
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

A World Without Bell Cranel

I wandered through the streets of Orario, but it was not the Orario I knew. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was all alone. The sights, the smells, the noise—they all seemed the same as they always were, but my heart was calling to me, setting off alarm bells. Something was off. Something was very wrong indeed.

It was as if Medusa's sinister touch had tainted the world, warping everything I knew into a nightmare. It was as if she had looked into my mind and constructed a world that had broken me emotionally.

This brought back bad memories of Freya's charm, capable of brainwashing the entire city into believing that I was a part of her Familia. My Orario had been twisted into something else to revolve around the will of a cruel mistress, a prison created solely for me. In the Orario I knew, for better or worse, I was a household name, attracting the attention of the city's greatest adventurers. Some even called me a hero. Yet here, I was a stranger, like the day I set foot in Orario for the first time and was shunned by all. Had Medusa erased everyone's memories of me? Or had she concocted something even more insidious? It felt like a cruel prank, a twisted game orchestrated by an unseen force.

In a seemingly ordinary setting, an unsettling sense of unease lingered in the air, shrouded by a noxious stench masked by artificial fragrances. An ominous presence loomed over the bustling city of intrepid explorers, compelling me to avoid making eye contact with the throngs of people. Suspicious, piercing stares seemed to relentlessly bore into my back, making me feel like a pariah, utterly out of place. The charged atmosphere crackled with hostility, surpassing even the tension I experienced during the harrowing Xenos incident.

As I strolled through the winding city streets, I couldn't help but notice the once lively atmosphere had changed into a quiet, almost eerie stillness. Although people were going about their day, there seemed to be a certain sense of fatigue in the air, like everyone was just going through the motions. It's hard to explain, but there was definitely a heavy feeling hanging over everything, casting a shadow over the city's usual vibrancy. The buildings looked the same, but there was something strangely surreal about the whole scene.

I passed by adventurers I knew, but they glanced at me with indifferent or even suspicious eyes. My heart sank when I spotted the waitresses of the Hostess of Fertility who should have greeted me warmly but instead walked past without a hint of recognition. It was as if I didn't exist, a ghost haunting the streets of an unfamiliar Orario.

As I muttered to myself, a shiver crept down my spine, sending a wave of unease through me. The air felt heavy and suffocating, with a silence so profound that it seemed to press in on me from all sides. Each step I took resounded in my ears with an unnatural intensity, as if the very city itself was holding its breath, waiting for me to reveal its hidden truths.

Yet despite the sense of wrongness permeating the air, my resolve remained undaunted. I was determined to discover what Medusa had done to the city and why she had brought me here. I was willing to do whatever it took to reclaim the Orario I knew, the one place that I truly called home.

In the midst of this oppressive silence, a faint voice echoed in my mind, urging me to find the answers I sought. As I strode through the streets, I knew that it wouldn't be long before I uncovered the truth, no matter how unsettling or shocking it might be. Determined to test my suspicions, I walked towards my beloved Hestia Familia's home, hoping that at least some of my fellow familia members would recognize me.

As I arrived at the doorstep of the Hestia Familia home, a mix of hope and dread welled up inside of me. Would Hestia and the others recognize me? Or would they also fail to know me? My heart thumped rapidly in my chest as I reached out my hand and knocked on the door.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then the sound of footsteps could be heard, growing louder with each passing second as someone approached the door. I took a deep breath as the door swung open, revealing an unfamiliar man in the doorway. The man was tall and muscular, with short blonde hair and green eyes. His expression was stern and imposing, and his presence exuded an aura of power and authority. He regarded me with a look of confusion, clearly wondering who I was and why I was at their door.

"Who are you?" the man asked in a low voice, his tone firm and commanding.

My heart sank as I realized that this man had no idea who I was, just like everyone else in Orario. Even more worrisome was the fact that he was standing in the Hestia Familia's mansion, a place that was usually a safe haven for me. Now it seemed like a place I did not belong, a stranger intruding into a world I did not understand.

"I'm... I'm Bell Cranel," I said softly, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"I don't know you," the man said coldly. "Why are you here?"

I swallowed hard, unsure of how to answer the man's question. I wasn't sure if this was still my Hestia Familia or whether it had been replaced by this unknown group. My heart was pounding in my chest as I searched for the right words to say.

"I... I think I belong here," I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I think this is my home."

The man narrowed his eyes at me, clearly not believing a word I said. "You're trespassing," he declared in a harsh tone. "This is not your home. This mansion belongs to Apollon Familia. Leave now, or I'll make you."

I took a step back, feeling the weight of the man's words. I had been so sure that I belonged here, but now it seemed that I was unwelcome. I wasn't sure where to go or what to do next, but I knew that I couldn't stay here. With a heavy heart, I turned and walked away, leaving the unfamiliar man standing in the doorway of my former home.

I wandered aimlessly through the streets of Orario, a growing sense of despair threatening to overwhelm me. Every step filled me with a deepening sense of unease, compounded by the blank stares and utter confusion that seemed to follow me wherever I went. The slight trembling of my hands betrayed my growing anxiety, and I couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes were fixed upon me.

Amid the twisted, elongated shadows that seemed to dance and contort with a malevolent will of their own, every creak and rustle carried an ominous weight. Each time I thought I glimpsed movement out of the corner of my eye, my heart raced as I turned to find nothing there, leaving me chilled and unsettled in this unsettling and unfamiliar reality.

I needed answers. I needed to discover what Medusa had done to this world and how I could escape it. Most importantly, I needed to find a way to save Riveria and my friends from whatever twisted game Medusa was playing. Determined, I set off towards the one place I hoped might hold some answers—the Twilight Manor. If Loki Familia didn't recognize me, I would have to make them remember. And if they did, maybe they could help me unravel the mystery of this parallel world.

With each step, the pounding of my heart echoed in the darkness, a steady beat of fear intermingled with determination. Every nerve in my body was alive with the weight of responsibility; Riveria's life rested in my hands, and I knew I couldn't afford to waver. As I pressed on, the suffocating presence of uncertainty clawed at my resolve. Yet with unwavering determination, I steeled myself against the encroaching dread. I was ready to confront the twisted machinations of Medusa's creation, for I would stop at nothing to bring Riveria back from the brink.

My heart raced as I approached the massive gates of Twilight Manor. The headquarters of the Loki Familia, which had always struck me as impressive, now appeared even more imposing, casting long, grasping shadows that seemed to envelop me as I drew near.

As I passed through the gates, an eerie silence enveloped me, shrouding the usually lively courtyard in an oppressive stillness. The air weighed heavily on me, and even the sound of my own footsteps seemed to echo unnaturally as I made my way toward the main entrance.

Upon pushing open the heavy wooden doors, instead of the familiar bustle of activity, I was greeted with a sight of utter devastation. The once magnificent entrance hall lay in ruins, with shattered furniture and torn tapestries strewn about the floor. The walls bore scorches and cracks, telling a tale of a great and terrible battle that had ensued within those halls.

My heart raced as I ventured deeper into the manor, calling out for anyone who might hear me. But the only response was the echo of my voice bouncing off the empty halls. Room after room, I found nothing but destruction and an unsettling absence of life.

Finally, I reached the great hall where the Loki Familia executives would gather. The sight that greeted me there made my blood run cold. Slumped in their chairs around the grand table were the lifeless bodies of Finn, Gareth, and the other high-ranking members. Their faces were frozen in expressions of pain and terror, their bodies bearing the marks of a fierce battle.

I stumbled back, my mind reeling. How could this have happened? These were some of the strongest adventurers in Orario, yet they had been slaughtered like helpless lambs. I searched frantically for any sign of Ais, Tiona, or the others but found none.

As I stood there, trying to process the horrific scene before me, a cold realization began to dawn. The 59th-floor expedition... had none of them made it back? Had they all fallen to the Corrupted Spirit, leaving Orario defenseless against Medusa's machinations?

I sank to my knees, tears streaming down my face. The weight of this revelation crashed down upon me like a physical blow. I had looked up to the Loki Familia executives, had seen them as beacons of hope and strength in this cruel world. And now they were gone, leaving me alone to face the horrors that Medusa had unleashed.

I stumbled out of the Twilight Manor, my heart shattered by the gruesome scene I had just witnessed. Tears streamed down my face as I ran through the streets of Orario, my mind reeling from the loss of the Loki Familia executives and the absence of my dear friends.

The oppressive atmosphere of this strange world seemed to close around me, and I found it increasingly difficult to breathe. I raced towards Babel Tower, desperate to escape the nightmare I was in. The faces of the Loki Familia executives haunted me, their lifeless eyes seeming to follow me as I fled.

I raced through the dimly lit streets until I nearly collided with Welf, who looked at me puzzled.

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" Welf asked, his tone polite but wary.

My heart sank. "He doesn't recognize me. This is all part of Medusa's plan. She erased my existence from everyone's memories," I realized, the weight of the revelation almost too much to bear.

"I don't know you, and you're clearly in distress. Why don't you go home and get some rest?" Welf suggested, his brow furrowing with concern.

"Medusa's world is becoming more twisted by the second. I have to do something," I thought, my resolve hardening despite the despair gnawing at me.

"Well, I have no idea who you are or what you're talking about. Please leave me alone," Welf insisted, taking a cautious step back.

"This can't be real. It's like I never existed here. It's like this version of Orario never knew me," I mused, struggling to keep my composure.

"Are you feeling okay? I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong," Welf said, his tone softening slightly as he observed my distress.

"If this is really Medusa's doing, maybe she can undo it. She must be stopped at all costs," I resolved, clenching my fists.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but you're scaring me. If you don't leave me alone, I will have to call the Ganesha Familia for assistance," Welf warned, his voice trembling slightly.

"I don't know how to escape this nightmare, but I can't let it overwhelm me. I have to keep fighting," I thought, gritting my teeth.

"Go home. You're not well," Welf pleaded, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I jerked away, the familiar gesture feeling like a punch in the gut. "I am Bell Cranel! I know you don't recognize me right now, but I need your help," I said desperately, my eyes pleading.

"I can't help you. I don't know you. Please just go home," Welf urged, taking a few more steps back.

I could see the fear in Welf's eyes, and I felt a pang of guilt for causing such distress to someone I considered a dear friend. But I knew I had to stay strong and press forward.

"I'm sorry," I whispered before turning and running down the street as fast as my legs could carry me.

"Hey, wait!" Welf called out, but I ignored him, disappearing into the night.

My mind was racing as I ran through the darkened streets, searching for a way out of this twisted reality Medusa had trapped me in. The faces of the Loki Familia executives flashed in my mind, their lifeless eyes boring into me.

I sprinted through the labyrinthine alleys, my heart pounding from the exertion and the confusion clouding my mind. Skidding to a halt, I spotted a familiar figure—Lili, my steadfast supporter. Relief and hope surged through me.

"Lili!" I called out, my voice laced with desperation.

She turned, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Who are you?"

My heart sank. "It's me, Bell! Your friend!"

Lili took a step back, her expression one of wary disbelief. "I've never seen you before in my life."

My breath hitched. "Don't say that! You're my friend, my supporter. We've been through so much together."

Lili's eyes hardened, a mix of anger and fear. "You're delusional. Get away from me, creep!"

Stunned, I took a step forward, my hands trembling. "But we've faced countless dangers side by side. You saved my life more times than I can count."

Lili's lips curled into a sneer. "I've been through enough trouble of my own; I don't need any more from you. Leave me alone."

Desperation clawed at my throat. "Lili, please... remember me. Remember us."

She turned sharply and walked away without another word, leaving me standing alone in the shadowed street, a cold emptiness settling in my chest.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but if you don't leave me alone, I will be forced to take drastic measures," Lili threatened, her voice trembling slightly.

I realized I was about to break down and further frighten the young girl, so I nodded slowly and turned away, my shoulders sagging in defeat.

Desperately, I sought out my goddess, Hestia. Perhaps she could give me some answers or offer guidance through the confusing fog that clouded my mind. My steps dragged as I made my way to her small home, the abandoned church, and knocked on the door, my heart hammering in my chest.

Silence greeted me, and I wondered if Hestia was even there. But just as I was about to turn away in despair, the door creaked open, and Hestia's tear-streaked face appeared, her eyes widening in surprise at my unexpected arrival.

My heart wrenched at the sight of my beloved goddess in such distress. "Goddess Hestia? What's wrong?"

She blinked away her tears, her expression a mix of confusion and grief. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

My mouth went dry. "Goddess Hestia, it's me, Bell. I know something is wrong, and I need your help."

Hestia's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I've never seen you before in my life. How did you know where I live?"

My heart plummeted. "What are you talking about? It's me! Bell! You're my Goddess! Surely you must recognize me?"

Hestia's expression hardened, her eyes flashing with anger. "I don't know what game you're playing, but you need to leave. Now."

My eyes welled up with tears. "Goddess, please... I don't understand what's happening. Everyone thinks I don't exist..."

Hestia took a step forward, her voice shaking with barely controlled fury. "Leave! And never come back!"

I stumbled backward, my eyes wide with shock. I couldn't believe what was happening, but it was clear that Hestia didn't recognize me and was terrified by my presence.

Desperate, I went to the Guild to see Eina for one last roll of the die. As I made my way toward the building, the whispers of passersby followed me like ghosts.

"What's wrong with that adventurer?" "He's clearly lost his mind." "Something must have happened to him."

My heart thundered in my chest as I stepped through the Guild's doors, scanning the crowd of adventurers for a familiar face. My eyes finally locked onto a flash of brown hair, and I felt a surge of hope that perhaps there was still some semblance of my old life left intact in this twisted reality.

"Eina!" I called out, my voice rising above the din of conversation.

She turned toward me, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in my appearance. "Do I know you?"

My heart sank as the reality of the situation fully sunk in. "Please, Eina... it's me. Bell. You have to remember me. You're my advisor."

Eina took a step back, her expression guarded. "I think you may have me confused with someone else. I don't know you."

I fought back tears as the weight of the situation pressed down on me. "Eina, please... I need your help. I'm lost. Everything is so wrong, and I don't know what to do."

Eina's eyes softened slightly, but she shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry. I really don't know you."

I could feel the walls closing in around me as the last of my hope drained away. The only people I had left were the ones who couldn't remember me. I was truly alone in this nightmare.

I was met with the same cold indifference or outright hostility wherever I went. No one seemed to know who I was or why I was so distraught.

My friends, the people I loved most, looked at me as if I were a stranger. The weight of their collective amnesia crashed down upon me, and I fell to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

In this twisted version of Orario, I was utterly alone. The people I had fought beside, laughed with, and cherished had no memory of me. The realization that Medusa's cruel machinations had not only taken Riveria from me but had also erased my very existence from the minds of those I held dear was too much to bear.

As I knelt there, my tears falling upon the cobblestone streets, I felt a deep, aching void open up within me. The world I knew, the bonds I had forged, and the love I had found—all of it had been ripped away, leaving me lost and broken in a city that no longer knew my name.

As I neared the tower, I saw a dark shadow flit across my peripheral vision. I whirled around, my heart racing, but there was nothing there. The streets were deserted, and a heavy silence hung in the air.

I quickened my pace, my instincts screaming at me to get away. But as I drew closer to Babel tower, I could feel an unnerving presence looming over me. The darkness seemed to press in on me from all sides, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me, biding its time.

Just as I reached the foot of Babel tower, the door to the entrance slammed shut with a resounding boom. The shadows around me seemed to coalesce into a single form, and a sinister voice echoed in my ears.

"Is our poor little rabbit lost?"

I spun around to face the source of the voice, my hands trembling as I readied myself for a fight. "Show yourself!" I cried out, my voice shaking with fear and anger.

The darkness shimmered and swirled, and Medusa's cruel visage emerged from the shadows, her lips twisted into a wicked smile. "Hello, Bell. It is only I, my dear."

"What have you done?" I demanded, my voice raw with emotion. "Why are you doing this to me? To everyone?"

"Oh, you poor thing," she purred, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "You're all alone in the world now, aren't you? But at least you still have me."

I staggered back, my mind reeling from the horrific realization that Medusa had somehow twisted reality to her own advantage. "No! This isn't real! It can't be!"

Medusa's smile widened, her eyes burning with malevolent glee. "Oh, but it is, my sweet."

My heart plummeted into the depths of despair as the truth of Medusa's words washed over me.

"In this little world of mine, I erased you from existence. You were never born!" Medusa hissed with delight as her cruel laughter echoed through the empty streets of Orario.

"No!" I screamed, my heart shattering into a million pieces as I collapsed to my knees in defeat.

"In this world, you're nothing," Medusa explained, her tone laced with wicked delight. "Your entire existence has been erased. No one remembers you because, to them, you never existed in the first place."

The revelation hit me like a physical blow. My knees buckled, and I had to steady myself against a nearby wall. "But why?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Why would you do this?"

Medusa's smile widened, revealing sharp, gleaming teeth. "Because you would never listen to me, Bell Cranel. You refused to give in to my desires."

I stared up at Medusa in utter disbelief. "So this is all just some sick game to you? You did all of this just to punish me for refusing your advances?"

"I simply wanted to rob the world of its hero and then watch it burn." She circled me like a predator stalking its prey, her eyes never leaving my face. "And what better way to break a hero than to take away everything he holds dear? Your friends, your family, your very identity—all gone in an instant."

My heart raced as the full weight of Medusa's words sank in. If I had never been born, then all the good I had done, all the lives I had touched, had been undone. My presence had been robbed of the world, and no one even knew what they had lost.

"You're a monster," I spat out, my voice shaking with rage. "You've taken everything from me."

Medusa shrugged, seemingly unconcerned by my words. "Yes, I have," she replied, her tone laced with smug satisfaction. "Isn't that a beautiful thing? Now I am the only one you have left. You belong to me now, Bell Cranel."

I staggered back, my mind reeling from the horror of what Medusa had done and her twisted vision of the world she had created.

"How can I undo this nightmare?"

Medusa threw back her head and laughed, echoing through the empty streets. "You're welcome to try, little hero. But in this world, you are nothing. A ghost, a phantom, a forgotten dream. And I am the only one who knows the truth."

My heart sank as Medusa's words sank in. The Dark Mother's cruel laughter echoed through the empty streets, each cackle driving the bitter truth deeper into my soul.

"You see, little hero," Medusa purred, her eyes glinting with malevolent glee, "without your presence, the Loki Familia crumbled like a house of cards. They faced the Demi-Spirit on the 59th floor, but they lacked the inspiration you would have provided."

She circled me, her voice dripping with venom. "In your world, they witnessed your triumph over the sword-wielding Minotaur. They saw the fire in your eyes, the unyielding determination that sparked hope in their hearts. But in this reality, that flame never ignited."

My mind raced, trying to comprehend the magnitude of Medusa's revelation. The Loki Familia, the strongest and most respected group in Orario, had fallen because of my absence. The weight of that knowledge threatened to crush me.

"Finn, the brave and wise leader, never delivered his rousing speech," Medusa continued, relishing in my anguish. "Without your example to follow, they lacked the courage to fight on. They were slaughtered one by one, their screams echoing through the dungeon's depths."

Tears streamed down my face as I pictured the horrific scene. My friends, my comrades, cut down by the Demi-Spirit's merciless onslaught. The thought of their suffering, their final moments, tore at my heart.

But Medusa wasn't finished. Her smile widened, revealing sharp, gleaming teeth. "And your precious Ais? She fought bravely, but in the end, she too fell. Her broken body lay among the ruins, a testament to the futility of your heroism."

My knees buckled, and I collapsed to the ground, my body wracked with sobs. Ais, my guiding light, my inspiration, was gone forever. The pain was unbearable, a searing agony that consumed my very soul.

"And Riveria," Medusa hissed, her voice filled with cruel delight, "the noble high elf who sacrificed herself for you? In this world, she met a most cruel fate. On the 59th floor, she was incinerated by the Demi-Spirit's Firestorm, and her skull was crushed by the Meteor Swarm spell that came after. Wasn't a pretty sight."

My heart shattered, the pieces scattered like my beloved Riveria's ashes. I had failed them all, failed to be the hero they needed. In this twisted reality, my absence had sealed their fates, condemning them to a brutal and untimely demise.

My heart raced as Medusa's words echoed in my mind. She stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with twisted delight. "And now, my little hero, let me show you the final piece of my masterpiece."

Medusa produced a small, ornate mirror from the folds of her dark cloak. Its surface shimmered unnaturally, reflecting a reality I had been blind to. She held it up before me, and I was forced to confront the image within.

I stared at my reflection, my breath catching in my throat. The boy I remembered was gone. In his place stood a tall, broad-shouldered young man with a body that had grown more toned and defined over time. My crimson eyes burned with determination, and the breeze tousled my white hair.

My features still retained some of their boyish charm, but I looked more like a hare than a rabbit now—strong and powerful in my own right. Yet, the steely expression on my face belied an inner strength that few could match.

"The mighty warrior before you," Medusa murmured. "This is the Bell Cranel who never existed in your world."

I struggled to comprehend the sight before me. This was a version of myself that I never could have imagined—a man forged by adversity and hardened by battle.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I ran a trembling hand over my face, feeling the unfamiliar contours. "This... this can't be real."

Medusa's laughter was like shards of ice piercing my heart. "Oh, but it is very real, Bell Cranel. You have been trapped in this world for many years. Every day that passes, I erase your memories, ensuring you remain my plaything forever, and then reset the world. It plays out differently each time, to keep things from getting boring, but the end result is always the same."

My mind reeled from the revelation. The days that had felt like mere moments were actually years slipping through my fingers like sand. I had been living in a nightmare without even realizing it.

"Look at yourself," Medusa cooed, relishing in my torment. "You've grown up in my world, shaped by my hand."

The weight of her words pressed down on me like an unyielding burden. I couldn't fathom how long I had been ensnared in her cruel game, losing myself piece by piece with each passing day.

"No... no!" I cried out, dropping to my knees as the enormity of my situation crashed over me like a tidal wave.

Medusa's smile was a twisted mockery of compassion as she crouched down beside me. "You are mine now and forever, Bell Cranel."

I clutched my head in anguish, struggling to grasp the shattered fragments of my memory and identity. The reflection in the mirror was a stranger—a ghost of the boy who once dreamed of being a hero.

Medusa's laughter echoed through the streets of Orario, growing ever louder as my despair consumed me. I was trapped in a world that wasn't my own, my existence erased by the one who had created me. I would never escape her clutches, and she would never let me forget it.

"Now, I have a proposition for you, my dear Bell. If you agree to become mine, then I'll let you escape this living hell I made for you. If you refuse, I will erase your memories and force you to relive this every day for the rest of your life." Medusa paused, savoring the look of utter defeat on my face before continuing. "So what will it be? Will you submit to me and finally find peace? Or will you choose to suffer in vain?"

Her words pierced my heart like a dagger, tearing me apart from within. The choice before me was simple: give up my freedom and become Medusa's sex slave or surrender to oblivion and relive this nightmare forever.

I couldn't bear the thought of submitting to her, but neither could I endure the torment of knowing that none of it mattered in the end. My entire existence was erased in this world, and no one would remember me even if I escaped Medusa's cruel game. I was alone and without hope, the last vestiges of my will fading away like ashes in the wind.

The bitter irony was that the only way to escape this twisted reality was to surrender to the one who had created it. Medusa held all the power, and there was nothing I could do to resist her. I was utterly defeated and utterly broken.

"What will it be, my sweet?" Medusa purred, her voice dripping with cruel pleasure.

I looked up at her through tear-filled eyes, my resolve wavering as I confronted the reality of my situation. But my heart desperately tried to tell me something, calling out to me. I could hear Riveria's voice whispering weakly to me.

"Bell... don't give in... please..."

Her words resonated deep within me, and I realized that she still lived on in my heart even though she was gone. The love we shared was eternal, and I could never truly lose it even if Medusa had erased it from history itself.

I turned towards Medusa, a spark of defiance blazing in my crimson eyes. "I will never be yours, Medusa."

She regarded me with a sneer. "What?!"

"I would rather suffer eternally in this hell than give you what you want," I growled through clenched teeth. "I will never submit to you."

"Uh, it ends up this way every single time! You stupid, stubborn rabbit!" Medusa rolled her eyes and snorted. "There's something I've been really looking forward to showing you. You will come with me, now."

I closed my eyes and braced myself for whatever punishment Medusa was about to unleash upon me. But as her words sank in, my heart froze in terror as I realized I was suddenly transported to the 59th floor of the Dungeon, where the Loki Familia executives were locked in a desperate battle against the Demi-Spirit. My heart raced as I watched helplessly, unable to intervene or lend my aid.

The scene before me was one of utter devastation. The Demi-Spirit's power was overwhelming, and even the combined might of the Loki Familia's strongest members seemed woefully inadequate. Finn's heroic efforts were met with futility as he was slaughtered before my eyes. Gareth was blasted apart by the creature's searing Firestorm spell. Ais and Riveria were pulverized by its Meteor Swarm magic.

My friends were dying, and I could do nothing but watch. My heart cried out in anguish as I witnessed their horrific fates. Each death was a dagger plunged into my soul, rending me to pieces.

But it was the sight of Ais and Riveria that truly broke my heart. The two women who meant the most to me fought valiantly but ultimately fell to the Demi-Spirit's relentless onslaught. Their broken bodies lay among the ruins, testaments to the futility of our heroism.

Ais was thrown across the battlefield, her body battered and broken. The light faded from her amber eyes as she stared up at the darkness above. Her final thoughts were of me, and a look of sorrow crossed her face before she breathed her last.

Riveria lay crumpled in a heap, her emerald eyes glassy and lifeless. The agony of her last moments was etched into her features, and I could still feel her life force draining away as I watched. It was as if the entire world had stopped turning, and even the Demi-Spirit paused for a moment to relish in the grief of this moment.

Medusa's cruel laughter echoed in my ears as she appeared beside me, her eyes gleaming maliciously. "Now, my dear Bell, you have a choice to make. You can save either Ais or Riveria, but only one. Which one lives, and which one dies? Choose wisely."

My heart twisted in agony at the thought of choosing between them. How could I possibly decide who to save and who to condemn? They were both precious to me, both irreplaceable in my life.

"I won't do it," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "I can't choose between them. I won't play your twisted game, Medusa."

The Dark Mother's smile only widened at my defiance. "Oh, but you must, Bell. If you refuse, they will both die, and their blood will be on your hands."

I clenched my fists, tears streaming down my face as I watched Ais and Riveria's desperate struggle. The weight of the decision pressed down on me like an unbearable burden, threatening to crush my very soul.

"No," I said, my voice barely audible over the chaos of the battle. "I won't choose. I can't. They are both too important to me."

Medusa's laughter rang out once more, cruel and mocking. "Oh dear, you never learn, do you? Mind you, I have been erasing your memories every time this happens, but the emotional torment always remains. I will break your spirit, Bell Cranel. And then I'll make whatever is left of you mine."

I blinked, disoriented as the world around me shifted. One moment I was standing in the dungeon, and the next I found myself strapped to a bed in what appeared to be a clinic. My heart raced as I tugged at the restraints, but they held fast, leaving me helpless.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as Medusa stepped into view, her face obscured by a surgical mask and latex gloves covering her hands. She held a massive syringe, the liquid inside glinting ominously under the harsh lights. My breath hitched as she approached, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"What...what are you doing?" I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Medusa's laughter echoed through the sterile room. "Oh, Bell, I'm just here to help you forget."

I struggled against the restraints, panic setting in as she moved closer. The needle inched towards my head, and I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the pain.

A sharp sting pierced my skull, and a wave of cold spread through my mind. I gasped, my vision swimming as the memories of the past 24 hours began to dissolve. The desperate battles, the camaraderie with my fellow adventurers, and the pain of loss—all of it slipped away like sand through my fingers.

As the last fragments of my recent past vanished, Medusa withdrew the syringe, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. She leaned in close, her voice a sinister whisper. "Sleep well, Bell Cranel. When you awaken, none of this will have ever happened."

Darkness closed in around me, and I surrendered to the void, my mind a blank slate as Medusa's cruel laughter followed me into oblivion.