
danmachi manipulator

I don't own the cover. This is a story about a man who failed as a student, as a son,as a brother and finally in his life. He got reincarnated into danmachi world by a god due to unknown destiny. He is weak, but he has wit,knowledge and a cheat. He will manipulate people,their powers , their future into his profit. Money, power, Beauty he will have everything. He will climb up to the top. Note:mc is not antihero or villain.

grimmmz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

36.Status and Entrance test 2

Howard stood line and slowly entered the building, after a while he approached a huge purple crystal as per instructions given, he touched it, and called

'Open status'

A transparent screen appeared in front of him, he didn't review his status on spot because there were still people waiting behind him so he closed his status exited building and also Awakening centre, he went to a public park and sat on a bench and called to orphanage and informed them about everything that has happened , they gave him well wishes before cutting off the call, Howard looked at the communicator in his hand and sighed, then he decided to look at his status,

'Open Status'





LEVEL:low class







1.[Space Manipulation (SSS)](Sealed):- User can manipulate space, gravity and matter.

[Note:-User should atleast have the RANK of High Class before he/she can use it.]


1.Abnormal resistance

2.[Body enhancement (C)]:-Increases Power,endurance and dexterity stats temporarily.


1.[Water Elemental (D)]:- Can manipulate water.


Howard was very happy after seeing his status because, his efforts in increasing mana has paid off,his magic stat is S rank! he also had a SSS rank skill, even if he couldn't use it now, he can use it in future and become a Supreme Magus!

He took out the bread that Maria baked for him,he ate it happily and spent that night in the park itself.

Next morning, Howard woke very early before sunrise and again ate the bread. He got ready ran towards northern gate, soon he exited Triston and ran towards the examination site as per the instructions given other day, he soon found the abandoned castle, it was damaged beyond repair, it was a medium sized castle half of it is in ruins and truly deserved to be called as abandoned castle.There were so many people at main gate so he went around the castle and found a rear gate, he came to the huge door which had a large hole on it and entered inside, after coming in, he saw a huge ogre in front of him,


It charged towards him, with a club in it's hand, Howard hardened his body using Body enchantment and attempted to stop it's attack,



Howard managed to block the attack but he suffered a fair amount of recoil damage. Howard didn't have a staff or wand because he doesn't have money to buy them so he can only use magic with his hand,

"Water arrow!!!"

Howard released a attack on it's leg which left a wound on it, Ogre got angry and roared at him, Howard got stunned for a second but recovered soon,

"Water slice through!!!"

He released another attack, this time he released water like a blade, it directly cut off one the ogre's arms,


Ogre cried in despair and pain, without delaying anytime he directly punched it's face and it flew of backwards, Ogre got up and let out a enraged roar before attacking in desperation, Howard didn't have much mana, so he tried to store his mana and release a strong attack, he was gathering mana in his body while blocking and dodging Ogre's attacks, he was getting more and more injured by every second, finally Ogre stopped attacking for a moment which gave him an opening and he attacked,

"Follow my commands! turn into water bomb!!!"

Water released from his hand in a sphere, hit Ogre and exploded giving it a terrifying amount of damage,

"Beast die!!!"

Howard gathered remaining bit of his strength into his fist and targeted it's face, it already took damage from the water magic earlier, so it put minimum to Nil resistance, and it fell down and breathed it's last, Howard was also exhausted and wanted to doze off but he bit his lip so hard that blood started falling off, the only thing in his mind was,

"I will become Supreme Magus, no matter what"

"I will not give up here"

"I will definitely get into Hogwarts"

"I will surely ascend to holy land"

"I should take care of orphanage and sister Maria, I can't fall here"

He was bleeding, but he refused to give up,and slowly moved forward towards darkness of the castle,


he heard the sound and his heart sank, out of the darkness 4 more Ogres came out, he wanted to run away but he didn't have enough stamina to do it, so gritted his teeth and glared at the beasts and shouted,

"Come at me bastards!!!!"

Ogres rushed towards him , he also moved towards them but before they collide with each other, a hand touched his shoulder and he heard a sweet voice,

"It's enough, you have done a good job" and his entire vision darkened then he fell unconscious, before closing his eyes he saw a beautiful red haired woman.

In a room, inside the abandoned castle .

The whole castle in the ruins but this in good condition there is a huge bed at the centre of the room, there is a blue haired boy sleeping on it, with his top naked,he is Howard.

At the same time, a red haired woman and a black haired middle age man came into the room, the man came and checked the condition of Howard and sighed,

"What happened Doctor Matt? is he fine?"(red haired woman)

"Don't worry Fiona, he is fine, but tell me what happened to him?"(Matt)

"We are supposed to conduct entrance test today, there are many tests, some for warriors,knights,witches,scholars,potion masters, mages and many more. The test is conducted in 5 different rounds, these Ogre's were also part of the test which will be taken by warriors and knights in their final round because these Ogres have strength of pseudo intermediate class and their attacks can reach intermediate class when they are desperate, even the warrior and knight applicants will be sent to fight a single Ogre in teams of 2 or 3, Ogres are caught by examiners and placed in the rear part of castle in cages, everyone including myself were busy for test preparation, this kid might have thought on entering castle from rear gate instead of front one, because of crowd, as they say haste make waste and curiosity kills the cat, the Ogres somehow managed to destroy their cages and escaped, unfortunately this kid encountered them and fought. I am impressed that this kid as a mage was able to kill a Ogre and survived despite take so many heavy blows, this feat is not that unprecedented because so many children who have big background and trained from very young age can do it, but he looks like a village kid, his spells were sloppy but he still did it, that's what make him special."(Fiona)

"So, are you going to take him in?"(Matt)

"No, I don't"(Fiona)

"Why? You told that you are impressed right?"(Matt)(confused)

"The 1st reason is this kid is a mage, and the Ogres are supposed to be test for knights and warriors, even if he kill them, it doesn't have any value because for a mage what's matter most is MAGIC and SPELLS, not raw power. Now if he want to get into Hogwarts, I can directly take him under Knight or warrior category but it's useless because his body is brimming with mana and he doesn't have a future as warrior or knight. The second reason is witness, I am one of main examiner of the test but not a supervisor, and I am the only one who witnessed this incident, so even I say everyone about him, no one will believe it, I may even punished in return too. The best I can do for him is exempt him from all the tests except the 5th one, if he performs well in 5th round, he will be given admission."(Fiona)

"It's not bad either, I hope that he will use this favour wisely"(Matt)

"It's not a favour Doctor Matt, it's an opportunity and he deserved it."(Fiona)

"That's true, let's go now, the test should've already begun now"(Matt)


Fiona took one last look at Howard before she left the room with Matt.