
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 192 The Holy Sword is released, instantly killing the Fallen Fairy!

Livilia, who was looking at Eiffel, did not react to Finn's words, because she found that Eiffel's concentration seemed to have reached a critical point.

Sure enough, the next moment Eiffel shouted loudly to Finn who was standing in front of him.

"Finn, get out of the way!!!"

Hearing Eiffel's figure, Finn, who was about to release the magic sword magic again, stopped the explosion of the magic sword without thinking, and the whole person burst out at the fastest speed, flashing to the direction beside him.

The next second, a golden beam of light suddenly rushed out from where it was originally standing, and quickly expanded, turning into a golden torrent of light.

At this time, Eiffel's belated voice came to Finn's ears.



Watching the golden torrent of light submerge the three fallen fairy clones, Finn, who was still in mid-air, stared at this scene in a daze.

He still watched Eiffel release the Sword of Promise and Victory at such a close distance. The golden torrent of light gave Finn an extremely strong sense of sacredness, which made Finn feel an urge to worship.

However, this feeling was very slight, and Finn was only slightly dazed for a moment before reacting instantly.

At this time, others were also looking at this scene in shock.

"Is this what Ais said, the attack that destroyed the strengthened Black Goliath with one strike?!!"

"It's so terrifying!!!"

Tione murmured in a low voice.

She had already felt that the chants of the fallen fairy clones had stopped, and the terrifying magic fluctuations had calmed down.

This meant that Eiffel's golden light was more powerful than the magic of the magic sword that all of them had just released together. With so many of them, each holding a 1v.5 magic sword magic, the power gathered together was definitely not weaker than the magic released by Livilia.

In other words, Eiffel alone released a magic firepower comparable to level 7, no, it should be stronger, otherwise it would not be possible to kill this The three-headed fairy monster's magic interrupted.

For a moment, everyone was extremely frightened, and some were shocked again by the strength displayed by Wenfeil.

They were already very surprised that Eiffel defeated the combined forces of Finn and Grace before, and the scene in front of them was even more shocking than before. The golden torrent of light continued, and Finn and others looked at the golden torrent of light and did not dare to attack rashly.

In front of this golden torrent of light, the common sense of taking advantage of your illness to kill you is simply not valid.

If you dare to take action, you will probably be blasted into slag by the torrent of light without distinguishing between friend and foe.

"Is he dead!!!"

After a long while, someone spoke up. Diona said excitedly

"No, only one died, get ready for a fight!!!"

Eiffel stopped releasing the Sword of Promised Victory, answered and reminded with a serious look.

The Sword of Promised Victory, the power of the Six Seals Released is very strong, stronger than the magic firepower of level 7, but it is not invincible.

In Eiffel's estimation, if he hit the three Fallen Immortal Elves head-on, at least two of them could be destroyed.

But now only one has been destroyed, that is, the one blocking the front. As for why only one has been destroyed, it is because before Eiffel released the Sword of Promised Victory, the Fallen Immortal Elves in the front had already controlled a large number of worm monsters to block behind it and in front of the remaining two Fallen Immortal Elves, forming a thick wall of monsters.

After the Sword of Promised Victory released by Eiffel destroyed the Fallen Immortal Elves in front, most of the remaining power was blocked by these monster walls. Only a small amount of power was left to hit the remaining two Fallen Immortal clones, interrupting their chanting and causing serious injuries to them.

As soon as the words fell, the golden torrent of the Sword of Promised Victory released by Eiffel dissipated, revealing the situation ahead.

After seeing the situation in front of them, everyone found that it was just as Eiffel said, the Fallen Immortal clone blocking the front disappeared, the monster wall also disappeared, and only two Fallen Immortal clones with injuries all over their bodies were left. However

, the sharp-eyed Finn noticed at the first time that the injuries of the two injured Fallen Immortal clones were recovering rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Finn acted decisively.

""Everyone, attack!!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Finn took the lead, took out his weapon, the Domination Spear, and rushed out waving his two guns.

The reaction of the others was not slow. The next second after Finn rushed out, the others also turned into a shadow and rushed out.

Thanks to Eiffel, after Eiffel released the Sword of Victory, all the worm monsters were completely eliminated under that blow. Now Finn and others don't have to be distracted to deal with these worm monsters, they just need to go straight to Huanglong.

The two magicians, Livilia and Lefiya, also chanted magic at this time. Because there were no worm monsters, Livilia and Lefiya were not afraid of being targeted by worm monsters when chanting magic, and they didn't need to protect them. So Eiffel didn't stay by Livilia's side, and rushed out with Finn and others.

As for why Eiffel didn't continue to use the Sword of Victory 880, it was because Eiffel's current magic power was not enough to support Eiffel to attack again.

After all, Eiffel doesn't have the heart of a red dragon. Although the magic power in his body is huge, But it was not enough to support Eiffel's two consecutive uses of the Sword of Promised Victory to release the six seals.

Of course, Eiffel could also drink potions to restore his magic power and wait until his magic power was restored before trying again, but that would take a long time.

Eiffel was not prepared to do that. This time, Eiffel followed the Loki clan on an expedition to fight against the lv.7 monster of the Fallen Fairy, to train and improve his grace ability value so that he could upgrade again.

It is true that if the Sword of Promised Victory is used continuously, the Fallen Fairy clone can definitely be destroyed, and the great deeds value is definitely enough, but if that is done, this expedition will lose most of its meaning.

Now there are just two Fallen Fairies left.

The magic sword is enough, and there are also members of the Loki clan who have purchased magic tools from him, plus himself, it is more than enough to deal with the two Fallen Fairy clones. If it really doesn't work, then Eiffel will activate the Sword of Promised Victory again, and he can even take out the newly acquired Holy Spear, the Spear of Shining at the End…