her fear. "I haven't done anything wrong."

The men smirked at her words, their eyes glittering with malice.

"Everyone has done something wrong, my dear. It's just a matter of what and how much," one of them hissed, his tone mocking. "You, for example, have been quite...obstinate in your refusal to cooperate with Lord Kleptos. I think a little bit of discipline is in order."

The men closed in, their cruel grins widening as they laid hands on her. She struggled against their grasp, but it was no use. They were far too strong. She knew that resistance was futile, but she couldn't bring herself to submit to their cruel whims.

"Get yours hands off me!" she shouted, her voice shrill with panic. "Leave me alone!"

But her protests fell on deaf ears. The men dragged her into an alleyway, where they proceeded to beat her until she was bloody and broken.

Eina's heart raced as she was then dragged through the dark, dank corridors of the Guild's underbelly. The rough hands of her captors dug into her arms, their iron grip unyielding as they hauled her towards an unknown fate. She struggled against their hold, her feet scrabbling against the cold stone floor, but it was futile. These men were far stronger than her, their muscles honed by years of violence and cruelty.

As they reached a heavy wooden door, one of the men reached out and yanked it open, revealing a small, dimly lit cell. Eina's eyes widened in horror as she realized what lay ahead. She opened her mouth to scream, but a rough hand clamped over her face, stifling her cries. With a brutal shove, they tossed her into the cell, her body slamming against the hard, unyielding floor.

Eina scrambled to her feet, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she spun around to face her captors. But they were already gone, the heavy door slamming shut with a resounding clang. She rushed forward, her hands pounding against the unyielding wood, her voice raw with desperation as she screamed for help. But there was no response, only the echo of her own cries bouncing off the cold, damp walls.

Tears streamed down Eina's face as she slumped against the door, her body shaking with fear and despair. How had it come to this? She had always been loyal to the Guild, had always done her duty with unwavering dedication. And now, she was a prisoner, her fate resting in the hands of a man whose cruelty knew no bounds.

As the hours ticked by, Eina's mind raced with terrible possibilities. What did Kleptos want with her? What twisted plans did he have in store? She huddled in the corner of her cell, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees, as if she could somehow shield herself from the horrors that lay ahead.

But then, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor outside her cell, and Eina's heart leapt into her throat. She scrambled to her feet, her eyes fixed on the door, her breath coming in shallow gasps. The footsteps grew louder, closer, until they stopped just outside her cell. There was a moment of terrible silence, and then the door swung open, revealing the smiling face of Lord Kleptos himself.

"Ah, Eina," he purred, his voice dripping with false sympathy as he nonchalantly poured a potion over her head. "Please forgive the heavy handedness of my children, but I'm afraid they can be a bit...overzealous at times."

"What do you want from me?" Eina demanded, fighting to keep her voice from trembling. "Why are you doing this?"

"You've grown quite attached to a certain adventurer, have you not? And Nine Hell paid you a visit, too. I want to know everything you told her. If you don't cooperate, then I'm afraid I can't guarantee your well-being. One of my followers might go too far with you, and that won't be in anyone's interests, least of all yours. So I would strongly advise that you cooperate with my inquiries."

Eina's blood ran cold as the pieces fell into place. Kleptos had discovered her connection with Bell, and his spies had seen Nine Hell paying her a visit.

"A-are you working for Medusa?" Eina asked, trying to mask the tremor in her voice. "Are you part of her group?"

Kleptos chuckled softly, his eyes flashing with malice.

"Maybe. You'll know in good time."

"I won't betray Bell!" Eina declared, her voice resolute in spite of the fear that coursed through her veins. "I'll never tell you anything!"

Kleptos sighed, his expression growing cold.

"Now that's very foolish of you," he murmured, his voice laced with disdain. "You could have saved yourself so much pain. And for what? For a pathetic little boy who likes to pretend to be a hero? Very well, we'll do it the slow and painful way."

Eina's heart sank as she realized the true depths of Kleptos's depravity. And as he stepped into her cell, his eyes glinting with cruel amusement, she knew that her nightmare was only just beginning.


As the days passed, a relentless smear campaign against Bell Cranel took root. Kleptos's minions spread rumors about Bell, painting him as a monster who preyed upon young girls. His name became synonymous with sexual deviancy, his very presence an affront to the virtue of all Orario's citizens. The people who once celebrated his heroism now spat his name like venom.

"Did you hear? That monster Bell Cranel nearly raped a young girl in Central Park," one whispered to another.

"He's a menace! How dare he attack a child," a shopkeeper declared.

"The Guild should expel him," a woman whispered to her companion, her eyes darting nervously.

"I always knew there was something off about that boy," the man replied, his face contorted with disgust.

Bell's friends rallied around him, determined to defend his honor, but their efforts were in vain. The vicious rumors spread like wildfire, consuming all who heard them, and it wasn't long before the Guild received dozens of official complaints from concerned citizens.

Tthe tendrils of Kleptos's influence continued to spread. His spies wove their way through the city, gathering information and sowing discord. The very fabric of Orario was unraveling, and the people clung to any semblance of stability they could find.

In the shadows, Kleptos smiled, his eyes glinting with malevolent satisfaction. He knew that every lie, every accusation, brought them one step closer to his ultimate goal. The pieces were falling into place, and soon, the city would be ripe for the taking.

But still, not everyone was convinced. Some held fast to their faith in Bell Cranel, refusing to believe the vicious rumors that swirled around him. And among these stalwart believers, one voice rose above the rest, a voice filled with righteous indignation and fierce conviction: Riveria Ljos Alf, Nine Hell.

"This is preposterous!" Riveria's voice boomed through the halls of the Guild, cutting through the hushed murmurs of the crowd. "I will not stand idly by while this vile slander sullies the good name of my friend."

The gathered throng fell silent as the high elf marched to the center of the room, her eyes flashing with defiance.

"Bell Cranel is not a monster," Riveria continued, her voice ringing with conviction. "He is a hero. He has risked his life time and again to protect this city, to defend the innocent from those who would seek to harm them. I know his heart, and it is pure. How can you treat him in this manner after everything he's done for you?"

Her words fell on deaf ears as Kleptos's minions continued their campaign of disinformation. The citizens were blinded by their fear and prejudice, their hatred for Bell Cranel fueling their desire to see him punished.

The streets of Orario had become a hunting ground, and Bell Cranel was the prey. Swarms of people gathered outside his home and Hestia Familia's headquarters, jeering and shouting obscenities as they clamored for his blood. They were hungry for retribution, eager to avenge the supposed victims of his alleged crimes.

The mob then besieged Hearthstone Manor, and broke down the door. Bell then fled for his life. The people chased after him, their faces twisted with hatred and rage. They were hell-bent on catching him, on avenging the young girl they believed he had assaulted.

Bell rushed through the crowded streets of Orario, his heart hammering in his chest as he desperately tried to lose his pursuers. Behind him, a mob of angry citizens raced after him, their eyes glittering with hatred and malice.

Bell ran through the streets, his heart hammering in his chest as the angry mob pursued him. The noise of their shouts and taunts echoed off the walls, a cacophony of hatred and fury that sent a shiver of fear down his spine. He could feel the mob's hot breath on his heels. They were close, too close, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before they caught up with him.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" Riveria's voice echoed through the crowded streets as she leapt in front of Bell, her hands raised in a warning. "This man has done nothing wrong."

"Out of the way, elf! We will have this boy's blood," one of the mob members snarled as they advanced on Riveria and Bell.

"I will not allow you to harm an innocent person," Riveria retorted, her eyes blazing with fury as she stood her ground. "Bell, we need to get out of here."

Riveria and Bell weaved their way through the crowd and broke free. The two of them bolted through the city streets, the angry mob close on their heels. As they reached an open plaza, the rest of Riviera's familia lay in wait, armed with swords and spears.

"Hold them back! We have to give Bell time to escape," Riveria commanded as her comrades formed a protective circle around them.

The enraged mob collided with Riveria's forces, their voices rising in an angry shout as they threw themselves into the fray. The Loki Familia pushed the mob back, giving Bell and Riveria their chance to escape.

"Come, we must go," Riveria said, her hand gently grasping Bell's arm as they broke into a run.

They slipped through the chaos, using the confusion to their advantage as they navigated their way through the crowd.

Riveria then led Bell back to her home Twilight Manor. She took him through the winding corridors, her footsteps echoing against the polished stone.

"You'll be safe here," she whispered, ushering him into a small, dimly lit room.

She locked the door behind them and slumped against it, her heart racing as the adrenaline wore off. Her eyes were wild with fear and concern as she turned to face him.

"I'm so sorry this has happened to you," she said softly, her voice trembling. "And whatever you do, don't let Lefiya know you're here."

"Why? Is something wrong with her?"

"Well, she's a bit...overprotective of me. I have a feeling she'd go on a rampage if she found out about this."

"I'm sure she'd have good reason to, if I was guilty of the crime I was accused of," Bell responded. "But I'm innocent."

"I know that," Riveria replied firmly, her eyes meeting his.

Bell's heart swelled with gratitude as he settled into his temporary refuge. The room was sparse but comfortable, a welcome respite from the chaos that had engulfed his life.

As time rolled by, Bell found solace in Riveria's company. She brought him meals, smuggled books to keep his mind occupied, and spent long hours in quiet conversation. The two of them bonded over their shared love of literature, finding common ground in their mutual adoration of the ancient elven tales.

But Bell could sense a growing tension between Riveria and the other members of her familia.

Lefiya Viridis, her curiosity piqued by Riveria's unusual behavior, followed her mentor through the twisting corridors. She crept closer to the room where Bell was hidden, her heart pounding in her chest.

When she saw Riveria enter Bell's room and lock the door behind her, Lefiya could hardly contain her rage. As she peered through a crack in the door, she caught a glimpse of Riveria and Bell embracing.

Then her imagination ran wild, and she envisioned their lips pressed together, their bodies entwined. Her beloved Riveria, whom she had idolized for years, was betraying her by engaging in a passionate tryst with that filthy beast Bell Cranel!

"Riveria-sama!" Lefiya exclaimed in horror, her voice muffled behind the door. "What are you doing with this...this human?"

"Lefiya, how dare you! You can't just spy on people like that," Riveria scolded, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Why are you kissing him? Why did you bring him here?"

"What are you talking about?"

But Lefiya's mind was already racing, her imagination conjuring up scandalous scenarios.

Lefiya's face contorted with rage as she pointed an accusing finger at Bell. Her voice trembled with barely contained fury as she unleashed a torrent of accusations.

"You... you perverted human!" she screamed, her eyes blazing with indignation. "How dare you defile a high elf? Lady Riveria is pure and noble, and you...you... you're nothing but a filthy beast!"

Bell stumbled backward, his hands raised in a futile attempt to placate the enraged elf. "Lefiya, please, it's not what you think!" he pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation.

But Lefiya was beyond reason, her mind consumed by the flames of jealousy and betrayal. She reached for her staff, her fingers curling around the polished wood with a white-knuckled grip.

"I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget, you lecherous creature!" she snarled, her voice dripping with venom. "Arcs Ray!"

A blinding flash of light erupted from the tip of her staff, hurtling towards the door with terrifying speed. The wooden frame splintered into fragments as the beam struck its target with pinpoint accuracy. Bell dove out of the way as shards of wood flew through the air, narrowly avoiding the deadly spell.

"You'll be nothing but rabbit stew when I'm done with you!" Lefiya screeched, her face twisted with malicious glee. Brimming with fury, Lefiya launched a barrage of spells at Bell.

Riveria, snapping out of her stunned stupor, leapt into action. With a swift motion, she raised her own staff, erecting a shimmering barrier between Bell and the oncoming spells.

"Lefiya, stop this madness at once!" she commanded, her voice ringing with authority.

The spells slammed into the barrier, sending a shower of sparks cascading through the air. The room trembled with the force of the impact, but Riveria's magic held firm, shielding Bell from the brunt of the attack.

Bell scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest as he narrowly escaped Lefiya's wrath. He raced down the corridor, desperate to put as much distance as possible between himself and the enraged elf. Lefiya tore after him, her furious shouts echoing through the halls as she relentlessly pursued him.

"What the hell's going on here?!" Finn's voice cut through the chaos as he burst into the corridor, his eyes wide with disbelief as he took in the scene unfolding before him.

Bell and Lefiya froze in their tracks, their eyes locking for a moment before they sprinted in opposite directions. Finn watched them vanish around corners before turning to Riveria for an explanation.

"It's a long story," she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

Finn's lips curved into a smirk as he shook his head in disbelief.

"You'd better start explaining then," he replied, his tone laced with amusement.


After the tumultuous events of the day, Riveria retreated to her quarters, eager to escape the chaos that had engulfed the mansion. The day had been long, and the comfort of solitude was something she looked forward to. She needed a moment to herself, to gather her thoughts and regain her composure.

She slipped into her private chambers, closing the door behind her with a soft click. With a heavy sigh, she began to undress, her movements slow and methodical as she carefully folded each garment and set it aside. As she stood clad only in her undergarments, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror, and she couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

Lost in thought, Riveria failed to hear the soft knock at her door. It wasn't until the handle turned and the door creaked open that she realized she was no longer alone.

Riveria was caught in a moment of vulnerability, clad only in her delicate underwear, her ethereal beauty and grace momentarily overshadowing the shock and mortified expression that flashed across her face. She looked as if she had met Medusa's gaze and and had been petrified. For what seemed like eons, she was as still as statue, her mortified expression preserved. She mumbled incoherently and lost all touch with reality.

For a brief, suspended moment, time seemed to stand still. Bell, his eyes wide with shock and cheeks flushed with a deep crimson, stammered an apology, his words tumbling over one another in his haste to respect her privacy.

"L-Lady Riveria!" he stammered, his face turning a deep shade of crimson. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to intrude!"

Riveria, seeming to come back to life, quickly grabbed a nearby robe and wrapped it around herself. Her heart raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. "What the blazes? Bell Cranel, explain yourself! How dare you just barge in here! Are you doing this on purpose?" she demanded, her voice trembling with equal parts indignation and bewilderment.

"I... I just wanted to thank you for protecting me earlier," Bell mumbled, his eyes fixed firmly on the floor. "I didn't realize you were..."

"The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction..." A jolt of fear ran down Bell's spine as he recognized the ominous chant.

"Wait! Stop!" Bell pleaded, his hands raised in a futile gesture of surrender.

Riveria's expression softened, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I'm only kidding Bell," she said gently. "I had you there for a moment, didn't I?"

Bell let out a sigh of relief as he realized that Riveria was merely toying with him. But as he relaxed, he was suddenly aware of Riveria's proximity as she leaned closer to him. Her scent filled his nostrils, and he found himself mesmerized by the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

"Y-Yes," Bell stammered, unable to tear his gaze away from Riveria's captivating eyes.

"Seriously though, Bell Cranel, a High Elf exposing their skin in this manner to a human male is an affront and a mortal sin. If my people found out about this, you'd be put to death. And I'd be finished."

"Gulp! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

"I have no other choice now but to marry you."


"That was a joke, Bell Cranel. I know I'm not someone that makes a lot of jokes, but I just can't help it with you. Anyway, is there something else you wished to discuss?" Riveria murmured, her voice low and seductive as she took a step closer to Bell. "After all, we're all alone now..."

Bell could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he struggled to formulate a coherent response. Riveria's gaze was intoxicating, and he found himself intoxicated by the forbidden promises her words offered.

But Bell couldn't help but notice that her body still had traces of scars from her last encounter with Medusa. Bell was furious. How could anyone inflict such injuries on someone so beautiful?

"Riveria-sama, your wounds haven't completely healed yet."

"It's nothing." Riveria dismissed his concern with a casual wave of her hand. "Medusa did a real number on me, but I've had far worse."

"Are you certain? If there's anything I can do to help..."

"Well, there is one thing," Riveria murmured, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. "Lie with me."

Bell's heart skipped a beat as he registered her words. His mind raced with indecision as he tried to weigh his options. Should he accept Riveria's invitation, or should he decline and preserve their platonic relationship?

As they touched, Bell felt a rush of warmth engulfing his body as Riveria's scarring began to fade away. His hands lingered on her skin, her smoothness replacing the roughness that had marred her before. Lux Aegis Nexus had activated, healing her wounds and leaving her as perfect as the day she was born.

But Bell knew that their connection was not just limited to the physical. He could feel her emotions flowing through him like a raging river, and he could sense her desire for him to lie with her.

Bell's lips curled into a smile as he felt Riveria relax in his arms, her breathing growing slower and more even as she sank into his embrace.

"You know, Bell Cranel, you're the first man to have ever touched me in this manner. And I have to say, it feels rather good," Riveria murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she nuzzled against him.

"I... I had no idea," Bell stammered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he struggled to find the right words.

But their romantic moment of was cut short. Bell and Riveria were caught off guard as Lefiya stormed into the room, her expression contorted with fury.

"You... you shameless human!" she shrieked, her voice trembling with rage. "How dare you taint Riveria-sama? This is unforgivable!"

Bell leapt to his feet and faced Lefiya, his eyes narrowed in determination. "Lefiya, I didn't intend for this to happen," he pleaded, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Lefiya, her eyes blazing with fury, lunged at Bell. "I'll teach you to respect the sanctity of a high elf's chambers!" she yelled, her hands outstretched, ready to throttle the hapless adventurer.

Bell, his survival instincts kicking in, turned and fled, racing through the manor's corridors with Lefiya hot on his heels. Their footsteps echoed through the halls, drawing the attention of the other residents.

Doors flew open, and curious faces peered out, watching in bewilderment as the human boy and the enraged elf streaked past. Bell's heart hammered in his chest as he ran for his life, his mind racing with thoughts of what he'd done with Riveria.

Lefiya's wild howls of outrage shook the walls as she pursued Bell throughout Twilight Manor, hell-bent on revenge.

Bell's heart pounded in his ears as he barreled through the door and into the night air. Twilight Manor's grounds stretched out before him, a verdant green oasis in the middle of the bustling city. Riveria, her own cheeks still tinged with pink, could only watch helplessly as the scene unfolded before her eyes.

"Hold him still!" Lefiya ordered her comrades as she pointed an accusatory finger at Bell. "How dare you defile Lady Riveria, you lowly human!" Lefiya screamed, her voice shrill with indignation. "You're not worthy to even breathe the same air as her!"

Alicia, her face contorted with disgust, chimed in, "You'll pay for your insolence, Bell Cranel! No one disrespects a high elf and gets away with it!"

The others fanned out, forming a perimeter around Bell. But Bell was a masterful escape artist. With astonishing dexterity and agility, he leapt from one hiding place to another, dodging his pursuers' grasping hands and slipping through their fingers like an eel. And with that, he was gone.

Lefiya howled in frustration, her face twisted in fury as she stared at the empty space where Bell had been moments ago.

"He can't have gotten far," she growled through gritted teeth.

"That's enough, Lefiya!" Riveria snapped, her eyes blazing with fury. "I won't have you chasing Bell Cranel like some sort of wild beast."

Lefiya opened her mouth to protest, but a stern look from Riveria silenced her. Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she reluctantly lowered her staff.

"I think it's time we had a word about your conduct, Lefiya." Riveria's voice was filled with icy disapproval as she led the young elf away from the scene. "And you too, Alicia. Don't think you can wriggle your way out of this one."

Lefiya and Alica hung their heads in shame as they followed Riveria into the depths of Twilight Manor.


Riveria stood before the gathered elves, her eyes flashing with anger and disappointment. "You fools!" she admonished, her voice cutting through the tense silence. "Do you realize what you've done?"

The elves shifted uncomfortably, their gazes downcast as they faced the full force of Riveria's wrath. "Bell Cranel has risked his life time and again to defend Orario," she continued, her voice laced with scorn. "And how do you repay him? By treating him like a common criminal. You've driven him away, right into the clutches of our enemies."

"Riveria-sama, do you, by any chance, have feelings for that human?" Lefiya asked indignantly. Her face flushed red as she stuttered out an explanation: "You... you wouldn't have invited him to your private chambers if you didn't."

"Lefiya Viridis! You forget your place," Riveria snapped, her voice dripping with disdain. "I allowed him into my chambers because it was the only place I knew he would be safe from your antics. Can't you see that he is being hunted? Your selfish actions have endangered us all."

Lefiya's cheeks burned with shame as Riveria's words echoed in her ears. "I... I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling with regret.

Riveria turned and marched away, leaving Lefiya and the others standing in shocked silence.

Riveria seeks out Aiz

"Aiz! There you are." Riveria strode towards the blonde Amazonian girl, her expression grim. "We need to talk."

Aiz's eyes widened in surprise as Riveria grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into an empty room.

"Aiz, you need to find Bell immediately," Riveria urged her in a hushed whisper. "If Kleptos gets his hands on him, we may never see him again."

Aiz nodded and turned to leave, her expression resolute.

Aiz, her heart heavy with worry, set out into the city, determined to find Bell before it was too late. She searched high and low, her eyes scanning every alleyway and hidden corner for any sign of the white-haired boy.

As the hours ticked by and the shadows lengthened, Aiz's desperation grew. She knew that with each passing moment, Bell was slipping further away, drawn into the web of Medusa's machinations.

"Bell," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of the city. "Where are you?"

Bell, his heart heavy with exhaustion and despair, sought refuge in a secluded alleyway. He slumped against the cold stone wall, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to make sense of the chaos that had engulfed his life.

"You don't have much luck with women, do you, Bell Cranel?" A nefarious voice announced, dripping with cruelty and delight in Bell's misfortune. It was Kleptos, his eyes glinting with malevolent glee as he approached the weary adventurer.

"Well, well, well," Kleptos drawled, his voice dripping with mock concern. "If it isn't the great Bell Cranel, gone from hero to zero in a day. It was all thanks to my genius, if I do say so myself."

Bell, his instincts screaming danger, scrambled to his feet. "What do you want, Kleptos?" he demanded, his voice hoarse with fatigue.

Kleptos chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Bell's spine. "You, my dear boy," he purred, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "Or, to be more specific, she wants you, and I will bring you to her."

"Just who are you? I've never heard of you before."

"But I've heard all about you, Bell Cranel." The god's eyes gleamed with malice as he advanced on Bell. "Oh yes, I've heard all about your heroic exploits... I hear it all from your own goddess... when I was inside her!"


"There's no such god as Kleptos, my dear boy." Kleptos chuckled wickedly. "Remember how you cut me out of your Goddess's belly? Yes, I am the parasite that was planted inside your goddess, and now, I have moved onto a new host. Your goddess's Arcanum tasted very sweet. I can't wait to taste it again."


"As you can see, I'm no mere deity, but something far more sinister and dangerous," Kleptos bragged, his eyes glinting with malevolent glee. "I am the Lephurnus Symbiote, created by Medusa to parasitize the gods in the Lower World. You see, Bell Cranel, your precious goddess was nothing more than a vessel, a trojan horse for Medusa's grand design. Why did you think Medusa released her in the first place?"

Bell's world shattered, his mind reeling with the revelation. Hestia, the goddess he had sworn to protect, had been used as a pawn in Medusa's twisted game.

"No," Bell whispered, his voice barely audible above the pounding of his heart. "This can't be true."

Kleptos laughed, a sound that echoed through the alleyway like the tolling of a funeral bell. "Oh, but it is, my dear boy," he crowed, his eyes blazing with sadistic glee. "You may have cut me out of Hestia's belly, but I still live on in another... someone who has agreed to become my host. And I have feasted upon his Arcanum, and it has made me strong. Care for a little demonstration?"

Kelptos's body convulsed, his flesh rippling and bulging grotesquely as he shed his human guise. Bell watched in horror as the god transformed into a hideous, writhing mass of pulsating tendrils and glistening, pustule-covered skin.

The monstrous creature towered over Bell, its malformed body pulsing with a sickening rhythm. A gaping maw filled with jagged teeth split its face, dripping with viscous, foul-smelling ichor.

"Behold, Bell Cranel," Kleptos gurgled, his voice a guttural, inhuman rasp. "This is my true form, the form that will lead to the destruction of Orario."

Bell stumbled backward, his mind reeling with shock and fear as the disgusting tape-worm like monster that was once Kleptos lunged at him, its body slithering and writhing like a giant, mucous drenched eel.

A writhing mass of tendrils slammed into Bell, sending him flying across the alleyway. He crashed into the stone wall, his bones cracking under the impact. Pain exploded through his body as he crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath.

Kleptos loomed over him, his grotesque form blotting out the sky. "Pathetic," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Truly pathetic. Delivering you to Medusa won't be difficult."

The creature lunged at Bell again, its taloned hands reaching for him. But this time, Bell was ready.

With a surge of adrenaline, he rolled out of the way and scrambled to his feet. The creature roared in frustration, its ichor-drenched maw opening wide.

"My mistress can't wait to get her hands on you," Kleptos crowed, his voice filled with twisted glee. "She has plans for you... plans that will lead to the destruction of all Orario."

"N-Never!" Bell gasped, his voice trembling with fear and defiance. "I will never allow it! I will protect this city! I will protect those who cannot protect themselves!"

Kleptos let out a deafening shriek of laughter as he swatted Bell aside like a ragdoll. The white-haired boy crashed into the wall again, his body crumpling to the ground.

"Your puny Falna is nothing compared to all the Arcanum I've consumed! You are powerless before me!" Kleptos's inhuman voice hissed in Bell's ear. "You are no hero, Bell Cranel! You are nothing but a hypocritical weakling!"

Bell struggled to his feet, his body aching with pain and exhaustion.

Bell tried to drag himself to his feet, but he was too weak.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a figure burst into the alleyway, a blur of shimmering golden hair and flashing blade. Aiz Wallenstein, her sword gleaming in the fading light, charged towards the monstrous Kleptos with a cry of rage. Without hesitation, she activated Arial. "Tempest!"

Kleptos, caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, whirled to face the new threat. His tendrils lashed out, seeking to ensnare the Sword Princess, but Aiz was too quick. She danced around the writhing appendages, her blade flashing as she hacked and slashed at the monster's hideous form.

The creature screeched in fury as Aiz's blade sliced through its corrupted flesh, sending up a spray of foul ichor and gore. With a deafening roar, the creature lashed out, its talons raking the air.

Bell, his consciousness fading, could only watch in awe as Aiz battled the abomination that had once been Kleptos. Hope flickered in his heart, a faint spark amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him. Aiz was there, fighting for him, fighting for Orario.

But the battle was not over yet. As Kleptos thrashed about, his twisted body writhing in agony, Aiz drove her blade deep into the monster's core, her eyes blazing with fury and determination.

"Lil Rafaga!"

"Go ahead! Try and kill me!" Kleptos gurgled, his voice thick with madness and malice. "I will simply use your own magic against you!"

The creature's body began to swell, its hideous form pulsing and writhing as it absorbed Aiz's magic. With a guttural roar, it launched itself at the Sword Princess, its hooked tendrils reaching for her slender throat.

But Aiz was too fast, too agile. She ducked and weaved, her blade flashing as she sliced through the monster's tentacles and tendrils. But with every wound she inflicted, the creature grew larger and more powerful, its grotesque form looming over her like a living nightmare. Its tendrils lashed out, slamming into the Sword Princess with the force of a thunderbolt. Aiz stumbled backward, her sword clattering to the ground as she gasped for breath.

"Silly bimbo princess," Kleptos sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "I have leeched Arcanum from the gods themselves! Observe!"

The monster's body convulsed, dark energy crackling along his writhing form. With a roar of triumph, he unleashed a wave of pure, unadulterated darkness that engulfed the alleyway. The shadows coalesced into a seething mass of tendrils and claws, slamming into Aiz with the force of a raging storm.

Aiz screamed in agony as the dark energy tore at her flesh, her body flung like a rag doll against the stone walls. She crumpled to the ground, her golden hair matted with blood, her once-pristine armor shattered and broken.

Bell, his heart wrenching with despair, could only watch helplessly as Aiz struggled to rise, her limbs trembling with exhaustion and pain. But Kleptos was relentless, his monstrous form looming over the fallen Sword Princess like a nightmare made flesh.

"You see, Bell Cranel," Kleptos gloated, his voice filled with sadistic glee, "even your precious Sword Princess cannot defeat me! You should have hunted me down when you still had the chance!"

Aiz gritted her teeth against the pain and rose to her feet once more. "I... I am not finished yet!" she gasped, her voice ragged with determination.

"You soon will be," Kleptos replied, his inhuman voice dripping with malice.

The monster's tendrils coiled around Aiz's broken form, lifting her into the air like a puppet on a string. Her head lolled to the side, her eyes glazed with pain and despair.

"And now, I shall make you watch as I devour your beloved Sword Princess," Kleptos crowed, his voice dripping with malice. "You will bear witness to the true depths of your failure, Bell Cranel, as she slowly dies before you."

Aiz struggled weakly against the monster's grasp, her limbs twitching futilely as she tried to break free.

Bell, his heart aching with grief and helplessness, watched as Aiz's life was slowly drained away. The monster's laughter echoed through the alleyway, a symphony of sadistic joy that drowned out all other sounds.

In that moment, as the shadows closed in around him and all hope seemed lost, Bell felt the weight of his failure pressing down upon him like a physical force. He had been too weak, too naive, to protect those he loved, and now, he would pay the ultimate price for his shortcomings.

His heart wrenching with grief and despair, Bell collapsed to his knees, his body wracked with sobs as Kleptos continued to drain Aiz's life essence.

But just as all seemed lost, a sudden ray of light pierced the gloom, illuminating the alleyway and driving back the darkness. The monster howled in pain, its tendrils releasing Aiz as it writhed in agony, a blinding light pierced the shadows. Riveria Ljos Alf, her staff glowing with the power of the ancient elves, stepped into the alleyway, her eyes blazing with righteous fury.

"Leave them alone, you abomination!" she commanded, her voice ringing with authority and power. "You'll be sorry you attacked the two people most precious to me!"

Kleptos, his grotesque form pulsing with malevolent energy, turned to face this new threat. "Ah, the High Elf," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your magic cannot stop me. I have feasted upon the Arcanum of many gods, and their power is now mine."

But Riveria was undaunted.

"My name is Alf!!!!"

With a cry of defiance, she unleashed the full might of her magic, a torrent of elemental fury that slammed into Kleptos like a tidal wave. The monster howled in agony as the elf's power tore at his flesh, his tendrils writhing in pain.

"Bell Cranel. Kiss me."

Bell, his mind reeling with confusion, could only stare at Riveria in astonishment.

"I'm not kidding," she continued, her voice laced with urgency. "Kiss me, now!"

The high elf leaned in close to Bell, her lips brushing against his. Bell, his heart racing, felt his lips parting as the high elf kissed him passionately.

At that moment, Riveria's magic surged, enveloping Bell and Aiz in a shimmering cocoon of healing energy. Their wounds began to close, their strength returning as the elf's power flowed through them.

Bell's heart swelled with renewed hope and determination. He rose to his feet, his eyes fixed on Riveria as she unleashed a devastating barrage of magical attacks on Kleptos.

Aiz, her own strength restored, rose to stand beside them. She retrieved her sword, the blade gleaming with a fierce, unwavering light.

The three of them stood together, united against the monstrous parasite.

As one, the three heroes charged forward, their weapons flashing in the fading light. Riveria's magic swirled around them, bolstering their strength and shielding them from Kleptos's dark power, forcing him on the back foot. However, the scheming creature had one last wicked trick up his sleeve.

"I have some unfortunate news for you," Kleptos said. "Wouldn't you like to know what I've done with your friend?"

"Friend? What friend? What are you talking about?" Bell asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"What was her name again? Eina Tulle, wasn't it? Oh yes, I remember her very well. She was quite delicious."

"You bastard! Where is Eina?!" Bell cried out as he slashed at Kleptos. "I swear I'll kill you!"

"Here she is! Freshly coated with my bodily fluids!" A blob of slime splattered onto the ground before the trio, slowly taking shape and revealing itself to be a humanoid form. It was the young guild adviser Eina Tulle, naked as the day she was born, coated in a layer of black mucus, and bound with eel-like appendages.

"Eina!" Bell rushed towards the girl, his eyes wide with horror and concern.

"Go ahead and take her back, Bell Cranel. She tastes just as good as she smells."

Bell gasped in horror as he saw his friend sprawled on the ground.

"Eina! Eina, wake up! Please, don't leave me!" Bell cried, his voice breaking with grief and despair.

"Now if you don't mind, it's time I took my leave." Kleptos snickered as he began to slither away. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Bell Cranel. I'm sure we'll meet again."

The vile creature slithered away, leaving Bell, Aiz, and Riveria alone with the comatose form of Eina.

As Riveria carefully tended to Eina's body, Bell buried his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking with grief and guilt. Aiz placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her voice trembling with emotion.

Bell, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, turned to his companions. "We can't let Kleptos get away with this," he declared, his voice thick with emotion. "We have to stop him, no matter what it takes."

Riveria and Aiz nodded, their eyes filled with determination. They would not let this monstrosity go unchallenged.

"We will, Bell," Riveria assured him, her eyes blazing with determination. "Together, we will bring an end to this madness."

Aiz, her own heart aching with the pain of loss and betrayal, nodded in agreement. "We will not let Kleptos win," she vowed, her voice trembling with righteous anger. "We will stop Medusa, and we will avenge Eina."

Riveria, her eyes distant and thoughtful, spoke up. "We must be cautious," she warned, her voice filled with the wisdom of the ancient elves. "Medusa's power is vast, and her influence runs deep. We cannot afford to underestimate her, or the forces she has at her command."

Bell, his resolve hardening with each passing moment, clenched his fists. "We'll need to train harder than ever before," he declared, his voice ringing with determination. "We'll need to push ourselves to our limits and beyond if we hope to stand a chance against Medusa and her minions."

Aiz and Riveria nodded in agreement, their own hearts filled with the same unwavering resolve. They knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and hardship, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay before them.

As they made their way back to Twilight Manor, their minds racing with plans and strategies, a figure watched from the shadows. Loki, her eyes glinting with a mixture of pride and concern, observed her children as they walked with purpose and determination.

"You've grown so much, my little kiddies," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the whisper of the wind. "But the trials ahead will test you like never before. May the gods watch over you, and may your hearts remain true in the face of darkness."

With a final, lingering glance, Loki vanished into the gathering darkness, her presence a silent guardian over the heroes who would shape the fate of Orario and the world beyond.