
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 196 All the members of the Loki clan, except Ai Si, are in a frenzy!

Eiffel's magic power consumption is very high. The continuous consumption of magic power can't even release the Sword of Victory that has been unsealed by the six seals.

Otherwise, with Eiffel's ability, he can directly release the Sword of Victory to destroy the Fallen Immortal Spirit clone.

There is no need to merge his attack with Ai Si's wind magic trick Micro Wind.

However, after the small Oath Cannon and Ai Si's Micro Wind are combined, the power can be launched, as if one plus one equals three. The magic attack of the two people poured down, and the Fallen Immortal Spirit clone was completely submerged. The breath in it quickly weakened. In just a few seconds, Eiffel and Ai Si heard a crisp cracking sound.



The sound of breaking was followed by the shrill scream of the Fallen Fairy Clone.


The fusion magic completely fused the huge body of the Fallen Fairy Clone, and directly blasted a huge deep pit on the ground.

This Fallen Fairy Clone just perished under the fusion magic of Eiffel and Ais.

The figures of the two slowly fell from the air.

As soon as he landed, Eiffel felt dizzy and had a feeling of excessive mental consumption, and his face looked a little bad.

A curry cannon with six seals, and then he kept using small liberations while fighting with the Fallen Fairy Clone, and even bombarded the Fallen Fairy Clone's short chanting thunder magic. In addition, he had just consumed a lot of magic power to teleport to Ais's side, and then he deployed Avalon. Eiffel's magic power consumption was terrifying.

"Are you okay, Eiffel?"

Aisi's consumption was not as serious as Eiffel's. Seeing Eiffel like this, she wanted to come over to check on him.

However, before Aisi came over, a figure passed by her and fell heavily into Eiffel's arms. Eiffel, who was not paying attention for a moment, was knocked out due to excessive mental consumption.

The two figures flew backwards for a long distance before falling to the ground.

"Sorry, Eiffel, are you okay?"

Tione sat on Eiffel, turned his head and looked at Eiffel, who was sitting on him, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, what happened? Why did you fly over here?"

Eiffel rubbed his eyebrows and asked with some worry.

"Ah, I was not paying attention just now, don't pull it over"

""Damn bastard, you've pissed me off, I'll cut you into pieces."

Hearing Eiffel's question, Tione also reacted, and was immediately furious. His aura changed, and he seemed to be in a violent mode.

Tione stepped on Eiffel's stomach and rushed out directly!!!

Eiffel almost vomited the acid in his stomach after being stepped on, and his eyes twitched slightly.

It was because Eiffel's physique was strong. If it were someone else, being stepped on by the furious Tione, people below the first level would definitely be seriously injured, and the first level would definitely not feel good.

Just like Eiffel now, he had just finished a big battle and was hit by Tione. The whole person felt really sour.

"Are you okay, Eiffel?"

Aisi had come to Eiffel's side at this time. Looking at Eiffel who was looking up at the sky, Aisi squatted down, stretched out her finger, gently poked Eiffel's cheek, and asked softly.


After glaring at Aisi fiercely and getting a silly look from Aisi, Eiffel stood up and looked at the battlefield where Finn and others were.

Seeing this, Eiffel felt his scalp tingling.

My goodness, everyone has fallen into irritable mode.

Finn used the magic gun, Tione used the anger to cause chaos, and everyone else had a hideous face, fierce and violent, and Chun was the same.

Even Livilia had canceled the dimensional blockade at this time, chanting magic with Lefiya, and the magic fluctuations were very strong.

"It seems that they were stimulated because we dealt with the monster first."

"I just saw that the leader suddenly activated the magic spear."

Ais stood beside Eiffel and explained softly. She was startled by the figure who suddenly appeared and knocked Eiffel out. She unconsciously glanced at the battlefield over there, and then saw Finn put his thumb against his forehead and activated the Fierce Magic Spear skill…

Ais had no intention of intervening in the battle between Finn and others.

First of all, she is very exhausted now, and even if she joins the battle, she can't play a big role. She needs time to rest.

Secondly, this is Finn and his enemy, and she can't intervene.

She and Eiffel have already taken charge of one side, and it would be too much to take action again.

Of course, if Finn and others really can't solve it, she will still help.

However, seeing that her companions went berserk and beat the Fallen Fairy Clone to retreat step by step , she should not need to intervene.

Hearing what Ai Si said, Eiffel raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems normal for this to happen.

After all, there are only two people on his side, but they solved the enemy first, while Finn and his side have six or seven people, but they are behind the two of them.

It's shameful.

It would be a shame to delay this situation for another second, so everyone turned on the violent mode.

Even Livilia and Lefiya were holding their breath, and it seemed that even the fluctuations of magic were a bit stronger.

Grace even used the magic ground attack. With one axe, the ground shook, and the fallen fairy took root in the ground, and its huge body began to shake.

Watching the fight between Finn and others, Eiffel sat down on the ground and took out the Ring of Chaos.���He drank a bottle of potion to restore his mental strength.

Eiffel had no chance to drink it during the battle, so his mental strength had not been restored in time.

As soon as he drank the potion, he felt a warm breath coming from his side.

He turned around and saw Aisi sitting next to him with her hands on her knees.

"Eiffel, it's a pleasure to fight with you."

Aisi also looked at the battlefield on Finn's side and said without turning her head.

"Well, it's a pleasure to work with you. Here, drink it."

Eiffel nodded slightly, then took out a bottle of panacea and handed it over.
