
Danmachi: Miach's Familia's Rivival

MC got Isekai'd into the world of Danmachi with honestly nothing much to his name beside an weapon, armour and his memories. The love interest will be Rose Fannett/MC and maybe a three way relationship if I feel like it but don't get your hopes up for that one.

Stormfeake · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The Three Wishes.

He looked at Persephone in surprise for a split second and then soon calmed down again. "Are you sure about that?" he asked with a bit of skepticism laced in his voice.

Persephone nodded her head without hesitation as to try and clear his doubts about it. "I'm quite serious about it, my child. We'll throw in three wishes with it to help you along the way in your new world that you wish to be in." She said in a strong and serious voice.

He took a small breath and nodded back. "Thank you for that and sorry about the question. It's a bit surprising to be allowed to reincarnate after all as my life have been the most basic and normal compared to the rest." He said to her.

Persephone waved her hand in a dismissive manner. "Don't worry about it. It's a good thing to question and have doubts as most things in life isn't free or without strings attached to it, but enough about that. Start thinking about what you want, remember you've all the time you need for it."

He nods and leans back into the couch with his hand rubbing his chin while thinking. 'Hmm. First of all let's start with which world I'd like. Naruto's out of the question as I don't want to deal with Pedomaru nor Danzo, would be too much work to always be anxious of 'em and having to look behind your back all the time while trying to be low key. ATG's a loud and clear *NO*. Pokemon while a fun and somewhat easygoing world's still not my taste. Ah! There's Danmachi a fantasy world that I've been recently heavily into from the LN itself to all the way to the game and fanfictions too, to the point that I might've an addiction to it honestly. Hmm, yeah, Danmachi could work as there isn't too much save the world to it or earth/heaven destroying enemies innit, plus going into the dungeon and crushing goblin skulls in sounds mighty fun, alongside with the different races, good food and familiars. Okay, Danmachi it is. Now as for the race I want that's an easy question it's Werewolf since being a human in that world would just so boring and plain, no fun at all.'. He nods to himself as he have thought things through.

He smiles as he slowly starts to list off his wishes. "Okay I'm done with my first wish, I want to be reincarnated into the world of Danmachi as a Werewolf inside the Seolo Forest in about 2 years before the main canon starts. My second wish's I want you to use the strongest method you know to make my soul appear to be weak and uninteresting. 'That should get Freya off my back for a long enough time I think as the power of my wish would come from an unrestrained and powerful goddess like Persephone the queen of the Underworld.' My third wish's an decent medium side spear with a kite shield, leather armour and three leather pouches.".

Persephone listens closely to my words and wishes, once I'm done she nods her head and claps her hands in agreement. "All those can easily be done as your wishes isn't too much over the top, maybe beside the second one but I'll let that slide and let you have it." She says with a says smile. 'YES! Take that Freya! You won't be able to steal me until it's too late, hahaha~!' he thinks with glee, doing a fist pump inside his head. While he was doing a mentally celebration she continues on. "Now that you're done with your wishes the time's up and you'll be reincarnated, so I wish you the best of luck, my child." She finishes with a wave of her hand.

He nods as he sees that he's slowly fading away, he bows deeply to Persephone. "Thank you goddess Persephone, for everything." He managed to say before his world went black again.

And next chapther's done, I hope you won't chew me out for the wishes. Didn't want to make him too overpowered. Thank you for reading!

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