
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 44 Prologue To The Family

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have a childhood sweetheart, Eiffel." In the underground church, Hestia looked surprised.

Lily, on the other hand, stared at Tifa with vigilance, as if she regarded Tifa as an imaginary enemy.

Tifa was summoned by Eiffel and was also affected by the system, so Hestia would not notice anything wrong with her words.

Therefore, after Tifa told her 'origin', Hestia believed her immediately.

Because of this, Hestia was very happy when she found out that Tifa came to Orario specifically to join the Hestia Familia.

Now that the Familia's residence has been purchased, the Familia's property is also large, surpassing that of a small Familia, and reaching the level of a medium-sized Familia.

Next, it's time to start growing the dependent family.

Her next task is to find some reliable children to join the family.

Now that Tifa came to her door and wanted to join the Familia, she was naturally very happy.

"Please give me more advice in the future, God Hestia." Tifa bowed politely and said respectfully.

After all, she is a person who came from a world without gods. After knowing that gods really exist, Tifa's attitude towards gods is truly respectful.

However, this is also the attitude of most humans in this world.

Although it is common for gods to descend to the lower realm in this world, many people do not care about the existence of gods and have ordinary attitudes, but this is only a minority. Most people respect the gods very much.

"Just call me Hestia, no honorific is required." Hestia waved her hands repeatedly and warned gently.

"So, Hestia?" Looking at Hestia's girl-next-door smile, Tifa did not feel the majesty of the gods from Hestia, so she hesitated for a moment and whispered. shouted.

"Yeah, that's it. There are no complicated etiquette in the Hestia Familia. You can just do whatever you want." Hestia nodded with satisfaction.

"Hmm, I really want to carve a favor for you right now."

"But now that the Familia's new residence has just been obtained, I think it's best for you to become a member of the Familia in the new residence."

"It must be very meaningful." Then Hestia spoke again and said to Tifa. When she spoke, her face was full of longing, looking forward to the future development of the Familia. It seemed that she already had a picture of the development and growth of the Familia in her mind. .

Although Lily on the side didn't like Tifa, the sudden enemy, she had to agree that Hestia was right.

Because the official residence of the Familia has just been purchased, the newly added Familia does have a special meaning.

Just after the official residence of the Familia was purchased, Tifa came to join the Familia. It can indeed be said to be the first step in the growth of the Familia.

In comparison, I don't count, because I converted to another religion before the clan's settlement was purchased.

'Damn it, if I had known earlier, I would have asked Lady Hestia to purchase the clan residence first, and then convert me to another religion. ' Lily bit the handkerchief she didn't know where it came from, with a look of reluctance on her face.

"Hestia can just arrange it." Tifa said with a slight smile.

Eiffel did not get involved in the conversation between the three Hestias, but was packing various things that needed to be brought to the new residence.

There are not many things that need to be brought there, just some simple and small items.

Eiffel took care of it in just a few minutes.

"Okay, packed up, let's officially move to the new location now." After packing his things, Eiffel said to the people who were talking.

"Well, let's go." Hestia nodded and said.

Lily and Tifa also nodded.

Immediately, the group of four people set off and left the underground church.

"I've been living here for almost a month, and I'm really reluctant to leave." On the ground, Hestia looked at the entrance of the underground church and muttered to herself.

"If you want to come here later, just come over and have a look. It's not a big deal." Eiffel comforted with a smile.


"I won't miss such a shabby place." After Eiffel said this, Hestia instantly broke away from her previous state and stepped forward arrogantly.

"A shabby place?"

"I'll tell Hephaestus later that you said the station she gave you is in tatters." Eiffel also took a step forward and followed her, saying with a smile.

"Tell Hephaestus that I'm not afraid. Isn't this place a shabby place?"

"Well, you're right." Hestia's words made Eiffel pause.

The two started bickering as they walked.

Behind her, Tifa looked at the two of them, smiled slightly, and then prepared to follow.

However, before Tifa could take a step forward, Lily, who had also not left yet, spoke.

Lily looked at Tifa with hostility and said, "I will not lose to you."

After saying that, Lily trotted after him with a huge backpack on her back.

Tifa was left standing there alone.

A few seconds later, Tifa burst out laughing, her smile still gentle.

"Eiffel-kun is still so popular with girls, I'm even considered a love rival."

"However, it seems that they are really love rivals..."

After muttering something to herself, Tifa put her hands behind her back and followed with a cheerful step.

The newly purchased station was near the territory of the Hephaestus Familia. Eiffel and the others walked for almost ten minutes before arriving here.

Eiffel doesn't know much about villas, but this villa is beautiful.

It is better to say that it is a villa than a small manor. It is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people and can be used as a residence for a medium-sized family.

Hestia was not familiar with this either. Hephaestus was the one who made the final decision on this building.

After arriving here, Hestia couldn't wait to take Tifa's hand and ran towards her room to give Tifa a favor.

"Eiffel-kun, see you later." Tifa, who was dragged away by Hestia, did not forget to turn around and say goodbye to Eiffel.

"See you later." Eiffel waved his hand and replied gently.

"Lord Eiffel is really popular with girls." Beside Eiffel, Lily curled her lips and said aggrievedly.

Seeing Lily like this, Eiffel smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to rub her head vigorously.


"No!!!" Hearing Eiffel's unabashed ridicule, Lily immediately changed her aggrieved expression and her face instantly turned red.

"I'm going to see Lady Hestia describe the favor." Without saying a word, Lily ran away with a blushing face.

Seeing Lily running away shyly, Eiffel shook his head slightly.

He is not slow in this regard and can naturally feel Lily's feelings for him.

It's just that, having been single for decades, he really doesn't know how to deal with this matter.

Sighing slightly, Eiffel temporarily put the matter behind him and started walking around the villa.