
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 248 The sudden appearance of the causal tree and the discovered causal clone!

"What happened at the port?"

Although he had split into two avatars, and most of his consciousness was transferred to the causal avatar that was made of light, Eiffel's original body still had some consciousness. He looked at Tione and Algana fighting and thought silently.

However, just as he finished thinking, Eiffel found that his causal magic was activated automatically.

A small tree emitting light appeared in front of Eiffel.


"what happens?"

"How did the Causal Tree appear by itself?"

Looking at the Causal Tree appearing, Eiffel was bewildered.

However, now was not the time for Eiffel to be bewildered.

The Causal Tree appeared suddenly without any signs, unlike the Causal Clone that Eiffel had activated before, which had been prepared with the invisibility magic item.

The sudden appearance of the Causal Tree instantly attracted the attention of the Amazons hiding in the dark.

A large group of Amazons rushed over here, and in a blink of an eye, they surrounded Father Phil and the Causal Tree.

Even Dione and Algana, who were in a death fight, were attracted. Although the death fight did not stop, the two of them simultaneously paid a little attention to the situation here.

"What is this?"

A lv.4 Amazon frowned as he looked at the suddenly appearing Causal Tree.


A golden barrier quietly appeared, protecting the Causal Tree, and Eiffel's figure also quietly appeared in front of everyone.

Since he was discovered, there was no need to hide, so Eiffel directly freed Avalon and then appeared.


Seeing Eiffel sitting cross-legged on the deck, everyone was shocked, and Tione, who was fighting, exclaimed

"Hey, Tione, fight well and don't be distracted."

Eiffel waved his hand and said with a smile.

The causal clone is not a time traveler, so there is no need to be so cautious, so the consciousness that Eiffel split out is different from before, only more than half.

Eiffel's main body does not need to concentrate as before to save Astraea's family. Most of the consciousness was instantly transferred back to the main body and greeted Tione. As for the causal clone, it was still flying at this time.

After seeing Eiffel, Algana's fighting spirit in her eyes soared. Eiffel had no doubt that if she was not fighting to the death with Tione, Algana would rush over to fight with him at the first time.

"Thanks, Eiffel!!!,!"

Looking at Eiffel who suddenly appeared, Tione was a little dazed, and was punched in the face by Algana. The whole person flew backwards and rolled on the ground for several times, but he got up the next second, not caring about the injury on his face at all, and smiled at Eiffel.

Her previous guess was right. Eiffel had been caring about the two sisters. He had obviously left the port city of Mellen with Livilia before, but now he appeared here quietly. If this is not caring about her, what is it?

Livilia, who left with him, must have come back too.

Probably went to her sister Tiona.

Their companions have been caring about them.

A warm current emerged silently and began to flow in the body.

Tione felt that her whole body was full of strength. With a flash of her figure, she quickly attacked Algana who was rushing towards her.



The collision sound was even more violent than before, like a cannonball exploding.

Tione's punches and kicks were more powerful than in the previous battle. Looking at this scene, Eiffel raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Did he use his skill Anger to cause chaos? Or did he awaken a new skill?"

But Eiffel didn't have the heart to think too much now. He ignored the Amazons who kept attacking the Avalon barrier and his eyes fell on the Tree of Cause and Effect.

He didn't know yet that the Tree of Cause and Effect would pop up by itself in addition to being used by himself.

Why is this so?

The Tree of Cause and Effect is related to everything that happens to him. Once any cause and effect appears, this thing will give an alarm.

Is there any cause and effect related to him?

Eiffel had no clue. After all, he had just done nothing and had been sitting on the deck.


"No, this thing appeared not long after I separated the causal clone."

"In other words, it is my causal clone that is about to create some cause and effect!!!"

"Eiffel suddenly had an idea and thought of his causal clone. A look of enlightenment appeared in his eyes."

The next second, Eiffel transferred most of his consciousness to the causal clone. At this time, the causal clone had arrived at the port, and the place where the monsters were making trouble was in the center of the port city of Mellen. At such a close distance, Eiffel didn't want to waste any more time. He controlled the causal clone to use flash and moved to the nearest place.

As soon as he moved here, Eiffel saw a familiar figure.


Eiffel's causal clone, who was flying backwards, was seen by Ai Si. Although she couldn't see the appearance of the causal clone clearly, she was able to confirm Eiffel's identity immediately. The fact that Eiffel's causal clone was completely made of light had no effect on Ai Si at all.


Eiffel flew forward and caught the flying Ai Si.

"How did you know it was mine?"

Looking at Ai Si in his arms, Eiffel frowned slightly.

"Eh? What did you see?"

"Aren't you Eiffel?"

When Eiffel asked this, Ai Si was also stunned. She replied stupidly, seeming to be puzzled as to why Eiffel asked this.

"Can you see what I look like?"

Eiffel asked again.

"I couldn't see you clearly, but the first time I saw you, your name rang in my mind, so I knew it was you."


"Let's not talk about this for now, Eiffel, let's fight that monster together, it's the Fallen Fairy's clone!!!"

Ai Si suddenly realized that they were in the middle of a battle, she said something to Eiffel, and then she rushed out with the wind spirit wrapped all over her body.

"Hmm? A Fallen Immortal Clone!!!"

Eiffel was stunned, and after a closer look, he found that it was indeed the Fallen Immortal Clone.

The big guy who destroyed the port city of Mellen was actually a Fallen Immortal Clone, and it was a Fallen Immortal Clone parasitic on a bull. Wasn't the bull-shaped Fallen Immortal Clone what Ishtar was going to use to deal with Freya's family?

Did it destroy the dragon?

The bull-shaped Fallen Immortal Clone also noticed Eiffel. Like Ishtar, the concealing effect of Eiffel's causal magic had no effect on this guy at all.

"Eiffel, merge with me!!!"

After noticing Eiffel's arrival, the bull-shaped Fallen Immortal Spirit clone immediately turned to Eiffel, controlling its body to rush towards Eiffel, shouting excitedly as it rushed.


You guys make me feel that my causal clone is very low!!.